The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 51: Useless Disappointment!

Odin ripped it through a field chasing butterflies. He tore after yellow ones, white ones, monarchs, and others he didn’t know the names of. He crept through the tall grass and would pounce causing them to take flight and he’d give chase. Adonis just sat back, not saying a word. He didn’t know what to say, Odin was thoroughly amused and enjoying his time as he dashed back and forth across the field. He only hoped no one would see this. Five more minutes Odin, then we have to go! Yup, five more minutes! That was the most agreeable he’s ever been.

“The fuck?” Jackson and Tyler had been out walking when they came across something neither of them thought they would ever see.

“The fuck he doin?” Tyler asked, as they watched Odin bound through a field in every direction he could.

“I think he chasin butterflies” Jackson replied,

“No shit!” Tyler said as the both stood there and watched trying not to crack.

Alright Odin, it’s time! Five more minutes? Our mate is waiting for us! Ok, next time we should bring her! Are you happy now? Yes! You won’t bring it up anymore? No! Adonis retook control and headed towards the trees to shift back and get dressed. He was going to help Kenzi with whatever machine she was going to build and then maybe convince her to have a nap, before they executed her plan. He paused his movements when he heard something low. He listened, but he didn’t have to strain too hard; it was getting louder by the second. He internally cringed when he recognized it. Why the fuck does one of them have to be around when he does something dumb? FUCK! SHIT! FUCK!

“Damn it!” He huffed out loud to himself as he finished getting dressed. He stood there, thinking about what his next move would be. He can make them go away, but knows he will hear about it later, or he can deal with it now. FUCK! He emerged from the woods to see not only Jackson, but Tyler howling out with laughter over what they just witnessed. Fucking perfect Odin! What? The demon brothers saw! So what? You need to stop being so concerned with what others think. We are powerful and feared by everyone. So we chased butterflies, doesn’t make us any less violent, brutal and bloodthirsty. Just means we also know how to enjoy the little things life has to offer. And if they bug you too badly, just pop their heads off! Now that was an idea.

“Don’t you two have anything better to do?” Adonis asked when he approached them. Jackson was doubled over clutching his sides as tears rolled down his cheeks. Tyler was laughing so hard, silence was coming out of him and Adonis wasn’t entirely certain he was breathing.

“The….fuck….you….doin?” Jackson managed to choke out between breaths.

“Odin wanted to chase butterflies. To make him stop pestering me about it, he chased butterflies” There was no use lying, he could try but he had a feeling they saw what Odin was doing. Leaving them in the field Adonis kept walking, he had more important things on his mind. Like his mate, he promised her forty minutes tops and he wasn’t going to break his promise to her.

“Hey, hey wait up” Jackson said still laughing as he ran to catch up to him.

“Do you need something?” Adonis asked, still walking,

“The fuck? The fuck you off to in a hurry, and the fuck Odin chasin butterflies for?” Jackson asked, the last of his laughter dying.

“I made a promise to Kenzi that I would see her in forty minutes at the latest. Considering my behaviour lately I don’t want to break this promise. And Odin woke up and the only thing he wanted to do was chase butterflies, he’s been pestering me about it all fucking day. So to make him be quiet I let him enjoy the little things in life.” Adonis said using Odin’s words.

“Make sense, Bal like rollin in the grass” Tyler said nodding, as he too caught up to them. Both Jackson and Adonis looked at him and he just shrugged. “He also don’t like it when I wear shoes,” He added.

“That why you always barefoot?” Jackson asked, looking down at his brother’s bare feet.

“Yeah, he like the ground under his feet. They live in our head an only get let out ever once in awhile. Keep him happy I let him out to roll in the grass an walk round in bare feet till I has to put shoes on.” Tyler explained,

“Ko like jumpin puddles. Like we did when we was kids. The muddier the better. Evertime it rain I let him go. As long as he hit the lake afterward” Jackson confessed, it made his wolf happy.

“No wonder you come back muddy all the time” Tyler said, Jackson just nodded.

“You just let them do this?” Adonis asked, looking at his Beta and Delta. They both looked at each other, shrugged and just nodded.

“Make em happy!” Jackson said. No wonder they had an unreal relationship with their wolves. Maybe he should let Odin chase butterflies more often. That would be fucking great! Killing things makes me happy too! I know!

