Love is Weakness. [1]

Chapter Love.


Sitting in a plane once again with Avril and a few warriors of the pack. We were on our way to Eadon. This time I wasn't pacing back and forth. All the worrying and the lack of sleep and food was starting to wear off on me. That and the missing of my Mate. I hadn't heard my wolf in hours, not even to protest on my thoughts about breaking the bond. The truth was, I had my doubts now. The moment I found out she was taken my heart broke. It broke like it hand't been broken since my father died.

Avril sits down in the chair next to me. I feel her staring at me so I close my eyes, trying to draw her out. I knew she was worried about me, even more so since she knows I don't want Stacia as my Mate. I just hoped she could forgive me once. She always wanted to find her Mate, I know that. She just wants to be an Alpha more so she hasn't gone out there to find him.

As I'm deeply in thoughts I drift asleep. A low whispering voice jolts me for my sleep. I see Avril hanging over me when I open my eyes.

'We're here.' she says standing back up. 'It's a ten minute car ride from here. But we thought it might be better if we'd wait for my pack warriors so they can search the area. They'll be here soon.'

Not even bother to respond to her I get up and off the plane as quick as possible. I sit down in one of the cars and command the driver to drive us up Eadon's properity. The driver does as I say and ten minutes later we pull up on Eadon's driveway.

Atleast twenty warriors are standing in front of the house. I eye them angry, smelling a hint of my lovely flowerfield. If I turn I'm ten times as strong as them, but they are trained not to harm but to kill and I know that I can't take them all at the same time. My wolf pops up taking over me and I swift. Gaining back a little control over him I howl. I howl as loud as I have ever done, threat dripping through it.

'I wouldn't do that if I were you.' Eadon voice echoes through the sky. 'I don't want to hurt the angel but I will if I have to.'

My wolf howls once again, this time in pain. Stacia's scent is so vague I don't know wheter she is still here or not. Maybe he has throw her in a dungeon or worse he's drugged her to keep her quiet. I pace back and forth not knowing what to do for a while. I want to attack, I just want to rip his head off and search for her. But I'm not sure if she is even here. I switch back to my human form.

'If you hurt her, if you have ever hurt her or if she looks slightly different you're going to wish that father killed you that day.' I growl at Eadon. He doesn't respond and walks back inside. I stand there for ten more minutes just eyeing his warriors, going through all the different scenarios in my head. I come up with more scenarios where Stacia dies then where she lives so I decide to get back in the car. Without me having to say a word the driver drives us back to the house Avril rented for us to stay at for so long. My heart hurts, it literally hurts. What did he mean by angel? Is he starting to like her? It wouldn't be weird since she is pretty amazing, but that's weird. For as long as I can remember Eadon never cared for women, why would he care for her now? Is it possible that if I reject her he becomes her Mate? I need to ask Pops about this.

When I arrive at the house I am being attacked by an angry Avril. She literally jumps at me, taking us both to the ground. She lifts her hand wanting to punch me in my face but I catch her before she does. 'What the hell is wrong with you? First you want to reject your MATE and now you go in to get yourself killed saving her? What happend to you? The Conan I knew dreamed of his own family one day, he'd never do something to reckless to bring someone in such danger, a human, YOUR mate.' She gets off of me, kicking my leg after she stands before me. 'You need to get yourself together or you might just lost everything you fiercly had to fight for.' With those words she runs off outside. I just lay there on the floor drowning in pain and impotence. Avril was right, this is not me. I didn't even want her as a Mate and how much it hurts me to admit it one life against a pack should be an easy choice. I have no idea what Eadon really wants, I don't know his plan. My family could die, my pack, the ones I love.

Following Avril's scent I find her in climbed up in a tree. I look at her with an apologic smile. She first roles her eyes at me and scowls, but then a smile slowely starts coming over her face too.

'You still do this huh? Climbing trees when you're upset?' I say teasingly.

'No, because since you're not with us anymore, there isn't anyone who gets me upset, big puppy.' she teases back while climbing from the tree. 'I'm sorry for almost punching you in the face. In my defense you deserved it tho. But I'm sorry anyway.'

