The Axelridge Series Book 3 Marc's Stolen Heart

Chapter 7

(Chapter song ‘Desert Rose’ by Lolo Zouai)


The next day, I stand at my father’s desk as he watches his online accounts.

“Hm.” He says as he clicks buttons.

“Alpha?” I arch a brow as I put my hands behind my back.

He clicks his computer off and leans back in his chair. He plays with his pen as he glances up at me. “Zalinsky paid…in full…plus three months.”

I smile. “That's good, ain’t it? He took my warning.”

He throws his pen on his desk. “He should be dead, Marcus.”

My lips fall. “I don’t kill in front of kids.”

He stands abruptly. “That’s exactly who you should kill in front of! How else do they learn who to respect?! We aren’t in the daycare business, Marcus!! We do not pander to children!!”

His yelling hit my chest and I prepare myself for the worst. “Killing in front of kids only makes bigger adversaries. Trust me, I know.”

He comes around his desk and gets in my space. “Who said anything about letting them live after?” He snarls.

“I don’t fucking kill babies.” I sneer back. It’s probably one of the few times I’ve argued with my father, but I won’t back down from this. “Cowards take the lives of children who never asked to be born in this. Devils kill fathers in front of children.”

“I’m not a Saint. I didn’t build this family by caring about the weak.” He growls deep.

I narrow my eyes and my Alpha rises. “Don’t I know it.” I snarl my lip as I spit my words. “Ya got your money. Leave him alone. Let the man raise his babies in peace.”

“Are you challenging me, Marcus?” He gets close to my nose.

“If it saves those kids, then sure. Why not?” My voice is as deep and dark as his.

He stares at me for what feels like forever. “You’re so lucky I need you.” He growls and turns away.

I watch him walk back to his chair and sit.

“For what?” I ask. I’m not 100 percent sure I want the answer.

“Aside from assholes who disrespect this house…” He glances at me. “I’ve lost 15 men to this truce problem. I have a solution and you couldn’t have shown up at a better time.”

I cross my arms. “What do you mean?”

“I mean.” He turns to me and directly looks into my eyes. “You’re my bargaining chip.”

I lean my hands on his desk. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me. I want the truce. This war is doing nothing but leaving me short changed on good, decent men. The Vinellis want it, too. They’ve agreed to my offer.” He raises his chin and laces his fingers on his desk.

“What offer?” I clench.

“You.” He motions his hand to me so nonchalantly, I almost thought he was joking.

“Say that again?” I tilt my head.

“You, Marcus. I offered you to Alpha Vinellis princess.” He stares at me with this poker face I want to punch right off.

“It's cute you think you can do that.” I whisper. “Not happening.”

“I can and I will.” He smirks and leans back.

“Nice try. You don’t own me. I’m not Stevie or Angie. You can’t sell my ass like that.” I stand and cross my arms.

“I can, Marcus. And you will voluntarily comply.” He actually believes he’s serious with this.

“No. You can’t make me do that. I’m not your kid. That whole arranged mating thing ain’t gonna work. I won’t do it.” I shake my head in defiance.

“Ok. Don’t do it. Jax? Dead within two days. Audrey? Dead the next day. Sophie. Dead the day after that.” He says with condescending attitude.


“Marcus, did you really think you could just leave me? I’ve been keeping tabs on you your whole life. I know everything. Why do you think we never went after you? I knew where you were and what you were doing at all times. You can thank your mother for that. The ultimate point is, I can destroy you with the snap of my fingers. Your contracts, endorsements…Everything. They’re all mine, Marcus. I can have your friends killed and rip it all up. I just have to give the order.” He grins.

My body heats and my heart jumps in my throat. Does he really have me by the balls? I study my father as he oozes confidence in his threat. He looks at me like he’s daring me to test him. Is this something my dad could do? Knowing him, that’s a big hell yes.

I shoot fire out my eyes, snarl my lip and turn. I storm to the door.

“Is that a yes?!” He yells to my back.

