Chapter 47: Dream Traps
“Lyra, wake up! Wake up! It is a dream" Aria tried to wake her but she kept screaming.
"Aria, we have to wake her soon, if we don't they will track us to this place. We need to wake her up and fast," Merida said in panic. "We have to be careful or we could kill her," Aria said to Merida in panic.
"So, what do you have in mind? How will we wake her?" Merida said.
"Put her in the water. We won't wake her but she won't drown and water covers up locations. They won't be able to find us," Aria said.
"Alright let's do that then we have to up the protection around this house and hope they can't get any signals connecting to us," Merida said and moved forward to carry Lyra with Aria.
"Okay everything is going well now, we have stopped the spotters but then how will we wake Lyra for real. She is going to keep on having lucid dreams and they can make her walk out of the water, you and I know that," Merida said to Aria with a knowing stare.
"This is getting scary. It's been two days we need something that will wake her. they could kill her," Aria said.
"Let's consult the queen mother," Merida said.
"Alright then," Aria said.
"Kyle, I have had the craziest day, tell me why things are appearing and disappearing in front of me, I feel like I am running mad," I said and Kyle laughed.
I looked to Kyle and noticed something, he acted like the spirits in the library. This wasn't Kyle.
"No, it's not Kyle. You are so smart." The spirit smiled and realization hit me.
"You are the one, the one that was with me as my mother in the library," I said almost too excitedly.
"Yes, you are trapped in a dream. The spotters are trying to get to you. They want to get your location. I need you to wake up.
Just follow me, I will help you get out of this dream. You've been like this for almost a week now and if I leave you like this, you could die from the lucid dreams," the spirit said as we appeared in the woods. "The trees are talking, they are alive." I gasped as the spirit walked forward.
"It is not real. Just repeat that to yourself, now let's go," the spirit.
"It's not real, it's not real," I kept muttering to myself as I followed the spirit.
"But we are right here, in front of you," the tree laughed and it didn't sound human at all.
"It is not real!" I shouted.
"Good, you are doing great. Now we need to continue moving forward," the spirit said to me as he continued walking.
"How did you get here?" I asked the spirit.
"Aria and Merida were worried. I had to show up," the spirit said and continued walking.
"But what do you really look like? I need to know. I am dying to know," I said.
"You'll know soon enough. Now it's time for you to wake up. Walk through this door and immediately you wake up. Do not go to the library, your window side or any place that leads to outside. They will see you. Now they are watching more than ever and I can't always protect you. I need you to stay away from anything that could get you found and Kyle, stay away from him. No matter what you hear. The moment you sort out Kyle, ensure you are ready to face the world because they will come," the spirit said to me.
"Okay, then. See you again," I reached forward and hugged the spirit then walked through the door.
"Ha," I gasped as I woke up.
"Aria! She is awake," Merida shouted as Aria ran into the bathroom where I was submerged under water. "Oh my, Lyra" Aria moved forward as she hugged me.
"I was so scared, the spotter trapped you in a dream. I am very sure it was a lucid dream. How did you get out?" Aria asked.
"Yes, it was a lucid dream and it was the spirit from the library that helped me out. She told me they are watching now more than ever and I should not go anywhere that leads outside including the window and that I should only sort out Kyle when I am ready to face the world which is not now," I told Aria who nodded and looked at Merida. "Lyra, you need to sort out Lacienda and take your trainings more seriously, the underworld's wall has broken. It will soon be time for you to go out there and I really want you to be prepared when the time comes." Merida said. "I know, when I woke up something shifted. The air is no longer pure anymore. It has been polluted by the underworld. Lacienda has a training plan set up for me, so don't worry when it is time, I will be ready." KYLE'S POV
"I really can't believe you Ryker, so you are going to put you pack and people in power just because you want more power? Why are you working with the underworld species? That is like betraying our world. And why are you going after Lyra? Why did you send the spotters?" I asked angrily.
"They are the best things to find her and how did you know about that. plus you don't get the right to call me selfish, everything I am doing, I am doing for us, for you for our people. You will become the alpha of this pack one day. I don't want our pack to drown son," Ryker said.
"Son?" Kyle said laughing.
"I am not your son and you know it." Kyle said pointedly and Ryker looked at him showing him he didn't know what he was talking about.
"Didn't you always say I am not your child?" Kyle smirked.