
Chapter ⌛Eighteenth⌛

It’s been seven days.

It’s not like it’s been quiet, but it’s been seven days. Alara has not been lenient with me. I take all my medications at the same time, the same dose, with the same attitude. I don’t like being monitored but this is what I get. She didn’t tell anyone I had a heart attack; if our parents were to know, that would literally give them one. Alara has been a big cover for me and I owe her so much.

It’s just that I can’t have her involved.

Even now, as I sat on the couch, listening to her demand an explanation as compensation, I continued to deny her like it was nothing.

“Just know that it’s bad.” I said quietly.

“Like prison bad?” She whispered. I nodded. “Are you a criminal?” She asked.

“It will show up on my record soon.” I leaned closer. “Right now, just know that the Rebellion is being handled.”

Her eyes widened and she tried to speak but began to stutter her words. “W-wait-what? You’re dealing with that?” Her hands pressed on my arms.

I nodded.

When I wasn’t so enthusiastic, she toned it down and moved on the couch, bringing her hands down and facing forward to think. She didn’t say anything for a moment.

“I heard some people are getting hurt, something about citizens getting punished for rebelling.” She said quietly and turned to me.

“They’re doing it for a reason.”

“But-” she stopped herself abruptly and looked away for a second, thinking quietly. “Okay, I don’t need the reason, but I’m assuming you’re working with the reason...?” I tilted my head to the side when she questioned herself. She was close.

“Solving the reason.”

“And it’s so bad that you think you would go to jail...”

“I broke three laws.”

“Big ones?” She asked. I didn’t answer her question too quickly. My silence wasn’t enough of an answer for her so I sighed quietly before speaking.

“It’s treason.” I said and she groaned, not that surprised.

“My goodness-”

“Don’t say anything, not even to your friends.” I warned her. “And I know you think you want to help but I need you safe.” The second I said that, her eyes widened in disbelief. Alara has this habit of wanting to do the “fun” stuff and this stuff isn’t fun.

She wanted to reason with me. “But I-”

“Someone has to take care of mom and dad when they hear their oldest son is getting life in prison.” I told her, knowing very well after this I won’t have anything to my name anymore.

“You can’t get out of it?”

I shook my head. My goal is to expose Janus but even after that happens, I still did what I did. The only thing that can happen left is a trial to see if I get less time or not. I doubt anyone will be so lenient with me.

“Do you know when?” She asked.

“Not yet.”

She looked at me again and pushed her hair back from her face. She tied mine up this morning the fancy way she does with hers. And I don’t mind a neatly tied bun on the top of my head with strands sticking out around my face but I look more like her when she does that to me. She was twirling her hair around her fingers as she thought of something else to say. I know what she wants and I can’t let her. She can’t help.

“The most I can let you do is be aware.” I told her.

“Recently, there have been a few people coming to the hospital needing medical attention but we’ve been turning them away because there’s no way for them to identify themselves.” She explained. “And it’s weird because that doesn’t happen.” She looked me in the eyes. “...Aurora.”

This is her way of making me get her involved. She knows something is going on and wants to help, so she explains her environment and that she is willing to do something. Now, I really can’t tell her no because the only person I know that can maybe do something is Magnolia.

They work in two different hospitals so it’s not that much help if I don’t let Alara do this. Honestly, if I didn’t have a problem with letting people figure it out on their own, I would’ve told Alara no.

“I hate you.” I said and got up off the couch.

“Let me help-”

“I’m going to.” I said and went to get my tablet out of my room.

I can’t believe she really did that. She wouldn’t have brought it up before unless it was relevant to the situation. And believe me, it is relevant.

I snatched my device off my bed and went into her room to get hers. She had to hide her excitement when I got back to the living room. For some reason, she just loves getting involved with everything I do. And I can’t be mad because she’s my sister and there’s nothing I can tell her about it. She wants to help and even if I don’t want her to, I can’t control her.

“So how much can I hide-”

“You won’t be able to hide anything unless I hide it for you.” I told her. I’m the only one who has access like that, and I can literally make people disappear off the map if I need to.

“That’s not fair.”

“It’s not a game, Alara. You have to be careful so no one finds out.” I warned her seriously.

