The Alpha Bond

Chapter 27



One, two, three, begin!

“I want you to retrieve something from the darkest parts of hell. This something is very special, and it won’t be easy to retrieve. Even getting there won’t be easy. These parts of hell are not under my control. I’ll take you as far as I can, and then you’ll be on your own, well you and Damon. On the way, you’ll meet various creatures, and to pass through their territories, you’ll need to either persuade or fight.” Hades explained.

“What is this ‘something’ that I have to retrieve?” I ask.

“It’s a potion. That’s all I can tell you about it.”

“How will I know when I find the potion?”

“Trust me, you’ll just know. After you get it, pour one drop, and not a drop more, on the ground and repeat my name thrice. It’ll teleport you to me.”

“Why can’t you do this yourself?”

“You’ll find out eventually. Also, remember Cyra, you must not turn to your wolf unless it’s an emergency.”

“Why? I’m stronger in my wolf form, and will be able to fight better.” I raised an eye brow.

“Wolves don’t usually come to hell, and an alive werewolf in hell is almost unheard of. If anyone finds out that you are in hell, they will try to capture you and take advantage of your powers.”

I nodded. He then took out a piece of paper from one of his drawers and handed it to me.

“This is a map of where you need to go. The blue dot is your current location, and the red rot is your destination. The black lines show the path. Study it today so you’re prepared for everything.”

“So like, your version of gps.”

“Yes it is. Now, do you want to fight, since it’s your last day for training?”

“Hell yes!” I replied and we walked down the hall to the training room.

I opened the door and smelt a new scent here. This new smell reminded me of forests back at home. I looked around the room to find the familiar violet eyes.

“Damon, since you’re already here, why don’t you two fight? Get to know each other’s strengths and weaknesses to back each other up later.”

“I thought you did not want blood before the mission,” he stated cockily.

“Oh come on, you not afraid of being beaten by an earthling, are you?” I smirked.

“Well, game on then,” he returned my smirk.

I took off my shirt so that now I was in a tank top and leggings. I entered the ring and he did the same.

“Just so we are clear, no magic, no powers and no shifting. When I say stop, both of you stop. Are you both ready? One, two, three, begin!” Hades stated.

With that, I jumped on him, extending my claws and scratching his cheek. He did not expect me to do that and was taken back a little but came back quickly. He showed an attack for my arm but grabbed my legs and made me fall. He was about to punch me when I head-butted him. He was taken aback and I stood and kicked him. Just as I was about to punch him, he duck and held my arm. I twisted his arm and kicked his stomach.

We continued to fight each for quite some time. None of us was backing out. We had equal strength and technique and could not end this fight.

“Okay stop, this is boring and very anti-climactic.” Hades said and we both stopped panting. Both of us we bruised and had some cuts but mine would heal by tomorrow due to my alpha blood.

“Not bad, earthling” Damon said shaking my hand.

-I smiled, a genuine one this time.

“You’re not too bad yourself, Mr. hellion” I said and he snickered.

“Your moves were still too predictable. You should work on that,” he stated resuming his annoying self.

“Says the guy who couldn’t block 75% of my moves,” I snorted.

“I was just going easy on you,” he smirked.

“Sure, whatever floats your boat,” I returned his smirk with the same intensity.

“Okay calm down Cassandra and Alexander! It’s dinner time now,” Hades said.

“What does that even mean?” Me and Damon asked together.

“Oh, just an old hell joke.” He looked and us with our confused expression. “Never mind genzeez,” he whispered, mostly to himself as he walked out.

We followed him the dining room.

“Oh, you all are here! Dinner’s almost ready, just give me two minutes. Gosh, why are you both so bruised?” Persephone exclaimed.

“Oh they were just training,” Hades answered.

“You made them fight against each other?” She raised a brow. “Hades…”

“Persephone….” he mimicked her.

“It’s okay we’ll heal. It’s not like we’re dead; not that you’d care,” Damon said, whispering the last part.

“Damon!” Hades snapped and Persephone looked at him with sad eyes.

“Sorry,” he mumbled.

That was….that. After that, we all sat in silence and enjoyed the delicious food. Then, I went up to my room and slept. Today was tiring.


They are going to begin their mission tomorrow! Oh I can't wait! What do you think of Damon by the way? Well, get ready for some real cuteness ahead. I love these next few chapter and hope you will too.

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The one and only,

RGXD<3 *dramatically bows*

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