
Chapter 28


I sat on my bed rubbing my temples to try and ease the burning sensation and my headache.

"You seem different," Charlie stated the obvious.

"I know it's been three weeks and I still feel like shit," I told him.

"Yeah and what else happened three weeks ago?" Charlie smirked.

"Shut up!" I laughed. "You're too young to talk about this," I told him.

"I also am a ghost that doesn't age." He replied.

"Anyway, let's talk about something else." I got up and walked downstairs to let Dash in. Charlie followed me.

Alec left early this morning to handle something with the new houses being built. He should be back very soon.

Dash pranced in and almost knocked over something on the counters already. "Calm down I know you excited. But you're going to hurt yourself." I pet his neck which made him calm down slightly.

Dash was growing bigger and bigger each day, which is why I had to readjust his collar last week.

A couple of knocks echoed through the house. Charlie disappeared and I went to go answer the door to see my company.

I invited Alice and Xena in. "Hey," Alice said.

I greeted them and we went to the living room. "I'm making coffee. You want some?" I asked.

They both nodded. I put a pot on to brew and went say on the couch in the living room opposite of them.

"So you haven't been out of the house in three weeks, and you haven't called or anything. Is everything alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just don't feel well today. Or for the last three weeks for that matter." I said.

"That's not normal for a werewolf," Xena said. "Have you done anything different that may cause this?"

"No... well, actually I did have sex around three or four weeks ago." I said.

Xena smirked and Alice smiled. Xena jumped up and landed on top of me on the couch. "Finally! You did it." We both started laughing.

"Um, maybe you should see a pack doctor," Alice said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Most of the time when Alphas have sex with their mates, it's like a ninety-five percent chance of pregnancy."

"Oh." I got up to go check on the coffee. I was pouring the liquid into three cups. The strong smell of coffee made my stomach twist and I felt nauseous all a sudden. I set the pot on the counter and sprinted to the bathroom where I hurled the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

As I puked, I felt hands rake across my back.

"Yeah, you need to let Alec know about this."

I tilted my hand and even Dash was in the bathroom with me.

"I will. When he gets back." I told them. I just need to take a shower now because I feel disgusting.

Alice and Xena stayed in the living room watching a movie waiting for my return. I went upstairs and Dash followed me. Gathering clothes and my toothbrush, I walked into our large clean bathroom.

After brushing my teeth and taking a shower I laid on the bed for a little bit. I'm not sure if it was too soon to bring a baby in this world. I'm not even sure if I could be a good mother anyway. Also, there are still the threats that lead to an unsolved mystery, but it would be foolish of me to think that my children would not inherit the enemies of there father. Truly, there would never be a time where mine and Alec's kids would be safe in this world. We would just have to protect them the best that we can.

That thought terrified me. The thought of not being able to protect your kids. It made me wonder what dangers laid ahead of us as a family. It would be a joy of bringing kids into this world, but also a nightmare of losing them. I don't think I could bear that kind of pain.

I tried not to think about it too much. Anyone would be foolish to even dare try to harm my family.

I walked downstairs and watched the rest of the movie. Xena laid on Alice's lap while her feet were sprawled out on the rest of the couch.

They looked so peaceful all the time. I wondered if they even argued.

Alice paused the movie and tilted her head up. "Alec's here. He's not the only one either."

We all gathered around the window.

Alec jumped out of his car with a sour look on his face. A woman hopped out of the passenger side and went to get her bags from the back. "Who's she?" I asked.

Alice smiled, "Aunt Jenna."

They walked through the door. Jenna's mouth formed into a circle when she saw Dash. "There's a deer in the house." She said.

"Yes, Leah runs a homeless shelter for animals," Alec said sarcastically.

"That explains how you got here." She remarked.

"Jenna!" Alice squealed and hugged her.

"Okay, now I hear you both found your mates and I figure I'd just stop by and see for myself," Jenna stated. "So you must be Leah. I heard a lot about you. It's sad when the pack members keep me more in touch than my own blood."

She held me by the shoulders and accessed me fully. I started to shake slightly from nerves. "You're so beautiful. They would have loved you."

It didn't take me long to figure out that she was talking about Alec's parents.

"Thank you," I said to Jenna.

"Okay now on to Alice's mate." Jenna walked over to Xena.

I couldn't watch the exchange between them because Alec pulled me into the kitchen.

"I didn't know she was coming. I'm sorry."

"Why would you be sorry? She is family to me now." I said.

"Well, she can be a little out there."

"I'm sure she's not that bad," I told him.

He laughed, "Wait to you spend time with her."

"I'm fine with that," I said.

"Well good. Because she wants the spend the evening with you."


"Hmmm. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into."

Before I had the chance to speak, my body started to burn like I had a fever. I ran over to the trashcan and threw up again.

"Are you okay? You're burning up." Alec touched my forehead when I was done vomiting.

I shook my head. I was feeling worse than before. My vision started to blur and I started seeing blue dots everywhere. I grabbed Alec's arm in an attempt to steady myself. Trying to fight to stay awake, I quickly lost and went into black peaceful darkness.