“Fine.” She watched me put my glass tablet on top of hers.

A blue hologram came up to show her system was redownloading from mine. She stared at the light, more concerned with how vibrant it was than what the words were saying. I know my sister and she definitely was not reading.

“So what can I do with it?” She asked.

“If you see more people not being identified, you can do this and their information should download again.” I showed her.

“So the system reads them again?”

“Partially. I’ll have more control than the system will.” It would be better explained when her download is done.

She was about to say something but stopped rather quickly as she looked to the side. She closed her mouth and thought hard before opening her mouth again.

“That’s bad.”

“I’m a criminal.”

“Right.” She looked at the light again. “So what about me?” She asked.

“Don’t get caught.”

“If you do, then I do too.”

“Don’t try to be the heroic person, Alara, you’re not good at it.” I rolled my eyes and set our tablets down on the coffee table.

“What? It fits you better?”

“Saving an entire nation here.”

“You thought.” She scoffed and got up. “So...” She started as she walked to the kitchen. “How’s Sirus?”

“Alara.” I warned her.

“You two don’t talk when you’re apart. It’s like you live your own lives when you need to.”

I don’t understand what the problem is. We’re supposed to live our own lives. Why would I want to bring Sirus into this anyway? I need to handle myself before I do anything else with other people. I thought Alara would understand something as basic as that.

“We’re not talking about this.” I told her loudly and moved my hands in my jacket pockets.

“Oh come on, I’m not in a relationship and I want to know what it’s like-”

“Well neither am I-”

“Come on, Aurora.” She groaned again as she came back with something for us to eat.

I didn’t like the subject we were about to dive into. And it was enough to ruin my appetite. I will never understand other people’s interests in my life when they don’t need to be interested.

“I won’t tell my friends if that’s what you’re worried about.” Alara sat down next to me and held on to my arm. “It’s been five years. Tell me what it’s like.” She nudged me.

I didn’t know how to answer her.

Sirus and I...Well we haven’t discussed further if we’re in a relationship or not. And I typically don’t like going back to that conversation. We’re fine not labeling it. Its only when people bring it up that it’s bothersome.

And how do I describe what I feel even though I don’t know?

I get confused sometimes.

“Well...” I started slowly and tried to think.

Phoebe tells me that I have to talk about my life instead of bottling it up like I normally do.

“Sirus and I... We’re not ones to advertise anything.” I said slowly. “The only reason you know is because you pry into my life.”

“No. The only reason I know is because you two are always together.” She corrected. “Wherever you are, he shows up. It may not be for long, but he does show up.”

Well that is true.

“And you live together.” She added. I was about to stop her but she gave me a warning look that basically said not to. “You have his clothes.”

“I don’t like doing laundry.” Was my excuse.

“You two go out to eat together a lot.”

“We have to eat to stay alive.” I said.

“What about the flirting?” She asked. No. “You indulge in it too, Aurora, I’ve seen it. And sometimes, you get excited to see him. It’s like your mood perks up.”

“I should get to work.” I said and tried to get up but her hands held tighter on my arm.

“You like him.” She said.

That’s the obvious part. Where was she trying to go with this?

“You don’t like hurting him, that’s why you distance yourself away from him. You want your problems to stay your problems and no one else’s.”

Me coming home was because she wanted me to. However, I can acknowledge that I don’t like bringing other people into issues that are only mine. She’s suggesting that the only reason that I spent a week home was because I didn’t want to involve Sirus with my inability to handle my anxiety.

It’s bothersome. And I don’t want him to get worried about something I can try to control on my own.

“Why don’t you get your own relationship to analyze?” I asked her quickly because she was all over my business at the moment.

“I will when I see yours hasn’t spontaneously combusted.” She smiled at me and laughed.

This is exactly why I don’t want to talk to people about this.

“I have to go to work. Let go of me.” I said quickly and moved her hands. I don’t like when people pry into my non-existent relationship.


“Don’t.” I stopped when she tried to latch on to me again. “The second all this is done-” I pointed to the tablets on the table, “-I’m leaving.”

“You’re not fun.” She complained.

Good. She needs someone else to talk to. I don’t want to tell her about my life because she’s only interested in the parts I don’t want to mention.

