The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 50: Butterflies!

“Shoulda put a damn tracker on him” Jackson complained, as he and Tyler hunted the woods for their Alpha.

“Woulda help” Tyler agreed,

“That fucker could be anywhere” Jackson added,

“He be on the northside all we know” Tyler again agreed,

“That not helpin” Jackson said shaking his head. They had been searching for him since Adonis put the call through the link that he was heading to the woods the night before. The whole pack was on the lookout for him.

“Lil Kenzi Cakes din’t look to good this mornin” Tyler said changing the subject as they continued their search,

“No her din’t. The fuck her doin up at that time?” Jackson asked,

“Don’t know! Don’t think her sleepin though” Tyler replied. They had spotted Kenzi exiting her house at one thirty this morning. That didn’t sit right with either of them, she looked drained.

“Adon gotta get that girl help” Jackson replied, Tyler just nodded.

“The fuck is he?” Tyler asked a little while later as they were deeper into the woods.

“Don’t know, but I think we gettin closer” Jackson said, pulling back some brush to expose a dismembered something hidden deep in the bush.

“The fuck that?” Tyler asked, staring at it.

“Deer maybe?” Jackson could only hazard a guess, without a head it was hard to identify the mangled bloody carcass that laid before them.

“Maybe, the fuck this then?” Tyler asked as he exposed another one. Jackson stared at the next one eyes wide. Its head and spinal cord were ripped from what was left of its body.

“Elk? But I think I jus foun a grizzly,” Jackson said. Tyler didn’t really want to see, but it was Bal’s morbid curiosity that encouraged him to look at what was left. A shudder ripped through him and Bal at the gruesome sight before them. Even Jackson couldn’t fight one back as he looked at more of the scene. Odin didn’t go easy on anything he came across in the early morning hours he was loose.

“Maybe we don’t wanna fine him. What if Odin still piss?” Tyler asked, swallowing hard.

“Then we stuck in the fuckin woods wit a psychotic demonic bloodthristy hellbeast wit a serious case of shifters rage.” Jackson replied.

“That not a comfortin thought,” Tyler said, with a nod.

“Nope! ADON!” Jackson called.

Adonis slowly opened his eyes, he was lying on the hard, damp ground. His skin prickled at the earlieness of the morning. He rolled onto his back, looking up at the sun streaked morning sky, he had no idea what time it was, he had no idea where he was. But the worst feeling that settled into the pit of his stomach was he had no idea what the hell happened. He took in the look of his hands, he was coated in blood. Odin! Silence greeted him, no his wolf should be awake now. Sitting up he took in more of his appearance, blood smeared across his chest and down his legs. What the hell did he do? ODIN! Still nothing, concern growing inside of him. ODIN! What? Came his very drowsy reply. Are you ok? Groggy, the fuck she have to be up so early for? Adonis looked around him, his mate was not with them. Did he go get her last night? Did they lose her somewhere in the woods? Did he do something to her? Odin we’re in the woods. Did you go get her last night? WHAT? Did you go get her? I….I….I don’t know! ODIN! I DON’T KNOW! What do you remember? I was fucking mad. I was sedated and I was fucking mad, then I was awake and out and running and I….something needed to die! ODIN! Adonis was on his feet and running. He had to know, he had to know if she was ok. Pleading, begging, praying they did not do something to their mate last night.

After we find our mate can we go chase butterflies? WHAT? Butterflies, can we go chase butterflies? NO! But why? NO! They’re so pretty! ODIN! They have symmetrical wings! What? No Odin, we can not go chase fucking butterflies! That sucks! What the fuck? His mate could be out here somewhere and his fucking psychotic wolf wants to chase the fucking butterflies. His demonic beast from the bowels of hell wants to chase the fucking butterflies because they’re pretty. Where we going? To find our mate! Ooo she has a garden, bet she has butterflies! Are you fucking serious right now? What? She could be out here somewhere, we could have hurt her, because you woke up and something needed to die! You’re the one that sedated me! ODIN! WHAT? You are! Put your nose to work and fucking find her!


ADONIS!” Hearing his name being called over and over again he stopped and listened for the direction of the sound.

JACKSON!…..TYLER!” They might know where his mate is, they might know what he did. Please say I didn’t hurt her!





“Where it come from?” Jackson asked,

“O’er there I think” Tyler said pointing.

ADONIS!” Jackson called again,

JACKSON!” Adonis called back,

“He soun fuckin panic” Tyler remarked,

“Yeah, that prolly happen when you wake up an not know the fuck happen” Jackson agreed.

JACKSON!” With their Alpha’s voice getting louder they knew they were moving in the right direction.

ADONIS!” Tyler called him again,

TYLER!” He called back,

“There!” Tyler said as he took off running with Jackson right behind him.

“The fuck?” Jackson came to an abrupt stop when he took in the sight of his Alpha. He thought what he saw in the basement was bad. Adonis was coated head to toe, in the blood of the animals Odin mercilessly butchered.

“Kenzi? Where is Kenzi?” Adonis asked the second he saw them.

“Kenzi?” Jackson asked, then looked at his brother.