“Kenzi tell you her plan to help Eli?” Tyler asked,

“She did, I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to see what was going to happen. I am heading over now to help her set it up.” Adonis replied,

“Eli lookin for you. Some of the other packs in the area wanna negotiate alliances an he wanna know which way you wanna take it.” Jackson commented. That made him pause for a minute and think. White Moon to the west and Blue Mountain to the east, his crater, his home, his mate and his pack secure what did they need other alliances for? Then again Ridgeview got too comfortable, look what happened to them. They fucked with The Devil and his mate! Good point Odin! Though he didn’t want to let his guard down, the crater was big after all, more would help him protect it better.

“Have Elijah contact Alpha Malone and Alpha Byron, see what information they have on these other packs and if it’s worth associating ourselves with them. If so, standard negotiations will apply to start off with, but I’m flexible.” Jackson snorted when he said that.

“I can be flexible!” Adonis grumbled,

“Yeah, when you take someone’s head you’s real flexible,” Jackson replied. “We also due back at Crestview gather the rest our warriors we was promise” He added

“Crestview is in Ontario, when we visit next week, we’ll make a pit stop” Adonis continued walking. This conversation has taken enough of his time. If he didn’t get a move on he was going to be late.

Adonis hit the front porch and Kenzi opened the door before he could knock. His eyes widened when he saw her. That’s not the dress she was wearing earlier. This thin strapped design from his deepest fantasies clung to every curve of her body leaving nothing hidden from his eye. The neckline dipped lower than the first one showing off more of her breasts, while the fabric hugged around the rest of them. I like this dress! Me too! I’m gonna bite her ass! I can’t guarantee I’ll keep my hands off of it! There was no way he was keeping his hands to himself while she was wearing that dress.

“You’re three minutes late,” she greeted him.

“I know sweetheart. I ran into Jackson and Tyler, they had something to discuss with me.” Adonis replied, “What happened to your other dress?”

“I fell in the lake,” she replied. Goddess bless the lake! Goddess bless our tiny dancer’s need to dance!

“How is your back?” That might have been the reason she fell in the lake. She said it has been hurting since Monday.

“A little more sore than it should be” She said, opening the door and allowing him to enter.

“Are you wearing any bandages?” Please say no! Please say no! Please say no!

“I couldint get them on.” Devil gets his wish! Sounds like the beast does as well! I am so gonna bite her ass! He couldn’t help looking at her one more time. She had no idea how truly breathtaking she really was.

“We should get some on” He suggested and she nodded her agreement.

She disappeared up the stairs and he couldn’t help but watch her backside as she went, her hips swaying side to side the higher she climbed, he really liked that dress. When she came back down with the bag he couldn’t help the smile on his face.

“What?” She asked as she came to stand in front of him,

“You are absolutely beautiful” he replied, capturing a piece of her hair, he twirled the silky soft strand of her plum coloured lock around his fingers as he took in the features of her face. He saw the pink blush forming on the bridge of her nose, mesmerized by it, he watched it spread across her elegant high cheekbones. In the privacy of her home he brushed his lips across hers, he didn’t want to let the kiss linger too long, if he did that then everything she had planned wouldn’t be done. He had some making up to do, and he had every intention of starting with this mouth, and finishing in her bed with his arms wrapped around her.

“Let’s get those bandages on” he said, needing a distraction before he lost control of himself, and this dress was not helping.

“Ok!” She pulled three colours from the bag, then turned her back to him. Several deep breaths, he started to pull her dress higher and higher. Over her knees it slid up her thighs, it was halfway when her hands clamped down over his, keeping them trapped to her hips. She totally forgot.

“What’s wrong?” That took the wind out of his sails in a hurry and it was a good thing.

“Um….I forgett-ed….this dress….um….this dress doesint….um….”

“Oh!” He breathed out, she’s still not wearing any, that’s a problem. With that revelation, there went his resolve, there was no way he would be able to keep his hands to himself now. Plan b? Do you have one? No, that’s your job! Helpful!

“We can just take the top down” he suggested, when she looked up at him over her shoulder she pressed her lips together.

“You’re not wearing one are you?” He asked, she shook her head. She’s naked under that dress! Thank you, captain obvious!