“YES!!” I yell as I slam the door to his office behind me.

I walk past the common room and head for the stairs just as Stevie comes out. “Marcus?”

“Get the fuck away from me.” I don’t even look at him as the take the stairs two at a time and head to my room.

I slam my door and pace my floor. I scrub my hair, breath out my anger and push my wolf down. He wants to kill my dad for threatening Sophie and Jax and I don’t blame him. I wanted to rip his throat out right there. Threaten my family?!

“Fuck this.”

I leave my room, run down the stairs and out the front door.

I jump in my Audi, start the engine and stop on the gear shift.

‘I’ll kill them all.’

I slam my arms on the steering wheel and flop my head on them in defeat.

I’m in too deep. I can’t run. I know my father. If he wants someone dead, he can make that happen. I sit back and pull out my phone. I stare at my face on the screen. I accidently activated the video recorder in my pocket. I close it and open my contacts again.

If I called I could warn them, but then my dad would know and kill them anyway. I’m stuck.

I pull the keys out and just sit in my thoughts.

After about 10 minutes, I get out and walk back to the house.

Completed defeated, I walk back to my dad’s office. I knock on the door. Each one was weak and pathetic. I’ve fought lycans my whole adult life, but I can’t fight a mob boss. I truly am a coward.


I open the door, internally hanging my head in shame, but I hold my head up as I walk to his desk with my hands in my pockets.

“What’s the deal?” I say solemnly as I stand at his desk.

“It’s simple. You and the princess mate on the Blue Moon and the truce is sealed. Once you meet and declare your intended union to the families, the cease fire will begin. We agreed to give you the year. We aren’t total tyrants. We will adhere to shifter traditions rather than forcing you through human ones. On the full moon, you’ll mark her as yours and the families will be bonded. The killings stop.”

I lower my head, suck in my top lip and nod. The upside is people stop dying and the hit on my head would be lifted. The downside is usually these things are done with the worst kids the family has. She can’t be good if the lycans are giving her up to a shifter.

I raise my eye to my father. “What’s her name?”

“Claudia Vinelli.” He answers.

“Claudia.” I tick my head. “Pretty.” I mumble.

“She’s a lycan. Pretty isn’t the word I’d use.” He grumbles. “This is for the family, Marcus. Remember that.”


“Tonight. The lycans are holding an introduction party. There you will meet Claudia and agree to mate her. Understood?” He leans on his desk.

“Perfectly.” I mutter.

“Good. Get ready. I want you at your best.” He turns to his computer.

“Yes, sir.”

I leave the office and head to my room.

Once inside, I sink down on my bed and open my phone. I flip through the pictures of Sophie. My heart pains. We were just getting to know each other and now I have to cut her loose. It’s not fair.

Jax is definitely going to drop me after this. He’ll never speak to me again. A lycan? He’d never accept it.

I’ve lost everything, but at least everyone stays alive. I’d rather sacrifice myself then her. I run my finger down her sweet face and I want to scream and cry, but that would only feed my fathers ego. He knows he broke me, no need to show it.

I lay down and think about my forced union. Maybe I can reject her after the truce is sealed. A difference of whatever. I may have to mate her, but nothing says I have to stay with her. It’s not like she’s my fated. No way. Sophie is. I know it. I felt it the moment I laid eyes on her. I guess I won’t find out this moon, but if I reject Claudia, I can run back to Sophie and we can be together forever. Yeah. I like that. This will be just one year of hell. It won’t matter and I won’t enjoy it all. I can keep Sophie on the side and let her know it’s her I want. We don’t have to tell anyone. I’m sure Claudia won’t care, but I’ll keep it from her too. Whatever. Not like we could ever love each other. So what?


Sat in between my brother and my father, I keep my head down like I’m being sent to prison for 25 to life. My mother and sister don’t say a word. They haven’t said a word to me for the whole time I’ve been back. They just shoot me looks full of attitude and disdain. A woman scorned, Jesus.