“Yes Kenzi my mate, where the fuck is she?” He barked, the feeling in the pit of his stomach that he did something to her was turning his insides.

“The bakery” Tyler answered, taking a step back from him

“The bakery, you’re sure?” Adonis asked, his breathing had increased. She might not have made it to the bakery, he might have got to her first.

“Yeah we saw her leavin this mornin at one thirty” Jackson replied,

Call her!” He demanded. Tyler pulled out his phone and not wasting any time he dialed her number and handed the phone to Adonis.

“Hello!” Came a tired little voice on the other end,

Sweetheart!” He said it a little too loudly into the phone

“Adonis? Why do you has Tyler’s phone?” She sounded utterly confused and startled by the loudness he used when he spoke to her.

“Are you ok?” He asked ignoring her question,

“Yeah?” Confusion setting even more into her tone now.

“Ok….ok….ok!” He breathed a sigh of relief. She’s ok, he didn’t hurt her.

“Are you ok?” She asked.

“I’m fine now” No, no he was not ok. He woke up not remembering anything, panicked thinking he did something to his mate, and his hellbeast wants to chase the fucking butterflies. Nope, not ok!

“Ok! Those are the tiners, I has to go” She said as the little beeps sounded through the phone.

“Ok sweetheart! I’ll see you later” He said

“Yeah, see you!” And the line disconnected. What the fuck was that? I don’t know, can we chase butterflies now? ODIN! WHAT? NO! No we can not chase the fucking butterflies!

Adonis handed the phone back to Tyler.

“You ok?” Jackson asked him,

“No, I woke up covered in blood, with no memory of what happened.” Adonis said to him,

“The fuck he sayin?” Tyler asked pointing at his head,

“He doesn’t remember either. He woke up pissed the fuck off and something needed to die.” Adonis ran his hands through his hair, but that might have been a bad idea as he looked at his blood drenched hands again.

“The fuck you member?” Tyler asked,

“I left Kenzi’s last night, and that feeling intensified and I headed towards the woods. That’s it, that’s all I can remember. Then I woke up deep in the woods and Odin asked why Kenzi had to be up so early.” Adonis replied,

“An you panic thinkin you done somein” Jackson finished for him. “You link us round 11:30 sayin you headin to the woods and that the las we hear from you. We search these woods for six hours.” Jackson added filling him in on what they knew. Adonis’s eyes widened. Six hours, he has been in these woods for six hours.

“You rip apart a deer maybe, we think an elk as well. Lil hard to tell wit no heads. An disembowel a grizzly.” Jackson added. No wonder we’re covered in blood! The fuck did you do Odin? Apparently I had a blood bath! Apparently!

“The whole pack been lookin for you,” Tyler informed him.

“Cept Xander” Jackson commented,

“Why isn’t Xander? Where is he?” Adonis asked, Jackson and Tyler dropped their heads fighting back their laughter.

“What is wrong with Xander?” Adonis asked more heatedly.

“Um….the doc been keepin an eye on him, he fine for the mos part. Otis….”

Where is Xander?” Adonis barked,

“Otis smellin the flowers at Kenzi’s” Tyler lost it, he couldn’t hold back anymore and roared with laughter.

“He’s what?” Adonis looked at him,

“Otis, been hella chill since he came outta it, an he only want to smell flowers. Guess he like em.” Jackson was trying to keep a straight face.

“He’s smelling the flowers at Kenzi’s. One of our best seekers is huffing pansies?” Adonis asked, Jackson and Tyler could only nod.

Some semblance of control over himself, Jackson went on to explain what the doctor told him.

“Guess when he shift all the aggression he was feelin was concentrated. One big ball an he release it all in one shot. Doc said he should be fine by tonight, until then he jus gonna sniff the flowers. Xander freakin the fuck out though. Thinkin that be what you did too”

“That explains the butterflies” Adonis huffed, his hell beast, his blood thirsty hell hound, feared by all is not going to want to do anything except chase fucking butterflies for a day or two. Well that’s just fucking great! Is it time to chase butterflies now? No Odin, it’s time to get cleaned up and see our mate! That’ll be fun too! Fuck me! Then we can chase butterflies! Shoot me now! They’re so pretty! Just fucking kill me!

“Butterflies?” Jackson asked,

“Nevermind” Adonis shook his head.

“Brought you some shorts. You might wanna get clean up in the lake firs. Eli not gonna let you in the house like that.” Tyler said, handing him the shorts.


Kenzi lay awake alone for the second night in a row, listening to all the sounds going on around her. Sounds she has heard numerous times, they were never threatening in the past, but now seemed monstrous to her. Buzzing cicadas were tiny demons screaming, the song from chirping crickets like the soundtrack of a horror movie. The darkness became an ominous black abyss threatening to swallow her whole. If she wasn’t thinking of all the scary thoughts, other thoughts were running through her head. Thoughts swirling in her tired mind refusing to let sleep come. Playing keep away with Mr. Sandman. This was the second night Adonis didn’t stay. Maybe she did something wrong. What did she do though? Maybe he lost interest and he was going to finish his dinners and she would never see him again. He said he would wait until she was ready, but maybe he grew tired of waiting. She wouldn’t blame him if he did. He has needs, needs other than the one to eat, needs she can’t satisfy. Needs she has no idea how to satisfy.

