Memories of Gaia: Seeking Shadows in the Storm

Chapter Chaper 18 The Warrior

Valeena opened her brilliant blue eyes slowly, her head was pounding painfully; her mouth tasted like fresh blood. She was lying on a rough, dark surface, the sky above her ripple red and black. It was as if she were under water, watching the surface moving above.

“Where am I?” She whispered softly as she pulled herself to her knees, seeing a mighty volcano spewing its ash into the sky off in the distance. “Did I die?”

Valeena climbed cautiously to her feet, nearly falling as her legs were shaking like a newborn deer. She wondered where Elden was and if he was still somewhere in the cavern. She remembered falling, the red liquid washing over her but that was it.

“Maybe I did die.”

Valeena walked forward, finding she was at the top of a cliff; the horizon appeared to be burning with red and orange flames. She saw a square building down below, made out of a glowing green and white substance. Valeena wondered if someone there could help her understand what was going on.

She turned and walked near the edge of the cliff, hoping to find a path leading down. Valeena kept the building in sight the entire time, stopping when she felt she was too far from it. She sighed, falling to her knees and cautiously swinging her legs over the side, her foot catching a flat rock protruding from the edge of the cliff. Valeena carefully scaled down the mountain side, pausing to watch a pterodactyl-like beast as it swooped towards her.

She waited until the massive creature became bored and flew off, ignoring her completely. Valeena stepped gingerly on a loose rock, causing it to dislodge from the wall. She slipped, grasping at the mountainside as fear washed over her. Her fingers brushed the rocks as she continued to fall, grabbing wildly at the air.

Valeena landed hard on her back, the wind rushing out of her. She remained still, breathing hard, wondering if she had broken anything in the fall. Valeena slowly sat up, immediately feeling foolish as she saw that the fall had been no more than roughly 5 feet down.

Valeena shook her head and was thankful that no one had witnessed her falling. But the world was still void of people, causing fear to dance in her heart. If she had died back in Oleandra, where did her soul end up? Was this Nihonal?

Valeena made her carefully way towards the ancient building, finding that it was much larger than she had originally thought. It appeared to be made out of sea coral and was full of a million tiny holes. It was glowing slightly with no clear indication as to why.

The ground beneath her feet shook slightly as she opened the fragile door, feeling the grain from the material attach to her fingertips. It felt like sand sticking to wet fingertips, but far more coarse. She felt an eerie wave wash over her as she peered into the room, debating whether or not to enter.

There were no walls or ceiling inside the building. Instead, Valeena could see a dark sky covered in a perpetual ebony and green storm, the clouds pulsing with lightning. The ground was gray and black and appeared to be covered in a fine ash with a glowing river cutting its way through the land. She could see an angry looking statue being outlined with each pulse of energy that the lightning produced and rubbed her arm subconsciously as fear danced into her heart. It as though she had simply stepped into a new world, the doorway the only way in and out.

Valeena felt somehow drawn to the statue, walking towards the river that she would have to cross to access the island it rested on. She saw the water was moving slowly in small waves, emitting a soft moaning from within its waters.

As she drew near, Valeena saw that the river was actually thousands of flowing souls, some reaching their ghostly hands out to try and touch her.

Valeena pressed her hand firmly over her mouth so as not to scream as she had heard horror stories of souls flowing into open mouths and possessing bodies. She jumped back as one ghostly hand nearly touched her ankle as she came too close to the water’s edge.

Valeena saw an ancient looking stone bridge to her right that she had somehow missed. She walked towards it, finding that it was made out of a giant, pitted bone. A pterodactyl cried out from within the storm, its massive body swooping low in search of prey.

Valeena ran forcefully across the grotesque bridge, not wanting to become a meal for the giant beast. She pressed her back tightly against a tree on the other side, breathing hard and hoping the beast would leave.

The ground shook violently as lightning cut the sky in half, giving a small view of a blue canvas under the raging storm. Valeena wrapped her arms around her body as the wind blew across her, carrying with it the faint scent of decay.

Nameless tombstones that were crumbling from age seemed to emerge out of the mist. Shadows moved among them in her peripheral vision, disappearing completely when she attempted to view them straight on.

She forced her legs to continue to move forward, her head darting about as she tried to catch a glimpse of the shadows. Valeena was nearly the massive statue, doing her best not to cry as she was now positive she had died.

The massive statue was a brilliant, tough looking warrior holding a massive sword skyward as the six-legged horse rear up, its four front legs off the ground completely. It was carved out of an unknown dark, material that somehow felt alive.

Valeena reached out an unsteady hand to touch the surface of the statue as another quake shook the land, causing the back legs of the horse to splinter.

She took several steps back as the cracks seemed to spider their way up the leg of the horse like ice breaking over a frozen pond. The cracks branched out until they covered the entire statue, pieces of the material flaking off like dirt in the wind.

Another quake struck the area and the pieces fell from the statue like rain from the sky. The eyes of the mighty horse flared red as the flakes removed themselves from its body, the eyes of the warrior glowing a deep gold color.

