Love is Weakness. [1]

Chapter The Unknown


After I had something to eat Eadon shows me to "my" room. We walk through this beautiful house again, back into the hallway where the creep left us, further into the hall. All doors are black, except for ofcourse my door.

'This is your room, I had someone buy you clothes. You have your own badroom. If you behave well, nobody will disturb you in your room. I want you to feel home.' Eagon says. Then he turns and walks away.

I open the white door of my room and my jaw falls on the floor for the second time today. This room is huge, it is bigger then my whole appartment. On the left side against the wall is a bed. Not just a bed, the bed is huge. I can sleep horizontal if I want. The covers are beautifully white, almost shining with a golden flower in the middle. I reconize the flower as a Dahlia. There is only one nightstand next to the bed on the left side. On it sits a lamb in the form of a rose in a rosegold colour. There's a soft looking carpet onderneath the bed sticking out in rosegold looking beautiful next to the broken white laminate flooring. On the right wall of the room hangs a huge tv with underneath it a glass cabinet that contains dozens of movies. In front of it is a low lounge sofa in white. At the back of the room is on each side a door.

I take my shoes off and place them next to the door. I decide to go for the left door. There is a huge walk-in closet behind it. To the left there's tens of fancy dresses hanging in all kinds of colours. In the middle are little booths with shoes in them, from heels to sneakers, from flipflops to boots. On the right is one rack of less fancy dresses but from I can see they're still beautiful. There is another line of small booths who seem to hold regular clothes. I walk to them and pick out an army green tanktop and black ripped skinny jeans. Noticing the drawers I pull one open. This one contains earsrings of all kinds. They sparkle so much I sudden feel overwelmed. I quickly close the draywer again and go search for the one with the socks and underwear. When I find them I quickly walk out of the closet and onto the other door which I presume is the bathroom.

The bathroom is beautiful too. In the middle of it stands a huge bath on legs. In the left corner there's a big shower hiding beneath glass doors with blackout windows. I open the glass door and inside there are three showers, all on each side except the doors side. I quickly get in and see that there are different shampoo's, conditioners and bodywashes lined up. I quickly take off my clothes, throw them outside the shower among with the clean clothes and turn the shower on.

While I'm showering I'm thinking about all that is happening. Eadon surely has a dark side, I could see it by the way he demanded the creep and the way he hit the counter when I just looked around. Maybe he is trying to buy me, but I grew up with nothing and I never needed anything. Yes, my shower is amazing but I am also fine with my fine shower back at my appartment. Tiff.. She must be so worried. I'm wondering if she has already called the police. Knowing her she probably has. What about Conan? Would he be searching for me? My whole life has gone down the drain since the night I met Conan. I know he saved my life, but I'm mad at him. Really really mad. If he would have told me what was going on I would never have gotten Marcas close. I would have gotten tools to defend myself. Now I'm at the mercy of a monster in disguise and once again do I need to plan an escape. Conan better be looking for me, because if he isn't I'm going to kill him. Well, not literally kill. Or maybe I am, depends on how mad I am.

After I'm done taking a shower and putting my clothes on I lay on the couch as I struggle with the remote. When I finally find a good music channel I just lay there watching videoclips. Seeing all those people smile and dancing makes me wanna go home more then ever. After all this is over Tiff and I are definitely going to move. Far away.

A knock from the door wakes me up. I'm still on the couch, the tv still on the music clips. There is a knock again. I get up and smoothen my hair walking towards the door. When I open it I see a woman standing behind it bowing her head. She is dressed as a maid.

'Hello, ma'am. My name is Josephine and I'm your maid. If you need anything you can come ask me. Or if Eadon needs anything he will ask me to tell you. He wants to have dinner with you and would gladly want to see you in one of the dresses.' With this she turns on her heels and walks away.

Well okay Josephine.. I close the door to think about wheter I want to wear a fancy dress or not. It seems too expensive to be on me. I would feel uncomfortable in it and dresses aren't really a good option when you're escaping. But on the other hand, the chance that I escape tonight is slim and I don't want to make Eadon mad. So I walk to the closet to pick out a nice dress. There are a lot of colours, cherry red, green, darker green, light blue, darker blue, whites, greys, black ones. I decide to go for a black one who has a sweetheart neck. When I put it on it feels like a second skin. The split that runs from my calves to just above my knee makes it easier to walk. I grab a pair of black heels and put them on. Standing in front of the mirror I actually admire myself. I looked good, really good. I quickly do my hair and head downstairs. Let's see how this goes.

When I opened my door my maid was still outside it. She looked at me and nodded bringing me to the dinner room. To say it's infinite is even an understatement. There were candles lit on one side of the table covered plates with foods taking up a huge side. Josephine points at a chair next to the head of the table. I sit down in front of my plate and wait nervously clawing my hand.

'You don't have to be nervous, it is just dinner.' Eadons voice echoes through the room. He takes place at the head of the table and holds out a hand. I eye it carefully. 'We pray before we eat.' I look in his eyes and see an annoyed look. Quickly grabbing his hand I close my eyes. He felt cold, way too cold that a human or wait a werewolf should be? Are werewolves warm? Conan is warm.

'Dear Goddess, forgive me for the things I have done wrong. Thank you for bringing such an angel in my life. I hope she will stay with me and will learn how to live with me. Please, guide her way. Thank you.'

He lets go of my hands and starts grabbing plates and shoving all kinds of food on mine before he does the same to his. 'Eat, angel. You need strength.'

I look at my plate and I just don't know where to begin. I have been brough to places before where I did not want to be but in none of them have I ever been treated so kindly. But I do need to get out of here. Even if he is kind, he is still a monster.

'Tomorrow you will start training with the puppies. They learn basic fighting skills. I want you to be less volunerable. The pups have not met their wolves yet, tho they are a little stronger then normal human kids their ages. You will be awoken by Josephine and she will give you an hour to take a shower, get dressed or whatever you women do in the morning.' He giggles at that part and I quickly giggle along. 'After training you will get time to shower again and then we'll eat together. After eating you can either take a nap or come with me to the office. We will eat together every evening. That is a rule. In the evenings we can get to know eachother or you can go up to your room. If you need anything else, please let me know and you will get it.' I nod at him saying a silent thank you. What the hell is this guy up to? If he was angry all the time I would have atleast understood this. But he is being so nice. He doesn't really want me to stay forever does he? My heartbeat picks up and I tremble in fear. What if I can't escape?

So lost in my thoughts I didn't see Eadon looking at me untill he throws his plate across the room. My eyes shoot up at Eadon standing towered over me. 'I am nice and you're still scared of me?! Go. To. Your. Room.' What the hell? I doubt for a second giving Eadon a reason to grab my by my arm and pulling me up with so much strength my chair falls backward. He pulls me to his face. He breaths harshly against my cheek, rest his lips on my ears and screams NOW! I jump grabbing my ear and run to my room. Once in I throw myself on the bed and start crying. I want to go home.

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