Kenzi turned in the bed, staring at the bedroom door. Stop waiting for him, he’s not coming! She scolded herself. Please jus go to sleep. Jus turn off, stop thinking! She begged herself to listen, pleaded, hoped, wished, but nope she laid there awake thinking. Releasing her upteenth deep sigh she got out of bed. She would distract herself with how she was going to help Elijah. Yesterday while she was trying to sleep, she started watching youtube videos about launching things. Jackson had said food was a big thing for werewolves. She could launch food. Grabbing her tablet she crawled back into her bed propping herself up against the pillows she searched how to make food launchers on youtube.

Around one she had a plan in place. She would call and place an order from the butcher. Elijah had said numerous times when she asked him that Asmodeus doesn’t listen to him. If he wants the food then he’ll have to listen. But that also got her thinking. If Asmodeus doesn’t listen to Elijah does Elijah listen to Asmodeus? She was told that Asmodeus was impulsive and reckless, but Elijah seemed to be the exact opposite, he was controlled. Maybe Elijah doesn’t listen to him? So what would make Elijah listen? Kenzi rubbed her temples, she was getting a bit of a headache, her back was hurting again and sleep was still eluding her. Maybe she would ask Tyler, he might know.

Getting out of bed again she headed for her bathroom only to pause briefly and look out her bedroom window, where Adonis’s house once stood. That was a bit of a shock to her when she got home yesterday. At least he was still staying in the area. And she still had to help Adonis find his mate. She should be focusing on that and not on proving she is the better choice. Clearly that was not working out for her, and it was being rather selfish, she wasn’t anyone’s choice. Who would want an inexperienced virgin who doesn’t even know what other stuff means? He is her friend, and she promised to help him, and she hasn’t been living up to that promise. She would start now, she would ask him at dinner tonight. Closing the door to her bathroom she started the shower.

Stepping out of her house at one thirty she descended the porch steps only to hear a noise coming from the side of her house. A flutter of fear plagued her, and she wanted to make a run for her car and call Adonis. But she needed to stand on her own feet, she needed to stop burdening him with everything that scared her. When they find his mate Kenzi didn’t think she would like it if she called all the time for him to come save her. Cautiously and as quiet as she could, she moved around to the side of her house and towards the noise. The louder it became the more her breathing increased. Her eyes darted back and forth looking, searching for anything that could jump out at her. Not sure what she would see though, she couldn’t see well in the dark. If she were a wolf she could, that’s something else that would have come in handy for her.

Kenzi was starting to think she was born into the wrong species. Slowly moving closer to her house she pressed her body against the siding and made small steps towards the corner. She would just take a peek, just a small one. Nothing would be there and she could laugh at herself for being tired and jumpy for no reason. Nothing will be there, I’m safe, it’s the woods, weird sounds happen all the tine! Stopping just before she peered around the corner, she swallowed hard and turned to press her front as tight as she could to the house. Jus a peek, nothing will be there and go to the bakery! On three. One….nothing will be there, two….it’s all in your head, three….she swallowed hard and peeked around the corner.

“What the….” she whispered, it wasn’t nothing. But it wasn’t something you see all the time. Two red glowing balls? Two red glowing balls over six feet in the air! She scrunched her face as she watched closely. Two red glowing balls over six feet in the air were playing in her flower bed.

“That’s not something you see ev-ryday,” She said. The balls stopped and looked at her. She looked back at the glowing red balls. They seemed so happy. Joyful and carefree as they danced around the flowers, enjoying them immensely.

“Hi!” She whispered, giving a small wave. The glowing balls slightly bowed towards her and then went back to playing in her flower bed.

“Ok, you has fun with that,” She told them and slowly backed away.

Kenzi was working hard in the kitchen lost in her own world of thoughts, while the music played through her headphones. Never staying too long on one topic as they jumped back and forth from everything to how she was going to help Elijah, to her vastly complicated relationship with Adonis. She was certain the food would work with Amodeus but she wasn’t so sure on what to do for Elijah. How come he doesint want to spend the night no more? Did she do something wrong? Adonis has been acting weird since Monday morning. He’s been absent, and distant. He barely touched her at all last night. A brush here or there but that was it, even the kiss he gave her was quick. Well quickish, they didn’t struggle for breath at the end of it. She screwed up, that’s all there was to it. She pushed him away with her inexperience and her hopes got too high. Serves her right trying to hold on to something that was never meant for her. She felt the tear slide down her cheek, and she fought back the rest of them. There was no use crying over a relationship that was doomed from the beginning.

Maybe the potato gun launcher she saw in one of the videos. She could tie a string around the potato and she could attach that to something and launch it. Launch it where? The lake, she could launch it into the lake. No, that might not work! The woods, no it would hit a tree. The wood eater thing Harvey uses! She could launch it into there, that would take care of it. What is she going to launch though? What does Elijah care enough about to talk to and listen to Asmodeus? He eats well, but can’t use food on both of them. Elijah’s more controlled than that. He reads, Barbra would get mad if she wrecked any books and she didn’t know which ones he liked to read. There has to be something.

