The Beast Within (Book One of the Changes Series)

Chapter Operation Wolf's Bane (Part 23.4)

-Killian’s POV-

I noticed the look of shock on the co-pilot’s expression. Davis was seated at the bench, never lifting her head from her papers. She seemed to lose all concern of the team or Danielle after the cage door closed. Hernandez and Washington sat at the benches as well and weren’t as unaffected by my decision. Hernandez let out a deep breath as his head shook back and forth slightly but didn’t make any moves to protest any further.

“Man, if I were you, I would just say sorry and chill,” Washington cautioned.

“Fuck you!” Garvey indignantly spat out.

Washington tsked, “See, that mouth of yours is why your arm is about to turn into a Scooby snack.” He looked over at Danielle. “No offense.”

Danielle smirked, “None taken.”

Garvey started to lose his bravado as the state of his affairs began to sink in.

My gaze lifted to look into Danielle’s face. Her eyes bore into mine; I felt the confusion coming off of her. She turned away, going into the cage’s far corner. I followed the perimeter of the enclosure towards her.

“If you can, try not to tear Garvey to pieces. The paperwork would be horrendous.”

“I’ll see what I can do. No promises, though,” she teased with a slight smile.

“That sounds fair.”

I turned away, going towards my seat.

“Why are you doing all of this?” I stopped in my tracks, turning back around. “What’s in it for you?” Danielle adamantly asked.

I tried to hide the guilt I felt. Danielle’s expression showed her apprehension. That seemed to work like a truth serum.

“I’m not sure if you’ll think I’ve done you any favors once we land.”

“Are you guys military?”

“Yeah, you can say that.”

Her gaze left mine as she stared down at the shirt I had lent to her, “Are they going to kill us?”

“I’m new to all of these supernatural convert ops, but it’s more likely they’ll keep Porsha alive for questioning. Well, that’s if she doesn’t succumb to her injuries. Porsha’s human, right?”

“Are you asking if she is like me? Because I see myself as human too.” She paused. “But to answer your question, she doesn’t turn into a werewolf.”

I didn’t really know what to say to her statement. “Then they would most likely help her forget the traumas she has faced and integrate her back into her life, if possible.”

“Brainwash her? I thought that wasn’t actually poss… Well, I guess brainwashing should seem more plausible than werewolves. If I were seen as a human, could I have expected the same treatment?”

Again, I wasn’t sure what to say other than the truth as I knew it.

“I can’t ensure your freedom; it’s more likely the base will be your permanent residence. Dr. Chaplin, the facility’s lead scientist, will be very interested in you. I’m pretty sure she’s never come across anything like you.”

A sad smile played on her lips, “Yeah, that’s what I always wanted; to be the mad scientist’s pet project.”

I noticed her defeated expression, making her appear even more vulnerable than when we had first met. I didn’t know how to deal with her sadness. I tried to change the tone of the conversation. I gazed across the area into the make-shift infirmary, keying in on a handful of blankets neatly folded in the corner.

My eyes went to the bare flesh of her legs right before I left Danielle to retrieve one of the covers. When I returned, I wasn’t sure she was aware I had ever gone.

“You look cold; here,” I said as I offered the covering. Her gaze went straight to the blanket. She accepted, walking up to me. “I think you’ll be able to cover yourself better if I take off the ties.” I waited for a response. A slight head nod was all she gave before I produced my knife, releasing her from her bonds.

Garvey scoffed, “Shit, Killian, did you go native? I’m still fucking pinned here.”

Danielle and I ignored him as she draped the light blue woolly layer around her waist. My oversized shirt and her make-shift kilt looked ridiculous.

“It would be nice to have a pair of jeans and sneakers,” she said as if she had read my mind.

“Look, I didn’t mean to upset you with mentioning Dr. Chaplin. I just meant to say that with you being distinctive, she would most likely want to study you than kill you. I mean—”

“I know what you meant, and it sucks, but I guess I should thank you for your honesty. I haven’t had anyone give me that in a while.”

Danielle sat down, looking at the bars in front of her, and slowly let out a deep breath. She closed her eyes. I took that as her needing time to herself. I went to finally find my seat, walking past Garvey as if he didn’t exist. When I sat down with my papers, I signaled for Washington to let Garvey out of his situation, then let my eyes close. God, I was exhausted, and this was only the beginning. Killian, what did you get yourself into? The surrounding quiet did nothing to silence my thoughts.

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