The Alpha Bond

Chapter 3

Dear readers,

Yay, we are on the third chapter! First of all, thank you to all my readers. I really appreciate you taking out time to read my book. I would love to know your views of my story, so feel free to comment and review, polite ones though please.

So, how do you like the story till now?

Also, this chapter is dedicated to a @RoseTheWerewolf for suggesting the name Aaron. Thank you so much for that!




And then I saw him.

We saw Chief Curzon and Luna Elisa walk towards us, and I gracefully smiled. Then I saw him.

With them was one of the hottest guys I had ever seen. He was so tall and well built. His sexy messy brown hair was the same colour as his brown eyes, which I could stare in all day long. His pink lips looked so good on his pale skin. God, he was so hot.

It took all it had in me to not just go up to him and kiss him. I smiled gracefully and bowed at the guests.

“Princess Celina, wishing you a very happy anniversary! It’s a pleasure to be here on this joyful occasion.” Luna Elisa and Chief Curzon said together.

“The pleasure is all mine.” Celina said.

“This is our son, Aaron. I believe you are meeting him for the first time.” Chief Curzon introduced him.

That’s when I realised that, it was Aaron; my once upon a time best friend Aaron. Wow! He had a glow up. I mean, when did he grow so big, and well hot. I guess it was a very long time since I last saw him.

I looked at him to find his beautiful eyes locked into mine, as I felt a shiver through my spine. My wolf was already excited since I first saw him, but right now, she’s going crazy.

He looked away from me over to Celina and bowed. He then shook hands with her and backed up.

“Aaron, this is my beta, Eliot, and his mate Vanessa. And this is my sister Amara, as you probably remember.” Cyrus said.

He shook Eliot’s hand, and then Vanessa’s and finally mine. As soon as he touched my hand, I felt the world melt away, and my whole body tingled. Our eyes locked at each other’s, and we just smiled. My wolf kept shouting mine.

I mourned the lack of his touch when I had to let go a few moments later. Then it struck me. I had found my mate! I was so engrossed in the way he made me feel that I didn’t even realise that.

“Now I know you must be tired after the long journey. Amara will escort you to your rooms, so you can get some rest and freshen up. The breakfast starts in two hours, and the dining room is right down the hall. If you need any help, feel free to mind-link any one of us.” Celina said.

I nodded to Celina and led the Curzons up the staircase. I stopped in front of a room.

“Chief Curzon and Luna Elisa, this is your room. Aaron’s room is the one opposite to yours. I hope your rooms are comfortable. If you need anything, please do mind-link me.” I said politely.

I saw the Alpha and Luna disappear into their room and turned around to see Aaron standing there.

“Do you feel it too?” he asked, looking directly into my eyes as his fingers glazed mine.

I nodded.

“Well, that means that…” he said softly.

“..that you’re my mate.” I finished.

Our eyes were still locked into each other’s when he slowly leaned in. My eyes shut as I felt his warmth radiating to me. His soft lips touched mine and grew deeper into me.

I felt his hands tangle in my hair as mine went up his neck. He pushed me towards the wall and kissed me with passion. We stopped few minutes later when we were both out of breath.

Wow! That felt amazing. I had been waiting for this moment since so long, and now I can’t believe he’s my mate. He is perfect. I know him, and he’s an amazing person; just what I wanted.

I smiled as I looked at him. He smiled back at me.

“Umm, I should probably go now. The others are waiting for me.” I said, immediately regretting it.

He nodded, and I forced myself down the stairs to V’s room and knocked the door. I heard a ‘come in’ before I went inside and found C and V sitting and talking.

“Where were you? We were waiting for you for so long.” V said as I walked towards them and sat down.

“Umm…. Well… I found my mate.” I said quickly.

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