….eeeeeeeek…. Her hand flew to her mouth as the pot of hot chocolate connected with Tyler’s head before it crashed to the ground, coating the floor, his feet and the bottom of the dress she wore. She stared at him wide eyed, her breathing ragged in her chest as her heart slammed against her rib cage.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Tyler! Are you ok? I didint mean to. You scare-ed me and I didint mean to. I’m so sorry. What are you doing here so early?” She asked when she found the words to speak.

“It seven!” He replied holding the side of his head, as he took in her exhausted appearance. The dark circles she held under eyes were much darker and deeper today. They weren’t dull, but there wasn’t much sparkle left in her silver orbs.

“What?” She asked, looking at him confused. How did it get to be seven already when she just got here?

“It seven. You ok Kenzi?” Tyler asked,

“How did that happen? I jus got here” She looked around the bakery kitchen, cooling racks filled with item after item waiting to be stocked onto the floor.

“When you get here Kenzi?” Tyler asked growing concerned,

“Um….I don’t know. Two….I think” She replied,

“You did all this in five hours?” He asked as he too took in the sight of the bakery kitchen. “What goin on Kenzi?” She shook her head, she didn’t want to tell him, she didn’t want to burden him with anymore than she already did.

“Don’t do that. Family help family. Now tell me what goin on in that pretty lil head.” Sitting her on one of the stools in the kitchen Tyler encouraged her to talk to him.

“I’m not f-fo….keeping my promises,” Kenzi replied after a minute of sitting there in silence. “I promis-ed to help Elijah and Asmodeus get along, but I hasn’t been doing a very good job with that. And I promis-ed to help Adonis find his mate and I really hasn’t been doing a good job with that. Breaking promises is bad juju.” She told him

“You promise to help Eli an Asmo?” Tyler asked, he wasn’t going to touch the one about Adonis. They all knew that her trying to find his mate wasn’t going to happen. She was his mate, and the sooner she knew that the better it was going to be.

“I didint make the promise to Elijah, but he’s help-ed me so much and he seems upset that he doesint get along with his wolfie.” Kenzi said,

“Yeah, ok how you gonna help him?” Tyler asked.

“Elijah says Asmodeus doesint listen to him, and Jackson said food is a big thing for werewolfies. I was thinking of launching food. I’ve been watching youtube videos on how to make one. Asmodeus would has to listen to Elijah if he wants the food.” Kenzi explained,

“That get his attention, hell, that get my attention, especially you cookin it” Tyler replied nodding. The pink blush hit her cheeks and her nose wrinkled as she looked away from him.

“But it got me thinking, if Asmodeus doesint listen to Elijah, does Elijah listen to Asmodeus? I has an idea but I don’t know how to get his atten….attent....” Kenzi looked away from him again as she stumbled over the word she just heard Tyler use.

Attention” She nodded her head, when Tyler said that.

They both sat in silence for a bit, as they thought about a way to catch Elijah’s attention.

“His suits!” Tyler finally said,

“What?” Kenzi looked at him confused,

“Eli like his suits. He never get em dirty, an can’t stand when they get wreck. Use his suits. What yur idea?” Tyler informed her. That could work.

“A potato gun!” This had Tyler looking confused. Kenzi explained to him her idea and the more she spoke the more animated she became with her hands. Tyler was grinning ear to ear. He wasn’t sure how this was going to go, but only death would keep him from bearing witness to Elijah’s suits getting launched into a wood eater if he refused to listen.

“I don’t know how to make a potato gun though” She finally said, finishing her explanation of how she was going to help. “I watch-ed some videos but it looks comp….comp….hard”

“Jackass, he know how to make one,” Tyler said, pulling out his phone.

“Do you think it’ll work?” Kenzi asked,

“Don’t know, but worth a try” Tyler placed the call to Jackson and after explaining in as little detail as he could as to why he needed a potato gun, Jackson agreed to make one, and to borrow the wood chipper from Harvey.

“He gonna do it,” Tyler said when he hung up the phone.

“Really?” Tyler nodded “Thanks Tyler.”

“I be lyin if I say I wasn’t lookin forward to it though. This gonna be funny” Tyler replied, grinning. Kenzi released a giggle as she shook her head at him.

“Demon wolfies has red eyes right?” She asked,

“Yeah, red eyes.” Tyler answered nodding,

“And grey fur?” She wondered,

“Yup, we call em shadow wolves, the colour matches the shadows to help us blend better. Why?” Tyler replied,

“Cause I think one was playing with my flowers this morning” Tyler looked at her, a bigger grin crossing his face. Oh, there was one playing with her flowers all right. Adonis was going to send Xander to the florist to replace them all when the shop opened up. He had to yell to get Otis to listen to him and give control back to Xander so he could shift back.

“Well that not somein you see everday” He said, biting back his laugh.

