The Artist

Chapter 6

Chapter 6


I sat in the stranger’s bed. My blood thundering wildly as I tried and failed to remember anything after Kita’s claim. I’d lost an unknown amount of time — another thing the sadist had taken for me.

“I’m happy to see you are finally awake.” The Alpha said as he closed the door of the bedroom — a clear display of power. Adequately informing me, I was alone. I cursed him to hell with my eyes. I didn’t give a shit if he was happy or not.

“Did you rape me?” my question halted his approach. He stopped, looking at me with genuine disgust and shock.

“Do you feel like you’ve been raped?” The sadist asked me, wondering eyes watched me.

“I feel fucked.” I hissed at him, hating the wild fear that was thundering in my heart. The green-eyed Alpha hesitated. A slight frown shadowed his face as he stared down at me.

“I’m sorry you feel that way.”

“No, you’re not, so don’t lie to me.” I snapped at him.

“Of course, I am. I don’t want my mate to feel raped.” He offered his delusions to me.

“I don’t care about you, your feelings, or being your mate.” The words sounded like a bitter poison that I needed to purge physically — wishing badly that I could use my fear as a weapon to hurt him. His posture told me he was unhappy with my feelings. He stood there, watching.

“I did not rape you, nor will I, ever.” The sadist said. “The first-time I take you; you will be awake, lucid. I want you very aware of the moment when I make you mine.” The devil purred with his sick thoughts. His body was humming with hunger.

“Make me yours? With my love’s claiming marks already adorning my neck? Feeding his love for me. You will never make me yours.” I took his look of anger with glorious joy, giving my heart and spirit the boost they needed to push my fear back.

“Let’s find out.” The Alpha’s verbal threat enraged me. I flew out of bed, pulling at the stupid silk pajamas he no doubt had put me in.

“You’re right, let’s be done with this.” I bitterly agreed as I threw the clothing off. I was so fucking mad that I was being forced to give myself to him. “Do what you want, and then leave me alone,” I ordered as the angry tears of injustice began to fall again. My automated response to his threat left him almost as appalled as I was resentful. He hadn’t moved any closer to my naked, hostile body. “What’s the problem? Isn’t this what you wanted?” I continue to hit him verbally. “A bitter, pissed off Omega, who will despise you every second of your life? I hope you live to be a hundred, you fucking thief.”

“It was my right to claim you Omega. You were unclaimed.” He bellowed at me. Outraged green eyes burned me.

“Liar,” I yelled back at him, turning my head to remind him who had claimed me first.

“I’ll kill him.” The Alpha exploded, roaring as he threw the nightstand against the wall. His massive body heaved as ragged breathing moved his broad chest. I had nothing to lose now. I dared to defy my genetic god. “I bought and paid for that life; it’s mine forever.” The Alpha erupted, smashing the lamp on the bedside the dresser. Hurling it against the wall. “I will claim you as well.” He roared.

“Makes no difference to my mind or my heart. Use me and then leave me be.” I looked at him with justifiable hate. He had taken something that did not belong to him. “Be quick about it. I don’t want to feel you any more than I absolutely have to.” I said as I turned to the bed, ripping the blankets off. I laid down stiffly, trying to preparing my body to be raped. I closed my eyes and thought of Kita. The devil approached, and I cringed. The tears escaping behind tightly closed eyes felt like acid; they burned. He crouched down by the bed, running his hand lightly across my breast, and I sobbed harder, wanting so badly to turn away from him.

“You will learn that I do not take orders well, Henley, especially from you. I will have you on my terms, not yours.” The Alpha’s voice was full of warning. “Be grateful I have the courage and restraint to know you are purposely baiting me into a horrible act. All so that you can justify your anger.” His outright disregard for the truth and my feelings made me tremble. I sprang up on the bed.

“Abduction, blackmail, and slavery are all valid reasons for my anger, and hatred of you.” I raged at the psychopath.

“You are mine Omega, taken by any method necessary. Regardless of your feelings surrounded my acquisition. Come to peace with it.” His voice echoed with a chilling warning. If I had any sense of self-preservation, I would have cared.