Valeena fell onto her bottom as the horse reared higher, whinnying loudly. Lightning struck the tip of the mighty sword causing the entire blade to pulse with its energy. The horned warrior peered towards Valeena, pointing the tip of its powerful, pulsing blade towards her.

“You there! You dare to challenge me in a battle?” The voice boomed, its voice deep and threatening. Valeena was at a loss for words as her eyes grew wider, knowing she was no match for the warrior.

Rain began to beat down from the perpetual storm, making the warrior appear even more menacing. “N-n-n-no!” Valeena stuttered in a voice barely audible over the rapid staccato of rain.

“Foolish mortal, you appear to be unarmed.” The warrior flicked his left hand into the air as a sword materialized out of the storm. Valeena gasped as she saw the blade that was now being offered to her.

The blade of the sword came to a sharp point after bending inwards, the center of the blade held two points on each side of the blade. The cross guard bent upwards slightly and was made of a brilliant, deep, ocean blue material that shimmering in the light. The gripe was perfect for her hand and had a slight rib to it for comfort.

Valeena had never seen such a powerful looking sword before and prayed to the Gods that she could wield it. She watched in fear as the mighty warrior swung off the horse, landing with a power thump onto the stone ground. He held his sword in an attack position before swinging it downwards diagonally, then back up, spinning it in his hands before gripping it tightly.

Valeena tried to mimic his actions but failed miserably, nearly dropping the heavy blade in the process. The warrior did not seem amused as he swung his sword towards Valeena, the tip of the blade nearly piercing her new mermaid scale top.

“Oh,” Valeena gasped, swinging her own sword upwards as she grasped it tightly in both hands. The blades struck sending sparks of light dancing into the air, the lightning vibrating her own sword. She jumped back as the vibrations shook her arm, but she recovered quickly and landed on her knee, blocking the second attack.

Valeena felt oddly confident with this sword as she blocked yet another attack, pushing back against his blade. She noticed he was much slower than she was as he had heavy metal armor that appeared to be weighing his massive body down. Valeena decided to take advantage of this and swung her sword, sliding between his legs.

She quickly moved to her feet as he fumbled to turn around, her blade striking his back. Brilliant sparks rained off his armor as the metal struck it, her blade barely piercing the material.

The warrior swung his arm, striking her hard in the stomach with his elbow and sending spilling across the ground. The rope of her pouch snapped, causing the vile and heart to tumble out.

Valeena scrambled to collect her sword, knowing she had little time to gather everything. She was on her feet as the warrior brought his sword down once more, grunting.

Valeena used both her hands to hold the hilt of her blade, pressing upwards as his blade met hers.

“You are wasting your energy, mortal. Embrace death, for it welcomes you.”

“Never!” Valeena shouted, twisting to the left, releasing her pressure on his blade. The sudden movement caused the warrior to fall forward, his body landing on the hard surface of their battlefield.

“What’s this? Have you already lost your heart?” The warrior attempted to tease, picking up the Goddess heart between his thumb and middle finger.

Valeena charged at the warrior once more, determination written on her face. But with one hand, the warrior skillful heeded her attack, holding her forehead in his palm.

“I know this trinket. Tell me, mortal, where did you locate this?” The warrior demanded as he examined the tiny heart.

Valeena grunted and pressed against his palm, refusing to answer.

“I feel as though I have seen this before,” The warrior said in confusion as he shook his head, releasing Valeena.

Valeena stumbled forwards, catching herself before she fell. She held the blade in her hands as the warrior shook his head again, staring at the heart.

“I found it in a cave. The Goddess dropped it after she vanished. She said something about Zephaniah.” Valeena informed the warrior, holding her sword a the ready in case this was a ploy to trick her.

“Zephaniah? I remember that name. I was once called Zephaniah Diggory by Venus Freya. She was the loveliest creature in all the land. You said you spoke to her? Where? I demand to know!” The warrior rounded on Valeena, but he did not appear angry.

Valeena shook her head and glanced around. “She was back on Gaia. In a cave in the Saber mountains.”

“Gaia? I am unable to set foot on those lands. Go, and tell Venus that I am still hers.”

Valeena lowered her sword as the warrior began to walk away, still holding the heart delicately. “How do I leave?” She asked, rushing after him.

The warrior paused and glanced back at Valeena, his eyes narrowing beneath his mask. “You shall leave the same way you entered.” He pointed one finger skyward.

Valeena looked up, baffled. “How am I supposed to get up there?”

The warrior stuck two fingers in his mouth and made a loud whistling sound, calling one of the pterodactyls out of the storm. It landed a few feet from him as he turned, walking into the shadows.

Valeena gathered the pouch and the vial of tears, walking slowly towards the beast, feeling panic race through her veins.

The pterodactyl watched her from the corner of its eyes, twitching its wings as she approached. It growled low as she mounted its back, immediately spreading its leathery wings and soaring into the sky.

Valeena held on tight, closing her eyes as they neared the sky, feeling a sharp tug on her body. She could no longer feel the beast beneath her or the wind on her face. Valeena felt nothing at all as darkness swirled in her mind, causing her to slip away.

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