Lyall's Story

Chapter 21 trying to escape


I did not sleep well at all… between the horrible news from Ursa and not being able to cuddle with Lyall. I looked horrible from exhaustion. Bags under my eyes, I was shuffling around the room like a zombie, just wanted something to wake me up from this nightmare. Luckily for me, Ursa came down first for breakfast.

“Morning… I see you didn’t sleep well…”

“NO! How could I with that psycho in the house!? I cried myself to sleep last night, and when I slept it wasn’t restful…” She gets some orange juice for us to drink and out of nervousness, I don’t take it.

“Relax I didn’t spike it.” I carefully take it and yeah tastes like orange juice. Soon we both hear footsteps and realize that Vincent was awake. When he saw me drinking the juice, I guess he figured their plan was in motion.

“Good morning, ladies. I hope you slept well.” Ursa stepped forward with a glass of juice.

“Thirsty? I just poured us some juice and was about to make breakfast. Eggs?” Ursa keeping up her charade and me keeping up mine. She slides him a glass of juice.

“Uh yeah sure that sounds good. What about you, Lucy?”

“I’m not picky, but I’d like some fresh air.” I walk out of the kitchen when he grabs me “Let go of me please or did you not have enough of me last night?” I growled at him when he touched me. The nerve of him!

“I’d like more of you…” Ugh… gag me! He flashes his creepy smile and eventually lets go of my wrist. I make my way to their makeshift porch and sit down. I felt like I was suffocating in there. I was so close to the woods that I could smell the scent of the surrounding trees… it was making Scarlett go nuts! She wanted to run as much as I did… but for now, we had to keep up this charade… soon I hear the sizzle of the eggs cooking and I hear footsteps not long behind me.

“Lucy, breakfast is almost ready.” Luckily for me, it was Ursa who found me.

“Thanks… the eggs weren’t spiked?” I asked her worriedly.

“Just some salt and pepper. I keep the potion on me at all times.”

“Good… what if Vincent does something?”

“I’d know if he did. Relax, for now, he has done nothing. Let’s go inside and have some food. Your mate wouldn’t want you to starve.” Yeah, she had a point there… thinking of Lyall was my only way of not going insane here… when we went back inside Ursa shook her head to confirm that he did nothing while we were outside. So, I cautiously eat my breakfast… soon afterward I get changed out of my PJs and put on decent clothes of a long-sleeve shirt, and some jeans. Ursa let me borrow some of her clothes. I tried to make a break for it again to go outside, but once again Vincent caught me.

“Where do you think you’re going??” He growled at me

“I’m just going to get some fresh air. You have me imprisoned here, so it’s not like I can escape…” I tried to keep up the act, but honestly, it didn’t feel like acting to me.

“You just remember who owns you now… you’ll never see your precious mate or your pack or your family again…” He growled at me grabbing me tighter. I winced in pain from his grip but that didn’t seem to stop him. “Come back inside and we can get to know each other better…” I definitely didn’t like the sound of that…

“I’d rather not… I’d rather stay here and enjoy the fresh air and a day when it’s not snowing.” Not entirely wrong… as much as I loved to watch the snowfall it always brought powerful memories of home… since he thought the potion was slowly working, I had to keep up the charade for now. I really hope that Ursa isn’t playing both sides just so she can get whatever she wants… I really hope she genuinely wants to be my friend again… well for now I have to trust her…

“Well, it’s cold out and I don’t want you to get sick.” He gives me his hand but I smack it away.

“Yeah, ok… pretending you actually care when you just want me to go back with you? I don’t think so.” He growled at that.

“I’m not pretending!” Well, his acting skills are pretty good I’ll give him that.

“Yeah, and the sky’s green… you just want me for political gain! True?” I cross my arms at him.

“No! I was promised you and now I want that to be fulfilled!” He growls at me.

“So, you waited six years to find me?” I’m getting doubtful but got to admit it’s kinda sweet creepily and weirdly way.

“Yeah, I did… even if you’re not my proper mate. I do care…” He actually looked sad for a moment.

“Then let me go home! Let me go back to my mate, my pack, and family!”

“No can do… you’re all mine.” Damn it, I was so close! I stormed off into the house and slammed my door to get warm and to get away from him.


“How is this good news?” I ask her dad.

“The bear charm belongs to a family friend. Her name is Ursa Osborn. A long time ago she had given Lucy this same charm bracelet if she was ever in trouble. I guess before we got to America, she must’ve given it back. With this charm, we can summon her for help.”

“Ok, great so let’s summon her and see if she can tell us anything about Lucy!” I was going half-hysterical since I’m missing her so much… I know her family does too, but being away from your mate for too long can make a wolf go… well we get temperamental… he presses the charm and in a flash of light she just appears.

“Glad I wasn’t taking a shower. What is it, Alpha Adolphe?” Bet that was something he hadn’t heard in a long time.

“It’s good to see you again Ursa… please tell me Lucy is, ok?”

“She’s physically ok for now… last night… Vincent sexually assaulted her…” Her dad and I growl at her when she says that. NOBODY hurts my Lucy!

“And you just tell us now!? Let us go with you to kick this jerk’s butt and bring our Lucy home!”

“I’d love to but not yet. I have a similar potion that I did to you guys ready to go for Vincent. Where he leaves her alone, goes back to France, doesn’t remember Lucy or your family, and wants to wait for his mate. We have to gain his trust first before we can set it into motion. He thinks she’s under his spell. The thing is, I never made it… so if he does something magical to her then either he’s been keeping something from me or he’s been in my supply. We just have to convince him for a few more days that she’s under his spell, and then you guys can swoop in and take her away.”

“Well, at least you have somewhat of a plan…” Her dad may be happy with that but I’m not! I want her home in my arms right now!

“Who’s going to be in your search party?” Ursa looks at me sad knowing that I’m Lucy’s mate.

“Me, Lupe, Lyna, Aurora, Mia, Evan, and Oliver.”

“Sounds like an excellent group of wolves. I’ll let Lucy know to expect you soon… be strong young beta… you’ll get her back soon.” She puts her hand on my shoulder and as quickly as she came, she was gone in a flash. The group of names I called for the search party met me outside to come up with a plan.

“I have a medallion that masks my scent, makes me invisible. I should lead so alpha creepy doesn’t suspect us.” She had a fair point, if we could have an advantage that’s definitely a good one. Mia, who’s usually the quiet one, tried to speak up.

“I can make illusions in people’s heads. I make nightmares or pleasant dreams.” Dang ok, note to self to not mess with her… the rest of their group was just good at kicking butt which is always a plus.

“So how are we going to do this.” I try to discuss a game plan, but all I wanted was Lucy…

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