“Never,” I fiercely promised him.

“Then life will be unpleasant for you.”

“It already is.”

“That is by your choice, not mine.” He stood by the bedroom door. By the bewildered look that laid beneath his façade, this had not gone the way he had envisioned. He had no idea.

“Dinner will be ready in one hour, get ready, I will return for you.”

Fuck him. I redressed in the silk pajamas. I didn’t even bother to comb my hair. I sat on the foot of the bed and waited. My fingers pressed to Kita’s marks on my neck to keep me company. The time I spent plotting revenge on a cosmic scale. My heartbeat increases when I heard the key in the bedroom door. One look at me, and he was instantly angry.

“I see you lack discipline. I will have to address that as well, come.” He ordered me. I rose from the bed, refusing the hand he extended, glaring at it. “You will walk beside me like a proper mate.” He threatened me with more than his eyes.

“I prefer you chain and drag me. I am, after all, a slave. Let’s show the world the truth.” I said.

“We can stay here, and I could fuck you into submission.” The devil suggested. His massive body, boiled with the outrage he was trying to contain.

“Rape me today or tomorrow, master it makes no difference to me.” Alexander’s hand shot out, gripping me painfully by the arm, forcing me to walk beside his seething form. We entered a formal dining room. I had no time to get my feet under me before he pushed me down into a chair. He placed a plate of food down, glancing at me briefly before walking to his chair, pouring us each a glass of wine before setting his napkin into his lap.

“My housekeeper is off for the week.” He commented as he pushed a tray of meat and cheese closer to me. I sat there, looking everywhere but him. This room, like the ruthless bastard that owned them, was cold. Rooms filled with modern things, items that lacked character, it was sterile and lifeless, like me.

“Eat, Henley.” The devil ordered, but I ignored him. When I made no move towards the food, he growled low. “You have been unresponsive for days. You need to eat.” He aggressively informed me. Not that this news matter to me. “Are you still not feeling well, or are you attempting a peaceful protest?”

“You tell me what to say, master,” I said as hollow as I felt.

“Do you not like cheese?” He asked, exasperated from our brief conversation.

“I like whatever you like, master,” I replied. If I could physically feel the anger that burned in his eyes, it would leave me scarred for life.

“Stop Henley. You are not a slave.” I laughed, calling him a liar with my eyes and my hostility. “It is important for our bond. We need to get to know one another. Conversation helps.”

“Your traitor already told you everything about me.” I was more than sure of that. He confirmed my accusation as he chewed a piece of cheese.

“Information without personality. I want to get to know you.” He said, taking a drink of the dark red wine. “What do you like to do when you’re not painting, or drawing?”

“It doesn’t matter, not anymore.”

“Of course, it matters.”

“No, it doesn’t.” I snapped, glaring at the man who had ruined everything. “I’m not that woman anymore. You killed her.” It was hard not to let the truth set the tears free. My life was over.

“I am trying very hard to be understanding with the Omega.”

“I don’t want you to understand me. And truthfully, neither do you.”

“How so?”

“This is all bullshit. It’s just an act. You don’t care about me because if you did, you would’ve never taken me for my love.”

“Akita is not your love.” The Alpha bristled.

“Yes, he is. He has been for many years.”

“Then why the fuck did he not claim you?” I didn’t reply; I didn’t need to. I turned my scarred neck to him instead. Visibly reminding him that I was, in fact, claimed.

“Good evening Ms. Allred.” The ill-timed arrival of Alexander’s thug is what saved me from being mauled.

“I’ve cursed your life.” I opened fire on the second most hated Alpha in my life. “You will know pain as you’ve never known before," I promised the traitor.

“I am looking forward to watching you suffer,” I promised my enemy a god’s wrath, smiling maliciously as I did it. His shock at my full, aggressive attack made my inner rebel incredibly happy.

“I’m sorry to hear you say that.” The tall Alpha tried to find a footing under my hostile stare.

“Sorry? Just wait traitor, you will hate me as much as I hate you.”