“I promise I won’t look.” It’ll kill him but he won’t look. Kenzi still hesitated, it meant exposing the scars on her back to him fully, he would see them, all of them, up close and would see her for what she is.

“Maybe I should jus change” she suggested, at least if she put pants and a shirt on he would just have to lift up the bottom of the shirt and he wouldn’t get an up close view of how ugly she really was. He wrapped his arms around her pulling her closer to him.

“No, you won’t be comfortable in pants. I’m not gonna look until you tell me I can” he replied.

He knew she didn’t want to show him her scars. She still kept them hidden for a reason, but what other choice did they have. To go without the bandages her back could spasm and that would end their night. Passing her a blanket so she wouldn’t expose anything to him, he waited until she was ready. He slid the slender straps of her dress off her shoulders. How he thought doing this with his eyes closed was better was beyond him. Her soft sensual skin was making this way more sexual than he intended it to be, the visions dancing in his head right now were not helping. After her arms were free from the straps he moved the dress lower. Her breathing had increased, she was fighting her urge to hide herself, to control herself, to not let it show. But the fear and the apprehension came off of her. The sadness and the shame swirled around her. She gasped when he brushed against her sensitive sides, and he mumbled an apology only to do it again.

Kenzi checked over her shoulder every once in a while to make sure his eyes were really closed. She knew he would have to open them to see what he was doing and she was mentally preparing herself for the disgusted gasp he would make. When she felt Adonis’s fingers lightly caress her sides, the sensation it caused tore through her forcing a gasp to escape, that was unexpected. His mumbled apology only for him to do it again. Heat started to spread through her at how delicate his touch was. His hands were big and strong, but they were always soft and gentle when he touched her. It always amazed her how good his hands felt on her body. She never understood how they could feel so amazing, even the slightest touch sent bolts of lightning through her. When he reached her hips she had to stop him, he took the dress down any farther she would be completely naked.

“Ok, that’s good, no more or I’ll be naked” she said,

“Is that supposed to stop me?” Though she heard the humour in his voice something else was laced in as well. Looking over her shoulder again his eyes were still closed but his face held a sexy smirk.

“Ok you can open your eyes” she pressed the blanket more to the front of her throwing the ends of it over her shoulders in hopes that it would cover her back. When he felt the fabric hit him, he knew what she was trying to do and his heart broke for her. Opening his eyes he looked upon her back, though the blanket was hanging there it did little to cover her like she hoped, if anything it would just interfere with what he needed to do.

“I’m sorry sweetheart, but the blankets in the way” he said,

“Ok!” She sounded defeated and he could see her body tensing up. If he looked at her face he would be able to see her cringing, waiting for the inevitable gasp in horror he would make. He gently moved the blanket to the side to expose her back to him, but instead of a gasp she heard nothing, just his steady breathing. Stealing a glance at him over her shoulder, she watched him as he took in the scars. Revealing nothing on his face. Not the anger he felt towards them, not the disgust he felt towards the ones that did this to her. She was watching him and any look of displeasure she would think was directed towards her. She was listening, any sound of disgust would just further enforce her opinion that she was nothing more than some grotesque monster. His fingers slid over a few of them, tracing their jagged edges or sharp curves. What she really wasn’t expecting was for him to bend down and brush his lips up the length of one. His lips skimmed the surface of her back, gliding up to the middle of her left shoulder blade where he placed a simple kiss on the very tip of the jagged scar. The jolt rocked through her at the contact, catching her breath in her throat.

“What colour do you want first?” He asked, still tracing and trailing, mesmerized by the scars on her back.

“P-p-pink!” She stuttered, still shocked by what he did. He bent her forward to pull her back tight, as gently as he could he laid the first piece on. She hissed and winced at the contact. How can her back still be this sore? It was fine, it has been fine and then Monday hits and it hurts. Stupid back, stupid bruise, stupid Adam, this was his fault. He should get eated by a bear!

“Blue’s going next cause I like blue” he said as he put the next colour on.

“What if I wanted green next?” She asked, whimpering trying to distract herself from what she knew was coming next.

