
Chapter 7. Skin Deep

Libra has ignored me the whole day, I have a meeting with Gemini now about I don’t know what. What I do know is that something has to give, someone has to tell me what’s my purpose here, what I have to do in order to get back to my world. To my father. He’s probably worried sick, worried for me wondering why I haven’t called from the lie of Venus Sway La yet.

I miss him as each moment passes. Each new creature I find I wonder what father would think of it, or would h even believe such things to be true. Gemini’s room comes into view, I’m nervous because I’ve never been in his room and the last time I went into someones room to chat, it ended in two bloody noses.

I bring my hand up to knock but the door opens before my fist presses against the dark door. My mind wanders off to dark places, places its ever known into Gemini so deliberately locked me inside myself. What dark things lurk behind his door, are they as dark as the things that lay behind his eyelids at night? Does he even sleep.

He looks tired, his hair is a perfect mess atop his head but that is only a sliver of it. There are bags as dark as his eyes- his depths, below them and he wears nothing but some shorts and a T shirt. I’ve never seen him look so unprofessional before. “Come in.” He commands softly, I oblige. “There is much to discuss.” He says, there is.

His room isn’t dark at all. Its well lit, even having some light pour in from the charcoal curtains. Its not a dark place, maybe his soul isn’t such a dark place either. I wait for the okay to sit down and when I get it, take a place on the sofa before his bed.

He sits on the bed and gets straight to the point, something I’ve admired about him since he stumbled in my room. He doesn’t beat around the bush, he tells you how and when it is without a sprinkle of sugar. “Libra doesn’t want you here, not since new.. er, information, has been added to the prophecy.” A brow of confusion raises, new information?

“The part about one of us.. it wasn’t there when Mania told us the prophecy plenty of times before.” He explains, I wonder why that is that the part that included them failed to be told to them. I nod for him to continue, trying to keep my questions at bay, for now.

“Hate is such a strong word, but Libra hates many things. And like a damn morpher, threats drive him mad. In his twisted mind, your a threat to him now.” I’m confused more so than I was at first, but now my interest is peaked.

“Me? Someone who can’t even work her own power or whatever the hell this is, a threat?” I gape in disbelief. “How?”

“The prophecy states that one of us will not just beg you to stay, begging is okay. But Mania said.. that one of us, that we will-” His face twists almost like it hurts him to think it, hurts him to try and say. So I say it for him.

“See color.” I finish. “Ruler of the dark see color, that’s what she said. That I will give one of you a sense of life.” He gulps, he didn’t expect me to know this, and probably didn’t plan to tell me. I did my homework though, I will not stay in the dark.

“Its deeper than that.” He says nearly losing his composure, he’s not one to do that from what I’ve seen. “You won’t give the brother a sense,” he emphases the word, “of life, you’ll give him life. Depths are dead, they come alive when something gives it to them, when the Depth loves something so much and vice versa that a glimmer of light cracks through a soft spot in their depths until it completely breaks through.” It is deeper than I thought, much deeper. One word just changed it all, sense.

“Libra doesn’t want life, as crazy as that sounds. He doesn’t want love, so some prophecy nearly forcing it into his hands on a colored platter isn’t his foray, as I said, he sees you as a threat.” Gemini runs his hands through his mess of hair while I try and digest his words. “Seeing as your set to live here for a while, that may be a problem.”

“Prophecies can change.” I speak hurriedly. “Its not like I planned to seduce him or something, I swear I’ll try not to even breath the same air as him, or you if you feel that way as well.” One thing I will not do is make someone feel unwelcome in their own home, but something I can’t do is go back to mine. “I need to do whatever it is I came here for, then I’ll be on the first carriage car out of here.” I promise him.

He chuckles, the bags underneath his eyes crinkle a little. “Its just a carriage, the car was a disguise.” Gemini goes back serious. “Prophecies have never, ever been bent in anyway. Not even a morpher can morph one.” He looks me directly in my eyes, this time, I let him. The darkness is not threat to me, and he’s already taught me how to escape it if I’m ever locked in. “Someway, somehow, the prophecy will break its way through, you can go back to your world today and it will still find some loop hole to bring the said brother to you.”

“We can avoid it, I don’t want Libra or you to see me as a threat.” I shake my head. “I’m no harm to either of you.”

Gemini shakes his head and raises a hand to silence me. “Serenity there is much you do not know.” His voice is pained, troubled almost and distant like he’s not even speaking to me. “Your no threat, your what this world has been waiting reins for. Talk to Libra, before all this see color nonsense he really fancied you, that’s the real reason he’s so worked up.” Gemini tries to lighten the mood by calling it nonsense but I can’t say it worked. “I’m sure you can get through to him. I’ve summoned him here.”

