The Artist

Chapter 5

Chapter 5


I checked my phone — one urgent message from Jamison. The text read, meet me at the apartment immediately. Never one to waste words, or my time, I left the meeting early. The elevator doors closed, and I soared up to the top floor. Entering my apartment, I found my second looking dangerously wild, pacing by the windows. Jamison looked like hell. I’d seen that nervous pacing before. That had been years ago, back in the hell we’d left in the desert.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I demanded he didn’t stop, running his hands through his hair. Never had I seen a man of his training look this disturbed.

“There.” He half-ass nodded to a cloth satchel he’d tossed on the coffee table. Walking over, I grabbed it. “Wait!” He called out before moving as far away from me as possible. I pulled out the contents, holding up a clear food bag. Looking at a pair of less than desirable women’s panties, I smirked. Did he think I would be able to extract DNA this way? “Open it,” Jamison said, his voice full of apprehension. “You won’t need to test her DNA.” I popped the seal on the bag. The sweetest, most tempting fragrance I’d ever smelled stole any sense of reason, taking my rational thought with it. I roared a primitive sound that rocked Jamison. My second bowed his head in submission, the need to remind anyone within earshot that I was the dominant Alpha. I thundered across the room, physically tell Jamison who I was.

“Where is she. Where’s my mate?” I demanded.

“At a spa with a friend.”

“A friend?”

“A woman, the receptionist that works for her.” He kept his head down, eyes to the floor.

“And the imposter, where is he?” Anger that I could not reason with filled my chest.

“He left last night,” Jamison replied. “Cass, walk away from me. I can’t.” My second pleaded with me to remove the smell of her slick covered panties away from him. It was hell, the scent of a ripe Omega was rare. So much so that this was the first time I’d encountered it, a smell that was as torturous as it was tempting.

“Go collect yourself and meet me in the study in an hour.” If Jamie was collecting himself the way I intended to, he would not need the full hour.

I paced my study, still hard after relieving myself, twice. The mere thought of Henley had me ready to explode again without the aid of my hand. I gripped my chair for support.

“Tell me everything,” I demanded as Jamison walked into the room.

“The Alpha left her last evening, catching a flight to LA. He’ll be on a business trip for a week.” Jamie said, heading to the cabinet to pour himself a double shot of bourbon. “I followed her to the spa in Twin Rivers, hacked the computer. She booked a full day for herself and a friend.”

“Who is the friend?”

“A woman named Monica Reed, Ms. Allred’s assistant. I headed back to her home once I saw them enter the spa.” He said, pausing to down the drink in one swallow. “She has a room in the basement. Likely where she stays when she has her estrous.”

“Why do you think that?”

“Sparse, basic, has a cot and a drain hole in the floor. Easy to clean.” He paused. “The door locks from the outside.” He poured himself another drink. “Someone helps her.”

“The Alpha?” The possessive anger surged back. “I saw no claiming marks on her neck.”

“I don’t think he mates with her. He has a separate room from hers.” Jaime said.


He laughed, I understood. You’d have to be dead to not respond to her scent. “Can’t say, her scent is faint in his room.” Jaime came to sit on the chair across from me.

“Is his scent in her room?” I asked as I grabbed for my temper. “Yes, and in the room where she was locked in.” Jamison looked rough. The encounter with a heated Omega had shaken him. ”But there is nothing to suggest he mated her.” Any rutting Alpha gave off a musky scent. That was our nature. The news was excellent yet confusing.

“Why would an Alpha not rut her in her nest?” The question was puzzling.

“How can he resist her?” Jaime asked. “The whole fucking room smells just like the clothing I gave you.” The potent scent of Henley’s heat had accosted me hard. Making me violently with the need to mate and claim. I may not know the reason why the imposter did not claim and mate her. I did, however, know that I would not let Henley get away from me.

“Go back, keep eyes on her.”

“No fucking way Cass.” Jamie shot out of the chair. “Send someone else.” He said, refusing my order as he stalked the room.

“There’s no one I trust more than you. If anyone else even catches wind of Henley, she’ll be gone. Losing her is not an option.” I commanded him.

“How much strength do you think I have, Cass?” He exploded. “I am an Alpha too.” I didn’t need him to remind me.

“Then do your job and keep her safe.”