“Too late, blues on now. Next is the hard one” He took the green piece of tape and started from her right side. He felt her tighten right up, and he didn’t like that it was still causing this much pain to her. But it also started up again when he stopped spending the night. Stupid contol issues, stupid aggression, stupid Adam, this was all that idiots fault! It was a shame he was ripped apart by a bear, Adonis would love to rip him to pieces right now.

“Shh, I know, I know. Just breathe, just breathe sweetheart, just breathe.” She was trying to, but the pain from the contact to her bruise stole her breath from her. He gathered her into his arms to ride out the remainder of the pain. She held the blanket tighter to her as she pressed into his chest. Trailing his fingers up and down her back, doing his best to soothe her, while enjoying the feel of her skin. It always amazed him how incredibly soft it was. Rubbing small slow circles trying to help her regain and control her breathing, he felt her start to relax against him.

“Now let’s get your dress back on” He said, smiling down at her. When he started lowering the dress more her eyes widened,

“Up, up! Up is the other way” she squeaked out, causing him to laugh,

“Are you sure?” He arched his brow at her

“Yes I’m sure” her cheeks grew darker.

“I kinda like the direction this is going though” her mouth dropped open.

“I think I getted this myself” she went to push his hands away only for him to tighten his hold on her.

“Oh no, I’m a great assistant” he claimed,

“No you’re not, you’re trying to make me naked.” Adonis chuckled at her as she was trying to figure out how to get her dress up while keeping the blanket pressed to her chest with his arms wrapped securely around her.

“Maybe I am, but can you really blame me” Adonis remarked,

“Yes I can, you don’t see me making you naked” Does she….? No she does not! I fucking love that mouth! Me too!

“If you want me naked sweetheart, it is not something you would have to make me do, you would just have to ask and I would happily comply” Kenzi’s head snapped up and she looked at him. Her eyes wide and he could see her trying to figure out what happened and how this conversation came about.

“That’s not what I said, that’s not what I said.” She sputtered, her face heating up as she went back over every word. “I didint say that, you heared stuff, I didint say that.”

“Maybe, you have to admit, it really does work in my favour though.” he replied, turning her back around and working her dress up under the blanket. Slipping her arms back into the straps she pulled it the rest of the way up, making sure she was covered before she took the blanket away from herself.

“See, good assistant!” When she looked over her shoulder at him again he gave her a wink. “Now what’s next?”

It took them a bit to figure out, but they had the launching contraption built, with all its sensors.

“We should test it, make sure it works.” Kenzi suggested, though she was helping, she also had to disappear every once in a while to tend to the incentive she was using to get Asmodeus to listen.

“Alright!” Adonis replied, laying a pork chop on the plate. They set it up and then he tripped one of the sensors and the plate shot up sending the pork chop hurling through the air.

“The fuck?” A very startled yelp sounded by the house. Kenzi looked wide eyed as their flying pork chop had smacked Tyler in the chest.

“I think our aim is off,” she said.

“Just a bit” Adonis agreed, nodding his head, biting back his grin as he watched Tyler devour it. Repositioning it, they launched a sausage only for one of his pack members to dash out of the woods to grab calling mine as he went.

“The fuck?” Jackson asked, as he watched more onlookers waiting for the next item to be thrown.

“Flyin food. I got hit wit a pork chop an I ain’t mad” Tyler answered,

“Huh!” Was all he could say as they watched something else get launched and another member ran out to claim it. “Well that gonna be a hit. Better believe they gonna be hopin Asmo don’t listen” He added, Tyler just nodded.

“Hey Lil Kenzi Cakes, got your gun. Wanna test it out?” Jackson asked as he moved towards them. Adonis stood slightly closer to her, Jackson could only chuckle and nod his head. He got it, she was trapped to the car and the only way for her to be released was for him to put his hands on her. Not something that was done to another wolf’s mate. Adonis was now feeling slightly possessive over her.

“Yeah, I got a whole bag of potatoes.” she said, taking the gun when he handed it to her. It was bigger than she thought it was going to be and a little more awkward than she was anticipating. They all had to bite back their laughter when they saw her holding it. It might as well have been a rocket launcher in her tiny little hands.

“Put it on yur shoulder,” Jackson instructed. Listening, Kenzi placed the cannon on her shoulder and she stumbled a bit.