“That’s for sure, I was a….little shock-ed, but he seem-ed so happy, so I jus left him alone” Kenzi said, nodding her head, this did have Tyler laughing.

It was now two in the afternoon, Maggie had kicked Kenzi out of the bakery again. Though she was a little upset when Tyler told her Kenzi was there since two in the morning, her mood improved when two women showed up asking if they were hiring. When Maggie asked when they could start they informed her today. After a quick tour of the bakery, instructions on how to operate the cash, they were introduced to the baker that makes this all possible. Maggie was now happily in the back where she wanted to be and Kenzi was about to walk into the butcher shop to pick up her order. She sat in her car for a bit, just staring out the window. She was tired, but the thoughts swirling in her mind wouldn’t rest. Just had to get through this day and tomorrow her and Adonis would go to Joe’s for ladies night. She would sign him up for speed dating and he could find his mate. He would get his life back, and his happily ever after and everything would be ok. Holding onto that thought she exited her car, locking the door and closing it. Taking a step forward, she found she couldn’t move. Her eyes widened when she realized what she just did. Checking her hands and her purse over and over, she looked over her shoulder and there sitting on her seat gleaming in the sun, she spied the tips of her car keys taunting her. She had locked them in the car, and trapped her dress in the door. She was stuck.

“Aw nuts!” She huffed. This is what happens when you don’t keep promises. Bad juju! At least she had her phone, and placed the call to Frank.

“Hi Frank!” She spoke, when the line picked up.

“On the seat” She looked over her shoulder again.

“I know!” Maybe she did need a new car.

“See you in a bit” Kenzi disconnected the call, and stood there waiting for Frank. What else was she going to do? It wasn’t like she could go anywhere.

The wait wasn’t long, maybe five minutes when she saw the tow truck pull up. A familiar face stepped out of the driver’s side and he smiled at her when he saw her.

“Hello Ms. Kenzi. Lock your keys in the car?” Gage asked, trying not to laugh.

“Yup!” She replied, popping the p with a subtle sigh. She has been so good lately. She hadn’t locked her keys in the car, or the house in awhile. “I’ve been so good lately”

“I know, we’ve been concerned.” Gage stated, chuckling at another exasperated sigh she released.

“Forty five?” Kenzi asked looking at him,

“Yeah, this is forty five” he replied,

“Ok! So good lately” she repeated,

“Alright let’s get you in your car” Gage was already flipping through the keys to locate hers. When he looked back up she hadn’t moved from her spot. Confusion crossed his face. If she wanted in the car she would have to move.

“I’m stuck!” She answered the question before he could even ask it.

“You’re stuck?” He asked,

“Yup! I’m stuck!” She repeated.

“You’re stuck to the car.” He said when he looked around her and saw her dress trapped in the door. She was stuck flush to the car. “How did you do that?”

“Cars and dresses and me don’t mix” She replied,

“Um….” Gage didn’t know what to say, he didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t allowed to touch Luna. “We’ll go through the passenger door” He suggested after a bit.

“Um….I break-ed a key in the lock aboud a month ago. I didint wanna tell Frank,” Kenzi replied. They could only stare at each other. Neither one knowing what to do at that moment. She was trapped flush to her car door, and he wasn’t allowed to touch her.

“What’s going on?” Another familiar voice, when Kenzi looked up she saw a mirrored face.

“I’m stuck to the car” Kenzi replied,

“How did you get stuck to the car?” Cage asked,

“Her dress is trapped in the door, and she’s flush against it,” Gage explained.

“Just use the passenger door” Cage suggested,

“The lock is broken and she didn’t want to tell Frank. And I don’t have the tools to pop the lock out” Gage answered. Kenzi smiled at them both sheepishly.

“I understand that. He’d make her get a new car and you guys would lose your cake” Cage said laughing.

“The fuck goin on here?” Jackson’s raspy drawl broke their conversation, both men looked at him.

“Ms. Kenzi’s stuck in the car door” Gage answered,

“Stuck in the….Her stuck to the door” Jackson said, as he looked behind her. “The fuck you pull that off Lil Kenzi Cakes?” He added laughing,

“I’m fricken talent-ted” She replied in exasperation, throwing her hands up in the air for emphasis. Mouths dropped and eyes widened at her outburst.

“No!” Was all Jackson could say.

“No?” She repeated,

“No!” He repeated, Kenzi looked at the other two men who just shook their heads at her.

“Nuts!” Her shoulders slumping, head dropping. Why can’t she say bad words? No one ever tells her, they just look shocked then tell her no.

“That better!” Jackson said, nodding.

“Can’t go through the passenger door either. The locks broken” Gage informed him, hiding his chuckle at her expression.

“The lock broken? Course the lock broken. So the only way to get her out the car ....” Jackson started to say,

“Yeah!” Gage replied, nodding his head, not letting him finish what he was about to say.

“Ok, gimme the keys,” Jackson held out his hand and Gage placed them in it. “The fuck Frank gotta key to yur car?” Jackson asked as he held up the key with a K on it.

