Lyall's Story

Chapter 22 dreaming and fight time

(Edited on Sept 2021)


While we were talking, we had made Aurora the leader of the search group since of her medallion masking her scent, she’d be able to go in first with no one knowing. We hashed out other details, and I know everyone in this group cared for Lucy as much as I did, but I just wanted to go wherever she was and just take her home. Unfortunately, I can’t do that… I try to sit down on a rocking chair trying to calm down but nothing was helping. My wolf, Lykos just wanted to get our mate… I see from the corner of my eye Aurora and Mia looking worriedly at me.

“Can I help you, ladies?” I ask angrily.

“We just wanted to help you calm down… as a healer, I can heal the body, sickness, and energy. If you let me touch your shoulder, you’ll feel a jolt of electricity enter your body and you’ll feel a calmness wash over you (don’t worry it won’t hurt).” I nod my head allowing her to do this even though it sounds crazy to me. She puts her hands on my shoulders and I felt the electricity. I braced myself for shocks. As it enters my body and instead of shocking me as I thought it, would it felt like it was tingling me, and I felt calm. I let out a sigh of relief and she just rubs my back. Soon I hear another set of footsteps coming towards us.

“Oh, hey Evan what’s up?” The girls smile when they see him. He seems like a nice guy and under other circumstances, I’d like to hang out with him sometime.

“Just checking to make sure you two were alright.”

“We’re fine, but our leader was being too hot-headed and was about to do something crazy.” Aurora smirking at me as she tells him what we’ve been up to.

“Yeah, I can understand being separated from your mate is no fun… Mia why don’t you offer one of your splendid dreams, that could help him calm down.”

“Yeah, I can give you a pleasant dream of you and Lucy being reunited. Come on, let’s go inside we don’t want our co-leader being a hothead because he’s too worried about his mate.” Honestly, that sounds like a great idea. We wanted to wait until nightfall to give them the element of surprise. With a couple of hours to kill, I figured a good rest would be good. I went back to the guest room near Lucy’s room along with the girls behind me. Already feeling relaxed from whatever Aurora did, I lay on top of the bed waiting for what Mia had to do. Soon her eyes glowed gold changing from her usual brown and the room morphed into the woods near Wild Forest in spring. I could smell the wildflowers growing back, the leaves growing back, hear the birds chirping, and feel the warmth of the sun shining through the trees.

“What’s going on?” Soon I see Lucy coming out of the trees. She’s in a beautiful, flowy, pastel yellow, short-sleeve spring dress. “Lucy?? You look, beautiful sweetie.”

“Thanks, you look handsome too. Why are you so stressed?”

“Oh, nothing to worry your pretty head about. Let’s go sit in the flowers and enjoy each other’s company.” We cuddle up in the flowers and enjoy each other’s company. It felt so real! It felt like a real spring day that could happen when it warms up in real life. I didn’t want this dream to end.

“Here, a flower for you.” I stick a small white wildflower in her hair, and she smiles at me and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks that’s very sweet of you.”

“I wish I could stay here with you all the time.”

“Me too… but I’m sure Lyna would be worried about us.”

“Yeah, true… but before we go…” I know this is my dream, but I really want to do this in real life once all this craziness is over. I get down on one knee and wrap up a wildflower into a ring shape. “Lucy Celeste Amelie Artaud-Shaw… I’ve loved you since we first met in your shop and I know it hasn’t been long, but I’m crazy about you. Will you please marry me?” A big smile comes across her face and she gives me a big hug.

“YES!” We fall back onto the flowers and enjoy our moment… soon the dream faded away and back to reality where the girls and Evan were standing by.

“Ugh… why did you have to kill my dream??”

“Sorry Lyall… but we have to rescue her and then you can make that dream a reality.” Aurora pulled me up from the bed and I had my game face on. I was focused and motivated on getting Lucy back.

“Are we ready to go?”

“Yeah, it’s close to dark so we should head out soon.” We all head down the hall towards the stairs when I hear her mom call us.

“I know you’re not officially a part of the family yet, but I feel you’re going to be soon… please bring my daughter back…” She gives me a hug and a kiss on top of my head.

“I promise you we will get her back or I’ll die trying…” Soon our little group met outside. Aurora had her necklace on and started leading the way. We could faintly smell her scent of lavender and sunflowers, and luckily it was still there. Aurora was upfront leading the rest of us… since we didn’t hear any screaming from inside, we presumed our idea of her being leader was a good idea. Oliver, Evan, and Lupe circled to the back of the cabin waiting for orders. I stayed near the front with Aurora while Mia and Lyna took the sides.