I was sad to hear Kita’s flight had been delayed. He would miss the ribbon-cutting ceremony. Enjoy it for me, Henny. His enthusiastic voice still danced in my ears. It had been good to hear his voice. “I’ll call you as soon as I land.” He promised. We’d been talking during the week. But not about our kiss, or what our time apart had told him about us. I was so nervous to see him. I didn’t know what I would do either way. I’d love to him for so long. But a traumatic past had kept him cut off from physical love. I was afraid he’d never heal. His reasons for avoiding a physical relationship were valid. And while I understood, I’d secretly prayed he would change his mind. I’d never been with anyone, not in a sexual way. Being Omega, a hidden one, random sex was not optional for me. I didn’t have the luxury of causally bedding someone to ease my physical frustrations. An aching state of need had claimed my mind with very explicit dreams. Ones that in public, I had to curb. Since Alexander Castillo had kissed me, I’d lost the ability to calm myself. Losing control of my body and my scent as well. A solo road trip back into the city found me at the grand opening for a charity I supported. An addition to a youth program for foster children, it was a cause that I felt strongly about. I helped by creating art pieces that had been auctioned off. I declined to speak at the ceremony. I wanted to contribute, but not in the spotlight. I was content to help behind the scene. I mingled, uncomfortably, for a few hours. Nervously watching the clock. A text to my phone would be my escape. “Landed, sent a car to rescue you. White Audi, driver’s name is Jamison.” Heart racing, I ran to the nearest bathroom. Cursing the fact that I didn’t know shit about make up. I was a minimalist, preferring the natural look. A fevered rush of excitement, my cheeks were already dusted a rosy hue. Visible announcing my flustered and nervous state. I left the bathroom, sneaking out of the building.

“Ms. Allred, please come with me.” A tall, attractive Alpha said, standing beside a pearl white Audi. I didn’t hesitate to follow him. I allowed him to help me inside the luxurious backseat. I was nervously wringing my hands and chewing on my inner cheek. Too excited to be concerned with where we were going. I forgot to pay any attention to the direction, street names, or anything besides what this moment may mean for Kita and me. We entered an underground parking garage. Stopped by the valet, the driver exited. “Ma’am?” The uneasiness had to be nerves. So, I pushed them away as the Alpha steered me to the elevators. The doors opened closed, and he pressed a floor number. It was a short ride. “This way.” He said as he ushered my shaky body out of the elevator. Stopping to opening a massive oak door, he stepped aside, letting me pass. The fear hit me when he closed it behind me — standing in front of it to stop me from escaping.

“Good evening Henley.” The sadist named Alexander Castillo smiled as he walked towards me. Understanding chilled my body as it squeezed my heart with fear.

“Where is he?” I demanded.

“He’s here.”

“No, shit.” I hissed, glaring at the devil in front of me.

“How much of that temper is truly to blame on that beautiful auburn hair or your Omega profile?”

“I’ve already told you I’m Beta.”

“You lied. Normally I would be greatly displeased about that. But seeing as it has kept you safely unclaimed. I can’t be too upset.” The Alpha said.

“I don’t need to be claimed as a Beta.” I tried again to shield myself with the lie.

“True, if that was the case.” He smiled down at me. “Please join me; we have much to discuss.”

“No, we don’t, Kita?” I yelled into the room that was under construction.

“He can’t reply?”

“Why?” I demanded sickening fear curdled my stomach.

“He’s bound and gagged.” He stated matter of fact. I felt anger rise in me.

“What?” I tried to bolt past the bastard that grabbed me.

“Not so fast.” He held me, pulling me to his hard chest, easily restraining my attempt to escape. I yelled, calling out to my friend. “You will only cause him pain, Henley.” He whispered in my ear.

“You are causing him pain, you sick fuck.” I hissed, struggling to break free of his restraining hold. But he was only toying with me. Releasing his grip, I bolted, running through the large apartment, temporarily freezing when I found Kita beaten and tied to a chair. My heart died, seeing my first love suffering. I ran to him. Shaking hands removed the saliva-soaked gag from his mouth.

“Henley, don’t.” Kita leaned into my hug. Hot tears ran down my face.

“I warned you, Omega.” The devil said, not even sorry for the pain he was causing.

“Warned me that you’re fucking insane. I already knew that.” I yelled at him. I was frantically pulling at Kita’s bindings.

“Henley, go.” Kita pled with me.

“I’m not leaving you.” I pulled harder, frustrated that I could not release the bindings. “Let him go,” I yelled at the Alpha that watched me.

