Memories of Gaia: Seeking Shadows in the Storm

Chapter 17 Oleandra

Iris refused to fly any longer, landing in an empty field not far from the pass where Valeena, Elden, and Aira had traveled weeks before.

Valeena recognized the area; discovering that it was the same river and field that were visible through the window in the pass that Elden had taken her to. She turned and saw that they were also near the location where they were first attacked by Shadowlings.

“Elden…” Valeena whispered as the thought of those creatures surfaced in her mind. She subconsciously rubbed at her arm, waiting for the static electricity like feeling that would be a sign of their arrival.

Elden placed a single finger to his lips, indicating she should be quiet as he tethered the majestic bird to the only tree where it collapsed, welcoming sleep. They had flown all night across the mighty ocean, fighting the storm that had plagued the night.

He then pointed towards the beautiful city of Oleandra in the distance, motioning for her to follow. Valeena continued to rub at her arms, wondering when the Shadowlings would appear.

Elden sensed her hesitation and said, “They will only attack if they are called to. The bloated Queen does not even know we are here. We should be fine.” His voice was barely audible, just in case he was wrong.

Valeena did not care for walking in plain sight as they neared the majestic city of Oleandra, but there was no way of hiding. The field was barren of all trees and had very small shrubs growing in sharp clusters. Valeena could see adorable bunhops hopping near the river banks. Their white fur as lovely as fresh snow.

The city was simply beautiful. It had a brilliant dark purple mushroom-like building in the center of the city with the homes built around it. The water of the river emptied into a lake that the city itself was built on, the buildings resting on massive archways to allow the water to flow underneath.

Ships rocked lazily on the clear waves as new rivers snaked their way towards the sea. It was odd to see the ships with their sails closed, remaining stationary on the waters. The city was known for using ships to get around, instead of riding horses.

Valeena could see a dark figure floating silently down the street, casting no shadows despite the mid-afternoon sun. She saw not a single citizen moving through the once bustling city; no animals were in sight. A cold chill was building in her spine as she moved in the shadows of the buildings, sensing something was not right. Kai had said that nothing but death was here, but Valeena had secretly hoped that they were being dramatic.

Elden was directly behind her, his warm breath nearly on the back of her neck. She glanced at him and he indicated one finger to the cemetery. Valeena shook her head. She had noticed that the floating figure had made their way towards the cemetery and instantly decided she wanted nothing to do with that area.

“Let me go!” A voice screamed wildly, breaking the silence. There was an odd cracking sound, like lightning striking the dry dirt, and two shadow figures appeared, dragging a Reap behind them.

Valeena held her breath, hoping they had not heard her gasp as the Reap was drag past her. She watched in fear as they made their way into the cemetery and out of sight. Valeena groaned as she realized she would have to go there after all.

When she was sure the figures were gone, Valeena moved slowly, her legs feeling heavier than normal. She kept low to the ground as she approached the borders of the cemetery, finding that a cavern had been erected in the center of the tombstones.

It was built similar to the mushroom type building that was in the center of Oleandra, but this one was dark and foreboding. The Reap was being drugged into the opening, his heavy boots leaving trails in the dirt. The mud man-like beings remained eerily still, each one holding a skull by a rope.

Elden grabbed Valeena’s hand and stopped her from moving any further. He pointed to himself then at the cavern opening.

Valeena shook her head no. She did not come all this way to be left behind; to be forced to wait. He glared at her, shaking his own head no.

Valeena crossed her arms, nearly jumping as a shrill cry broke the silence, emitting from deep within the cavern. She peered back towards the cemetery, her eyes wide in fear. But it was still now, not even a bird made its way into the sky.

Valeena looked around the area and spied a thin, black, bed sheet hanging on a clothesline. She twisted her face in thought as a plan formed in her mind. Valeena crouched low again, cautiously removing the sheet from the line and putting it over her head, feeling like a child pretending to be a ghost.

“Use your crystal to make them think I am one of them.” Valeena hissed, knowing Elden was able to manipulate their minds. He sighed deeply, “You look stupid.” He said, ripping the sheet off of her head.

“Just follow me.” He said harshly, standing tall and walking slowly towards the gates of the cemetery. Valeena followed behind him, her heart pounding a drum solo in her ears. She instantly regretted her decision to follow him as she crossed the threshold into the cemetery. The warm afternoon seemed to have been blocked from the cemetery as the air changed to a much cooler temperature.

Elden paused a moment, focusing on the cavern. Moments later, one of the eerie shadow figures appeared, pausing inches before Valeena.