I could smell Lyall’s red oak and pine scent. Thank goodness Lou sent for a rescue team, but that meant if I could they could too… oh no… soon I hear Vincent stomping to my room.

“Who did you bring here!?” I wanted to hide under the blanket of my small bed…

“Nobody! I didn’t send for anybody!”

“Then how do they know you’re here!?” He growls at me.

“I don’t know! How could I have snuck out of here without you knowing?” Believe me, I wish I did…

“You have a fair point… come on let’s greet our visitors…” I don’t like the sound of that at all… soon Vincent shifted into his wolf and growled at the group. I didn’t know who was here with Lyall or if he was crazy enough to come by himself but I was just happy to see Lyall again. One thing I remember from the training that Aurora and Oliver drilled into my head was, never go in alone without a plan. So, I hope they have some sort of plan… soon I hear a growl of a bear! Oh, crap… is that a real bear?! I look into its eyes and recognize them… it’s Ursa! Oh, crap… well he’s pissed off an entire pack of wolves and a bear… I wouldn’t want to be Vincent right now… but my question is, is Ursa working for Vincent or us?

“Well, well well… we seem to have a party! Come out wherever you are!” I could hear more growling and they stepped out from their hiding places. When everybody came out, it was seven wolves from my side and possibly Ursa vs Vincent by himself… either way, this isn’t going to end well… I crawled up in a ball on the porch while the fighting started… I didn’t want to look…


“Well, well well… now we seem to have a party! Come out wherever you are!” We hear the capture say… oh come on this isn’t a movie! We all growl at the guy and let him know that he’s surrounded and that his bear isn’t working for him anymore. I see Lucy curled up in a little ball on the porch. She was mine to get and bring home safely… before we get to her let’s finish this guy. Everyone is looking to me or Aurora to make the first move so I better fight for my woman! Mia stepped up first to give him a nightmare. Her eyes glowed gold again as she did with my delightful dream, only instead of me being in the forest. It looked like we were at his house back in France… talking to who I guess is his dad. He was an older version of Vincent. To someone I guess he will be a nice mate, but not for my Lucy…

“I’m sorry dad… I couldn’t bring her home… I failed…” His head is hung low and not looking him in the eye.

“Then you are a failure to me! I told you to bring Lucy Shaw home!” Dad yells at him.

“What was I supposed to do? Drag her!? I did and her mate brought the pack to rescue her!”

“Then you fight! We have to have our line pristine! I won’t accept anything less than a high-ranking wolf!” Well isn’t he a charmer... can’t believe people still think like this.

“It’s not like there’s a shortage of pretty she-wolves dad… we’ll find one and we can do this again!”

“I wanted her! She was promised to us! Her stupid dad said no…” He growls at Vincent and I kinda feel bad for him. Ugh never thought I’d say or think that.

“Why can’t I just wait for my true mate like Lucy did? Maybe she will be a high-rank wolf and we don’t have to worry about all this.” Wow, him pleading with his dad to find his true mate?? I didn’t expect that.

“Cause then the rest of your siblings can wait for their mates!” His siblings don’t get to be with their mates either?? What kind of sicko is this family??!!

“What’s so wrong with that??” That’s surprising... coming from him.

“My kids will only be mated with high-rank wolves! We will have power!” Clearly, this dude needs an attitude change. When the dream sequence is over and we can move again Evan transforms into a chocolate brown wolf with lime green eyes, Oliver transforms jet black with silver eyes and a white spot on his tail that reminded me of dad. Lupe turns into a fiery red wolf similar to Scarlett except his wolf also has a white spot on his tail like Oliver and dad. We all tackle him while the girls also in wolf form try to grab Lucy… I get out of the pile and run towards Lucy. Evan smacks him against a tree, and Oliver just claws at him, and bites into a leg. I’m not really paying attention I just hear the yelp from the bite. Lucy was all I could think about.


Lyna, Mia, myself, and the bear friend Ursa were all focused on getting Lucy out. The guys distracted Vincent long enough before we could find her crouched on the porch. While using Ursa as a barrier so the guys couldn’t grab Lucy. We hid in the woods for a few minutes before charging through the yard to get her.

“Lucy, it’s Aurora! We’re going to get you out of here!” I shouted above the bear growls but I could feel her relief.

“Oh, thank goodness! I’ve never been happier to see you guys!” I could tell she had been crying. I don’t blame her I’ve been in the same boat not that long ago... I wouldn’t wish it on anyone... once we’re out of sight of the guys Ursa swung back.

“I’m going to help the guys! It’s going to piss Vincent off which is why I want to. Plus, I can help the guys.” Ursa leaves as quietly and gently as she could so to not give herself away.

