The Demeter Twins - Hellhound Sequel

Chapter 16 ~ Damn! She’s feisty!

Perseus’ POV ~

Roman had just gotten back from laying Paulina down. Apparently, hosting the body of the Goddess is exhausting business. Mom says “That was fun, right? It’s odd seeing Mother Moon in Paulina’s form.. but normals can’t see her otherwise.. not for more than a few seconds. Things just got so exciting! I’m so happy, boys! Your mate is a special little thing! Are we going to visit this Alpha Brennan? Can we go, Orion? I seriously have a bone to pick with that prick! He really hurt our daughter! We can’t let that stand! Maybe we should go talk to those assholes y’all have in the cells. Yeah! Let’s go do that! Come on, boys!”

Now see? My beautiful mate is exhausted from a Goddess popping into her body.. but damn! My mother exhausts me. “How in the hell does that woman have so many thoughts in her head!? Good Goddess!”

Dad laughs “That’s why it happens.. her brain overloads with thoughts, until they all escape at once. It’s funny! And one of the things I love most about her!”

Brandon says “Yeah.. I need a nap! Damn!” We laugh and then Roman asks “Are we following Mom? I mean, she’s probably halfway to the cells about now.” Dad runs out the door muttering “Oh Shit!”

We catch up with her just as she enters the cells. She grins and says “Hello boys! We need some answers! Let’s go have some fun!” Dad shakes his head “I should have had Aaron come with us! He can usually rope her back in!” Causing us all to laugh again.

Both men are awake now.. doing the blustering bullshit “Release us! Our Alpha will start a war with you! He expects us back soon! He paid Felicia a pretty penny for us to bring that Albright girl back with us!”

I said “That Albright girl doesn’t exist! I’m afraid Alpha Brennan sent you on a wild goose chase!” He looks confused and says “Who’s Alpha Brennan? Why would we be chasing a girl for him! Our Alpha is Jack Black! And he paid over a hundred grand to Felicia for that girl! She has to come back with us.”

I’m confused as fuck. I haven’t ever heard of a Jack Black.. and what the fuck? Why… wait… I looked at Roman.. “Didn’t she say she ran because he was selling her?” Roman nods and and asks “What pack are you with?”

The man realized he probably said too much.. and wouldn’t talk now. Mom said “Come on! Why stop telling all your secrets now? I mean.. you were on a roll!”

He shrugged “We were just told where to find her.. and to bring her back to our pack. Alpha Black paid the Orange River Alpha five hundred thousand dollars for her a couple years back. Something about her being blessed. He’s going to breed her to his kid for a strong heir.. the kid is a weak man.. and Alpha knows he won’t breed good stock. We been hunting her for two years..”

I snarled “What’s the name of your pack? I know it’s not on register.. I have never heard of this guy! What’s your name!?”

He mutters “Eddie Nolan.. and our pack is Straw Meadow.. in Missouri. We been there for maybe fifteen years. Alpha Black been our Alpha since then.. my dad told me he got to be an alpha when he killed some alpha named Greene.. with Alpha Brennan. We was going to take over the pack in Colorado.. Mountain something.. but Brennan said he couldn’t. Something about too many questions would be asked. He took the pack money and built our pack. Black was a rogue up to then.”

Roman said “You’re no fun to interrogate! You just talk. Like the sound of your own voice, do ya?” Eddie smirks “Don’t matter none. Ain’t y’all gonna kill me anyway? Who was that little wisp of nothing that beat fuck out of me?”

I grinned “That, my friend… was the girl you came hunting… She’s not to be trifled with. She happens to be our mate. And, as such, is the future Queen.” He laughs and retorts “Well, I will be damned! Got my ass beat by a queen! Alpha tells our pack there ain’t no King.. he’s very strict about it. No outside influence in the pack. We live the old ways. No television. No technology of any kind, really. Except his office.. I hear he’s got that place rigged like Fort Knox.”

Mom said “If there was a way for you to survive this.. would you be willing to share everything you know about the pack? Would you swear fealty to our pack?”

Eddie shrugs “Sure. I mean, I don’t care.. the Alpha is always trying to command me.. but it never takes. Not sure why.. But I ain’t got no loyalty to him. He just sends me out to do his dirty work and pays me good for it.”

I asked “What about your buddy, over there? Would he be interested?” Eddie laughs “Dude ain’t got a lick of brains! He just does what he does for the money. Ain’t loyal to anyone but himself. Otis is all about himself! I was rogue a couple years before I joined Black.. I wanted pack structure. Got banished for spitting on my old Beta for slapping a girl in our pack. Alpha didn’t like my disrespect. Told him I ain’t gonna respect any fool who slaps a kid.”

I told him “Funny.. you didn’t have a problem punching Anna.. or breaking my Luna’s ribs. How do you differ?” He, at least, has the decency to look embarrassed. Then he says “It’s a job. I needed to bring the Albright girl back to Straw Meadow.. or die. That’s what happens if we fail.”

Roman smirks “You picked the wrong pack to fuck with.. Have you not heard about Dark Shadow? We are a pack of HellHounds, after all!” Eddie went completely pale and whispered “Fuck me! I’m a dead man! Didn’t nobody tell us any of that!”

I told him “Don’t sweat it. Lacking technology, maybe Black didn’t know.. I doubt it.. but I’m trying to give you the benefit of the doubt!”

The door to the cells opened and Paulina storms in. I pulled her to me and whispered “After the Goddess left, you passed out, baby. Your body needed to recover. Was that the first time she’s done that?” She nodded and turned.. facing Eddie. I introduced them and she smirked “Not so tough, now.. are you!?” He grinned and said “Yeah.. sorry about all that.. it’s just a job”

She snapped “A job?! Hurting Anna? Fracturing Ernie’s skull? Just a job?! Well.. your boss is an asshole! And you better find something else to do for work! Fucking prick!” And she stormed back out. Leaving all of us to chuckle at her temper. That actually could have gone a lot worse!

Eddie grins at us and says “Damn! She’s feisty!” Making us laugh.

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