The Alpha Bond

Chapter 22

I know, I know I'm very late but I've been extremely busy lately packed with competitions, exams and assembly. I'm sorry for that. I don't know for sure when I'll update next but I'll try my best to do it as soon as possible.

BTW, CHANDRAYAN 3 WAS A SUCCESS! YAAAAYYYY! We have finally touched the south pole of the moon and I'm so proud of our country <3.

Where are ya'll from? And now, back to the book....





I entered the castle and was absolutely stunned. I’ve seen a fair share of castles but this was nothing like I’ve ever seen before. The walls were blood red and there were black carvings and pictures everywhere. It was as if every part of the castle held a different story, heck it probably did.

The castle was filled with different kinds of furniture and decorations from every decade. And by decorations, I mostly mean weapons hung on the wall or kept in a glass case.

“So, you guys really like red, huh?” I asked.

“Yup, it’s Hades’ favourite colour,” Persephone chuckled.

“And blood doesn’t stain red things...” Hades pointed out.


We reached the dining room quickly, and I found myself looking at a huge table filled with different delicacies.

“Wow, that’s a lot of food!” I exclaimed.

“We never have guests here and it gets pretty boring. So, I may have overdone about everything I guess,” Persephone shrugged.

We took a seat and started eating. Everything was truly delicious but I couldn’t help but be sad about remembering my mother’s cooking and every time we cooked together. She always said that no matter how rich we are, we should always know how to take care of ourselves and do simple things like cook. So, once in every two weeks, we did I cook date where me, my mom and dad cooked dinner together. It was so much fun.

“Hey, what’s wrong? Is something wrong with the food?” Persephone asked, pulling me back to reality.

“No, everything is splendid. I just miss my family, that’s all.”

She gave me a pitiful smile.

“So, umm what is the mission I’m here for?” I asked changing the topic.

“Impatient, now aren’t we?” Hades answered.

“Just answer the damn question!”

“Why did I have to get an alpha’s daughter?”

“Well, you’re stuck with me whether you like it or not.”

“Maybe, or maybe I can just switch you with one of your parents.”

“I’m not dumb. I read the deal, that too multiple times. You took me, now you can’t change your decision. And, I can bet my parents won’t be any better.”


“Now, back to the mission,” I said raising an eyebrow at him.

“Okay, so I need you to retrieve something for me. This ‘something’ is very precious, hidden in the darkest parts of hell.” He replied.

“And why can’t you get it yourself?” I asked.

“Now, where’s the fun if I tell you everything?”

“Drama queen,” I taunted.

“Party pooper,” he retorted and I flicked him off.

“Okay, so since we are done with eating, let’s get some rest. You must be tired and you need energy for training,” Persephone said.

“Training?” I asked.

“C’mon, you are a fourteen-year-old wolf. You didn’t think that I’d send you to the darkest parts of hell without even proper training or knowledge on what you’re going to face, did you?” Hades replied.

“Now, let’s take you to your room, shall we?” Persephone asked and I nodded.

She walked me up some stairs into a beautiful room. It was red, surprise-surprise, with a huge black bed in the center. There was also a closet, an attached washroom, a bookshelf, a study table, a dressing table, and a few sofas.

Persephone gave a smile and left the room.

Maybe my time here won’t be so bad after all. I’ll be training and studying about hell through various books no one has ever seen before. I am kind of excited. I have always been the curious one if you haven’t figured that out already, and I would love to unravel the mysteries of hell. I kept my bag on the table, thank god it was waterproof, and took out a picture of my parents. I looked at it for a few seconds before I started to get sleepy.

I locked the door behind me and jumped into the bed immediately falling into deep slumber.

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