The Assassin’s Mate

Chapter Trouble

"Not so fast, Mila. How am I supposed to keep you safe if you keep leaving the house without me? Not to mention the fact that you're with him."

"Finn I can take care of myself, I've already told you that and what does it matter to you who I'm with anyway?" I said as I placed my hands on my hips.

He pulled me inside and picked me up over his shoulder carrying me into his room. He pushed the door closed with his foot then slung me onto the bed and before I knew it he was straddling me with my arms over my head and his nose touching mine. His breath on my face sent shivers down my arms and my lips parted.

"I was hired to make sure you stayed safe and so far all I've done is gotten us into some rather compromising positions." He said as he kissed my jaw causing me to turn my head opening my neck to him.

He licked down my jawline to my earlobe then kissed along my neck making me squirm in his hold. My skin was tingling from his touch and I couldn't help the wetness pooling in my shorts, well Tanners shorts. I wonder if he would want these back after this?

"You are so beautiful Mila."

Then he released my hands and sat up sliding his under the hoodie, pulling it over my head and started caressing my silky smoothe skin until he reached my breasts. I moaned as he passed his fingers over my nipples leaving them begging for his attention. He placed his knees in between mine pulling my shorts off then spread my legs wide as he could and lowered his face to my lady bits and kissed my center with his tongue.

I gripped the sheets as it darted in and out of my slit making my core hum in satisfaction. He licked and sucked on my lips as he pushed his finger inside me and hooked it causing me to buck my hips further into his face.

I moaned and ran my fingers through his beautiful hair, grabbing tufts of it so I could guide his movements. He nipped at my clit sending an intense wave of electricity straight to my throat. I gasped and shoved his face further into me. I needed more pressure on my already about to explode pleasure pearl and if he was going to tease me I would be all too happy to take this party upstairs alone.

He grabbed under my thighs and widened me further as he delved another finger inside me and started to pump them in and out as he flicked his tongue across my clit. My legs were shaking and I was starting to feel that same sensation creeping down my center making me moan out.

I was on fire everywhere and even though he didn't satisfy the burn completely he did cool it to a tolerable ache. He sat up breaking his contact with my body and ran his hand through his hair.

"Fuck Mila, I can't do this." He got off the bed stood up and walked over to the window.

I pulled the sheet off the bed, wrapped myself in it and walked out totally humiliated that I let him even get close. He was a player and had rejected me once already so why would I let myself fall for his shit again.

I ran upstairs slamming my door behind me when I heard his footsteps running after me. He reached my door and knocked.

"Mila? Please let me explain."

"No Finn. I think you've made yourself pretty clear. You don't want me, I get it. Now can you leave me alone?"

"It's not like that Mila you don't understand. Just let me in."

"No. Go away!" I had tears rolling down my face as my mind became flooded with anger and confusion. He didn't want me yet he had me naked in his bed and then just walked away.

"Li. Open the door, now. Or I will break it down."

My body froze and my mind started spinning. How did he know my name? I stood their quiet until I heard him pulling on the knob then without any warning he broke through, sending slivers of wood all over the room. I covered my face to avoid being speared with a loose piece when I felt him pull me into his chest.

"Are you ok?"

I pulled away from him and said "Who are you?" Slowly backing towards the balcony for a quick getaway just incase he was trying to hurt me.

"Li, I know who you are. I've known you for a long time now but you probably won't remember me." He said with his hands up in surrender. "My name is Paxton."

I stood there even more confused than before.

"Paxton Finn O'Donnell. From the Whiteridge Pack." He repeated with a sad face.

My jaw dropped and his words finally hit me. The gears in my brain began turning and everything clicked. "You." I said through clenched teeth. "You're the little Beta brat who told me the cafeteria lady would poison my food. You made me cry when you asked me who my father was and it was you that made me run into the forest and got lost."

I lunged for his throat making contact and knocking him down to the ground. He was strong but I was quick and soon I had him in a head lock in between my legs. He slapped my legs trying to get out of my hold and screamed "Li, please! Let go. I can't breathe."

"That's the point asshole."

"No. Let go, I have more to tell you." He said in between gasps.

I thought it could be a trap but maybe he did have more to say like why I was brought to Cranes pack in the first place. I released him and sat up watching his every move. He rolled onto his stomach coughing and sputtering as he tried to relieve the burn in his lungs from the lack of air. His face, that was once red, had returned to a normal color and his eyes had tears in them.

"Got damn it, lil bit. You really are the best." He croaked out with his hand around his throat.

"Start talking." I said as I sat on the bed with my arms folded.

"Um, can you put some clothes on first. You're a bit distracting to talk to naked."

I looked down realizing I was sitting there in my birthday suit and quickly grabbed the sheet and ran to my room.

"I'll be right back." My face was beet red from embarrassment but also burning up with rage.

As soon as I was dressed I ran back downstairs to find Finn sitting on the couch with a sympathetic look on his face. I sat across from him hoping that he would start talking but it looked like he was thinking of what his next words were going to be.

"Li, Crane sent me here to protect you. He's been spying on you since he found you. He knew you were coming on this mission and he sent me here as your bodyguard." He watched me as I tried to put the pieces together. Crane attacked us and left behind a mole? "There's more." He said as he clasped his hands together and stared at the ground.

"You're father sold you to Crane because you were betrothed to him and when you turned 18, he was going to make you his mate."

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