Chapter 48: Training With The Legendary Warrior

"Oh, my! Lyra you have gotten so good at fighting. Lacienda teaches you ancient fighting styles too?" Aria asked excitedly.

"Yes, I know I have gotten better but according to Lacienda, I have not gotten to half of my training so I have to with the hard training," I sighed. "Don't worry it will be over soon, plus check out the best part. You will be the best fighter in our world," Merida smiled at me and I smiled back. "Hi, do I know you?" I asked the lady that looked like a warrior.

"Possibly not but I think you will understand soon, I am Lacienda, the daughter of the moon goddess and the strongest warrior of my time. I was the gamma and royal army general in 1786," She introduced herself and I gasped. "Y... y... you are Lacienda! My book?!" I asked in shock and disbelief and she nodded confirming what I said.

"I cannot believe that you are here. I don't even know what to say," I said excitedly.

"Okay, then so we will begin the rest of your training now. This is how your training will be continued." She smiled at me.

"Now get into a sparring stance," she said and I did.

"Hmm," she said as she walked around, me examining my stance.

"Your legs are too far apart. Your arms are not being held out in a strong enough manner and your shoulders are not straight enough," she noted.

"I.. Uh. I will work on it," I said.

"Of course you will." Then she rearranged my stance and moved backwards.

"Now I will conjure up a sparring partner to see how you will do. The hits will be real and they will hurt but no scars will be formed. Do you understand?" She asked and I nodded.

"Based on your fighting abilities I'd say you are worse than a beginner but you are strong. You have done strength training right?" she asked me.

"Yes, Kyle trained me. He was a hybrid." I replied.

"Typical, hybrids focus on strength training because they have the speed so that's an added advantage for them because now, they are strong and they have the necessary speed. The only issue is that they are the worst trainers. You will be incredibly strong but you won't be light on your feet and that is the problem. Now I will teach you how to be light on your feet and to know you opponents next move before they even try to do it," Lacienda said and I nodded excited to learn from her.

"Now close your eyes," she said to me and I closed my eyes.

"Take deep breaths and try to heighten your senses," She instructed and I did.

"Now dig deeper. Feel yourself get rooted to the floor," and I did exactly as she had said.

Suddenly she stopped talking and started moving. I could feel her movements and then she said, "Find me,"

I started to move forward and as soon as I got to her or where I though she was she disappeared.

"You are going in the wrong direction. Let me explain this, the sound waves are making you feel I am at your left meanwhile I am at your right," she said then she started walking again then I heard her stop. "Find me," She whispered.

"I started walking in an anti-clock wise motion and I stopped thinking I have gotten to her. I opened my eyes and she was at the other side.

"How does this even make any sense? How will it help me in a battle. This is annoying," I said frustrated.

"You'll see but for now wake up and practice," she said and disappeared and suddenly I woke up.

"That was an apparition, my lesson are through an apparition," I said as soon as I woke up.

I took a deep breath and stood up from the bed. I started practicing what Lacienda just thought me. I opened the book and it explained what Lacienda just taught me.

I practiced for half the day and I was worried that I still didn't understand so I asked Aria and Merida to help me out.

"I just need you guys to stand at random places and call out to me while I walk to you blind folded." I explained what Lacienda did to them and asked them to replicate it.

I focused on their leg movement and I discovered what Lacienda said but I also realized that I couldn't track her because I wasn't trying to connect to the ground. Once I focus and connected the ground and walls automatically, I could easily sense the sound waves and I got to them easily.

I continued to do it multiple times until I was sure that I had finally gotten it before we all rested.

"I am so happy finally, I have gotten it." I said smiling at them.

"I can see you have been working hard Lyra now, let's practice to see if you have really gotten it," Lacienda said to me as she blindfolded me and called out to me.

I trusted my instincts and all that I had learnt during my practices with Aria and Merida and I walked towards her.

"That's good. I am pleased at how good you are," Lacienda smiled.

"Let's make it harder," she said to me and she suddenly became two.

"In this next technique, I would like you to figure out who is the real me and who is just an echo. This will save you a lot in the battle field and from what I know, there will be a lot of species who use this technique to fight, so you need to master it if you are to be victorious." Lacienda said.

"Okay," I replied at listened attentively as she explained the technique to me.

"I will tell you a secret, I was in the last battle between the queen mother and the colossal god there was a lot of casualties but what made me get through it was my ability to distinguish clones from real monsters.

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