The limos pull into the Vinellis driveway and I take a look at the huge noir decorated mansion. The drivers park in front, get out and open the doors. All of us in black suits gather as the ladies come up behind us, dressed to the nines, join arms to be escorted proudly into the enemy’s house.

This meeting marks the end of me. The end of my independent life outside all this.

My sister takes my arm. “Smile, Marcus. Don’t want your new mate to think negatively of you.” She glances at me with an arched brow.

“Don’t worry, Angie. I’m sure she knows I’m the family disappointment.” I grit through a smile.

Stevie claps my shoulder. “My little bro getting mated up. Never thought I’d see the day. Even if it’s against ya will.” He smirks.

I sarcastically laugh at him and we walk into the house.

“Alpha Lucco. So nice that you could bring the family.” Alpha Vinelli is dressed in a black dress, white fur stole and large black hat. She plays with the pearls around her neck and takes my father’s arm. He tries to hide his disgust, but I see it. I imagine his wolf wants to shred the entire room.

She introduced everyone and we all greet them with firm handshakes.

“We are pleased to come together and end the violence against all of us. My son…” My father smiles. “He makes his family proud to agree to this mating. I’m sure your princess will be pleased with such a fine, young man.”

“Yes.” Dahlia agrees. “Alpha. I’m sure you and Claudia will get along famously. She’s been trained for Luna and is ready to represent your family proudly.”

I lick my lip and nod. “Thank ya, Alpha Vinelli. I’m sure I’ll be happy with her.” I lie.

“From what I see and what I heard about you, Alpha Cooper, you are exactly what Claudia needs.” She smirks.

I may be what she needs, but I can’t tell they’re giving Lucifer’s spawn.

A few more toasts were thrown and I mingle around with the lycans and men from our pack.

As I was speaking with who I found out to be a Queen in training, my father grabs my shoulder. “She’s ready. In there.”

He motions to a room off to the side of the party room and my heart drops. This is it.

As per the arranged mating requirements, the couple has to have about an hour in private to see where we both stand. After our talk, I will escort her out and announce my intentions to both families. Like I have any kind of choice. At least I get a warning first. Others aren’t so lucky.

I’m stared at as I walk to the door. I swallow as I think about what’s behind it. All kinds of unattractive, mouthy, rude images run through my mind. All the things that turn me off are in this imaginary woman.

I slowly grab the knob and turn. I don’t know what I’m going to find in there, but I know I really don’t want to find out. I can’t believe I’m doing this.

If it wasn't for my father’s ‘insistence', I’d turn and walk now. Instead, I open the door.

My brows stitch up and my jaw goes slack. The spicy, flowery scent of azaleas hits my nose. It’s so nice my wolf spins behind my ribs.

There’s a window behind her and I stare at her bare back.

She turns and smiles. My air leaves me. Her beauty hit me like a bat to the kisser. That bright, beautiful smile was not what I was expecting.

I’m lost in her curvy body. She’s wearing a tight black dress and her dark chocolate hair is piled in curls on top of her head as her eyes are shaded by perfect bangs. Her lips are so full and pink and my mouth waters to taste her soft tanned skinned.

The corner of my lip ticks up as I shut the door behind me. I step in a few steps as I rub my palms together. She tilts her head as she watches me closely.

I clear my throat. “You must be Claudia.” I say quietly.

“I am.” She answers softly. “Marcus?”

“Ya. That’s right.” I takes a few more steps. My wolf is perks up more. He’s making his curiosity known.

She slowly licks her lips as she looks me over.

She takes a step and I get a flash of her leg in the slit on the side. My heart stuttered just a bit.

“So…” She starts with a small smile.

I rub my nape. “I-I really don’t know what to say. I’m not accustomed to this sort of thing.”

She nods. “Then let me do all the talking.” Her tone changes, her lips fall and she arches a brow. She raises her head and eyes me.

I cinch my brows and tilt my head.

“Ok.” I say suspiciously.

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