Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Thirty.

The girls were excited and the preparations were over…, and tonight was the big night…, and all these months of rehearsals and war, stress and so much more was behind us, the journey to the school had been pleasant and the entire menagerie of my family attended…, as did the Mayor, and Lewis was also by my side.

The building was almost overflowing with nervous parents and their additional heavily armed security and so forth, as almost every student was from important wealthy families, and over 90% of them had at least two body guards with them…, and for some…, much more.

I must admit as the opening curtains came into play…, and there was a hush of expectancy…, and the play began.

Honestly hand upon my heart it was amazing, and the props were gob smacking wonderful, and I noticed there were mechanical demon dogs, much like mine. Apparently, the CEO of Angelic Security had donated the loan of a lot of his film props and had the demon dogs reprogrammed to act in accordance with the play.

There were gasps from the audience as some of those props were so realistic a few placed hands to their mouths or hearts in utter shock.

The Head teacher had foreseen this and included photos plus a warning description in the details for the play. We were truly in awe and the student’s re-in-acted Shakespeare play with enthusiasm and skill, until close to the end when the script expectantly changed, one of the students screamed and I had not realised it was Yasmin…, and truly thought it was the directors using a bit of imaginary licence.

But then one of the lead actors materialised into a monk..., and I blinked not remembering that in the play. Then he vanished after bowing and holding Yasmin’s hand.

The screams continued and all hell broke out as parents realised it was not part of the play. Susan immobilised the people within the hall…, by using a spell, and I saw Elsa kneeling next to a body…, it was her boyfriend and it slowly dawned upon me Father Gerald had finally won and had taken my daughter.

I’m not sure what the others did…, but I was in shock, the demon had entrapped us, and taken over Justin’s life…, awaiting his time and knowing we would drop our guards. Yasmin had taken off the rosary as it conflicted with her costume and like me, we thought with all the security around us…, that she would be safe.

Father John and Sister Elise returned carrying my daughter’s body. Father Gerald had escaped and had taken my daughter soul…, I had failed her and cried. I knew I would have to seek revenge…, but the demon had for now obtained his goal, and I swore even if I had to enter hell…, I was going to kill him.

“She’s gone…,” I said, and I forced myself to not cry…, and then I heard another cry and looked to see it was my other daughter…, who was now in total shock, and not only had her sister been murdered, also her first love lay dead before her upon the floor.

Sister Elise comforted her while Father John and DC Lewis led them to safety from amidst the crowded audience…, and Susan followed with the Mayor while carrying Yasmin’s dead and limp body.

I don’t remember how I got to St John the Baptist church, but we were there…, and Sister Elise tended to Elsa…, while Yasmin was laid upon a cot, it was then I saw Elisa, and I had not noticed him before, but he was there with Yasmin…, and talking to my daughter gently and stroking her hair…, and even though my daughter was dead…, it was as if he was trying to comfort her, and I guess that this was his way of keeping himself calm.

To my shame I can’t remember what happened next, all I know is, I then awoke seven days later, and found myself within the church basement, and it had been set up as a temporary refuge.

Apparently, Susan’s boss had a doctor and a group of nurses from his staff attend to our medical needs. It was then I cried, my soul and spirit cried as did my heart…, and I truly at that moment had just wanted to die…,

I remembered thinking…, “Just how much more can a person be expected to take.” But after that still I fail to remember what happened next, but I do vaguely remember Susan talking and comforting me from within my mind…, and I think I must have faded back to sleep and rest, and allowing the process of time to help heal my tortured mind.

I only learnt later that the church authorised a raid directly into hell…, along with the Knights of God and over twenty high Elvin Lords and one very pissed off and angry demi god.

They had ventured into the sanctuary of hell itself to take prisoner the demon whom brought this about, and for the return of my daughter’s soul. On all accounts they fought a bitter battle…, and upon learning the warriors only wanted the Father Gerald demon and my daughters’ soul returned…, the demons forcibly handed him over…, rather than face the might of such a force, and which was backed by a demi god.

Even though the demons were in hell and basically on their own ground…, they realised it was easier to hand over the one single demon which had brought this war on them…, rather than lose more of their kind to these invading warriors, and whom had already fought their way through hundreds of demons, and who were caught by surprise in the initial attack and all whom had opposed the warriors, had died…, and to add insult to injury, without the small band of invading warrior soldiers losing a single life.