I grabbed my jacket and took my badge off the counter. She thought I was kidding when I said I had somewhere to be today. Although I wasn’t going to do that much work today, I needed to go in. I’m just barely finished with Hariette’s chip program. Alara stared at me, almost pouting because she wanted to talk more about the situation. I’m not shocked, but I’m also not interested.

At the moment, the only thing on my mind was finishing the chip Hariette gave me. I think I know where it goes but she has all the details about it. She won’t tell me till I finish. And it makes me wonder if the chip is functional just because I don’t know where it goes.

That gave me an idea.

The second I could leave, and that was after Alara stopped begging me to stay, I made my way over to NASA, where everyone was more concerned about an issue with the Mother Ship in space rather than what I’m doing because it clearly wasn’t work.

Orion came by and he was alone. I wasn’t going to entertain his boredom, but oddly enough, he didn’t mind helping me with my chip program.

The chip wasn’t small. Hariette gave me the dimensions since she’s seen some things she won’t explain to me. The chip is enough I could hold in my hand but I was honestly expecting for it to be smaller. What I imagine is that my system destroys everything else but that doesn’t seem like it’s going to work that way. By the size, I’m assuming Hariette is making me replace the actual system.

I still don’t know how it works but she knows what she’s doing.

I didn’t want to tell her how I changed the coding on the program.

Orion sat across the table from me, holding the chip in place as I modified more parts of it. He seemed a little quiet but everyone is lately. It’s not like him to be so quiet, sure he can contemplate things sometimes, but after a while he just has to talk to someone.

I haven’t gotten involved with anything for seven days. And suddenly I’m just back. I needed to calm down and find myself because I wasn’t in the right place.

“Where’d you go?” Orion finally asked. He was here for something but I don’t know what.

“Home.” I answered.


He thought it was something more extravagant, right? I didn’t lift my eyes to see his expression. I focused on the chip that he kept on the table as I finished working the program. The hologram continued to change.

“What’s this supposed to do?” He asked.

“Hariette hasn’t told me much.” I said but continued, “I think this chip is going to replace the entire system so I can just restart everything from scratch.”

“If Janus finds out, you’ll be murdered on the spot.”

“But Janus won’t find out.” I glanced up at him.

“Can I be a triple agent?” Orion just seemed so enthusiastic about the idea. I, on the other hand, was not.


“There’s no fun in this-”

“Since when was it supposed to be fun?” I asked him.

Orion can be childish sometimes because of his interests. He wants everything to be secretive and wild. It’s no surprise that his sector adopted the specialization that included more of the targeting the “bad guys” and assassinations of people who may be a threat on a national level. And people would be surprised how much it happens.

I will never understand why he likes it, but he just does. He was hoping the current Rebellion situation would be more entertaining than how it actually is.

“You’re acting weird.” Orion pointed out when I didn’t complain about him not taking this seriously. “A lot of people are acting weird.” He shook his head.

I put my utensils down on the table and took a breath before asking, “how’s Sirus?”

“Quiet.” He didn’t hesitate. “And...sad.”

“Yeah right.” I didn’t believe him.

“I’m pretty sure I would know if someone was sad or not, Aurora.” He said since I didn’t believe him.

Sirus doesn’t get sad. Ever. What is there for him to be sad about? I mean, yeah stuff happened but he doesn’t need to be sad. I don’t think he’s sad. Angry? Yeah. Sad? Not in the slightest.

“He mopes around, completely blows Janus’ orders off, and has taken sector one down to Latin America because he’d rather work with someone else than stay here.” Orion explained.

“He said that?”

“I know him.” Orion was convinced. What was important was whether or not Sirus said anything, because that’s the real indicator.

If he doesn’t say it then it’s not true.

And knowing Sirus, he’s probably just uncomfortable, not sad. He doesn’t get sad. There’s nothing for him to be sad about.

“By the way you keep asking questions, I think you might be the reason.”

“Excuse me?”

“Break his heart?” He joked around but I hate those jokes. “I don’t know why you’re so skeptical, but Sirus isn’t in his right mind right now.” Orion sat back. I didn’t believe him, and I wasn’t going to try. I know Sirus, and he doesn’t get sad. We both know that. “Considering how you two are-”

“Everyone has something to say about the two of us for some odd reason.” I complained. Orion looked at me slowly and blinked, surprised. “You have something to say too?”

