Taken by my mate

Chapter Chapter forty-seven


I didn’t like the face Covyn made in return to my plea. “Sequoia said you’ve done a lot for my people, what did she mean?”

I rolled my eyes. “She did, did she? Anything else she let slip out while I was sleeping?” He looked at her but shook his head. “Why don’t I believe you?”

He saw that I wasn’t eating and pulled me over to his lap, kissing my cheek. “If I was you, I wouldn’t believe me either,” he chuckled.

“Not funny,” I muttered but I wrapped my arms over his.

The ache rolled through my chest as I thought of my future. If I was to die soon, why couldn’t I enjoy my last few days? I held Covyn tighter, as the last person I would ever care about, and as I squeezed so did he. I began moving my hips against him and he groaned in my ear.

“Please Evadiene….”

“Take me to your room,” I said quickly.


“Don’t you want to be the last man I’m ever with?” I interrupted again but he looked grim. “Wouldn’t you love to believe you’re saving me from an impressively long life, full of impressively small dicks?”

He chuckled lightly. “You’re not dying, I refuse to…”

“I want you to take me Covyn. For as little emotional chemistry as we’ve had, we’ve always had that attraction, and I think we could both use the release.” He looked at me sadly. “For what it’s worth… I think I met you for a reason.”

“I’d like to think not, for you to believe you met me to die is…” he grimaced.

“No… not at all. I took my curse, my consequences, and ignored them, made my life function but not feeling anything.” I smiled then as I spoke to him, “over the last few days with you I have felt every emotion there is to feel, and I realize I wasn’t living. I was surviving. I forgot why I made the deals I made. I want to feel more Covyn, I want to feel what I’ve been missing all these years in not allowing myself to care for anyone.”

I pulled his face into mine, pressed my lips to his, then wrapped my arms around his neck. I didn’t let him go until I could feel him wanting more. He looked at me, eyes heavy and mind torn between what he wanted carelessly and what he thought was right.

“Take me.. to you room,” I said again. “I refuse to say anything else, answer any questions, or eat anything anywhere else.”

“Evadiene.” I turned away from him, I could be stubborn as hell to get what I wanted.

He tried talking to me a few more times, tried to bargain with me for later or tomorrow, but I didn’t so much as look at him. I felt his heart clench at my silent treatment and at last he stood up. Leaving his empty plate behind and picking up what I hadn’t even touched, he took my hand and led me from his office. Sequoia followed beside me, but when we entered the bedroom went into the bathroom and knocked the door shut. Covyn rested my plate down on the table and turned to me.

“Eva, my love…”

I needed to know for sure, with all the doors closed tightly. “No, for right now, while we’re alone, use my real name. Call me Novaestarus.”

“Nova.. estairys?” He questioned.

I felt a small amount of sadness that the name meant nothing to him, but at least he really wasn’t the one they were after, but I nodded. “No more questions right now, please.”

I moved closer to him, removing my sweater, pressing up against him and pushing him until he sat on the edge of the bed. I placed a knee on either side of his hips, landing his face between my breasts. I felt his breath move through his lungs like it came in chunks. His heart pulsed against my stomach and its hard beat told me I was winning him over.

His hands moved up under my shirt, his fingers spreading across my lower back and he moaned into my chest, “Novaestarus, this can’t be what you want….”

I pulled my shirt off. “It is. We have both waited for this until there was a better time, a perfect day, but it’s been one thing after another.” I pulled at the back of his shirt and he reluctantly let me pull it over his head. “Maybe we both just need to feel something good.”

I straightened up, running his lips from between my breasts down my stomach, my body resting over his head, my hands reaching to scratch down his back. As my hands came back up from as far as I could reach, I pressed against him and felt him actively kissing and licking my skin as I moved to sit in his lap. I was right, this was something we both needed.

He started to pull back. “Eva..”

My lips were now dancing over his ear with my tongue. “Maybe I should be trying to appeal to Navi. He remembers what I taste like, and didn’t need much of excuse when he wanted to find out.”

He growled now, I’m sure remembering how Navi had acted out of line, and how much he had wanted to cave the same way. I knew he had held back because he was trying to be the better man, but I wasn’t all that sure that I would have minded if he had taken advantage of the situation. I looked at him now through my eyelashes, batting them slowly before moving

“Covynnn,” I moaned, taking his hand in mine and biting on his finger.

He was groaning too. He wasn’t resisting where I moved his hand as I brought it up to my collar bones, but he wasn’t actively participating either. I ran his hand down my chest over my stomach, pulling my pants away so he could slide his hand between my skin and the fabric. He groaned louder, nearly grunting when he felt how wet I had already become.

I needed him, and he needed me. We were very physically compatible, and I left his hand to touch me as I ran my nails roughly over his chest. His fingers started to move against me when I pressed our bodies together and restricted his movements. He would cave to his desires, and I would let him take me.

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