Lyall's Story

Chapter 24 planning my wedding


Oh, my goodness I can’t believe that just happened! I just stare at my ring I’m still in shock. I’ve been in the wedding business so long I’ve always wondered when it’d be my turn… and now it finally is! Of course, I always stare at some of my wedding dresses when I’m alone. When surrounded by dresses who wouldn’t!? There’s one I’ve been eyeing for a while and really want to try on. Soon I realize that I’m still in the meadow with Lyall lost in my daydream of my dress that I totally forgot where I was.

“Should we go back inside now?” I ask him nervously. I’m so excited to tell everybody but yet I want to keep enjoying this moment just the two of us.

“Yeah, we probably should. I’m the luckiest man right now.” He stares lovingly into my eyes as he helps me get back up from laying in the wildflowers. Soon I hear Aurora squealing with excitement for us.

“I’m so happy for you two! With everything that’s been going on we need some happiness around here!”

“Ain’t that the truth!” Aurora and I lock arms like we had been best friends our whole lives. As we go inside, I squeal with excitement and show off my new ring to family and friends. Mom almost tackles me as I walk into the room.

“Oh, sweetie congratulations! Lyall, you’re getting the best girl!”

“I know that’s why I asked her to be my bride.” A group ‘awww’ was said by all the she-wolves.

“Ladies, why don’t we talk wedding in my office.” We all giggled like a bunch of schoolgirls. All the drama with Vincent it was nice to have some girl time with my mom, Lou, and my girlfriends Lyna, Aurora, Mia, Reika, Calla, Ursa, and Ulva. Mom was always in charge when we had big parties and ceremonies so no surprise, she took over wedding planning.

“Venue should be easy, I’m presuming at Wild Forest with Lyall being your Beta, Lyna?”

“Yeah, I’m sure Lyall would like to have it at his home and where they’re going to be living.” I smile at Lyna almost with tears in my eyes. She has been nothing but kind to me through everything. She’s the best Luna besides my mom.

“Well, that’s easy. You don’t really have to pay for that. The dress should be easy as well. I’m sure you have one you’ve been eyeing with being surrounded by wedding stuff all the time.” Mom smiles at me. I know she’s been looking forward to dress shopping with me since I set up my shop about a year ago.

“As a matter of fact, I have one. I’ll show you a picture on the computer.” I search the dress and once I found it everyone just ‘ooh’ and ‘aww’ at how pretty it was. It was an A-line dress with soft flowers on it, a sweetheart top that was covered by more of the flowers that made into cap-sleeves. A cathedral-style veil with flowers along the edge of the veil to match the dress. There was a matching cape with it too, a simple cathedral-style cape with a red flower to clip it together. So, I could wear that if I wanted to take off my veil, but I think I’ll just stick to the veil.

“So, a nature-inspired wedding seems like an excellent choice when you’re always surrounded by it.” Mom was beaming with pride. I could only imagine how she was going to be at Lou’s wedding someday.

“Well, that solves dress.” We spend the afternoon planning until we practically have the whole thing set.


While the girls go have their fun, the guys pull me aside to congratulate me as well. All that was left was Lucy’s dad, Lupe, Conall, Oliver, Evan, Raff, Amaruq.

“Congratulations, son welcome to the family.” Her dad claps his hand on my shoulder. Lyna’s dad used to do the same… brought back memories…

“Thanks… dad… it’s been a while since I’ve had a father figure in my life…” Everyone was having a drink when Lupe piped up.

“Yeah, what happened to your family? You don’t mention them?” He asks me out of curiosity I suppose.

“Um… yeah… Wild Forest has a common thing… the former alpha and luna liked to take in rogues, orphans, anyone in trouble… I was the one in trouble… my former pack, Moonlight Pack was attacked either by rogues or another pack, and as far as I know my whole family… the beta family and who knows who else… gone… my mom’s last words to me were ‘run… just run my son… I love you…’ and she took her last breath… and I did as she told me to do. I ran and ran and ran probably for days I didn’t pay attention or notice where I was going until I fell over in exhaustion… when I came to, I was at the Wild Forest pack hospital, Doc Bader patching me up from malnutrition and dehydration and the former luna watching over me like she was my mom… I was thirteen.” I had never told my story to anyone not even Lyna or Lucy. I didn’t want to burden them with my sad story, but I guess eventually Lucy is going to find out. Conall puts his hand on my shoulder

“I’m sorry Lyall… we had no idea.” The almighty alpha was a big softie. Not just to Lyna but to whoever needed it. He really was an outstanding leader despite not being alpha for very long.

“Nobody did except for Lyna’s parents. I didn’t want to make a fuss out of it, but Marrok trained me to be the best beta I could be. I like to think I was until they died… and I took the training they gave me to train Lyna.”

“Of course, you are! You’ve gone above and beyond the duties of a beta!” Evan comes up behind me and lays a comforting hand on my other shoulder.

“In our pack, the gamma is the one who protects the luna at all costs. You’d be a great gamma, but I’m sure you’d like to stay here.” I know he’s joking but there’s no way I’d leave here.

“Thanks, Evan but yeah I’d like to stay. This is my home…” I smile at that small sentence. With my pack, Lucy, and now loving in-laws. I never want to feel the agony of losing family ever again. “Well, enough sadness we’re supposed to be celebrating! Come on a round of drinks on me!” We go back to laughing and having a good time when the ladies come back from their scheming. Lucy comes running up to me and gives me a quick kiss.

“So, have the whole thing planned out?”

“Yup, venue, dress, inspiration, guest list, and date. It’s going to be in mid-spring when it’s fully warm and no chance of winter making it cold.” That sounds nice… warm sun, wildflowers in full bloom, my bride looking beautiful… I can’t wait!

“Sounds like a good plan.”

“Well, you know mom she won’t stop until it’s finished. I can’t wait to officially become your beta female.”

“I can’t either…” Soon I hear dad clanging of a champagne flute getting our attention.

“I just wanted to say despite everything that has been going on. I couldn’t imagine a better son-in-law and mate for Lucy. You two are a great couple and I wish you many years of happiness. And as much as it’s going to make me sad that she’s going to be living with another back at least she still gets to be close by. To the bride and groom!” Everyone raises their glasses in our honor and everyone except Lou who’s having sparkly apple juice has a drink. Quila makes a huge dinner for us and the celebration goes into the night. We go to bed exhausted from the fun, but there’s no other way I want to go to bed… with her by my side.

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