I can’t say if it was because they had a demi god with them…, but I feel it went a very long way in bringing about such a quick response and cessation to the battle.

To my surprise I was informed Holly’s father had also volunteered and also partook in the battle to recover my daughter’s soul…, Susan had loaned him his old sword for the duration of the battle, and it was said that he fought bravely and in the front line of the battle.

He was not injured…, but had died three days later…, apparently over joyed to have served his God one final time…, and to have had the honour of defending the innocent once more.

His wife died less than 24 hours later…, and such was their love for each other…, that Susan and Father John informed me, that his spirit had waited by his wife’s side knowing she was going to follow.

My daughter’s soul was returned to me, but it never brought her back to me in actual flesh, not in a true physical sense…, but her spirit remained, and she stood next to Father John, and awaited me to awake.

And when I saw her, at first, I thought I was dreaming, but as my brain engaged and I focused my mind…, and I then realised what it was that I was actually seeing.

“Mum…, I…, I am so sorry…, I should have listened to you and Father John,” said my daughter, and she ran to my side and hugged me. I was in shock…, but like Father John she remained solid to my touch…, and yet I knew she was physically dead.

“You’re…, you are dead” I said, and she laughed…, yes my fricking dead daughter laughed at me. In the past…, or should I say in different circumstances…, she would have cracked some type of witty remark…, but for now she just hugged me and what appeared to be spiritual tears run from her eyes.

“Yes mum…, that beast took my life, and the strange thing is he apparently needed my soul to empower some type or kind of blood curse or magic…, which was aimed against our family blood line.”

I blinked in shock… and thought over her words. “A blood line spell did you say”? And Yasmin nodded yes. It then dawned upon me…, OK I’m not the sharpest blade in the box, and to be fare…, I was traumatised and trying to recover from shock.

It was then I understood the reasons for all these attacks upon my family…, apparently only those in my blood line whom held even a small magical of Fay genetic connection…, could empower such a spell…, and it also explained why my daughter Yasmin had returned in ghost form.

I knew then she needed to meet up with my blood father as he could guide her in her new existence…, but it was my blood father in whom the demon had wanted to destroy and any other Fay relatives connected via his blood line…, which transpired in a distant past that my dad was a distant bastard of King Oberon himself, and if they killed my father through me or my daughters, they also killed two demi gods in the same blow.

It was when Susan and Lewis came to my side that I explained to them the reasons for these attacks…, Susan immediately informed her boss…, and on all accounts he was extremely unhappy to receive that news…, but them my slow brain engaged and I understood he most likely was aware and for this reason he had risked all to retrieve the offending demon and my daughter’s soul.

We departed the church, and returned to my home, however Yasmin’s body was quietly buried upon holy ground, and within the basement crypt, and her body and coffin were protected by wards plus the ancient holy wards of the crypt.

We were greeted back at our home…, and by a semi mountain of flowers from friends and colleagues etc. Susan had ensured the home was ready for arrival, and I was then told of the situation with the school.

It was still closed by orders of the board of governors…, and apparently some angry parents had issued legal proceeding against me and the school. I mean dear lord…, how could I be deemed responsible for what happened…, but in their deranged traumatised minds…, they needed answers and to focus their fear and anger upon someone. I could cope with the anger against me, but the head teacher was a different matter.

This upset me, and Susan and I talked it over while drinking a cup of instant coffee. However, for some strange reason the parents etc. whom were attacking the schools head teacher, kind of paid an unexpected and unscheduled visit to a certain pissed off demi god, and after a little conversation…, quickly withdrew the law suits against the school and myself.

However, when I learnt the governors refused to budge upon the removal of the head teachers…, I appeared directly in a closed private meeting, and introduced them by teleportation to a certain winter Queen whom I knew.

This time I had pre-warned Mabb of their possible arrival…, and she rather excitingly and with, in my opinion…, showed just a bit too much enthusiasm awaiting their arrival.

She sat upon her throne dressed in scarlet red looking very much like the comic book version of the devil…, and she even had a fricking pointed tail that she picked her teeth with and waved around as she talked and welcomed them into her kingdom.

Two days later Mabb returned them to me…, and I can’t say why but they eagerly reinstated the head teacher…, and even gave her a rise…, and then promptly stood down…, basically sacking themselves.

However, when they kept talking of having been teleported to the devil…, and that hell was covered in snow and not fire…, certain doctors took a keen interest in their actions and they found themselves temporarily residing for a time in new accommodation.

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