“Y’all ain’t secretive, so-”

“I swear.” I put my hands down on the table. ”Nothing is going on between us that we have to talk about, okay. Whatever rumors are spreading, stop them.”

“Aurora, he’s heart broken-”

“Stop.” I said. “I am not responsible for Sirus’ emotions. I also didn’t break his heart because he doesn’t have one.” I added and leaned back in my chair.

Orion held back his smile as much as he could but I knew he took amusement in this. I don’t know why I’m trying so hard to cover up the fact that Sirus and I have been together for a while. Maybe it’s not that, its the fact that people are talking about it that gets me upset. It’s not supposed to be public. The more people come to me about it, the more I want to shut them up. Orion was just going to spread more rumors like wildfire. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was behind everything else.

“So are you saying you’re single now?”

What kind of question...

“I was never...” I stopped before I could say anything that might get me in trouble. “Don’t start this, Orion.” I warned him. “No more rumors, okay. I’m tired of people coming at me.”

“I’m just curious.”

I don’t believe him. He’s never just curious. No one is ever just curious. The fact that he asked meant he needed to know for whatever reason. I don’t care to know. I would prefer if he did leave the subject alone.

I might as well get back to work before my blood pressure sky rockets.

I lifted the chip, checking to see if I missed anything around it. When I turn it on, it’s supposed to glow bright red. That’s if I did it right.

I should be able to test it out. A simulation should do fine.

“Where’s Hariette?” I asked abruptly.

“Capitol with Janus.” Orion said as he spun in his chair. “Something about handling the defense business while all the sectors start to choose sides.” he mentioned casually.

This gets me angry but right now, that’s not my problem. I have other things to focus on.

I also wanted to know where Sirus is. Hypothetically speaking, if Orion were to be right, Sirus is of no use to me moping around. I don’t believe that’s in his nature but if it were, I would have to find a way to snap him out of it.

“Where’s Sirus?”

“I think he just got back today.”

It’s been seven days since I’ve seen him. I wonder if he thinks about me sometimes. I completely just left him stranded without him saying anything else to me. He might’ve cooled down enough to talk to me now.

I got out of my seat and Orion followed me out of the room. I could hear him laughing behind me, saying all kinds of things and making all kinds of guesses about what could be going on. Not with the rebellion, but with my relationship with Sirus. And that’s him assuming that I am in a relationship.

No one should know the details. It’s not helpful when I have other people breathing down my neck wanting to know how I feel, if I feel, and if it’s significant.

I ignored Orion saying whatever he wanted.

When we got up to the second to top floor, I paused because three more were waiting for us. Lunar, Altair, and Alya were staring at me and I wish they wouldn’t.

“Go away.” I said bleakly as I walked by them.

They were talking behind me but their voices faded. The hallway was just about empty. When I turned the corner though, there was only one person.

I didn’t hesitate. I went over to talk to Sirus because it has been seven days. I think I would know if he was sad or not...and Orion was right. I just about hesitated when I got too close. This isn’t what I’m used to.

Sirus can’t be sad.

I need him to not be sad.

I stood in front of him quietly, playing with my fingers and trying to think of something to say that would be nice for him to hear.


He didn’t look up from the ground. He seemed more miserable than anything.

“I’m sorry I’m taking so long.” I added quietly, wondering if he just wanted me to come back.

That wasn’t it either.

“Sirus, you have to say something. I’m not used to this behavior.” I begged him.

How am I supposed to know what he wants when he’s like this? Out of the years I’ve known him, there was nothing that got him to look so miserable. Sadness is the one emotions he doesn’t express. At least to me. I haven’t seen him like this. And it wasn’t the pouty sad either, it seemed more like he was sad that he wasn’t angry. Does he want to be angry with me?

“How am I supposed to get better if you’re like this?” I asked him. That’s when he looked at me; his expression was plain but it won’t stay like that for long. “You’re the only person that yells at me all the time to get my shit together and actually let’s me do it.” I admitted, getting slightly aggravated.

He can’t just keep quiet. Since when did he have that kind of patience to give me the silent treatment?