“$50 say her get knock on her ass” Jackson mumbled, Tyler nodded covering his grin. Adonis stood closer to her; this was going to be interesting. Jackson loaded the gun, added the propellant and then ignited. BANG!!

….eeeeeek…. The squeal left her lips as the recoil took her off her feet. Jackson had the gun while Adonis caught a wide eyed Kenzi before she hit the ground.

“Are you ok sweetheart?” He asked, trying not to laugh.

“Holy butter! That was so fast.” She exclaimed, doing her best to hide the burst of pain that surged through her. She was going to be feeling that one.

“You ok?” Jackson asked, sharing a look with Adonis, they both saw the tension entering her body, they saw her fighting the spasms.

“Is. It. Pose. To go. That. Fast?” She asked, biting back the small bursts of pain she was feeling. She was concerned Asmodeus wouldn’t be able to save the suits in time.

“Yeah, how bout Tyler an I take care of this?” Jackson said,

“Yeah, that might be a good idea, I’ll end up on my bottom again” She said.

“You owe me $50” Jackson held out his hand to his brother who fished the money out of his wallet.

“$50 say Asmo throws a tantrum,” Tyler replied as he slipped the red bill into his hand. Jackson started laughing but nodded his head.

Adonis had called Elijah to Kenzi’s house a few hours later. He tried to convince her to have a nap, but she was still preparing food and didn’t have time for one. She was moving a little slower in the kitchen than normal. She didn’t want to admit that being knocked back by the potato gun jostled her around and she hurt her back, but her limited movements didn’t go unnoticed.

“Sweetheart?” Adonis called her, when she looked at him, she could see the concern on his face.

“Are you ok?” He repeated his question from earlier. He felt her back spasming when he caught her.

“Um….no I don’t think so,” she replied as she bit back a wave of pain. He stood up from her table and took her in his arms.

“Ok, where does it hurt?” He asked, though he was concerned about the pain she was feeling. The thought of getting to play doctor with her filled him with a sense of anticipation. She pointed to her lower back and when he brushed it with his hand, she released a small whimper and clung tighter to his shirt.

“You might have to take a muscle relaxant, for this” He pulled his hand back, she hurt herself worse than he thought.

“No, they make me sleepy. Can’t you use wolfie magic and poof the pain away like you did last tine” What? Wolfie magic? She wants us to poof the pain away with wolfie magic! Well start poofing magic boy!

“Sweetheart, it’s going to hurt if I touch it. You whimpered and I barely came in contact with it.” He told her. He felt her breathing increase, and her body tense. The harder her breath came the more pain shot through her body. How was she going to help Elijah if she was out cold?

“Shhh, shhh, it’s ok sweetheart, shhh. We can try with wolfie magic, but if that doesn’t work, then you have to take one. Alright?” She looked up at him, she didn’t want to agree but reluctantly nodded her head. If they didn’t do something she wouldn’t be able to help him anyway.

He moved her over to the couch and had her sit in his lap straddling his waist. Keep focused on her back and not her pantyless bottom! He told himself.

“Ok sweetheart, hold tight to me.” She nodded her head and wrapped her arms around him. Starting at the top of her back he slowly worked his hands down, the closer he got to the pain, the more she tensed. “I’m sorry sweetheart!” He whispered in her ear. His hand slid over the small of her back, she squeezed tight around his neck and buried her face into his shoulder using it to muffle her painlaced scream. Each movement of his hand as he worked small circles around her back had her whimpering and gripping tighter to him. His shirt was dampening as the tears fell from her tightly closed eyes. You know what you need to do! That will be excruciating! The pain is deep! FUCK! He needed to touch the skin of her back. Wrapping one of his arms around her shoulders and his other around her waist he held her closer than she thought possible, crushing her to him. She was going to push back and he couldn’t allow her to do that.