The sound of steady beeping was the first thing I heard. Coming back from my slumber I quickly recognized I was in a hospital room. I was hooked up to a heart monitor and an IV bag.

"Are you okay hun? You took quite the spill. Not how I planned meeting you for the first time." Jenna asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I glanced over to Alec who was deeply staring at me. The worry was clear on his face.

"The doctor should be here soon," Alec announced.

I waited patiently for the doctor to show. I was already getting restless in this hospital bed. I've helped many healers in my old pack, so I've been in the hospital setting many times. However, I hate being the one in a hospital bed.

The door opened and a tall man walks in with a clipboard. "Can I talk to the Alpha and Luna alone?" The doctor said.

Whatever it is, it must be serious if Jenna has to leave.

Once she left, the doctor gave us a gentle smile and reached out his hand for each of us to shake. "Hello, my name is Doctor Ardelean. Are you feeling better now?" He asked concerned.

I nodded my head.

"Okay you were passed out for almost two hours, so I ran a blood test to narrow down the problems and I came to an interesting conclusion." He flipped the page in his clipboard. "First off, you are pregnant. Secondly, the blood test showed that you're not a werewolf. Which is concerning since you smell like one."

Since we had client confidentiality and I really didn't see the point in lying because he already knew, I told him the truth. "I'm a witch."

"Okay, that's what I thought. And don't worry the walls are werewolf proof. Congratulations on bringing an heir to this pack. Although I must warn you side effects of crossbreeding. With recent research, our scientists have discovered that crossbreeding can cause some mental illnesses or developmental problems like schizophrenia, ADHD, or autism. It is rare that an offspring can develop these, but it is my job to inform you that it is very much possible." Dr. Ardelean said.

"Thank you," I said.

Alec's eyes narrowed at him, "When can we leave." He didn't really ask it was more in a demanding tone.

"Soon. My assistant is gathering up discharge papers and I have prescribed medication to help your fever subside and regulate your body temperature. Everything else you need to know is in your papers." The doctor finished early because of the glares of Alec.

The door shut behind him and Alec turned in my direction. "You're pregnant."

"Yes. Well, I'm pretty sure that's what the doctor said." I smirk sarcastically.

Later when we got the discharge papers it was around three in the afternoon, so we decided to have a late lunch with the family. I was going to break the news to Jenna, Alice, and Xena first.

"Really! This is the best news ever." Jenna clasped her hands together. "We have to have a celebration tomorrow and announce it to everyone. This is going to be the best. I want to plan it."

"You planning a celebration?" Alec questioned.

"Yes, with the help of Alice and Xena. This is your first kid. This is exciting news and a big step in the future for you two. You have to let me." Jenna practically begged.

"I guess." Alec seemed enthusiastic about it. He didn't really act the same since we left the clinic. I haven't had the chance to talk to him about the whole thing yet, but I need to. We haven't talked about the fact that in about six or seven months we'd both be parents.

Werewolf and witch pregnancies were always quicker than a human's, in fact, any supernatural pregnancies were. Which was why the doctor was able to tell I was pregnant at only three weeks.

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" Alec asked. He stood up from the table and I followed him up to our room.

He shut the door behind us and I looked at his distressed state. He ran his hand through his hair and kept staring at the ground.

"I am going to be a dad." He said to himself.

"Babe, what's wrong? I thought you'd be happy with this." I asked.

"I'm happy. Just worried."

"What for?"

"It's a whole kid Leah." He seemed shocked. I mean what does he think would happen after unprotected sex.

"Do you want half a kid then?" I asked.

"Now is not the time for jokes." He said.

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry." I apologized. Clearly, something was on his mind for him to be acting like this and I shouldn't make a joke out of it. "What's wrong then? Tell me what's on your mind."

"I don't want to be a horrible father. I'm not exactly the caring and nurturing type like you. I just don't want to fuck up. What if I lose control and hurt them." He confided into me.

I grabbed his hands to calm him. "You're scared aren't you?" I asked.

He gave me a look, "I'm not afraid."

"It's okay to be afraid. Having a child, let alone raising one can be a scary thing." I said.

"It's not just that..." He trailed off.

"Then what is it?" I asked.

"I'm not an idiot. I know that when our kids go to school they will learn about everything." He said.

"Oh," I said. I now understand. He doesn't want to have a bad image for his kids. After the war stopped, Alec destroyed multiple packs. So they decided to put that into a curriculum of werewolf schools so everyone can be educated to be "safe". It was one of the most recent things added, and it's very odd because it happened not so long ago if you think about it.

"It's bad enough that we have no school on our pack lands. So our kids are going to have to go to a big school about thirty minutes away with six other small to medium-sized packs. So obviously the other packs have to learn about me and my pack."

"They won't hate you Alec."

"You say that now."

"Trust me. If I can forgive and love you. So can they." I told him. "I do love you."

"I love you more." He said.

I laughed, "I doubt that." I gave him a quick kiss. "Your kids will love you no matter what. We got this. Don't worry."


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