“If you’re not acting all tough or whatever, I won’t be able to do it.” I said to him.

I don’t know how many times I have to tell him, but he’s the only person that helps me snap out of my anxiety. He forces me to get myself together. He makes me deal with everything I’m going through. And I need that because it means I can fix whatever is going on. If he’s being sad and moping around, I am going to crumble and lose myself.

“I need you to suck it up, okay, because I’m coming back tonight and someone has to tell me that I need to stop being so pissy about what’s going on.” I said angrily when he didn’t say a word.

Is he mad at me or what?

What is it?

Is he trying to piss me off? Is that what he wants?

“You stress me out, too, you know. I would prefer if you would talk to me about these things so I would know how to respond.” I complained but he rolled his eyes and looked somewhere else. Who knows what he’s thinking right now.

All I know is that I need him to not be irritated with me or the situation.

How long will it take for him to be satisfied? How much do I have to give myself up for him to understand?

“I need you. So please just...get it together...or I won’t be able to.” I looked away.

I needed him so much that it finally began to hurt. And knowing that I messed up everything hurts worse. I never meant to ruin him, or make him fear if I was going to die or not. When I do stupid stuff he actually worries, and I guess I just pushed him over the edge last week when I really didn’t listen.

“I’m sorry.” I apologized again because all he did was watch me.

“For what?” He asked, finally talking to me. “It’s my fault for expecting you to just stay put while I try to do the work.” The way he said it did make it seem like it was my fault. “I can’t stop you from helping anyone even if I put in all the effort I have to keep you from getting hurt.” It bothered him that I would put other people before myself.


“Honestly, I should’ve tied you to a fucking tree.” he regretted not doing just that. “There are times where I really just want to lock you in a room so you don’t do anything stupid. And my God, you never listen.” He could go on and on, and I felt like he wanted to.

Neither of us really listens to each other.

I did feel bad. I didn’t want to make him scared for me. I don’t want to invalidate how he feels at the moment. He has a lot to handle and he doesn’t deserve what happened.

I was so sorry about what happened.


“You piss me off.” He said quietly. “But I’m more relieved that you’re not dead.”

That’s a lot for him to say. Just these past few minutes overwhelmed me to the point that I thought I was about to have a mental breakdown. Now it’s embarrassing.

“...Orion told me you were sad and moping around.”

“Orion is a liar and I don’t ever get sad.” Sirus said.

I feel a little better now.

“ th-think I’ve calmed down enough to come home...with you...if that’s okay.” I started slowly, playing with my fingers.

“You’re the one that kicked yourself out.” He pointed.

“Considering how mad you were, I thought you would’ve done it anyway.” I said because I remembered how angry he was.

He can’t tell me that he wouldn’t have.

He thought for a second, then he has a suggestion.

“You can come home on one condition.” He said, and based on his evil smile, I knew what it was.

Everything just went back to normal.

Sirus’ ability to turn situations in his favor is beyond me. The sexual activities really needs to stop. If something outrageous is the condition, I might as well stay with my family for now.

By the expression on my face, I hope Sirus understands that I’m actually not in the mood to do anything.

“Oh come on, it’s been like a week.” He complained. What is his problem? I couldn’t ask when he took my hand and brought me closer to him abruptly. “We both know you need this as badly as I do.” He said quietly.


I actually don’t.

I rolled my eyes and was just about to push away from him when I heard snickering and giggling not too far off. I turned my head to see where it was coming from; around the corner, four heads peaked to see what was going on. They were smiling and trying to hold back their laughter but weren’t good at it. And when they saw I was looking, they quickly drew away.

They can be so childish sometimes and I find it annoying. I told them to go away but they don’t want to listen.

I let go of Sirus and walked down the hall to see if they were still there. They didn’t try very hard to keep quiet. They didn’t even try to leave even though they know I spotted them. I could still hear them talking, and that got me a little more annoyed.

I turned the corner and they pretended like they were minding their own business but they weren’t.


“Mommy and Daddy are back together-” Orion was making jokes but it’s not funny. It’s never funny. None of his jokes are funny.

“Stop.” I repeated myself.

They were trying not to laugh but it really wasn’t funny. Now they’re just going to add on to the rumors and make my life a living hell. I can’t stand the four of them.

