
Chapter 6. Prophecies

His head pops up to me and he snatches the reading glasses from his face. I barley noticed them at first, but they were cute. “My lord.” Aisha bows. Libra dismisses her and I call goodbye behind her. Later we can make ice cream, I mentally laugh at images of her stuffing the freezing vanilla into her face and yelling once she gets a brain freeze.

I take a seat on the sofa opposite of Libra, he turns his attention to me. “This is Gemini’s thing but since dear brother asked so nicely, I’ll do it just this once.” His feet cock up. “Well, more than once.” He says more so to himself. “No matter, lets get into it. I do love to be the barer of bad news.” He smirks to himself, what am I even here for.

“Would it be so hard to get to the point?” I snap. Libra looks at me and chuckles.

“So there’s this prophecy.” His voice lights up like a school girl talking about gossip. “I would tell you what it is but it would be so much fun to let Mania tell you. The look on your face when you meet her, priceless.” He jumps up and heads to one of the walls, the voice speaks again. “Yes?”

“Lord Gemini.” He mocks in a high pitched voice. He bursts into laughter before stating who he really is and the wall vanishes before him. We walk into a dim lit room built from brick. I look around and see dust and cobwebs in every corner, there’s a skeleton in the middle of the room- a scream escapes my lips as I try and back away only to back into the wall that wasn’t there just seconds ago.

Libra throws his head back in laughter, clutching his side. “What’d I say Mania? Priceless.” He stops laughing and the skeleton, talks. I’m still trying to back through a wall, silently begging the voice of all the doors to make this wall disappear again.

“Master Libra.” It says in a raspy voice. The skeleton is caked in dust, it has on clothes and even a wig, that only creeps me out more. The jaw bones move as it talks, this room isn’t big enough for us all to breath. Does this, skeleton even breath? Isn’t whoever this was dead? “How may I assist you today.” It looks like she smiles, the way her bones turn up at the corners but I’m not sure, all I’m sure of is that this wall won’t be leaving any time soon, and I’ve never hated a wall so much.

“Aw come on love, you had your fun now I need you to talk to Mania, she’s a friend.” Libra says, pulling up a chair I didn’t see there before. “Yes she’s technically dead- I know how puny human minds think, but she’s not a threat, tell her sweetheart.”

“Morpher.” She says, her bones turning up again. “I am not a threat but you indeed have many, I have waited many years for your arrival here.” There’s a hint of adoration in her voice, she’s not a threat, so I carefully walk toward her.

A seat is pulled up to me and I’m pushed into it, I ignore it suddenly interest in this prophecy and what the future holds. “Get started Mania.” Libra commands.

“Of course master.” She nods her skull and her barley attached bones reach out to me. I grab her hands- bones, despite the disgusting feeling of touching bones. “Years far from the rein, an heir from lands beyond.” She starts, her eye sockets turning white and blazing with what looks like storm clouds. “Salvation or damnation, will be she who can clay.” Her bones grip me tighter, her eyes turning a little darker. I try to pull my hands away, but I can’t.

“A sign from the stars, will beg her to stay. A ruler of the dark see color, a battle or a heart. Mind and heart, destiny and want. Two battles, one the clay will mind, one she will try and mold. Salvation or damnation, the story a womb never told.” Her eyes die down and go back to their usual eyeless state. And her grip loosens completely on me, she falls back into the position she was first in.

“Thank you Mania.” Libra coughs awkwardly and darts from his seat.

“Anytime master Libra, it was nice to meet you morpher.” She holds out her skinless hand to me and I shake it, a flash goes through my mind like I’m remembering something, but I realize its just the prophecy being etched into my mind by Mania, I smile at her. “Nice to meet you as well Mania.” Her grip grows tight again.

“A threat unable to read or mold, a person not expected, something unknown to this world!” She yells in her raspy voice before letting me go. I scurry away to find Libra and see what this all means.

He’s pacing back and forth as the door reapers behind me. His slender fingers run through his golden hair, he’s angry or nervous I can’t tell which one. When he looks at me, black eyes glimmering I see that he’s furious. “A sign from the stars will beg her to stay.” He mutters ignoring my presence. “A ruler of the dark see color.” A lamp goes flying to the wall and shatters into many tiny pieces. Why is he so upset about those words, I don’t even know what they mean, a sign from-

My jaw hangs open as I understand a part of the prophecy. A sign from the stars, an astrological sign. A ruler of the dark, a Depth Lord, and a heart, love. Mania was saying, that either Gemini or Libra will fall in love with me, and vice versa, and it may cost me whatever big purpose I have here.