“That will be entirely your decision.” The devil said as he walked closer to us. “Is his life more important than yours?” The devil asked. I sank to the floor next to Kita, sobbing as I held on to him. Only one of us would be leaving here alive.

“What do you want?” I demanded, as my heart died in my chest.

“You, every glorious inch Omega. Submissive claimed and bound to me.” He said as he doomed me.

“Fuck you,” Kita yelled at the challenger, his muscles flexing, pulling against the binding that held him tight. “She’s mine.”

“Then why is she not claimed by you?” The devil demanded, daring to smirk at my love.

“She will be,” again Kita pulled violently against the zip ties that were digging into his flesh.

“You’re right, but not by you.” The devil rejoiced.

“I have conditions,” I said, ignoring Kita’s painful roar.

“I’m open to negotiations.” The devil replied, given me his undivided attention.

“He lives, not just today, forever. You will leave him the fuck alone; do you understand me?” I said, letting my disgust for this Alpha burn bright.

“You have my eternal word.”

“That means less to me than your life.” I snapped at the devil.

“That will change, very soon, I will be the most important person in your life.” He boldly proclaimed.

“You don’t know me,” I warned him.

“But I will.” He was gloating with his ill-gotten victory.

“Have your traitor, bring my phone,” I ordered.

“And whom might you be calling?”

“Bring me my phone now.” I would not sacrifice my life without taking care of the Alpha I loved more than myself. Alexander started at me for a few seconds, trying to understand what I may be attempting to do. But he knew I couldn’t call law enforcement. Not without damning Kita. He nodded to his dog. The man moved to retrieve my purse. Walking towards me, he leaned down to hand it to me. “You’re a poor excuse for a man.” I seethed at that the Alpha. “I will see you repaid for your part in this,” I promised him. His jaw clenched nostrils flared as he regarded my threat. I damned him as I ripped my purse from his hands, hissing at him to move away.

“Henley, please don’t do this.” Kita’s sorrowful words sunk my heart. I didn’t have a choice, nor an option. I could only hope that I could keep him alive.

“This is the only way to keep you safe,” I told him truthfully as I stroked his beaten face.

“I don’t want safe. I want you.” Kita’s words were a sharp knife to the heart, piercing it with anguish. I’d lived for years wanting to hear them. Now they felt cruel and painful. I placed the gag back in his mouth. Ignoring his muffled words and thrashing of his body. Racked by sobs as I did it. I soothed his battered face, pouring my love out for him. “I’m so sorry, my love,” I told him truthfully. I walked away, breathing deep and trying to ignore Kita’s protesting. Time had run out. I was the world’s best actress. A part I had played for years. A five-minute phone call would not break me, not now. I focused, closed my eyes, and took in a big breath, holding it in until my lungs screamed. Exhaling, I dialed a phone number I thought I’d never need. “Good evening, it’s Henley Allred.” I wiped away the tears as I held my voice. “I am well,” I lied to the person on the other end of the phone. “How are you?” We exchanged meaningless greetings as my will died. “I’ve made a decision, and I’m ready to proceed.” The stunned person on the other end of the phone paused. Once again, verbally warning me of my actions. But I had put this plan into place for a reason. I knew the finality that came with it.

“I understand your concerns, but I am ready to move forward,” I reassured them. “I’m ready to give you the password.” My heart was beating so loudly. The tears rolled freely down my face as I relinquished all my worldly possessions to Kita and Momo. Again, I reassured the person on the other on the phone. “I am firm in this decision. Your fee will be detected before the transaction is complete, correct? I appreciate all your help; thank you.” I ended the call, smashing the phone against the concrete floor as I yelled my pain, crumbling as my legs buckled. What injustice I was made to suffer. I crawled back to Kita, pulling the gag out of his mouth.

“What have you done, Henley?” He demanded.

“All I could.” I cried as I curled up on Kita’s lap, wrapping my arms tightly around him. The smell of his blood and sweat pulled me apart with pain and anger. I nuzzled into him one last time. “I love you, Kita, I always have.” I needed him to know the truth.

“Not as much as I love you, Hen,” Kita replied a second before he buried his teeth deep in my neck.

“No!” An angry roar rocked the room. The sound of black rage leaving the dominate Alpha’s chest should have moved me. But it was too late. I convulsed as sharp teeth dug into my sensitive neck. I gave in to the pain, involuntarily relaxing my grip on Kita’s neck to let the sensation drag me down into its pit.