“I’m so sorry sweetheart, but I need contact with your skin.” She hesitated for a moment, but when a bolt of pain shot through her after she shifted she nodded her head. Moving his hand to the bottom of her dress he slipped it under the material. Don’t touch anything that is not her back. If you do, don’t linger on anything that is not her back! His fingers brushed her thighs, her breath caught. They grazed over her hip and she shivered. The caress of the curve of her backside had him closing his eyes and holding his breath. When he finally reached his destination of her lower back he pressed into it. ….ahhHHHhhhhh…. Her body went rigid and she pushed away, squirming to get out of his grasp and away from the pain he was inflicting, each movement sending more shock waves through her. The tears really fell, and she trembled against him. He dropped his head into the crook of her neck whispering to her, getting her to focus on him and the words he was saying and not what she was feeling. At the moment all she was doing was feeling, pain swirled around her through her, and she just wanted it to stop. He didn’t stop, he pressed more. She hit his shoulders and pushed harder to get away, he just held her tighter. Telling her he was sorry, listening to her beg him to make it stop.

“Hold tighter sweetheart, hold tighter to me don’t let go” She collapsed against him, pressed flush to his body and held him tight, squeezing with everything she had. Thirty minutes had passed when he finally heard her breathe a small sigh of relief. Thirty minutes and her body relaxed against his, she didn’t let go, she squeezed tighter when she felt herself slipping.

“Don’t let go, don’t let me go” she begged when she felt his arms loosen around her.

“Never, I will never let you go” he continued the small circles on her back till he felt all the tension release, but he still never let her go, he held her tighter to him. They sat like that for an additional thirty minutes before reality came screaming back to him. She has no panties on. She was straddling his lap and had no panties on. His hand was on her skin above her bottom, straddling his lap and she had no panties on. His control was faltering, as he slid his hand from her bare skin. He was supposed to be helping, not taking advantage.

“Thank you!” She whispered, still clutching tight to him.

“You can use my wolfie magic anytime” He whispered back.

Elijah was standing in Kenzi’s yard looking at the contraption they had made. He wasn’t sure what it was. Jackson and Tyler would only laugh when he asked about it. He wasn’t sure why a small group of werewolves had formed on the lawn. They just said they were needed and he wasn’t sure what any of this had to do with him.

“Don’t touch it Elijah” Adonis spoke from the front porch. A sly smile was on his face when Elijah looked at him.

“What is going on?” He asked, turning his attention back to the device trying his best to ignore the laughter coming from Jackson and Tyler. A table was set up and the aromas coming off of it had several of the pack members whimpering with anticipation. Adonis waited for Kenzi to join him, before he would explain anything. When she stepped out of the house she carried with her another covered dish.

“This is the last one,” she said happily.

“Then shall we?” He held out his hand, beaming brightly up at him she accepted and they walked down the stairs towards Elijah.

“What is this?” He asked again, eyeing them, the table and the device.

“It is no secret to anyone Elijah that you do not get along with Asmodeus.” Adonis started,

“That is because he doesn’t listen” Elijah was immediately on the defensive.

“Kenzi has come up with an idea that might help him listen” Adonis continued. “Food is a big thing for our kind. Kenzi’s cooking will be an incentive to get him to listen. This is a puzzle for Asmodeus to solve, but he can only solve it if he listens to you. If he doesn’t listen, they get the reward” Adonis motioned over his shoulder at the waiting pack members who started howling with anticipation. ….owooooo…. ….owooooooo…. ….owooooo…. They most certainly wanted their Luna’s cooking.

“How do you know he can be bought?” Elijah asked,

“He’s already eaten her cooking once. It is a good bet he’ll jump at the chance to do it again.” Adonis replied. “There is no need to think this over, you don’t have a choice.”


Orange glowing eyes stared back at both of them, when Adonis released the growl to call forth Asmodeus.

“Hello Asmodeus.” With a bow in his Alpha’s direction, Asmodeus stood there unsure of what was going on.

“Were you listening?” A shrug of the shoulders had Jackson and Tyler snickering. “You should have been, now I have to explain it to you” Asmodeus backed up slightly.

“Settle down” Adonis said, stopping him in his tracks. “You don’t listen, Asmodeus when Elijah talks.” This caused a huff to be released and Adonis arched his brow at him. Asmodeus averted his eyes to the ground, exposing his neck in submission.

“This feud you two have needs to stop, you are smart enough to know that you need Elijah as much as he needs you. You need to listen to him. So Kenzi has devised a plan to get you to listen.” Adonis said, this perked his attention, what could his Luna have thought of?

“Hi!” Kenzi waved from beside Adonis, and she was greeted with a bow.