“She’s done this forty five times, if she gets to fifty she owes us a cake.” Gage replied for her. Kenzi could only smile brightly at him.

“You lock yur keys in the car forty five times?” Jackson asked her,

“It’s not my fault….not all of it anyway. You get out of the car and you lock the door, it’s jus what you do. Sometines my keys are still in the car when I close the door.” She said looking up at him. “Happens to ev-rybody!” She added, with a slight nod.

“Not forty five times Kenzi” Jackson said, fighting to hold back his laugh.

“Well good for them, I would like the car to stop eating me please” She replied.

“Yeah ok, how far over can you move?” She shifted slightly, and he nodded. “Bout that far, ok. Well, we bout to get a lil more familiar wit each other.” Jackson said. “Not a word of this to Alpha,” Jackson said low enough for only Cage and Gage to hear.

“Yes Beta!” They replied equally low with a slight bow. Jackson approached the car and Kenzi moved as far over as she could, which wasn’t that far. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. A low guttural growl sounded behind him, before he had the chance to do anything. The sound rolled around them, angry and menacing Kenzi’s eyes widened as she stared up into Jackson’s. Hands out to the side, Jackson bowed his head. Gage and Cage’s heads were already down, bowing in submission, to the presence of their Alpha.

“The fuck is going on?” Adonis’s voice sounded low, gravelly and held an edge to it, as he stood behind Jackson.

“Her stuck to the car” Jackson replied, the hair on his neck prickling at the dominance he felt. He slowly stepped back and away from Kenzi so Adonis could take in the scene fully before he rolled some heads.

Adonis was not having a good day. He woke up naked and covered in blood in the woods. Panicked when he thought he lost his mate out there somewhere it was worse when he thought he did something to her. He realized later that was stupid, if he did, the blood that covered his body would have been the same dark colour as his. His hellbeast would not stop harassing him about chasing butterflies. It got so bad that he put a block up just so he didn’t have to hear it anymore. His mate has not been herself the last few nights, she has been distracted and she looks exhausted, but didn’t really talk about why when he asked her last night at dinner. And when he stopped by the bakery to see her, Tyler told him Maggie sent her home. So imagine his surprise when he saw her standing next to her car outside the butcher shop with Jackson and two other pack members. When he saw Jackson approach her, he didn’t care about the line Jackson called, his blood boiled and Adonis wanted his head. That was his mate and no one else was going to touch her but him. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. The growl he produced had all of them bowing and tensing up at his presence.

“The fuck is going on?” He growled, his dominance taking over the whole area.

“Her stuck to the car” Adonis watched as Jackson slowly and cautiously backed away from her, so he could see what was going on. Sure enough the back of his mate’s dress was caught in the driver’s door of her car and she was stuck flush to it. His expression softened, when he watched her advert her eyes to the ground and her chest heave an unsteady breath.

“Leave!” He ordered his men as he took the keys from Jackson.

Kenzi watched as they all bowed more towards him and without saying a word left the area, and she was alone with him, trapped to her car. She wished she could leave too. The displeased look she saw on his face said he wasn’t in a very good mood.

“Hello sweetheart!” Adonis softened his voice when he spoke to her. Trying to calm her down, her anxiety had spiked, feeling his angry presence and he didn’t want her to be afraid of him.

“Hello!” She peered up at him through her thick eyelashes, but didn’t fully make eye contact.

“How did you get trapped in your car?” He asked.

“It’s eating my dress,” she replied, still not looking up at him.

“I thought you, dresses and cars were not a good combination?” He lifted her chin so she would actually look at him. Her silver orbs swirled with a mixture of emotions. They weren’t as bright as they have been known to be and he could see the exhaustion written across her face.

“My back was hurting a….little bit. And you said don’t wear pants if it’s doing that.” She answered,

“How long has your back been hurting?” Adonis asked, he stepped a little closer to her, he didn’t miss the sudden spike in her anxiety, or the panic that flashed through her eyes as he took in more of her features. She was also fighting to keep it all controlled and to push it all down, so she wouldn’t let it show.

“Monday night.” Her eyes would dart to his then she would look away from him. “Are you going to let me out of the car?”

“In time. Right now you are trapped, and therefore you have to answer my questions.” He arched his brow at her slightly,

“Ques-tions?” She asked.

“You haven’t been very forthcoming.” Kenzi looked at him, confusion crossing her face. She didn’t know what that meant. “You haven’t really been answering my questions,” he restated.

Kenzi still didn’t understand what he was saying to her. She answered his questions. He asked something and she would answer it.

“I didint lie” She said looking up at him

“No you didn’t, but when I ask if you’re ok, you say you’re fine and a little tired.” He said to her,

“But I am fine. It’s jus….I’m jus a….little tired, that’s all. It’s f….it’s o….” She didn’t know what to say to him. It wasn’t like she could tell him that she hasn’t been sleeping because he won’t sleep with her. That would make him feel guilty, and obligated to do it and she didn’t want that. She wanted him there because he wanted to be there not because she needed a teddy bear….wolfie. He obviously didn’t want to be there, and she wouldn’t trap him like that. She’s slept by herself….sort of….for years, she would find a way to do it again.