“Here, press harder,” Jamison said as he tried to stop the bleeding. Henley’s neck looked like it had been chewed on by a wolf. Bright red blood-soaked the fabric Jamie had ripped off of Henley’s dress. I bellowed at the imposter who dared to take her from me. I would have beat him senseless if I wasn’t worried about her life.

I knelt by her, taking the dressing from my second. “Kill him,” I ordered as I pressed on her wound.

“I can’t, and I won’t.” He said as he removed more fabric.

“Don’t fucking tell me no.” I snapped at him.

“You promised her. You gave her your word.” My second yelled back at me.

“He claimed my Omega.” I was livid, outraged to be in this position.

“A claim he never secured with mating or knotting, it’s weak.” He said as he removed the bloody fabric to check the wound. “Dammit, this need stitches.”

“Call someone,” I ordered.

“Who Cass, she’s a well-known artist who has fooled the medical community, as well as the government. She’s claimed and not mated. Fuck, her smell alone will cause chaos. More than she already has.” Jamie was right; she’d put us in a dangerous situation, only adding to my volatile state.

“If she dies.” I glared at the Alpha, who had hurt her.

“She is there because of you.” He dared to blame me for her condition. “So shut the fuck up and dial the number I give you.” The imposter challenged me as he offered help. “Henley has loyal friends. Use my phone.” The bleeding had slowed some. But I would not risk her life. Not when I was so close to having her. I took the phone Jamison had taken off of Akita.

“Her name is Mia Cortez.” He said I scrolled through his contacts, hitting the button before moving the phone to his ear.

“Promise or not, I will kill you,” I warned him.

“She is bound to me. Do it and see how that turns out for you.” The Alpha said, glaring at me. “Amiga, it’s Kita. Henley’s been badly hurt. She needs help.” I heard the worried voice of a woman asking for details. “I will explain when you get here, but I don’t know the address. I need to pass the phone to someone else.” I ignored the rattled woman, giving her the address to the building I owned.

“We can’t stay here,” Jamison said, pointing out the scene. He was right. I could not let Henley be tended to in here. Not where I had bound, restrained, and held Kita.

“I will take her to my room. She needs to become familiar with her nest.”

“Mia won’t tend to Henley without me,” Kita said.

“She will do as she is told,” I informed him coldly.

“You don’t rule the world.”

“Cut him loose. We can use him.” Jamison said, getting upset when I hesitated. “His scent and teeth just tore her neck. This Mia person will instantly know that Henley is Omega. If he is not there, tending to her, it will look more suspicious than it already does. We don’t have time to waste.” I nodded, under protest.

“Don’t fuck this up,” Jamison warned as he cut Kita’s restraints.

“More than you two have already have?” He asked as he rubbed his badly bruised wrists. “You think that’s even possible?”

I watched the tattooed woman tend to my mate. Very aware that she was uneasy with the whole scenario.

“Kita, what the hell happened?”

“We thought we were alone.” He didn’t hesitate to lie to her. “We started kissing, one thing led to another, we ended up in the back seat of the car.” I seethed as I clenched my jaw, having no trouble envisioning him kissing and touching Henley.

“The next thing I know, the doors open, and two assholes jumped us.”

“They must have smelled her?” Mia offered her own conclusion. “How long have you known she was Omega?” She asked Kita as she looked up at him.

“I will not answer that, Mia. I will not put you in that position.”

“Hmm, what about this position?” She asked as she eyed Jamison and me.

“If they hadn’t helped us, Henley would be… in worse shape than she is now.” Kita said as he looked at Henley.

“What are you even doing here?”

“Henley has been talking about getting an apartment in the city.”

“Shh, yeah right, Henley hates the city, Kita. Don’t bullshit me.”

The woman scoffed.

“It’s not bullshit, Mia, Henley’s last exhibit was her best. She has been swamped with requests.” Kita said. “I don’t know how long Henley thought she could keep her talent hidden?”

“Don’t try to keep her here, Kita. You know Henley is not like this.” The woman looked at my high-end furnishings like they were trash.

“I have never had any control over Henley. She is her own force, Mia.”

“Thank the gods, wash up. You will have to help me.”

“Henley, it’s Mia, I’m going to give you something to keep you calm.” The tattooed woman said as she jabbed the syringe into her arm.

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