“Shall we show him?” Adonis asked her and she nodded, uncovering one of the dishes to reveal a rack of BBQ’d ribs. His eyes widened and his stomach growled.

“I think he wants it” Tyler said laughing,

“This gonna be good,” Jackson replied. Kenzi placed it on the plate and set the device up.

“Do you want it?” Adonis asked him and he nodded his head. “Listen to Elijah and you can have it. Your objective is to get the food, but only Elijah knows how. Without him….” Asmodeus huffed again and walked towards the food only for it to launch into the hands of one of the waiting wolves. “That will happen, and they will get it. Would you like to try again?” Asmodeus nodded one more time and backed up and waited to see what the next dish was.

This went on for forty five minutes, Kenzi would load the plate, set the device and Asmodeus would try a different route to get it only to have it launched away from him and into the arms of whoever called it. More and more pack members had showed up and everytime Asmodeus lost his snack they would cheer. He’d huff, stomp or release a growl. ….grrrrrr…. His canines had elongated at his frustration towards this happening over and over. ….grrrrrr…. Adonis kept telling him to listen to Elijah. ….grrrrrr…. Asmodeus you need to listen to me! Shut up! But I can help you get it! Fuck you, you know nothing! This is going to keep happening if you don’t listen! Fuck you I can get it myself! Asmodeus! This is your fault! My fault, how is this my fault? It just is, I’m going to destroy all your fucking suits! Sausage, gone ….grrrrrr…. Pork chop, gone ….grrrRRRrrrr…. Chicken breast, gone ….grRrRrRRRrRrRrr…. Over and over items were launched. Asmodeus growled and snarled after each one. FUCK! I hate you! I didn’t do anything! Exactly you never do anything, you’re a useless human. I got stuck with a useless human! Sorry to disappoint you! Yeah, I’m sorry you disappointed me too. I have never disappointed you! Elijah never spoke back to him after that. What nothing to say?....That’s because you can’t deny it!….No big fancy words?....Are you not going to talk to me now?....You have to talk to me!….You are not allowed to ignore me. I will wreck all your stuff!....TALK TO ME DAMN IT!....I will make you talk to me!

They all watched as Asmodeus paced back and forth, he seemed to be in deep conversation, but wasn’t liking the outcome. ….grRrRrRrRrRrRrRrr…. The more it carried on the angrier he was becoming. ….grRrRrRrRrRrRrRrr…. When he ripped the sleeve of the suit jacket Elijah was wearing they all looked at each other. ….grRrRrRrRrRrRrRrr….

“The fuck?” Tyler asked,

“I think Elijah is ignoring him” Adonis answered,

“Why would he do that?” Kenzi asked, as they watched him rip another part of the suit. ….grRrRrRrr….

“Cause Asmo a dick!” Jackson answered ….grRrRrRrr….

“This isn’t working!” Kenzi felt defeated. ….grRrRrRrr…. She thought for sure this would work, but it seemed to be tearing them further apart.

ANSWER ME DAMN IT!....YOU HAVE TO TALK TO ME!....YOU CAN’T KEEP IGNORING ME! Another part of the suit ripped. How much did this one cost? Doesn’t matter now it’s crap!....Oh look, overpriced shoes, now their crap! They watched as Asmodeus took off one of Elijah’s shoes and ripped the sole off. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr….

“The fuck Asmo say to him?” Tyler asked,

“Nuttin good!” Jackson replied.

“You owe me $50” Tyler held out his hand. This was certainly considered a tantrum and Jackson paid up. The more Kenzi watched the more upset she became. This saddened her, what did Elijah possibly do to deserve this kind of treatment? The more upset she became the more restless the others became. Adonis pulled her into his arms, to help calm her down, this was not going to end well if she didn’t. Now you made Luna upset!....This is all your fault!....Do you see what you did?

“Don’t you rip no more of that suit!” Kenzi huffed at him, Asmodeus stopped and just stared at her. They all stared at her, except Adonis, he held her hand. She drew her strength from him, she had never spoken out against someone until the day she told her sister she sucked, and she used the strength Adonis gave her to do it.