“Alright, if you want to, then go! We’ll stay here and make sure Vincent does nothing when he realizes she’s gone.” We see her shift into her bear and went back to the guys.

“Are you alright, Lucy?” I ask with concern.

“Yeah, I think so... how did you find me??” She still looks dazed but alright.

“Lou found Lyall, and she came back with a charm bracelet from Ursa.”

“I’m so glad she could get away!” I can tell she had been worried about Lou.“She wasn’t hurt?” As she tells me her story, I take a deep breath and concentrate on using my healing power, and the familiar electricity jolts exit my fingers. Making sure that she didn’t have any major injuries, thankfully she didn’t, but I found something else.

“Not a scratch on her, she made it out of the woods on her own and stumbled into the backyard where Lyall was, but Lucy are you aware that you have some kind of low-level poison or something in your system?” She looks at me wide-eyed. “I’ll take that as a no! Let’s see if we can get you home and we can reverse this quickly!”

“No! I need to help Lyall and Lykos!” She tries to get up, but I set her down on a dry patch of ground.

“Are you crazy!? I almost yell at her but not so loud that the guys notice we’re gone.

“It’s my fault we’re in this mess in the first place! Plus, I want him to know that he’s messed with the wrong family.”

“You’re under some kind of poison or potion! Who knows how long before the affects kick in?!”

“I got to at least try!” She tries to get up again but I gently shove her back on the ground.

“Absolutely not! Let the guys and Ursa handle this! I know you want a piece of him I was in your shoes not that long ago! I too, was sexually assaulted almost raped by a guy... I eventually killed him.”

“Why can’t I get that satisfaction?!” I can tell she was getting annoyed with me.

“Then your hands are stained with his blood!” Then the realization of where I was going with this hits her.

“Yeah, I suppose your right. I’m not that good of a fighter, anyway. I’ll leave it to those better than me, besides I got my piece of him earlier. I headbutt him and kneed him to get him off me when he actually did it.” I can see the tears in her eyes. I know she wants to help but I’m glad she’s not crazy to go out in the fight.


Lucy… Scarlett? Can you hear me?” I try to communicate with Lucy just to see if she’s ok.

“Yeah, we can… thank you for coming to rescue me… Aurora and the other girls got me to safety away from the house, but we’re close by.” She sounds weak, but she’s hanging in there.

“I’d never leave you with a jerk like this! You’re mine and I’m going to take care of you! Let me help the guys take care of this jerk and we can take you home.”

With that, I run off and join the fight with the other guys. I growl at him knowing he has messed with the wrong mate… they get off of him and let me have at him. He was pretty banged up from Oliver and Evan, but soon he’s going to wish he never left France… I had transformed into a 6ft reddish-brown beta… I was done being nice… I growl at him and he’s circling me. It’s a one-on-one fight while the guys go check on the girls. I pawed his face like I would a punch which seemed to draw some more blood. He tries to do the same to me but I dodge him. I know Lykos wants to have at it with him, but I shift back to myself. My mind goes blank and I tone out everything. I growl at him for taking Lucy from me. Now he was going to pay…

I briefly turn around to look for Lucy but they must’ve started the trek back home, I hear him getting close to me. I turned around and backhand slap his muzzle which sent him flying through a tree. Ooh, that’s going to leave a mark… I can feel the pieces of bark and a couple of sticks going down his shirt but I didn’t care. I grab a stick nearby and try to hit him with that along the back to knock him down some. His attitude needed to be knocked down a peg or two as well. He tries to lunge at me, but I’m too quick for him and dodge him. Now that he was in my hands, I squeeze his neck… hard once near the nerves of his throat to make him twitch. I didn’t want to kill him yet. I drop him hard onto the ground.

I could hear Lucy arguing with Aurora a little wanting to fight, but I was glad that Lucy didn’t show up. I hear a rustling in the woods and hear Ursa making her way back to us. Lucy must’ve sent her to help us. She charges at us and knocks the wind out of him while he goes flying near the porch and hits his head a little.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk… you call yourself an alpha!” I transformed back into Lykos. I slid under him and kicked him in the stomach. He went crashing into a boulder. He tried to attack again, but I just smacked him with my paw. I shift back to myself again, and I grab him by the neck.

“This is my one and only warning. Go back home and never come back! Never do the things you did ever again! I may be a beta, but I’m not pathetic or weak! Also, you may have lost your bear… pity she’s a great ally if you treat her well.” He growls at me at the loss of Ursa, but honestly, I don’t care. He stumbles back inside, and we shift back to Lykos again. I smell Lucy’s scent and make our way home. With Vincent finally gone we can live our lives how we want and not look over our shoulders anymore… now I can finally make her happy again…

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