Chapter sorry 63

Chapter 63. Drastic Change

Noah POV

The meeting with Jagger concluded very quickly

“It must be the presence of the children that did that. It was a brilliant thought bringing them here, Mr. Hunter” Chris praised.

His approval blazed in his eyes.

“I did not bring the kid to make it appear like was a doting dad. I brought them here because I did not want to break my promise to my children. I wanted to impress in my children that when I promised to show up, I would show up” i stressed and glared at Chris for pulling motives behind my actions when there was none

“I hope you understand that my children will take precedence over anything. The business can stop, but my Daddy duties won’t” I added,

“Sorry, Mr. Hunter. Anyway, whether intentional or not, I think the kids presence helped. Theard Mr. Jagger values family and is a good family man himself/He added

I nodded and craned my neck, not wanting to waste more time explaining mysel

In the end, the children will know whether my intentions were pure or intentional. I heard their instincts are strong, and they could sense whether a person is sincere in dealing with them.

“Where are they?” I asked Chris, who promptly relayed my message to a waiting staff.

He guided us to where the children were.

“Daddy! It’s fun here!” Mason was the first le spot me. He cried when he saw ms approach and ran to meet me halfway

His brothers did the same. They abandoned the slides and ran up to me.

“Daddy, let us play!” Brizz pulled my arm and guided me to the slides.

I gamely got up, but then, the children started laughing.

“Daddy, you are too big for the slide!” Riley Was laughing so hard he was clutching

! growled. “Yeah, and I am coming for you/warned.


* the toe of the aider ly, who was wing eng to

Teddy amber joking won, Brix help her lyched what caught him

swicking and failing his arms so i wod release him, but not before Sched

hed my chin on his tutury, and squealed in delight

The other two saw what happened and tugged at my hands

“De that to the, too, daddy”

They both cried out and ran in different directions

When an hour in the playground, and by the middle of the afternoon, we were

sing on an alfresco dining near the docks

The children loved the view, and they were famished

way ke hitting two birds with one stone

want to own a ship like that when I grow up.” Riley said while munching on his

“you are lucky daddy owned one,” I told them, proud I had something they wanted.

fey’s eyes founded in surprise. “You do? Where is it? I want to see!”

ne’s taking maintenance repair at the moment, but when it’s finished, we will sal on my ship” i told them, and they all clapped in glee.

“Cam mommy come, too? Mason asked

i anded at my son’s partiality to his mother

Of course Mummy is our queen” I told the softly

Wow that i fically knew what i wanted, i felt unfamiliar sense of peace.

* looked at the top of my boys heads and knew the only one missing in our midst

w to buy looking at y

Chapter 63 Drastic Change


“Where are my children? She asked one of the nannies.

Her nostrils flared, and her eyes were narrowed into slits as she gazed past the nanny to our table.

“Children, let’s go.” She muttered when she neared us, without once looking in my direction.

I felt something was off, and I got up from my seat.

“Brie, what is wrong?” I used her childhood nickname and felt her body recoil in repulsion when she focused her glazed eyes on me.

“Don’t call me that. Only my friends and family call me that.She hissed.

It took me aback. What brought on this sudden aggression, I wonder?

“B–briana.” I stammered when she ordered the nannies to take the children away.

“Daddy!” I heard Riley cry and saw him reaching his hand out to me.

I tried to assure him, but the nanny was walking fast, following Briana’s instructions.

“Next time, do not take my children from the house without my approval.” She warned and turned around.

Her reaction boggled me. She was not this combative before. Why now?

“Have I done anything wrong? I didn’t mean to take them away without contacting you, but I couldn’t reach you earlier, so I asked permission from Marcus.”

“Marcus is not their father!” She hissed.

“Exactly my point. I am their father. Surely, I have every right to be with my children.” I countered with mounting impatience.

I don’t get why Briana is acting like this.

This morning, though she was awkward with my presence, I could tell that she approved of my spending time with the children. What could have happened between this morning and now to create a humongous difference in her responses?

“I don’t care. If you want to see the children, it should be on my terms, not yours.”

There was so much venom in her words.

Is this the same Briana I know?


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