Playbook (The Holland Brothers 2)

Chapter 15

Do you think this is okay?” I face Alec with a tentative smile and arms held out to my sides.

He gives me a slow, bored once-over as he shovels another bite of Lucky Charms into his mouth. It’s almost noon, but he just woke up and is now getting to witness my meltdown.

“This event is outside, right?”

“Yeah,” I say slowly.

“You don’t think black pants might be hot?”

I glance down at the freshly-ironed material. “I was trying to look professional. I wore these when I interviewed at Channel 3.”

My roommate chuckles as he drops the spoon to the bowl. “It’s an outdoor community event, I don’t think business attire is how you want to show up if you’re trying to convince people you’re Brogan Six’s new girlfriend.”

I glare at him. I kind of wish I hadn’t told him, but I never would have been able to keep it from him. He thinks it’s hilarious and awesome, but he did make me promise to share my location with him just in case Brogan turns out to be a total creep.

I throw my hands up. I know he’s right, but I spent all morning going through my closet trying to find something to wear, and it turns out I don’t have anything suited for mingling with professional football players. Also, I’m nervous.

My palms are sweaty and it’s not because it’s a hundred degrees outside. Brogan is going to be here soon, and I’m not ready.

“Help me,” I whine. “I’m so far out of my depth here.”

“Lo, you’re a beautiful woman. Put on a pair of shorts and a plain T-shirt and call it a day. And don’t take this the wrong way, but no one is going to be looking at you if you’re standing next to the Mavericks’ players. They may not even be able to see you. You could hide behind one of their biceps.”

That does make me feel slightly better. But then I picture Brogan and the nerves ramp back up. He’ll notice. He doesn’t miss anything. And he was such a trooper at Sierra’s engagement dinner. He showed up looking amazing and played the part of my new boyfriend so well. I want to do a good job for him in return.

The trouble is I have no idea what is expected of me. Brogan wasn’t very explicit in the details. Just that we’d work some booths and mingle with people. Mingling as myself would be no big deal. I can blend in and chat about the weather or random things to pass the time. But mingling as Brogan Six’s girlfriend is a completely different story. My family didn’t question our relationship, but will his teammates? And oh god, what if they ask me about football? What position does Brogan even play?

“I have an idea.” Alec disappears down the hall toward his bedroom and returns a few moments later with a wad of navy material. He tosses it at me. “Here you go.”

Holding it out in front of me, I smile at the large Mavericks shirt. It’s going to be big on me, but it’s better than the stiff button-down I’m wearing.

Five minutes before he’s supposed to arrive, there’s a hard knock on the door. My eyes widen and Alec smirks as he watches me tie the T-shirt into a knot on one side so it doesn’t look like I’m pantless.

At Alec’s suggestion I put on shorts and sneakers. The shoes are much more comfortable so that was a good idea since I imagine I’ll be standing or walking a lot. And the shirt is a nice touch, I hope. Go team, go, or whatever.

It’s very possible I’ve overthought this to an embarrassing degree, but here we are.

“You want me to get that?” Alec asks.

“No,” I say quickly then take a big breath and exhale slowly. I get to the door just as another knock comes. I open it and find Brogan on the other side with one hand lifted in a fist.

He does the usual once-over in that slow sweep like he’s more curious than checking me out. His lips were already curved up in a smile, but now both corners inch higher. “Hey.”

“Hi.” My skin feels tight and itchy as we stare at each other, then I remember my manners. Stepping back, I open the door wider. “Do you want to come in?”

He nods as he moves forward. His gaze automatically scans the apartment, taking in the small living room and then my roommate standing in the kitchen. While he scopes out my apartment, I scope him out.

He’s in black athletic shorts and his jersey. It looks different without all the padding underneath, but his biceps still pull at the sleeves. He’s got a jacket and keys in one hand.

“What’s up, man?” Alec asks, giving Brogan a chin nod.

“You remember my roommate, Alec?” I ask.

“Of course.” Brogan’s smile turns into that usual playful smirk as he walks closer and offers his hand. “Nice to see you again.”

He and Alec shake hands and my roommate says, “You too.”

Brogan continues looking around the place, stepping from the kitchen into the living room. He walks over to a framed print of the Mavericks’ stadium. Alec’s, not mine.

“This is a great apartment.”

“Thanks.” Alec and I share an amused look. It’s nice, sure, but not what I’d expect Brogan Six to consider nice. It’s small and has a retro style with the exposed brick and original windows that are drafty in the winter. I’ve always loved the charm of this apartment, but it’s still surprising that he seems so enchanted with it.

“Should we get going?” I ask. I am wavering between wanting to hurry up and leave so we get this over with, and wanting to hide in my room and fake a sudden stomach bug.

“Yeah, uh, but first.” He extends his arm toward me. I thought he was holding a jacket earlier because it’s so big, but upon closer inspection it’s just a very large T-shirt. Even bigger than the one I’m wearing. No, not a shirt. A jersey. Oh my freaking go⁠—

“Is it okay?” Brogan asks. “I have to wear mine and I know some of the other guys’ girlfriends and wives are wearing matching jerseys.”

Matching jerseys? My ears ring and my face flames hot and I just know that if I looked up at Alec right now, he’d be grinning so big.

“Of course. That makes total sense,” I say in a voice that sounds nothing like my own. “Just, uh, give me two seconds.”

I head into my room and close the door, then lean my back against it. What in the hell have I gotten myself into?

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