“You need to leave!” Libra says frantically. “Brother has to hear about this soon.” He mumbles. “She didn’t say that last time she didn’t say-” Something else goes flying to the wall.

“I won’t leave until the prophecy is explained to me.” I say calmly when I’m crumbling on the inside, Aisha’s words about his temper ring though my ears.

“I’m not Gemini, you are not my burden to bare. I am not your babysitter and I will never,” he steps closer to me, “ever, be your lover.” Stubborn strands of golden hair fall to his forehead and he pushes them back angrily. “If the prophecy will forfilll let it be with Gemini, I don’t want some human minded morpher to show me color.” He growls before stomping out.

My feelings are hurt from Libra’s words but I try to ignore it. Do people here really see me as, human minded? Why does it hurt so much that he called me that, I am a human, at least I thought I was. Aisha’s favorite place comes into view, the kitchen. I stop by in hopes that she can decipher the prophecy for me.

Aisha is stuffing her face with a chocolate filled doughnut, I gag at the chocolate. She leaps to me when she see’s me and wraps her arms around me tightly. “Please please please teach me another food.” She sighs.

“Ice cream’s on me if you help me decipher a prophecy?” Aisha pushes me away in shock, her eyes wide.

“This ice cream better be good, because I don’t know how the lord will feel about this.” She takes a seat and so do I, then I recite the first part of the prophecy to her.

“Years from the rein, an heir from lands beyond? Years from the last morpher queen will come a morpher from earth.” Aisha says nervously and a little too quickly, I ignore this and move on. “Salvation or damnation will be she who can clay.”

“The salvation or damnation of something will be a girl morpher, morphers mold things like clay.” Aisha doesn’t seem nervous when she answers this one.

“A sign from the stars, will beg her to stay. A ruler of the dark see color, a battle or a heart.” I know what this one means, i do, I just want to see what Aisha thinks it means. Her eyes go wide.

“I-I’m not sure what that part means um.” She gulps. “That- are you sure that’s what the prophecy said? Ruler of the dark,” she looks around as if to see if anyone is listening, “see color?” She whispers.

“Yes I’m positive, its etched into my brain. What do you think it means?”

“I have no idea what it could mean.” She lies. “We should go to the next part.” A forced smile etches her features, she knows exactly what this see color nonsense is, and I know just the place to find out what’s the big deal so that she had to whisper it for myself.

“Mind and heart, destiny and want. Two battles, one the clay will mind, one she will try and mold. Salvation or damnation, the story a womb never told.” Now this part, I have no idea whatsoever what it means.

“A battle between destiny and a want, like a battle between breathing and a doughnut for example. One will be with emotions, mind, and one she will try and mold, morph. But it says try, not mold, so one she will try and morph. Again with the salvation or damnation, a womb, a mother. The story a mother never told.” Aisha’s voice gets lower on the last sentence, she’s hiding something, they all are.

“Thank you, I need to go. I’ll make you that ice cream later!” I rush from the cafeteria and down to the library. I know what the last part of the prophecy meant, it means this threat I’m up against will be a person I least expect, and that I won’t be able to tell or morph them. For all I know that person could be Aisha, so I keep that part to myself.

I scan the dusty shelves over and over until I reach a large black frail book reading “Depth.” take the book and sit down, flipping through the contents. Nothing poppd out to me, I’m looking for something about color. The only yhing about them that involves color is their eyes, they have no eye color. Bingo, a section labled “depths” is on the third page of the table of contents. Libra told me their eyes are called depths. I flip to page XVII.


An unending darkness found in the eye sockets of a Depth, able to lock any creature inside the deepest parts of themselves. They are pairs of dead, trapped darkness. Depths grow back if cut out, they are eternal. When and if a Depth dies, their depths float away and go into what is called a depth storage place. Where they are held until given to newborn Depths.

I skim and scan looking for something about color, I find something.

A depth can go into storage without a Depth dying. If a Depth finds someone, or something that gives them life, their depths will be replaced with their original eye color. Even if they lose the reason their depths left them, their eyes will still keep their color.

All the breathe is knocked from my lungs. So one of these twins are, dead in a sense, and I’ll give them life? That’s deeper than any story of love ever told. A story of love so great it brings life, and Libra hates to admit that there’s a 50/50 chance he could get life from me. Why is he so against life, why all of a sudden does he seem so against, me?

I’ll be that thing that gives one of these brother’s light, that something that calls them out of the dark, shows them the color, the purpose in life. Gives them their eye color, and I can tell that it will be a big deal. The question now is, which brother will it be? Which ruler of the dark will see light?

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