Playbook (The Holland Brothers 2)

Chapter 14

Holland Brother Love Hotline


Yo, Knox, are flowers overkill for a day date?


I need more information.


Flowers are never overkill. Also, why are you asking Knox instead of me?


Because I’m a better boyfriend, duh.


I’m the only one that’s actually married, so I don’t think that line of logic works.


You’re both pretty. Now stop fighting and help me.


Not knowing any of the details, I say Henny’s probably right.


See? Should have just asked me.


Thank you.


Who’s the girl?


I’ll give you one clue: “her eyes are like a four-leaf clover”


The one that yelled at you? Ha! Yeah, definitely flowers. But no roses, those things have thorns and if she throws them at you, it could hurt.


So noted. Also, Arch


Bringing flowers to a day date feels a little desperate, bro.

Not bad,” Coach says, pacing in front of us. “Not bad at all.”

He never says anything is good so “not bad” feels like high praise.

“Rams tomorrow. Their defense is one of the best in the league and they’re still pissed we knocked them out of the playoffs last year.”

Tripp says, “Hell yeah, we did.”

“Not bad isn’t going to cut it.” Coach stops and looks at us in a slow scan so that his serious stare bleeds into each of us.

Excitement and anticipation hum under my skin. We had our usual Saturday morning walk-through and review, the last practice before tomorrow’s first official game of the season. I played well during the pre-season games, but I know teams will be pushing harder now. I need to show Coach and everyone else what I can do tomorrow and secure my spot on this team.

It won’t be easy. We’re facing one of the best teams and they’re out for blood and redemption. But I’m ready. I’ve been working hard on the field and soaking up every piece of advice Cody and the coaches have given me. I’m ready to show everyone that I can compete against the best in the league.

Football isn’t the only thing in my life. I have friends and a pseudo family, but my relationship with the sport is simple and pure. It’s always been there for me, which is more than I can say about almost anyone else.

“All right. That’s it.” Coach’s hands go to his hips. “Be back here this afternoon for the wellness event. Rookies, this is your first big community event, don’t embarrass me.” I swear he looks right at me. “I expect you to be here on time, showered, jerseys on, and smiles in place. And no funny business. You represent the Mavericks today, the same way you do when you step onto this field. No fighting, no cussing, and dear god, no hooking up with anyone.”

Someone coughs and says, “Six.”

Everyone busts up laughing. Even one of the assistant coaches has a smirk on his face.

“Actually, I’m bringing my girlfriend,” I say, smiling as I watch the news hit them.

The field goes quiet, and I bite back a laugh at the shocked looks on their faces.

Coach’s brows lift but his mouth falls into a pleased smile. “That’s all, gentlemen.”

When Coach dismisses us, Archer falls into step next to me with a slight limp on his right side. His ankle has been a constant nag and I know he’s worried about his spot while he recovers.

“Are you going home before the event?” he asks. “Some of the guys are going out to lunch.” We rode together today, so my plans impact him. He rubs a hand over his head and blows out a breath. “Damn, I need a nap just thinking about spending all day smiling and signing autographs.”

Tents were already set up in the parking lot this morning when we got to practice and now there are dozens of people unloading supplies from trucks and vans.

I don’t mind the required press junkets and community service that goes along with being part of the team, but going home and taking a nap does sound nice. Or it would if the other option didn’t include a certain woman. I know this kind of stuff stresses Archer out, though. Not because he doesn’t like people, he does, but because it’s hard for him in crowds with lots of noise and people coming at him from all directions.

“Yeah, I gotta pick up London, so I was going to head home and shower and eat. I can give you a ride if you want to meet up with the guys.”

“I’m sure I can get a lift with someone else,” he says, brows tugging together. “You’re really going through with it then?”

When I told him London and I had agreed to help each other by pretending to be a couple, he laughed. I think he thought I’d been kidding. Or maybe he hoped I was.

“Of course. Did you see Coach’s reaction in there?” I shake my head. “He was stunned speechless.”

“Yo, Six.” Cody jogs up on my other side. He leans forward and nods to Archer, making sure his face is visible before he continues. Archer wears hearing aids but it’s helpful if he can read lips as well. “Anthony wants to know if you can stop by the dunk tank today.”

The head of the Mavericks PR is good at keeping us in line at events and convincing us to do all kinds of things.

“Sure,” I say slowly. I nudge my buddy. “Arch and I love a good dunk tank.”

“Speak for yourself,” he says. “I hate getting soaked with my clothes on. Any chance I can go in my boxers?”

“Anthony specifically requested you,” Cody says to me.

When I stare at him blankly, he continues, “It’s a big attraction at the event each year and he likes to make sure he has the players people are most excited about there.”

Archer chuckles and then whistles. “Brogan Six is a hot commodity.

“Shut up,” I say as he doesn’t even try to hide the giant smirk on his face.

“People are excited about you. You’re a big fucking deal, bro.” His words are half tease and half pride. That pretty much sums up our entire friendship.

“Yeah, they’re so excited that they want to watch me freefall into a tank of water.” I arch a brow at him as he continues laughing.

“Your new girlfriend will be super impressed with the wet dog look. I can’t wait. What time will he be up? I don’t want to miss it.”

Cody ignores Archer’s question and focuses on me.

“So you weren’t joking back there, then. You and that girl from the bar are a thing? It’s been a couple of weeks, I figured you’d already moved on.”

“Nope. You’ll meet her today.”

He continues to stare at me with the same skeptical expression Archer had. “You have a girlfriend?”

I’d like to be insulted, but I get it. I’m not exactly boyfriend material. I think that’s what makes me such a great fake boyfriend. No feelings, no messy entanglements. It’s purely business.

London’s green eyes flash in my mind, followed by a picture of her last weekend in that green dress. My fake girlfriend is gorgeous, so that’s also a bonus.

I debate whether or not I should be honest with him. Archer is the keeper of so many of my secrets that hiding it from him never crossed my mind. But I haven’t known Cody that long. I don’t trust easily, but something tells me my new teammate will keep this to himself. At the end of the day, I’m doing it for myself but the team benefits. And if I know one thing about Cody St. James, it’s that he’s always doing what’s best for the team. I guess a part of me wants him to know that I’ve heard his advice and I’m heeding it in my own way.

“We have an arrangement,” I say finally.

Cody stops in his tracks and narrows his gaze on me. “You didn’t hire a girl to be your date, did you? Because I swear to God if the next headline is about you paying escorts and bringing them to events with children, I’ll kick your ass.”

“No money is exchanging hands,” I promise.

He crosses both arms over his chest. We’re about the same height, but he’s bigger and years of training at an elite level have sculpted him into a powerhouse. “What the hell did you get yourself into, Six?

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