Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Twenty-nine.

He saluted me and departed…, but no sooner had he driven away when I turned to find Susan and Father John standing behind me. It was not in my nature to become so forthright with people…, but heck he forced my hand and it upset me. Susan viewed my thoughts and spoke…, “You did right to discipline him like that,” I laughed “That’s very well…, but I doubt if he will even carry it through.”

She looked at me wide eyed…, “Oh he will…, as you gave a direct order and compelled him to obey…, had you ordered him to withdraw his side arm and shoot himself…, he would have no choice other than to comply.”

I had not known or realised this… and was still frustratingly trying to get used to my various new abilities.

Thirty-seven minutes later I received a phone call…, picking up the phone I spoke. “Lisa here.” “Is that the envoy to the king”? Enquired a female voice. “Yes Mam”, I replied. “Please hold while I connect you to the President”, came the reply, and at that it was the President whom next spoke. “Lisa it appears I owe you yet another apology,”

I gulped swallowing it shock…, “Mr President thank you for the flowers they were unexpected and truly beautiful…, shame about the messenger…, but that was hardly your fault, was it sir.”

Dam that mouth of mine it needs a foot stuck inside of it to keep it quiet, I thought. “Lisa he…, well he is a good man and has served his country with honour and valour…, and…, well, it kind of was my fault. You see I was aware of his opinions and I felt if he saw me apologising to you…, then…, well then he would follow my example…, but it appears I sadly was wrong.”

I was in mild shock…, but Susan reinforced my mind…, “Thank you, sir,” I replied, and the President continued talking. “He was greatly out of order, as I viewed the video footage of the incident myself,” he must have sensed my confusion as he corrected himself…, “Well I should truly not have told you that…, but all senior personnel now wear miniature surveillance cameras upon their clothing so we can view any possible incidents…, such is today’s technology,”

He paused and then drew in a breath so he could continue, he exhaled and continued talking. “He has been demoted to a Sargent of arms in my personal security team.”

I audibly complained. “That is extreme Mr President…, he was wrong I agree…, but such a reduction in rank from five stars to becoming a Sargent is truly extreme.”

“Well yes and no Lisa, you see your boss came to hear about the incident he reported it himself directly to the CEO of Angelic Security using our own hot line…, and…, well let’s just say your boss wanted blood, well… his life actually.”

He paused again and I could hear this was a strain for him, “Well I spoke for some minutes with him and explained it was a mistake from a tired old warrior who had recently been traumatised in battle and lost some much loved friends…, we kind of compromised as he related to the stress of battle and of the fact this man had served his country with honour…, so we eventually agreed on sparing his life and demoting him to the level of a Sargent.”

I was stunned and hated myself for inflicting this upon the old soldier…, yet another side of me also realised I could not allow such disrespect in the chain of command.

“Thank you, Mr President…, but none the less I feel we owe this man far more, and have over reacted for such a trivial action, and if I am truthful…, I thought he would simply receive a minor reprimand and no more.”

My words must have comforted the President as he confided to me, “Between us Lisa…, we retired him at full pension for a five-star general and did it with recognised honours…, and then we appointed him as a civilian military adviser given the technical position and of Sargent of Arms on my personal security…, the Feds were behind the appointment and it was an accepted compromise.” He said.

“Thank you, sir”, I said but he replied quickly…, “No Lisa you were correct to have disciplined him, however he served in the past…, that did not excuse his actions towards you…, and if I am truthful he also knew I had humbled myself and apologised…, and he should have followed in kind.”

I was stunned “Thank you, Mr President..., “Your welcome Lisa just don’t ever send me to that scary queen ever again,” he jokingly said…, but I heard the tonal reflections of fear in his voice…, he was joking…, yes…, but the queen had truly scared the man.

At that the call was ended, and I sat down and drank some instant coffee that Susan had made for me. We talked some and I eventually got myself ready for work, and Susan and Father John accompanied me, and I left Eliza to attend with the girls. No sooner had I walked into the building and the Mayor had me summoned to his office.

As I entered and closed the door…, the genuine true mayor sat before me, “Please shut the door and sit down Lisa”, said the mayor, I swallowed been unsure as to what was going to happen, heck I kind of loved this man in a friendly way…, and I had truly not known now what to expect.

“Lisa please do not take this the wrong way…, but I love you and what that demon did in my name…, especially to you was unforgivable”, he said, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

But the mayor continued talking…, “I have not told you this…, but I…, well…, oh heck, I fathered your elder sister” …, he said, and I was utterly stunned. “I was at one time…, well, even now I kind of still am in love with our mother…, yes I know she passed away…, but her memory lives in my heart and even the demon could not take that from me,” he told me.

I was still in shock and could for a time not speak. He smiled and decided to continue to explain. “Your mother and I wanted to marry…, but your uncle the troops leader discovered our intentions and knowing I was a holy warrior of God, he forbid my actions…, and threatened to kill your mother if we continued…, I loved her and could not force that upon her…, so I arranged with the church to have me called for as a time to serve in the Vatican.”

This was a flipping fairy tale..., and this could not be happening to me, well I kept telling myself that…, but it continued, and I knew it was real.

“I love you like a daughter and continued loving and supporting your mother until she died,” he said, and it was then it clicked in my mind as to whom he could be.

“You are not Simon…, are you?” I enquired…, and he smiled laughing…, “Yes child but your mother referred to me as simple Simon” …, and I blinked now fitting the pieces together.

“When my mother’s Will was read at the solicitors…, she betrothed a collection of very personal item to you…, but at the time we could not discover whom this simple Simon was.” I said to him, and he smiled…,

“That was my pet name Lisa,” “I still have the items she willed to you…, and I will bring them to work in the morning,” he was pleased and we talked for a time longer…, clearing the air and obtaining each other’s forgiveness.

The next day I brought him the jewellery box and he opened it with the small key he had hung around his neck…, and I realised they must have treasured the box.

As it opened, I saw it contained hundreds of personnel love letters and some small items of jewellery…, plus a locket containing my mother’s hair. He reached inside and took the love letters, and one item of jewellery the locket containing her hair.

“Here I doubt you have much to remember your mother by, please accept these as jewellery does not suit my complexion, “he jokingly said.

“I accepted and then placed a hand over one of his…, “Simon can I ask a favour of you,” he looked at me and smiled, “Why yes and if it’s within my ability…, I will try and grant it”, he said.

“Will you come with me to my daughter’s school drama production of A Mid Summers Night, as a friend and a distant relative and…, well if you will be a God Father to them.

He placed a hand to his mouth, and I think he was in shock…, “Why yes…, I would be honoured”, he replied, “I realise they also need stability love and support,” he said…, and well…, well you are kind of family and I would truly love to attend…, when is it”, he enquired.

“I grinned in three days’ time”, I said, “and they have worked so hard at learning their lines and rehearsing…, and well they need to get as close to a normal life as anyone can in such a situation.”

He came to my side and as I arose from the chair, he held my hands and kissed me on my head, “Thank you Lisa…, you might not realise it but you have made a very old man happy.”

At that I returned to my office and tried to concentrate with the work load which still was coming in…, life continues.

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