My open threat earned immense displeasure from Alexander, unleashing an animal response that was impressive — shaking me with its explosive power. My body shuddered, a rational and normal response to the large male. My heart wanted to fight, to rebel, I was happy to join in the cause. Alexander could tear me to ribbons. I would gladly die today.

“Do you think I care, devil?” I glared at him, begging him to end my hell before it even started. “Kill me, Kita will follow right behind.” I taunted him. Large hands yanked me out of the chair to shake me roughly.

“He will not have you, Henley, not in this life or any other.” The male felt threatened by me, even more by Kita. His voice prickled my skin with a clear warning.

“He already has me; these are not your marks; this is not your claim.” The gratification that surged in my heart was worth any painful death he could imagine. “Your too late, devil.” Again, the beast that held me roared, struggling was instinct. Challenging him verbally was one thing, physically trying to escape was another. His hold on me tightened. I Gasped as pain that I had never experienced stole my breath, but not my fight.

Intense pain made me lightheaded for a second; time he used to move me to his bedroom. Anger turned to fear, knowing that my rape was inevitable. I broke free of his hold long enough to get to the corner of the room. Backed into the corner, I shook violently. Green eyes watched my body convulse; fear turned to hysteria as I waited for his assault.

“I will never forgive you, never.” I hissed at him.

“I am not looking for your forgiveness Henley.” He said, walking towards me as he removed his shirt. My eyes moved to his shirtless form. I felt the fear rise again. Unfortunately, it was not the only emotion that I was feeling. I was surprised and angry to be feeling that way. Shocked, I didn’t dare look away, even if I had been able to. Alexander walked closer, setting off an explosion of odd and betraying emotions.

“Years of denial, Henley. You have been left needy.”

“Don’t mistake fear for something else. I will not be tricked into justifying your sins.” I hissed at him.

“Fear?” He sneered at me. “That is not what has changed your breathing or your scent, Omega. You have already justified this moment.”

The devil growled the low throaty sound that left him set the space around him alive. I would have had to be dead to stop my body from responding. The sound hit me like the end of a whip. I recoiled from the intensity of it. My heart damning my body for its instinctual response to an assertive Alpha. I stood still as I played tug-of-war with them. The devil watched and waited, curious to know who would win. But he got tired of wondering, again reminding me that the devil never played fair. He sent out his call once more, walking closer to me, adding his scent to the attack. I inhaled the smell of the dominant male, one that had the prowess to mate. He’d earned the distinction of Alpha, and my body wanted him.

“Glare at me all you want, Omega. Your body is ripe with need.” Knowing that he could smell me angered me. His taunting was cruel, breathing in my physical response to him. The possessive sound that rumbled low in his throat excited, and scared me. I closed my eyes, blocking out the sight of the Alpha that was not Kita. I pretended it was, imagining it was my Kita, my mate, and my love. With my blinders firmly covering my eyes, I sank into the heat that radiated from the large body in front of me. Lips on my neck made me tremble, and I gasped at the sensation.

The devil was restless; large hands roughly removed my clothing. I stilled, eyes closed, he slid down my body. Touching and tasting flesh that no one had ever sampled. I wiggled and swayed as he kissed my sex. One little taste sent the male wild, using his tongue to part my folds as he pushed in deeper. He roared, and I gushed, reaching out for support as I tried to hold on as the earth fell away at my feet. My hands held on to the silk hair that filled them. Panting and praying as feelings of intense pleasure burst open inside of me. My core contracted violently, but with nothing filling it, the flutters turned to cramps. I ached for more, needing more. My hands, forced out of his hair as he stood up, kissing me. I did not return the kiss. He bullied through, forcing his tongue in my mouth. My taste buds were forever imprinted with the flavor of my release. It wasn’t an unpleasant taste. It was just uniquely me. Swollen lips left mine, kissing and licking a fiery path to my ear.

“Opening your eyes.” The devil ordered as he nipped my tender lobe. I shook as I squirmed. I did not open my eyes. My rebellion earned me another sharp bite on the ear, and I yelped. “Omega, I told you to open your eyes.” The impatient Alpha repeated, again I shook my head.