Its face was completely hidden beneath the black cloak, but Valeena could hear it sniffing the air. A long snake-like tongue appeared as the figure approached Valeena, its body sliding like a fog over the water. It sniffed again, its body nearly touching her as it leaned in, the tongue protruding from the shadows of the cloak.

Valeena bit her own tongue so as not to cry out, hoping it could not hear her heart pounding. The figure seemed satisfied she was one of them and moved on, ignoring Elden completely.

Elden flicked his hand forward, indicating she should start moving again. Valeena followed behind the Elden, who was walking behind the figure, doing her best to breathe softly.

She entered the cavern and was instantly swallowed up in darkness, seeing only grainy shadows. Valeena felt Elden brush her hand, gently taking her the tips of her fingers to lead her into the darkness. Valeena saw blood red wisps darting back and forth in the shadows, their moans light, and distance. She had never seen wisps that large or red before, they were almost menacing. The air smelled sickeningly like blood and sweat with a faint sulfur odor.

One of the figures floated past her, its body brushing Valeena’s arm in the process causing a memory that did not belong to her to flash in her mind. The memory was of a Reap being drug through the passage, calling out for the figures to let them go. Valeena blinked and the memory was gone.

A glowing red light was dancing on the walls as they rounded a sharp corner and Elden released her fingertips. The light was emitting from a bubbling basin of glowing ruby liquid that was surrounding a raised platform. The shadow figures had strapped the Reap to the top of the platform and were chanting low, their voices sounding dark and distance.

Valeena did not want to watch but found that it was impossible to look away as a black orb formed around the now unconscious Reap. Sharp, tiny, sparks of purple lightning danced off the surface of the orb.

Valeena clapped a hand over hear mouth as she saw a dark, cloud-like image emerge from the head of the Reap. The cloud had the appearance of a Reap as if it were floating above its own body. Valeena felt light headed and prayed she did not pass out as the cloud began to twist like smoke as the chanting grew stronger.

The fog then screamed falling into the glowing liquid below. The chanting ceased as the liquid began to boil more rapidly, rising and falling before spitting the fog out like a geyser of water.

Two shadow figures approached the unmoving fog, using a staff to sprinkle it with some sort of hot smelling liquid. The body began to hiss and steam like water on a hot skillet and Valeena saw the body of a Shadowling rise off the floor.

She recalled Elden saying that a mad scientist had helped to perfect this process. Valeena did not see any science here, only dark magic. Elden elbowed her roughly in the ribs and indicated to the staff that was being held by the leader of the group.

Valeena groaned as her eyes fell upon it. The staff was long, with a statue of an Ankou resting on top of it. The Ankou was holding a glowing amulet with a brilliant ruby gem on it.

‘Of course, that would be the Element.’ Valeena thought, wishing it could have been any other item.

She wanted nothing to do with it, fearing that if she touched it, she would become a Shadowling as well. She was horrified as she saw Elden moving closer to the figure with the staff as it stood over the newly formed Shadowling.

The figure took no notice of him as it began to chant once more, the other figures joining in. Valeena held her breath as Elden grabbed the staff, ripping it free from the black hands of the shadow figure.

The figure cried out, a horrible sound that echoed off the bare walls of the cavern. The other figures darted towards Elden, their movements quick and sure. He swung the staff, hitting one of the figures in the stomach as he removed his rusty sword.

Valeena was frozen in place as she saw him stab another figure, the thing not stopping in its attack. As Elden drew back his sword, the blade caught the robe and tugged on it, the hood falling off the figure to reveal a disfigured skull underneath.

“Val, help!" Elden shouted as two more figures rounded on, yelling in a feign tongue. A light chanting was emitting from the hooded figures hiding among the shadows.

Valeena thought fast, using her crystal to draw moisture out of the air and allowing it to fall onto the figures. They took no notice of the sudden, warm rain and continued their assault on Elden, an orb of light growing around him as more and more shadow figures joined in the chanting.

Elden dropped the staff and smashed the top of it off with his boot. Valeena clapped her hands tightly over her ears as a horrific scream-like sound filled the cavern. Thousands of tiny red and brown orbs erupted from the power under Elden’s foot, the figures falling over, remaining still.

Elden bent down and picked the amulet up off the ground by the chain, doing his best not to touch the gem. He then broke out into a sprint, making his way towards the front entrance.

Valeena turned and fled as well just as the glowing red liquid began to overflow out of the basin. The liquid splashed upwards, filling the cavern as Valeena pumped her legs to exit, spying the sweet light of freedom. But the liquid splashed under foot, making the floor slippery. She slipped on the wet surface and landed hard on her stomach, the liquid washing over her.

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