“A little tired? Sweetheart, you look exhausted, have you not been sleeping? When was the last time you slept?” He asked,

“Sunday night!” She dropped her eyes to the ground when she saw something flash through his.

Adonis stared at her, he couldn’t help the disappointment at himself he felt. Sunday night was the last night he spent in her bed. She hasn’t been able to sleep, because he hasn’t been there to help her feel safe. And she would never say anything, because she would think she was burdening him if she did. His mate needed him and he’s a fucking asshole. We probably would have also ripped her to pieces. Can we go chase the butterflies now? We can bring our mate, she might like it! Fuck off Odin! I just want to chase the fucking butterflies, is that too much to fucking ask? How would you like it, if you were stuck in someone’s head and they only let you out when they decided you could come out? You sit there and watch them do whatever the fuck they want, whenever the fuck they want and know you can’t! Adonis had nothing to say to that, he had to admit that would suck. I just want to chase the butterflies! He could hear Odin getting mad, but the strange thing was he couldn’t feel his anger. I will give you twenty minutes to chase the butterflies! Really? Really, and no one better fucking be around. Then I don’t want to hear you bring it up again! Yeah….no I won’t bring it up again….YAY!

“That is not the only thing going on is it?” Adonis asked, her posture was a mixture of tension, apprehension, and something else he couldn’t place. She pressed her lips together, she didn’t want to tell him.

“I am not going to let you out until you tell me” He informed her,

“You can’t keep me trap-ped in my car. That’s not….al-all….no…. That’s a no….at least I’m….pretty sure that’s a no.” She said back to him.

“That’s true, but I don’t have to let you out either. You could always rip the bottom half of your dress, then you would be free.” When her eyes shot open, she looked down at herself then back up at him.

“You can’t.” Stepping closer to her, he let his hand trail lightly over her hip and when he didn’t feel the seams of her panties a wickedly sinful smile played on his lips. “You’re not wearing any.” Now he was really glad he interrupted Jackson from freeing her from the car. He moved even closer to her, they were inches apart and the heat from his body radiated around her. His masculine scent filled her and she had to resist the urge to cuddle into his chest and breathe him all in. He is not hers, she made him a promise. Someone is waiting for him to find them and she promised to help him. Her hands had to stay off. Instead of placing them where she wanted to she put them behind her back and leaned back against them. It didn’t put much distance between them, maybe an inch but it was something.

Adonis placed his hands on either side of her caging her to the driver’s door. He was not going to move until she spoke to him, she had no escape, no other options of getting out of her car. He was her only hope for freedom. Her eyes pleaded with him to just let her out, but when he shook his head, her body slumped further against the car. What choice did she have? She was stuck to her car, and he was the only one who could rescue her.

“I’m not keeping my promises” Kenzi finally whispered after one more look around.

“How are you not keeping your promises?” Adonis asked,

“I promis-ed to help Elijah get along with Asmodeus. He’s sad cause they don’t get along” She said,

“You promised Elijah?” Adonis didn’t remember her making a promise to Eijah about that.

“Not to his face. But he’s help-ed me, I want-ed to help him,” she explained.

“How were you planning on helping him?” Adonis asked. Once more Kenzi explained her idea of using a food launcher.

“You are going to throw food at him?”

“Yes….no. It’s going to be like a puzzle that only Elijah can solve, he’s smart. If Asmodeus doesint listen, then the food gets throw-ed.”

“That’s why we are standing in front of the butcher shop?” He asked. Someone else is pretty smart! Odin cooed in his head.

“I place-ed an order this morning, Tom should has it ready by now,” she replied nodding.

“Asmodeus can be pretty stubborn” Adonis informed her,

“I’ll give him samples. Jackson and Tyler like samples. And so do Ko and Bal. Maybe Asmodeus likes samples too.” She has really thought about this! She’s spent a lot of time awake the last few days! That’s your fault! I was going to say the same thing about you! I like samples! No, Odin! Wonder what she ordered! No, Odin!

“I can’t say I don’t want to see this. What about Elijah?” Adonis asked, he knew Elijah doesn’t listen to Asmodeus either.

“A potato gun!” His eyes grew wide. Was his little mate planning on shooting Elijah?

“You’re going to shoot him with a potato gun?” I want to see that!

“His suits!” He furrowed his brows, and tilted his head to the side, this needed more explanation.

“You’re going to shoot his suits with a potato gun?” Now I really want to see that!

“Um….Jackson’s going to borrow the wood….chi….chir….eater thingy from Harvey.” His eyes widened when he started connecting the pieces of what she was planning.

“You are going to use the potato gun to shoot his suits into the wood eater thingy?” He asked, a small smile playing on his lips. Now I really, really want to see that! Me too! “Well that will definitely get his attention,” he added when he saw her nod.

“What other promise are you not keeping?” Adonis asked,

“Your mate!” She replied after she heaved a deep sigh and looked away.

“Hhmm!” Was all he said as he looked down at her. He closed the remaining distance between them, pressing his body against hers, he gave her no choice but to look up at him. He held her chin in one of his hands. The quest to find his mate took a slight derailment with everything that has happened in the last few days, but there was still time.