“No.” I panted, determined to keep them shut. The growl was one of dominances and disapproval. Even high on the instinct to mate, I enjoyed the fact that it angered him. He fisted my hair, holding me painfully tight. I panicked when I heard the unmistakable sound of a zipper being opened. Unable to run, I tried to fall deeper into my imagination, reaching for my mental images of Kita. Freed, he pulled his hard length against me.

“You mean to pretend I am that inferior male. Too weak, and far too late to claim you.”

“Kita is not weak.” I snapped at him. “And he has already claimed me.” I reminded the devil. He roared, verbally, and physically challenging my words. “Your slick answers my call.” The devil said, cupping and smearing what I just released all over my body. “You came, hard and fast on my tongue.” He snapped. “You will come harder and faster on my knot.” He promised, he released the painful grip before his hand moved to my lips. Fingers smeared a thick substance across them. I fought; he only restrained me harder. Pushing the liquid passed my closed lips. One minuscule taste and I immediately knew the flavor of something I’d never tasted before. Repulsed and disgusted, that is what I should have been feeling. I should have fought harder to getaway. Not frantically suck the fingers coated in his pre-release. He pulled them from me a second before he pushed me to my knees. I didn’t need to see the leaky bulbous head of his cock. My mind instantly filled with images as he ran his head across my lips. Hungry to feed my senses, I looked at it. Surprise freed my instinct, and I pulled the shocked Alpha into my mouth. The death grip left my hair to cradled my head. The devil vocalized pleasure as he watched me. There was too much of him to take at once. But I was only interested in what filled my mouth. The silky hardness of his head fascinated me. It was a living contradiction. It was frightening yet beautiful. The feel, the texture, I used my mouth to memorize its uniqueness, as the distinct taste burned its memory into my brain. He moved, withdrawing and pushing his length in and out. My lips moved to accommodate the thick shaft before the full flared head ballooned behind my lips. I couldn’t deny the pleasurable sounds that were leaving my body. Nor the hungry, manic desire that was pulsing in me. The devil felt it, too, telling me to stop. He pulled completely free of me. This time it was I who vocalizing my disappointment. I opened my eyes, needing them to take back what I wanted. I don’t remember reaching for him, yet my hands held onto his hips. I dug in, letting my nails anchor my hold. Seeing his impressive member, hard and leaking, I leaned in, running my tongue up the veiny shaft to take what ran from his head. His body trembled. My instinct basked in his approval, and I latched on again. The Alpha held on. I’d never been with a man before, but I saw and felt the rut begin to take him.

“No,” he panted as he pried himself away from me. The devil pulled me up to my feet, taking my mouth with his. I was wild with feelings. I thought I knew desire. I’d felt it before, just not this raw, or powerful. I heard fabric tearing, with his chest bare, he pressed against me. My sensitive skin felt an Alphas for the first time. My body prickled with a deeper appreciation of my senses. He moved, and I was on my knees on the bed. The devil had taken position, rubbing his head where I ached the most. He pushed forward, slowed by the fact that he was my first. I panted, shocked by the uncomfortable invasion. He felt me tense with the pain. Rubbing my nub to entice and stoke my desire. I looked down. The view was very pornographic. The visual stimulation alone intensified my response. “Do not come, Omega, not without me.” He hissed as he drove in further. My body rippled with painful pleasure. I needed a minute to acclimate to his presence. Shallow frantic breathing moved my sweaty chest. After a few seconds, he started to move again. Slowly at first. Using my hips, testing my capacity and resistance, I trembled. The pain had not left entirely. But it was significantly overshadowed by the pleasure, increasing the length of his strokes. My body intended to match it, starting to keep pace with the rhythm. I could not understand what could be waiting at the end. But I wanted it. I wanted the celestial light that called to me from above. The first rays danced as they fell upon my skin. Hands grabbed my hair, pulling me up. He snapped his hips, hitting a hidden spot deep inside my womb. I cried out, surprised to see that the light that landed on me was being absorbed into my skin. Filling my body with light, the steady downpour continued. He did it again, and again until all the light that fell on me converged in my core and blew apart. The devil’s roar deafened my cries as his knot and teeth claimed me.

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