“How about all of you go do your jobs?” I suggested but it was more of a immediate demand.

“You’re not our boss.” Alya said but turned around when she saw my glare.

“Do your jobs.” I warned them as I turned to walk away.

Now I wasn’t in a good mood. I can’t forget that I have to talk to Hariette now. I may be in someone else’s territory but that’s not going to stop me. I walked back over to Sirus and waved him to follow me. Now we’re going to look for Hariette because I need to talk to her. This building is the only building I know of that has a room that could do a simulation of what I’m looking for.

I still need to test run this chip, and what better way to do that than by using a room I have no access to? She’s already here anyway.

Sirus was still in a mood. I warned him not to touch me and when he tried I hit his hand hard enough for him to flinch. He didn’t grab me back, he just complained about the pain to himself, cursing me out under his breath.

“Where’s Hariette?” I asked since I wanted to get the test run over with.

“With Janus.”

Just my luck.

“Do you have access to that one special room that does the simulation...” I stopped talking and turned to him.

Why was I looking for Hariette when I have Sirus right here? He always has passwords to everything. I forgot that he was always breathing down my neck whenever I went anywhere. There’s no reason for me to get involved with Janus to get Hariette.

And by the look on his face, I knew he would be able to get me in.

Instead I let Sirus lead the way. I’m no longer in charge here so why not follow someone else? He began to rant about Janus pissing him off and it’s no surprise since he’s always been pissed off by Janus. I was more concerned about this room and if we’ll be able to use this chip or not.

Once we got to the door, I heard someone else’s voice behind us. I took a breath because Hariette really had a lot to say to us when she got close.

“I know you’re not about to test run the chip without me.” Hariette moved and put in a password to get in the room. “I had just a little more faith.” she looked down at me.

“I didn’t want to find you knowing that you were with Janus.” I said as I walked inside the empty plain room. The walls were bright white and so were the lights.

“Well we were in a meeting.”

I didn’t ask.

“What are you doing?” She turned around to look at Sirus. He narrowed his eyes at her, keeping his arms crossed, and waited for a reason why he should turn around and leave. Hariette had so many reasons why he should go and leave us alone.

“It’s not going to matter if he stays or not.” I said anyway since it really doesn’t matter.

Hariette made a face but walked around, leaving the subject alone. In her hands were a pair of black gloves that would be able to control the simulation. Instead of putting them on, she tossed them to Sirus so he would do it. Might as well do something since he’s here.

I stood in the center of the room as Hariette walked around. Nothing changed yet because Hariette as quiet. She’s the only one that knows what we’re looking for.

“The actual room is dark, the only lights are just wires along the walls. The system sits right in the middle of the room, the signalling orb leveling above it’s control center.” she explained as she took a step back and leaned against the wall.

We both waited.

The lights dimmed, the walls turned black, and blue lights from wires began to run along the walls horizontally. In the middle of the room, an image of a black orb came up, having the same blue wires above and below it. The black orb was leveling over it’s power source, barely moving in the air.

I haven’t seen this before. I had an idea but I’ve never seen. Hariette knows what it is and where it is. I wanted to ask how she knows because I’m guessing it’s supposed to be a heavy secret but when I glanced back towards her, she shrugged.

I moved closer once the image came up perfectly. This is a good simulation of what I might be dealing with.

“What’s supposed to happen with the chip is that it fries the signaling with the system completely.” Hariette said and touched the orb. “It would be momentary, enough time for the system to figure out there’s a problem and will reset on its own.” She explained.

Should I tell her that I modified the program she gave me?

It opened a small hatch where another chip glowed blue and made the system functioned.

“I wasn’t going to tell you till the last minute, but...” I took out the blue chip and inserted mine. The lights changed from blue to red. “I know it was more plausible to fry the system, but I sort of felt like replacing it.”

All the wires pulsed with a red light, like they were breathing. If I could get to the real room, that would be great. This is only a simulation so I have no idea if it works or not.

“So...” Hariette looked around. “You decided to use more effort than necessary to make a new societal system.”

“It’s the same. But the signal goes to my device instead.”

“I swear.” Hariette shook her head and walked around. “You always do this like it’s a game.” She sighed and continued to walk.

