The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 8

(Chapter Song ‘Cooler Than Me’ by Mike Posner)


When he walked in, leather and musk filled the room. Interesting scent for a shifter. Other than that, he was a typical Lucco. Cocky, self important. He thinks he’s king shit because he can throw a ball. Well, I ain’t playing that game.

As I look into his brown eyes, I had a quick thought that they’re a bit pretty. Nice flawless, dark skin. He has that sharp jawline I like and judging from his suit, he satisfies my muscle requirement for sure. He definitely has a ball players body. He also has this wavy, black hair that makes him look kind of adorable. It’s nicely trimmed on the sides and longish on top. Classic Italian American look from what I can tell. His smile certainly made me pause, then I was hit with reality. The plan, Dia. The plan.

I walk up to my would be mate and cross my arms. “Here’s what’s what, Marcus.”

“Excuse me?” He replies. I can see he wasn’t prepared for the girl behind the pretty make up, hair and dress.

“Me and you? Ain’t happening. At least not behind closed doors.” My eyes lock with his as I kick out a heel with attitude.

“What are you getting at.” He looks at me, curiously.

I motion between us. “This. Won’t ever be real.”

“Ok. I’m still not sure what ya mean.” He says.

I nod. “Here’s the thing. I’m in love with someone else. Someone my Aunt doesn’t like. She's punishing me by making me mate you. " I thump my finger into his white dress shirt. I fold my arms and stare at him.

He stuffs his hands in his pockets. “That’s actually ok by me. I'm also involved and don’t want this neither.”

I felt a little twinge in my gut. I figured this would be one sided. What national ball player has time to be involved?

“My dad’s pretty much using me to stop the killings so, I guess we both, are in the same boat.” He shrugs.

“Right. So, here’s my idea. We fake it.” I turn and sit in one of the chairs.

He looks like he thinking then walks to another chair and sits. He leans on the arm and rubs his bottom lip while he stares at me for longer than what I am comfortable with.

“Fake it.” He mumbles quietly.

I cross my legs and lean back. “Yes. Me and you. We fake out there, but when they're not around, we go our separate ways. We only need to be together for family functions and meetings or whatever. There’s no need for me to drag you around.” I inspect my nails.

His brows stitch up. “Drag me around? Sorry, sweet cheeks. I do the dragging.” He eyes me and leans to me a bit.

I snort. “Listen, Bat boy. You are nowhere near my type.” I lean to him. “I like men.” I say in a snarky tone as I emphasize the man part.

He chews his cheek. “You ain’t half the woman I got so, don’t even think I’d even look your way with any interest.” He grits as he leans back.

I lean on my fingertips and bounce my heel. “Right…your girl” I roll my eyes only because she wasn’t really a factor in my plan.

“Ya. Sophie. A much more respectful woman. Prettier too.” His eyes narrow as he delivers his punch to my looks.

I bite the inside of bottom lip as his obvious insult and try to look like it didn’t burn No way this Sophie is prettier than me. I bet she’s an 18 year old barbie doll with no brains or a complete average, boring normie. He deserves her.

“Good thing I couldn’t care less.” I grumble. “So are we set?”

“No. I don’t sneak around.” He says abruptly.

I shrug. “So don’t. You gotta tell her anyway. If she busts us, the parents will be up our asses. It’s only to the moon. Once you tell them you found your fated, they’ll dissolve the arrangement and we are free. I won’t cheat on Skylar.”

“Skylar?” He snorts.

“Yeah. Ya gotta problem with that?” I scowl.

“Hey. Your choice to date a pussy.” He chuckles.

“He’s not a pussy.” I growl.

“I don’t care." He holds up his hand. “Ok. So all I have to do is pretend to be in love with you until the blue moon then fake finding my fated.” He states.

I grin. “Exactly. They’ll never know. It’ll be just the four of us. Unless one of us blows it.”

“I ain’t blowing it.” He sits back smugly.

“Good because there’s no way I’m catching any kind of feel to blow it. You’re my enemy and it’s staying that way.” I arch a brow.

“You won’t have a problem at this end. I’m with Sophie. No one can get in the middle of that." He stands and fixes his jacket. He turns to the door.

Ha! I bet I could, I think to myself as I find myself checking out his ass. I bet the pretty princess has nothing but looks. I can tell he has no clue what a real woman is.

“We doing this or what?” He eyes me and holds out his arm.