“You’re a bad boy!” Jackson snorted and Tyler had to look away. Asmodeus widened his eyes. She just called me a bad boy! I’m not a bad boy! I’m….I’m a good boy! Elijah’s a bad boy, he’s a bad bad boy, I’m a good boy!

“He’s saying he’s not a bad boy. He’s a good boy and Elijah’s a bad boy.” Adonis said as he was fighting back the urge to laugh.

“No, Elijah is a good man and you’re being a….a….a goober” Asmodeus’s jaw dropped when she said that. A GOOBER! I’m not a goober, he’s goober. He doesn’t listen. He never listens, unless Alpha tells him to listen to me and still he doesn’t listen. He never lets me have any fun. He never lets me do anything I want to do. I wanted to jump the deck, he said no. I wanted to take people’s heads off with plates, he said no. He wears stupid suits all the time, he’s the goober. What’s a goober? Tyler and Jackson were howling with laughter. Ko and Bal were roaring with it. This had to be the funniest thing any of them had ever seen or heard.

“He says, Elijah never listens to him, unless I tell him to and still he doesn’t listen. He never lets him have any fun. The day you fed them pancakes and bacon for supper he wanted to jump the deck like Tyler did, but Elijah said no. He doesn’t like the suits and doesn’t know what a goober is” Adonis broke at the end, he cracked up laughing.

“The last tine Elijah listden-ed to you, you break-ed his leg, cause you wanted to climb a tree.” Kenzi huffed again. “I think it’s uner….unerstan-able why he doesint want to listen to you. You make bad choses. Now you’re jus being mean, cause you won’t listen to him. It’s simple, listen to him, he’ll listen to you and you might get to has more fun. I would start with sorry.” Kenzi took the cover off the last dish and all eyes widened. Sitting on the table was a 2 inch thick perfectly grilled porterhouse steak.

“Or don’t and they get to eat this. Maybe this will help you desighs” She cut off a good sized piece and offered it to him. Asmodeus greedily snatched it from her hand and shoved it in his mouth before anyone could take it away from him. She set the device one more time with the porterhouse and stood back to wait.

A series of whimpers flooded the yard, they all wanted the tantalizing steak. The aroma teasing their senses. Adonis whimpered beside her and she looked up at him.

“I want that.” Was all he could say. He wasn’t sure he would stay in place if that was launched.

“Your’s is in the fridge,” she replied. He looked down at her with a smile playing on his lips. Get one anyway! We could have two! We could have two! This ones cooked to perfection now! Odin didn’t really have to try hard to convince him to go after this steak, he wanted it. He felt his body tensing getting ready to make his move. If that goes it’s his. He wasn’t the only one getting ready to move. He could see both Tyler and Jackson getting antsy as well. Asmodeus stood in the yard staring at the device and the bite of heaven that now sat on it waiting for its demise. He wanted it, he wanted it bad. He walked back and forth looking at the machine over and over, but he couldn’t figure out how to make it not launch his food. He whimpered and whined and paced some more.

Elijah, talk to me!....Please talk to me!....Please!....I’m….I’m….I’m sorry! I’m sorry, I’m sorry!....Please talk to me! No! What do you mean no? No you won’t talk to me? No, I won’t help you! WHY? Why? Why? Are you serious right now? How about the day we met you called my name stupid. You blame me for every bad choice you make, you take credit for everything I do. You are stubborn, self absorbed, egotistical, and when things don’t go your way, you wreck my stuff. You destroy my suits, my shoes, my fucking happiness. I like my suits. They make me feel good, but you can’t have that, you can’t let me have anything good, you are selfish. You take everything from me, you call me names, degrade me and despise me for who knows what reason, but I’m sure your messed up little brain has one. You take and take and take until there is nothing left to take and then call me a disappointment. I try to help you, and you get mad at me. I don’t listen, Asmodeus, I don’t listen, neither do you so WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I? But there’s steak! You weren’t even listening! There’s steak, we get the steak and I’ll listen! No Asmodeus I will not help you, not now, not ever. I have put up with this for years, because what choice did I have? But I don’t have to put up with it anymore, I don’t want to put up with it anymore. I will be fine with no wolf, that will be better than what I have now! What? You….you….you don’t mean that, Elijah you don’t mean that! I do! YOU DON’T MEAN THAT! Yes. I. Do!

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