“Tell me about it.” Sirus muttered across the room.

“I don’t know how far the signal reaches.” I said, ignoring their previous statements. “I would hate to get to this actual point and not have the chip work.”

Hariette shrugged.

“Isn’t that risky?” I asked.

“Coming from you? That’s hilarious.” She didn’t laugh. She just walked around slowly, placing one foot ahead of the other.

I wonder what she’s thinking about.

“Maybe it’s safe to just assume the entire hemisphere.”

“You want me dead.” I retorted quickly.

“We all know the severity of the situation isn’t going to change by how far we destroy the signal.” She said bleakly.

She’s right. I sighed to myself and reached for the chip I made. The lights turned white and stayed white till I inserted the original. Now I know what room to look for but it’s not like I know where this thing is.

“By the way, where is this-”

“East coast. The building everyone thinks is for the Department of Human Resources.” She said.

Well I should’ve known that. It’s a tall building, and there’s always a sector around it, just there to watch and make sure no one attempts to go inside. Neither of the Commanders have power over that sector designated to watch that building. That power is reserved for Iris. There is no way anyone is getting in there. How can I expect to go further than this part of the plan?

Hariette didn’t seem too distracted by the fact that we would get killed if we try to go in. She walked around and continued to think to herself.

Suddenly, she just turned and started to head towards the door. There was nothing that came out of her mouth. No idea, no plan, there was nothing left. She just walked out.

There’s more I have to finish anyway so it doesn’t matter. This chip isn’t done. The simulation began to fade and the room began to brighten up to its white walls and white lights.

Now what?

This is much more difficult than I thought.

Now I have to work on my program.

“Maybe I’m doing this the wrong way.” I said to myself as I walked towards the door. Sirus followed behind me quietly.

What if I went to extreme? What if going to the absolute source to fix this is me over reacting? Should I find a different route. It’s been a couple of months and I don’t think we should wait.

So what if something goes wrong?

I stared at the chip as I walked down the hall. My thoughts only revolved around other solutions. This first one should be a plan B or C, a drastic measure. I know Hariette wants to crush the problem to solve it all at once. And that’s easy to do. But what if there’s another way around incriminating myself the second I switch chips.

“Am I blowing this out of proportion?” I asked Sirus as we waited for the elevator. He laughed dryly so I knew how he took that question. “I said I was sorry.”

“Like hell you are.” He didn’t think I meant it.

“So what do you think?” I asked, ignoring his comment.

He remained quiet for a second. The silver doors opened and I stepped inside, Sirus came in behind me. I wanted to know what he was thinking, so when he’s quiet, it just means he’s uncomfortable.

“If there was a different way, you would’ve found it already.” He said.


I’ll give it to him.

“Or maybe it’s flashier than what I’m doing now.” I said to myself as I continued to think. “I don’t want to ruin everything...”

I could feel a slight pain in my chest. My hands were getting hot too.

I didn’t speak as I planned to ride out the wave of the anxiety attack. My thoughts continued to roam about the danger of failing, making useless mistakes, all this being in vain.

My breathing was beginning to pick up. Being in a closed space didn’t help either.

Sirus put his arm around me and brought me closer to him. I didn’t say anything.

Until I felt his hand grope my ass.

“You have got to be kidding me!” I stepped away from him, just about to yell about how he always inconveniently touches me for the fun of it.

Its not fun. I don’t want him to randomly touch me.


“Don’t touch me.” I said abruptly as the elevator doors opened.

I stormed out so I could get away from him. My hands were balled up by my side but I didn’t notice the sweating like I did before. In fact, my chest didn’t feel tight.

I wasn’t...panicking.

Usually when I feel like I’m about to have an attack, it always happens. It doesn’t just stop.

Did Sirus...?

I turned around but Sirus wasn’t behind me. He was walking the opposite way without even following up on the ass touching. That doesn’t happen!

He would be harassing me, not leaving.

He wasn’t horny, he only wanted to get my mind off of what was about to cause my attack.

I watched him walk away and at first I wanted to go after him but I didn’t. I was more amazed that he actually figured that he could do something about my anxiety and get my mind off of my oncoming attack like it was no big deal.

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