The Dragon Princess (Crystalosias - Saga - Book One)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Bonds of a Mother and her Child

A cry from the outer chambers had Derk and Sahrah, jumping out of bed. Derk pulled on his pants and left the room without a shirt, as he ran to their son.

“It’s all right Conner.” He cooed as he picked up his son. “We were just in the other room.”

Conner stopped crying as he stared up at his father.

“Is he all right?” Sahrah asked as she walked up behind them, pulling her shirt over her head.

“He is fine. Just a bit scared when we weren’t in this room.” Derk said as he smiled at his son.

“Hello, my big boy.” Sahrah said as she kissed her son on the forehead.

“Are you going to take him to the practice arena, when you spur?” Derk asked as he looked at his mate.

She smiled. “Have you found there is no arguing with me?”

He laughed. “Spitfire showed me my mistake in trying.”

She laughed. “Yes, and it was a lot of fun. I should let her have her way with you, more often.”

He laughed again. “You won’t get any arguments from me.”

She grinned at him.

“Is it safe to come back in yet?” Bentin asked as he knocked on the door.

Sahrah laughed. “You can all come back in now.”

Bentin pressed the button to open the door, then entered with the others close behind him.

“So, what’s it going to be?” Bentin asked as he sat in one of the chairs.

Derk and Sahrah moved to the couch and sat next to each other, their son still in Derk’s arms.

“She will start off with practice spuring, for a few days, then she can go into combat spuring. But only if she feels she can do it, without hurting herself.” Derk said as he looked at Bentin, then at his mate.

Sahrah nodded and Bentin grinned.

“I’ll have the practice arena, ready, for tomorrow.”

“Make sure the others know it is only practice spuring, anyone who challenges my mate, will have to deal with me.” Derk said with a growl.

Sahrah chuckled. “I’m sure no one will want to challenge a Dragon.”


Boy had she been wrong, yesterday.

Sahrah stared at the men who had just challenged her. Okay, so most of the men do want to fight a Dragon.

For what? To see how charred, they can get?

“They are challenging you, because if they can beat a Dragon, then they are indeed true Warriors.” Temmy said as she stood next to Sahrah on the field.

“What did I say!?” Derk hollered. “Any man who challenges my mate will have to deal with me!”

None of the men backed down, because if they can beat a Dragon, they can surely beat their Tasheen.

Sahrah chuckled. “Looks like you have some battles on your hands, love.”

Derk grumbled. “Bentin, see to Sahrah, while I take care of these idiots.”

“Yes, Tasheen.” Bentin said with a laugh as he looked at Sahrah. “Are you ready, Tashia?”

Sarah took a deep breath then pulled the jacket she had been wearing off and handed it to Temmy. Temmy held onto the jacket, as she stared at her Tashia. Gone were the large breasts, but her body was still shaped like a fighter, and her movements as she walked were of a Warrior.

“Go Tashia!” Suelette called from the stands as she held Conner in her arms. “See Mama, she’s out there getting ready to practice for a fight.” She said as she cooed at the baby.

The practice spur wasn’t as fun as an actual spurring, but it got her back into fighting shape. Derk seemed to have more fun than her, as he pummeled the men who had challenged her. When the day ended, they walked back to the Palace as a group, Derk’s wide grin, never fading.

For three days, Sahrah practice spurred with Bentin and Austen. When she felt she was ready for real spurring, she let Derk know, and he agreed to it, as long as she felt she was ready.

The next day, she told Bentin and Austen, and they grinned. They have both been waiting to do some real spuring, with the Red Dragon.

“Who goes first?” Sahrah asked.

The two men looked at each other.

“I’ll do it.” Bentin said with a wide smile. “I’ve been wanting to fight you since you beat Tasheen, but I will settle for spurring.”

“Be safe, Tashia!” Trey called out.

“And kick his ass!” Suelette called out excitedly.

Sahrah waved to her companions, then took off her jacket and moved to the center of the arena with Bentin.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence, woman!” Bentin hollered out to Suelette.

Suelette grinned. “I have confidence that the Red Dragon is going to sweep the floor, with your head!”

Everyone around them laughed.

Bentin snorted. “You ready, Tashia?”

Sahrah nodded. She wasn’t going to let Spitfire out; until she was needed. Hopefully, she won’t be needed.

They started their spur battle to the roar of the crowd in the stands. Everyone laughed when Sahrah wrapped her legs around Bentin’s throat and threw him across the arena.

“Damn, that move hurts.” Bentin said with a groan as he got to his feet.

“And you laughed at me for two months, over that move!” Derk hollered at his friend with a laugh.

Bentin snorted. “I will never laugh about anything to do with your mate, again!”

The crowd laughed.

“Are we going to continue?” Sahrah asked.

“Of course.” Bentin said with a nod.

Sahrah smiled as they began spurring again. When Bentin pinned her to the ground, she grunted to his weight on her chest.

“Do you concede?” He asked as he grinned down at her.

“Never.” She said with a grin as her eyes turned red.

“Flick.” Bentin said with a groan.

Conner let out a scream and Sahrah cried out as her eyes turned back to green.

“What happened?” Bentin asked, concern on his face.

“Get off me.” She cried.

“Tashia, what...” He didn’t get to say anymore as he was thrown off her, as she got to her feet and started tearing at the front of her outfit.