“Things have happened that have been beyond our control. We still have plenty of time to find her. And with the new help I see that you have acquired in the bakery, you will have plenty of time to help me. Starting tomorrow.” Kenzi was about to protest when he cut her off saying

“You are in desperate need of a new car. One that you can not lock your keys in or yourself too. I am pretty sure they have girls in the city, and we can start our search there” Her eyes widened as she stared up at him.

“I have missed you the last few nights. So tonight is just about me and you. No one else.” Kenzi just continued to stare at him, she didn’t know what to say. He wrapped his arms around her holding her tightly to his chest. The fabric of her dress clinging more to her curves, beautifully outlining the lower half of her body. He couldn’t help but steal a small peek, and a hunger awoke in him at what he saw. Bless not wearing panties.

“Y- yo-you’re going to rip my dress” She stumbled over her words at the contact.

“That would be a real shame” Slipping the hands she still kept behind her back into his, he entwined their fingers and pressed more into her. “If I don’t hold you closer to me, then I can’t unlock your car. Your uncanny talent of sticking yourself to it, has placed a very sexy and tempting obstacle in the way.” He lightly ran his fingers over her backside and not expecting the movement she jumped forward pressing harder into him. The fabric pulled tighter and tighter around her. He held her like that for a bit, the thin material doing nothing to barrier him from feeling all of her against him. He dropped his head to the crook of her neck inhaling her luscious scent.

Kenzi clutched his hand tighter when she felt the light trail his lips were making across her neck, sparks, tingles and jolts of electricity coursed through her body. A gasp escaped her, when his fingers brushed against her backside again. He knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help himself. He was forced to stay away from her, for fear of hurting her, right now he doesn’t have to and all he wants to do is touch her. But they were too out in the open and he wasn’t ready to expose them yet. The time was coming and he would show this town full of stupid fucking people just how bad they screwed up. Kenzi might not have a clue who he was, but it was a pretty good guarantee the town did. He caught the looks some of the folks had given him, they recognized him all right. The Mayor knew exactly who he was, and he was going to enjoy watching their faces when they saw who she was to him. If he couldn’t crush them as a werewolf, he would do it as a highly powerful, influential business man. A cutthroat business man who now owns the town. Alpha Malone signed it over to him today. Aside from finding out his mate is pantyless, that was the only other good thing that happened today.

“My little tiny dancer. I am so sorry for the way I have been acting the last few days.” He brought her hand from behind her back to his lips. He brushed feathery kisses upon the back of it and down to the edge of her cuff. He wanted to remove them, bury them, hide them, destroy them, he didn’t want her to hide any part of her, but it was something she was not ready for. She reopened old wounds and they were still raw. In time! He thought, in time she would look upon herself with the same beauty he does. In time she will see herself the way he does. Time, everything just needs time! His behaviour had caused the doubt he knew she was feeling. Caused the sleepless, restless nights she was facing. Tonight would be different, nothing was going to keep him from her bed.

“It’s ok!” She said to him, she was trying not to feel it, trying to stomp it down, but as soon as he wrapped his arms around her, she felt the pull to be nestled against his chest. Kenzi didn’t want to fight it, she cuddled up in his arms, to the safety and warmth. Let it flood her, surround her and happily let it pull her under. He heard her contented little sigh, as he held her tighter, offering protection against the outside world. “You can make it up to me,” she added.

“Intriguing, how can I do that?” He asked, his interest highly piqued,

“You can make the car stop eating me now” His deep chuckle brought a smile to her face. This was her Adonis, this was the man that stole her heart. She had no idea who the other guy was, but this one was hers.

“Alright sweetheart.” He moved her closer to him and further from the door. She squeaked when he pinched her bottom, her cheeks turning red. “Sorry!” He said only to do it again and again.

“I don’t think you’re sorry at all,” she accused him.

“You’re right I’m not. I can’t help it. It’s asking for me to do it.” he replied.

“Maybe stop listening,” she replied, only to be greeted by another deep hearty chuckle.

“Sorry sweetheart, but I will never not listen, it is far too tempting, and I am a weak man.” Adonis pinched her bottom again and again she squeaked and moved more against him.

“Toughen up!” One more deep chuckle, and he slid the key into the lock, turned and opened the door. Her dress released and she collided with his chest. His arms immediately around her to keep her stable he held her impossible tight against him. This was where she belonged, and this was where he would keep her.

“There is something I need to do right now, but I will see you in half an hour. Alright?” Adonis was running his hands up and down her back. Kenzi mumbled something into his chest as she relaxed against him.

“What is that?” He asked as he stopped his movements.

“Don’t stop!” She whimpered,

“Aww sweetheart, I have to. But I promise tonight, these hands are all yours.” Adonis felt the shiver rip through her at that. “Half an hour to forty minutes, I will see you.” She nodded her head, and he placed a gentle kiss on her and let her go. Thirty minutes should give Odin more than enough time to chase all the fucking butterflies he wants!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.