The Assassin’s Mate

Chapter Unexpected Reactions

I couldn't believe what I had just heard and yet Finn sat there like nothing had happened. My father sold me to be Crane's future fucking mate? Was he serious? Is this the 14th century or something? I gripped my chest feeling the anxiety building inside of me and my head started spinning. I sat down to keep from falling over but the more I stayed still the worst I felt.

"I can't be here. I have to go." I said as I started hyperventilating and soon I was bolting out the door.

"Li! Wait!" Finn screamed after me as I jumped the fence behind our building and ran off into the woods.

I didn't know where I was going I just knew I couldn't be in that room anymore. I felt like the walls were closing in on me and the roof would collapse if Finn said even one more word. He was here to bring me back. Crane sent him here! My blood was boiling and the level of anger I had inside was threatening to burst at any moment, waiting to take out anything in it's path.

I ran around in the woods hoping to find an animal to occupy my frustrations but the likelihood of that happening was slim to none. It was the middle of the day and nothing would be stupid enough to be out in this heat right now. I sat and waited for something to walk by that I could tear to pieces but the longer I waited the more angry I got. From the birds singing their annoying songs to the creek trickling down the rocks, every noise made my head hurt and my wolf was beyond overwhelmed that the only thing I could think to do was scream.

"CAN YOU JUST BE QUIET!" I yelled at the top of my lungs to absolutely no one but nature must have gotten the message because soon all I heard was the rushing of my heart swooshing in my ears. My adrenaline was at an all time high and the only way to calm it was through ripping some disgusting little shit stain apart.

I sat there out of breath and tried to calm myself down but this savage animal inside of me wouldn't let it go until she watched something die.

"Tonight. We will take them down. Every single one of them. But you just have to keep it together until then. Can you do that?" I said to myself trying to quiet the blood thirsty creature inside of me.

She huffed and reluctantly backed into a dark corner of my mind, ready to attack at any moment and I knew that tonight she wouldn't hold back and I couldn't wait either. It felt like centuries since we watched someone's life leave their eyes or listened to their last breath leave their lips. My body tensed as the built up emotions started to take over and the flood of nervousness came crashing down. I dropped to the ground and laid on my back, closing my eyes and concentrated on breathing.

I've had many panic attacks in my life and thankfully Damon has shown me how to deep breathe and visualize something that made me happy. I searched my mind for something to fill that spot but nothing was working. So I concentrated harder, there had to be something in this so called life that brought a me a smidge of joy. I tried to remember what it felt to be loved but I never had that so I tossed that from my thoughts. Then I tried to remember a time that I was appreciated but I came up empty handed again.

I began to get frustrated when a smile played on my lips at the idea forming in my brain. Tanner! Sure we hadn't known each other long but at least he made me feel something. Fuck what am I saying! The man made me feel everything. Wanted, sexy, he believed in me, he was jealous as hell and practically told me he wanted me all to himself. Now to some people that might sound a little unhealthy but to me, someone who was never shown any positive attention in her life, he was the epitome of a savior.

I thought about how he kissed me and the way our lips zinged when they touched. How his hands felt like they were pratcially made to glide up and down my body. Or how I lost my breath looking at him. Hell he had me wrapped around his finger and I wasn't even mad about it. Soon all the tension had left my body and my chest warmed at the notion of being with him again tonight.

Oh shit, tonight! How could I have forgotten about tonight? Oh my goddess there was so much I needed to do. I sat up and walked back to the condo feeling the weight of Finn and mines conversation bearing down on me the closer I got to the gate. I peered over and noticed that his Jeep was gone. I sighed in relief and hoped that he was gone for the evening because I didn't know what I would say to him to get out of the house.

I jogged upstairs to my room looking through the closet for something to wear. I grabbed a few dresses then walked into the bathroom and filled the tub with soothing salts and scented bubble bath. I soaked for a while before I washed my hair and shaved, then I rinsed and got out. I quickly blow dryed my hair and straightened it before I placed my cap over it and looked for a blonde curly wig. Then I sat down and applied my makeup. I went with a hazel contact so golds and purple hues just seemed fitting, plus anything goes with black. Right?

I slipped on my dress then finished off a pair of leather, red bottom peep toe pumps. The outfit was perfect for this mission because their was no doubt those dumbasses would believe I could get them top dollar. And that's exactly what I wanted.

Once I was done, I snuck downstairs hoping to avoid Finn but when I reached the bottom of the stairs I noticed a note by the door.

Going out!


Well that was easy but did he really have to be so vague? I rolled my eyes and walked outside. I ordered an Uber to drive me to the coffee shop that was just on the edge of Tanner's road then as soon as he was gone I made the walk down the road to his cabin. 5 minutes later I was knocking on his door. I turned around accessing my surroundings when I heard the door open and a deep growl behind me.

I twirled around to see Tanner looking me up and down in a disapproving manner as I brushed past him and walked into the cabin.

"What are you wearing?"

"I needed a disguise. These wolves knew who I was from the party so there is no way they would let me in."

"Yeah well a dress that actually covered your whole body would have done the job." He said as he folded his arms and gave me a stern look.

I chuckled as I grabbed his keys off the entry wall table and sauntered off out the door.

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