“Get me out of this!” Sahrah cried out.

“What is going on?” Derk asked as he ran into the arena.

Trey ran past her Tasheen with a knife in her hand.

Conner continued to scream from the stands, as Suelette tried to soothe him.

“Bring Conner here!” Trey yelled as she held the knife up.

“Trey!” Derk yelled as he ran after the robot.

“Get me out of this!” Sahrah screamed again.

Trey got to her and brought the knife down across the front of Sahrah’s top, slicing it from the top of her breasts to her bellybutton. When it was open, Sahrah pulled her breasts out into the air.

Bentin instantly turned away and Derk stood between Sahrah and the rest of the crowd.

“What the hell, Trey?!” Derk demanded.

“Bring Conner over here!” Trey hollered.

Not sure what to do, Suelette held onto the screaming baby, as she watched the scene.

“Suelette!” Trey hollered.

“What is going on?!” Derk demanded again. His son was screaming, his mate’s companion has bared his mate’s breasts, for all to see... He noticed the milk leaking from her breasts and knew what was happening. “Suelette, now!” He screamed at the stunned woman who was holding his screaming son.

Suelette gently made it out of the stands, then brought Derk his son. Derk took his son to his mate and all screaming stopped, as Conner’s mouth latched onto his mother’s nipple.

“What happened?” Suelette asked with wide eyes.

Derk let out a breath. “A mother and child bond. As soon as Conner screamed, Sahrah’s body reacted. She instantly knew what her son needed, and her breasts filled to overflowing, with milk, and with that outfit so tight, it hurt.”

Trey nodded. “I sensed it and knew what needed to be done.”

“I’m not wearing this anymore, while I’m breastfeeding.” Sahrah said with a sigh.

“You will have a better advantage anyways.” Derk said with a grin. “With your breasts free, you will distract your opponents.”

Sahrah laughed as she remembered him asking her all those years ago, why she didn’t use her large breasts, as a distraction in battle.


The day before the battle between Sahrah and her attacker, she, Derk, and their friends; had a gathering in the great dining hall, just them.

“Does he know what is happening tomorrow?” Sahrah asked as she looked at her mate.

“He has known for months now that his sentence would be carried out soon, that was all he would be told of it, was that it was soon. He has been worried sick, to what his punishment will be.” Derk said with a grin.

Sahrah laughed. “He has no clue?”

“None.” Derk said with a twinkle in his eyes.

“You dealt out your own form of punishment.” She said with glee in her eyes. “I like that.”

He chuckled. “I am glad you approve. I figured, he attacked my mate, why not let him sweat about his punishment.”

“Not to mention, he has had guards following him, where ever he goes, even as he sleeps at night.” Bentin said with a laugh.

“I had to be sure he didn’t leave the city before his punishment was dealt out.” Derk said with a laugh.

“Tashia, did you get the new suit made?” Temmy asked from the other end of the table.

“Sure did.” Sahrah said with a smile.

“You mean you haven’t seen it?” Derk asked as he looked at Temmy.

Temmy shook her head. “Haven’t you?”

Derk chuckled. “Only Trey has seen it, and she wouldn’t take pictures, so I could see.”

“Tashia told me, no one could see it, and so no one can see it, not even you, Tasheen.” Trey said as she looked at Derk.

“You will all see it tomorrow.” Sahrah said with a smile.

Conner cried from his cradle beside Sahrah and she picked him up. “What’s the matter, my love?” She cooed as she rocked him.

“I think he’s hungry.” Derk said as he patted his son on his back.

“Oh look, he’s growing his hair.” Sahrah said as she touched the puff of hair on the top of her son’s head.

“Black hair like his father.” Bentin said with a smile.

Another cry came from the other end of the table and Sahrah watched as her best friend and his husband, fussed over their cranky daughter.

“I guess the children have decided it is time to retire.” Sahrah said with a soft laugh.

“Sorry.” Austen said as he looked at his best friend. “She’s been cranky lately.”

“No worries, I need to get plenty of sleep anyways. And with this guy waking me three times a night, going to bed early sounds like a good idea. I don’t want to fall asleep in the middle of battle, tomorrow.”

Everyone agreed as they got to their feet and said their goodnights.

Derk and Sahrah walked together to their chambers. He watched her feed their son, then they went to bed where they made love and fell asleep. When Conner woke them during the night, Derk got up with them and went back to sleep, holding his mate in his arms.


An hour before the tournament, Sahrah fed her son and wrapped him up in his new outfit, special for this occasion, then dressed herself in her new combat outfit, and pulled her large jacket on, to hide it. Trey, Suelette, and Temmy waited for her, to walk with her to the arena. Derk was already there, setting everything up for her opponent. Soon, she will be dishing out the punishment for the man who had attacked her, when she had first come to this planet.


“Do you understand what is going on?” Derk asked the man, who had attacked his mate, as they stood in the middle of the arena.

“I do, Tasheen. I will be fighting you, as punishment for what I did months ago.” He said with a sigh of relief, for he had thought his punishment was going to be something much worse than having to battle his Tasheen, in the arena, though he knows he could not win against such a Warrior, he accepts his punishment.

“No.” Derk said with a grin. “You will not be fighting me, this day.”

“What?” The man asked confused. “I do not understand, Tasheen. If not you, then who?”

“Me.” Sahrah said as she walked out into the arena, Trey at her side.

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