I start laughing and shake my head. She didnt mean her sorry and she shouldn't. I have been such a mess for so long. Not just right now, but to my pack. I closed myself off from everyone but the pups. Drowning in the pain that I wake up with every morning. Having to live with what I did.

As if Avril reads my mind she asks me what happened that day. 'I have heard stories and I tried to reach out for you, but nothing worked. What happend, Conan? What stole your innocence? Pops never wanted to tell me, he said that one day you would. I think that day is come, big pup.' She sits down on a fallen tree and gestures me to sit next to her. I do and she waits patiently. So I start telling her what happend that has broken me.

It was a beautiful day. Mom had promised us that we would go out today. Just the three of us. Dad didn't seem to come along with us anymore lately and mom shrugged it off as Alpha stuff. Eadon didn't know, but I knew better tho. When Eadon and I come back from school mom is nowhere to be found. We both try to smell her out to see where she went, but the scent ends. Eadon's wolf activated a couple of months ago on his 14th birthday. I was now 16 so I already had my wolf for two years. My skills were developped greatly where Eadon was still learning. I mindlink Kacey to ask her if mom is with her. Always when we can't find mom, her and Kacey are laughing or baking or doing whatever women do. Kacey was like our aunty. Not getting a responds from Kacey either I grab Eadon by the arm and run outside. We both run to Kacey's house. Inside I hear moms voice crying, so I tell Eadon to sit down and not move before I walk inside to go find mom. She is sitting in the livingroom that is absolutely torn up. The couch is left in thousands of pieces, shattered all over the place. The table is now non-existent hiding between the remains of the couch. In the middle of all the mess my mom is on the floor crying over a dead body. Kacey's oldest son, one of my friends Lucas is laying there. I drop next to mom, tears wetting my face. After mom and I cry over him mom gets up with me and walks Eadon and us home. Eadon is concerned but we don't tell him what happend. That night I go to bed wondering who killed Lucas and why?

I woke up from screaming, loud screaming. My mom's voice echoes through the house 'HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!'. A shiver runs through my spine when I hear my dad responds. He uses the voice he has when he is done with stupidity, when he's so angry he can't think clearly. I have never hear him use that voice on mom tho. 'I SHOULD HAVE REJECTED YOU WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE.' he yells. I hear my mom gasp and close my eyes. Pain invades my heart making my tears fall like water when I hear his next words 'YOU DIDN'T EVEN GIVE ME A SON I DESERVE.' I knew dad liked Eadon more because Eadon wasn't as sweet as me. I tried to be mean often, just to impress dad but it's never enough. I knew he never wanted me nor needed me. Especially not when Eadon came along. I still love Eadon, he is the best gift I have ever had. I always wanted a little brother or sister and though he does not have the same blood run through our veins I still love him as one. I hear the front door open and my mom scream in pain. That's when I run downstairs, hearing Eadon following me suit. Dad is dragging mom outside to the stage that stands there for crownings and weddings. I scream at mom, not sure what I'm saying but I dash forward to go help her. My dad turns around and lets his Alpha speak. 'Stand. Back.' Eadon and I immediatly stop, we have to. Since we're such young wolves we have almost no resistance. Dad lights the bonfire and drags mom up with him. He says a few words to her that I can't quite understand.

Purple lightening struck through the sky and then everything momentairly turns black. I dash forward to get to mom. She is screaming in pain on the floor, some of her bodyparts swifting from wolf to human. I lift her head on my lap. I look up to see where Eadon is but he is standing next to father. They both are smiling. My tears fall on my moms face while she continues to scream. I mindlink every pack member I can think of, begging them to help me. Suddenly my mom stops screaming, she slowely opens her eyes and says 'Love will set you free.' I ask her what she means but her eyes are closed again and she isn't moving. I keep asking her and asking her. Over and over again, tears wetting her face as they flow from my eyes as water. Holding my breath I listen for a heartbeat, for a sound of breath. There is none. My mother is dead.

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