Sanctuary II

Chapter Teleportation

It had been nearly a year since Sanctuary had been liberated from Varla's regime. Ishtall and Sanctuary's labs had finally finished a project that they had been working on for years, the 'Low Density Translocation Device' or more commonly know as a 'teleporter'. Several successful tests had been held and the project was finally ready.

Today marked the day that Lotte and Dex would also step down from their roles as Mayor, to let the new elected officials take control of Aodhan. To mark the occasion, the teleporter had been announced on the nation's television channel, and a live demonstration would take place.

"The Low Density Teleportation Device, or the 'LTDT', or even the 'Teleporter' is a revolutionary piece of technology" Amber announced to the camera. "It marks a huge leap forward in scientific progress, and helps us depend less on our Crystalliam. However, the device currently takes up five floors of Sanctuary and Ishtall's laboratory facilities, and therefore will not be for widespread use. That being said, over time, we believe we can make the device more compact so it may be used more commonly" She continued, as Dex stepped into the shot.

"As Amber said, this technology is revolutionary, and will bring Ishtall and Sanctuary closer than ever. The time from dematerialisation and rematerialisation is generally about forty seconds, and while we would love to get into the technical details here and now, it is quite a complex system, therefore we will be publishing the ins and outs of the device in a special paper" Dex smiled. "But I imagine that you are all quite curious to see the teleporter in action" He grinned.

"For this demonstration, our very own Roisin Luna has volunteered to be our test subject, in a few moments she will step inside the device and rematerialise in Ishtall, in a live broadcast!" Amber announced.

Roisin walked into the teleportation chamber and waved.

"Gotta be honest, I'm a little nervous, but I am not the first person to use the teleporter, I'm told 30 people have tested the device to date" She smiled, as she talked to the camera.

Amber nodded, the walked over to the teleportation's control console.

"Okay, I'll now seal the chamber" Amber said, as the chamber was sealed. "Now, to prevent any B-Movie like mutations, we sterilise Roisin and the chamber" Amber joked, as a sterilisation beam ran through the chamber, making sure that no cross contamination occurred. "Ready, Roisin?" Amber smiled.

"As I'll ever be..." Roisin said nervously. Amber gave an understanding smile and nodded, before beginning the sequence. A bright light shone inside the chamber, and Roisin disappeared in an instant.

"Let's check in on the other side" Amber nodded to the camera.

In Ishtall labs, Atlas and Lotte waited, as a technician waited to gt a signal on Roisin.

"Should be any moment now" The technician smiled, as everyone waited, and waited. 10 seconds passed, with nothing, 20, still nothing, 30 still no signal. The technician was getting nervous as several other technicians approached the console.

"Where is she?" Atlas asked.

"Uh, we're having some technically difficulties, Mr Luna" The technician sweated nervously.

"Technical difficulties?!" Atlas grunted. "Where's Roisin?" He demanded an answer as he stamped his foot.

"I... uh" The technician scratched his head.

"We have no signal, and neither does Sanctuary" Another technician said, looking very worried.

"WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER DAMN IT!?" Atlas shouted, his voice echoing through the laboratory, as Lotte tried to calm him.

"We honestly don't know..." The 2nd technician replied truthfully.

The television broadcast cut immediately.

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