I walk up and take it. “This is the only touching ya get.” I growl low.

He leans to me and narrows his eyes. “Believe me, I’m hating every minute.” He leans back and smiles a charming smile. I do the same and something heats me up. I quickly push it down.

He opens the door and the party practically stops in its tracks.

He drops my arm and steps forward. “Uh…I’m…proud to announce that Claudia and I hit it off and it looks like we’re gonna have a mating!” His words drip with fake adoration and excitement.

The party breaks into applause as he wraps his arm around my shoulders. I clench my smile as I get this icky shock from his touch when his hand hit my arm. It raises goosebumps and I want to flinch away, but that would look bad. So I grin and bear it until it fades. I glance at him and he seems to have the same face I do.

His eyes meet mine and a silent nod happens between both of us.

This is a perfect plan. As long as his pretty princess is on board and doesn’t go all jealous, I’ll have this scam in the bag. I’ll be running away with Skylar and Marc's money before we even make it to the Blue Moon ball.

The celebrations are interrupted when gunfire erupts outside and the party grows concerned.

Several run out and I follow with Marcus behind me.

When I get outside, my jaw falls as I watch a biker dressed in white fighting the security. He has this weapon I’ve never seen before. A ball with spikes. What a dumbass weapon. I semi auto is a hell of a lot more effective.

He whips it out and hits the guys in the chest. Blood flies everywhere.

I turn to Marcus who looks like he’s gonna be sick.


“Uh. Nothing…I just can’t believe the White Mace is here.” He grinds as his face turns angry.

“The White Mace. Sounds like a guy with no dick.” I spit as I fold my arms.

“Ya got that right.”

The Mace jumps the fence and hops on a white bike and takes off.

The gates open and several cars peel out.

“EVERYONE! I APOLOGIZE FOR THE INTERRUPTION. I ASSURE YOU MY MEN WILL TAKE CARE OF THAT PERSON.” My aunt holds her hands up to the crowd. Her men collect the bodies and move them somewhere away from the party. The driveway is coated in blood and I need a stiff drink. I hate blood. For a lycan, that’s pretty weird.

We file into the house and my aunt gets busy discussing terms of the truce and making preparations for the mating. Too bad they’ll never be one. Her plans sound kind of fun.

Marcus hands me a glass of champagne just as his father approaches us. “Congratulations, Marcus. You did something good for your family…for once.” He jabs as he lifts his drink to his lips.

“Thanks, Dad.” Marcus says with snark.

“So, Alpha Lucco. When do I move to the pack house?” I smile.

“You don’t. You’re his problem, not mine.” He says in a gruff voice. He looks at Marcus. “Enjoy.” His smirk is just as dirty as his soul. I cross my arms and make a dirty face at him as he salutes his drink to us and walks away.

I turn to him. “If this is to look real, I need a pack house.”

“I have one.” He grits. “I just need to prepare Sophie. I need to go home.”

“Ok. When?” I look him over.

“A couple days. I’ll text you, but I'm telling ya right now. Ya may be my fake girlfriend, but don’t expect girlfriend things. I’m at Sophie’s beckoned call, not yours.” He turns and walks away.

I glance between both men who pretty much just treated me like dirt under their shoe. Fucking shifters walk around here like they’re so high and mighty. They wonder why we hate them so much.

We'll see who’s better than who.


Marcus packed up and left that night and I headed straight to Skylar’s.

“I get no respect.” I mumble as I trace his tattoos on his bare chest. We’re cuddling in the after glow of great sex and I suddenly am flooded with the emotions of Marcus and his dad. Their hate for me was very apparent. I shouldn’t care, but for some reason I do.

“You don’t need respect, babe. All you need is someone to care for you and make sure you’re loved properly.” He shrugs.

I lift my eyes to his and smile. “Awe, Sky. You say the sweetest things.”

He kisses my hair. “Ya wash my sheets. Of course, I do. Night.” He pushes me off, rolls over and gets comfortable.

I stare at the back of his head and it’s not long before he’s snoring.

“Night.” I mumble and roll over. I close my eyes and all I see is a bright, toothy smile. A chiseled jawline and hard muscles.

I start to feel hot and kick off the sheet in frustration. “It’s fake! Stop!” I growl at myself and force it out of my mind. I take a deep breath and my ears are assaulted by Skylar’s nose.

I grab my pillow and a spare blanket to camp out on the couch…again.

As I close my eyes, I think, I really don’t get any respect.

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