I’m nervous to see Libra, I gulp and nod while we wait. It takes under ten minutes for him to show. He struts in with all his nerdy glory, a book in one hand on those reading glasses that are so cute pushed up on his nose. When he looks my way and nearly darts from the room I see this wasn’t planned for him, well neither was it for me. He takes the glasses off just like last time, almost like he’s embarrassed.

The door slams shut on its own, Libra hisses curses at it, it chuckles. “Hello brother.” He smiles falsely, ignoring my presence. “What’s today? My birthday? Surely it has to be for such a daring surprise.” There’s no humor in his joke, just a voice void of emotion and eyes gleaming with something I can’t pinpoint.

“Libra, you need stop this nonsense at once, we have a lot to do you can’t jeopardize it with your selfishness.” Gemini whispers harshly, I hear him.

“Why brother? Am I foiling your little plans simply because I rather not see color? How selfish of me, to want once something without big brother’s approval.” He growls.

“You need this, this world needs her!” Gemini growls back at him, they speak of me as if I’m not even here.

“Both worlds need her, while I need no one, not even you.” Libra says proudly to his brother. “But I have come to a compromise, hows that sound love?” He looks to me and I nod awkwardly, a compromise, this is what I was thinking as well.

“Well I was talking to myself I said, self, when have you ever know, someone to successfully run away from a prophecy? My self said, never, prophecies will follow you. The’ll follow you across the seas, across the worlds, I haven’t got a chance in this small house, if the morpher were to move to the human solar system even, the prophecy would still make its way.” His voice is cold. “Still find some dreadful way to show one of us color, that one of us will not be me.”

“So I’m thinking we kill the morpher, no 50% chance of damnation for our world, no 50% chance of seeing color for me. A win win, don’t you think brother?” This is not what I was thinking. He looks at me and his eyes glow- green. His eyes glow a bright green and I see it clear as day before he launches at me.

Gemini tries to jump in front of me but he isn’t fast enough, Libra’s body crushes mine and we both fall from the couch with a loud thump. I push him, my protection skills kicking in and being amplified by one hundred due to the morpher in me. I roll over, kicking and thrashing, clawing even as Gemini tries to pull us apart.

I’m on top of him now, he smirks at me mischievously and my hand makes contact with the cool surface of his cheek. I’ve kept my composure long enough. The sound crackles through the room and from the corner of my eye I see Gemini back away from us in shock. I slap the twin again, ready to punch him after that but he grabs my hand and flips us over once again.

His body is almost suffocating me, he yanks my head up by the long strands of my hair and a sharp pain shoots up my scalp. Gemini’s back now, back trying to pull him off me. With the hand his is not on top of, I land a blow to his stomach only to reel my hand back in pain. But I won’t stop, I feel my hair ripping from my scull. I bring my knee up to his groin, then to his rock hard torso, and back to his groin again. When he falls back, I punch him across the face. He cries out in pain and mutters curses at me.

“That’s no way to treat a lady.” I spit, I’m fuming with anger. Its one thing for him to speak to me in a vile way, but no one and I mean no one is about to be putting their hands on me. Before he gets the chance to crawl off the floor, my shoe connects with his torso again, and again, and then with his beautiful face a least three times. “Here I thought, you had manners.” My voice is a growl, I don’t even recognize it. I don’t know this angry person inside me. He rolls over on his back, I walk above him, bring my foot up, and stomp on his stomach with everything in me, ignoring the ache in my head. “You should learn some manners, love.” I mock him, blood comes from his mouth as he coughs.

“Serenity, that’s enough!” Gemini yells as I raise my foot again, needing to see his blood so badly. I’m snapped from my violent trance. I look around, I look down at Libra, still coughing up blood and holding his torso, blood pouring from two gashes in his face. Gashes I made, I don’t even know where I got that strength from but I didn’t mean to hurt him this badly. Nothing good ever happens in these rooms.

He groans, stumbling up and grinning despite his wounds. “Wanna go again?” His voice is like ice, and each word is like frost bite.

“You need to leave, I’ll have the general guard you.” Gemini says.

I leave, but not to go meet Aisha, I don’t need to be guarded, especially by someone pretending to be my friend and keeping numerous secrets. Instead I go downward until I’m in the living room.

I feel around the door for some kind of contraption that’ll let me out of this dreadful mansion, but come up short. The door chuckles as I growl in frustration. “Hello serenity, did the master say you could leave?”

I roll my eyes. “I said I could, thank you.” I snap, offended that she- he- that the door, would think I need permission. I’m not being baby sat here. The door flings open as it laughs yet again.

“Sorry milady, I only thought.” It says, closing itself behind me.

The sun feels amazing on my face, but I can tell it won’t be here for long. I wander around the mansion, running my fingers over the pink flowers, relishing in the way the breeze hits my face.

I walk away from the mansion, seeing a light in the distance. My first instinct is not to follow it, but what could be worst than sitting in a five story house literally a world way from home all day.

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