The Alpha Bond

Chapter 28



All the best!

I woke up early the next day to prepare for my journey tomorrow. I have been waiting for this day for so long, and now it’s finally here. I can finally do what I came to do here and go back to my parents. I’m nervous and excited and scared and curious.

I took a small bag and put a few pairs of clothes, protein bars, a picture of my mom and dad, a medical kit, and a water bottle. Persephone and did some enchantments so that my food and water don’t run out. The day passed quickly as a blur. All I did was pack, train a little bit, and then rest. Before sleeping, I read my family’s letter once more and kept it in my pocket.

The next morning finally arrived. I got dressed quickly in grey leggings, a white sports bra, and a plain white t-shirt over it. I also tied a checked shirt around my waist. I put my small pocket knife in my pocket and took my bag. I headed downstairs and was immediately greeted by Persephone and a sweet smell of pancakes.

“Hi, Cyra! The day is finally here; I can’t believe you will be leaving today,” she said.

“Well, I’m finally going to do what I was meant to.”

“I’m going to miss you. This place will be lonely again without you.” She gave me a sad smile.

“I’ll miss you too, so much!”

“Now eat your breakfast quickly, Hades is waiting for you at the front door.”

I nodded and did as she said. She hugged me before letting me go. I then went to the front door of the palace and found Hades and Damon waiting for me there.

“Cyra, are you ready to leave?” Hades asked and I nodded.

We sat in his car-like vehicle and took off.

“So, I’ll drop you till the shadow valley because that’s how far I can go without getting detected. After that, you’ll be on your own. Oh, and I wanted you to have this. It’s another hell bracelet, just in case something happens to the first one. Also, this is a Titus key. You’ll need it at the end of your journey.” He said handing me another bracelet and a key.

I put it in my bag. We sat quietly till we came to our destination.

“All the best! Come back with the potion.” Hades gave us one smile before leaving us.

“So, you ready earthling?” Damon asked.

“As ready as I’ll ever be, Hellion,” I responded.

“You know, I have a name,” He glared.

“And so do I,” I rolled my eyes.

“Anyways, we need to cross the shadows valley and it’s quite easy if we are undetected. It’s big though so we’ll stop in the middle near the shadow caves. I have done this a few times so just follow my lead.” He said and I nodded.

We started walking through the forest. It was abandoned and quiet.

“So, have you done a lot of missions for Hades?” I asked.

“Been doing them for as long as I can remember. But this is finally my last one,” he said.

“That long? How old are you?”

“Time in hell works differently but according to human time, I guess I’d be around 18.”

“What are you?” I asked.

“That’s enough about me. How old are you?” he said.

I wonder why he didn’t answer that.

“16,” I answered.

“You don’t have your full alpha power then?” he stopped and looked at me.

“Hades did inject me with something to speed up the maturing of my wolf. He said that by now I’ll have all the powers I need.”

“But you still won’t have all your abilities like f…” he stopped the middle sentence. We heard some footsteps nearby.

“Someone’s here, we’ve got to hide.” He whispered.

He ran quietly towards a big rock sort of thing and I followed. The footsteps were coming closer and closer.

“They are coming this way, they’ll see us,” I whispered.

Damon turned and pressed a button sort of thing and a small entrance opened.

“C’mon, get inside.” He whispered and motioned for me to go in.

The entrance was really small and I had to crouch to fit in. I crawled forward, and it felt like I was crawling through a vent, one made up of stone. I felt Damon come in and the entrance closed. It was dark now.

“Ouch!” I whisper gasped. “You are on my foot and you weigh a ton!”

“You can speak normally now, they can’t hear us. And yes, I do weigh a ton; a ton of pure muscle.” He snickered.

“Well, you can take your pure muscles, and fuck them for all I care, just get them off me!” I shouted back.

He laughed but got off me, thankfully. He did weigh a ton.

“Now earthling, move forward. This is a shortcut that will take us directly to the caves. That is, unless, you’re scared of the dark.”

I rolled my eyes but said nothing and moved forward. After a few minutes of crawling and passing rude comments to each other, we made it to the cave.

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