Legend of the Wolf Girl 2: A New Evil

Chapter The Letter

That night, Ronald stayed in PineCone’s old room. All the curtains were closed without any gaps. The front door was locked tightly so no one could get in. Timber was fast asleep, unaware of anything, but Ronald just could not sleep. There was an overwhelming sense of trepidation in the air and it seemed to grip Ronald like the claws of a wild beast.

Luccardo had Timber’s sword and clutched it tightly, ready to defend his home and his two guests. Nothing ever came. Everything was nearly silent; the only sound was a clicking noise that occurred every once in awhile that sounded like a dog walking on wood floors. The night seemed to drag on and on until it was finally morning. The first ray of light that somehow made its way into the closed up house brought relief and ease to Luccardo and Ronald.

“Ronald, we’re safe...” Luccardo whispered, “Perhaps we were just seein’ things... It’s not like... Couldn’t possibly mean... No way...”

“A single wolf howling... The extreme darkness... The cold... Those eyes...” Ronald said, listing evidence.

“Then it is just as I had feared... Evil is back again...” Luccardo said.

“You don’t mean... Wait... Should we tell Timber...?” Ronald asked.

Luccardo glanced over to where Timber was sleeping soundly.

“No, Ronald... That wouldn’t be fair... She’s been through so much a’ready...” Luccardo said.

“But what if she gets attacked...?” Ronald asked.

“She’s got a sword! And a shield!” Luccardo said, holding out Timber’s sword.

“My father and I made that sword,” Ronald said.

“You’ve got family, then?” Luccardo asked.

“Yes, my mother, father, and grandfather... Back in Mountain Foot Village,” Ronald said.

“Tell ’em,” Luccardo said, putting a freshly written note into Ronald’s hands.

“When did you write this...?” Ronald asked.

“I didn’t, my animals did,” Luccardo said and laughed.

“You have animals that can write...?” Ronald asked.

“Well...” Luccardo said.

“Hey! I thought we agreed that you were just my babysitter!” a little monkey cried out, still clinging onto a pencil.

“Baby monkey...” Luccardo said.

“Hi...” the baby monkey said, uncurling its super long tail.

“Woah! A long tailed monkey!” Ronald said.

“Yep! My mom is Lulu’s big sister!” the little monkey said.

“Who taught you how to write?” Ronald asked.

“Luccardo,” the baby monkey said.

“That’s really cool, you know that...?” Ronald asked.

“Thank you!” the monkey and Luccardo said at the same time.

They looked at each other for a moment and burst out laughing.

“Anyways, you bett’r deliver that letter to yer family quickly. I’ll keep watch of Timber,” Luccardo said.

“Right, thank you!” Ronald said. He turned into a wolf and ran away with the letter.

The trip across Fairwood Field with the letter was quite a dangerous one. There were no trees or shrubs to hide behind out here. Just long flowing grass that had been flattened down in a few places by school buses. That’s when it hit him; Ronald hadn’t been to school in a long time because he was sleeping! He shook that thought off and kept on running. He ran passed the bridge where Zephynna kept her potion shop and ran into Mountain Foot Village. As usual, it was quite peaceful there. A few Alighogs were strolling about casually. Ronald dropped his letter and barked to get attention. The Alighogs turned and looked at him.

“Hello, are my parents at home?” Ronald asked.

“Should be! How are you doing?! We’ve been hearing a lot of stories about you lately!” one of the Alighogs said.

“Still getting used to being a wolf, but I’m really enjoying it,” Ronald said.

“Tell your parents we said hello! We can’t exactly fit inside your shop,” the other Alighog said.

“Alright, I will!” Ronald said.

He picked up his letter from the dusty ground and continued on to his shop. His father was working away at crafting another sword even though most people in Fairwood didn’t see a need for swords.

“Dad, I’m home!” Ronald said after dropping the letter again.

Ronald’s father looked around for his son, but did not see him.

“I’m down here,” Ronald said.

Ronald’s father went around the counter and saw the wolf sitting there. He smiled at his son and took the note from him. When he begun to read the note, his smile melted off of his face. He looked very worried. He ran to show the note to his wife. Ronald heard his mother scream. Both parents ran back into the room.

“Is it true?! Are we in danger again?!” Ronald’s mother asked.

“It is true...” Ronald said.

“But how is it possible?! I thought your friend had defeated the evil already!” Ronald’s mother said.

“She did... And she has done so much more than just that... But it appears it wasn’t enough...” Ronald said.

“Where is she? Is she back with her grandmother?” Ronald’s mother asked after glancing at the hastily written message that her husband crafted.

“No... She was injured in a battle and Luccardo is looking after her,” Ronald said.

“Oh, he’s a good man,” Ronald’s mother said.

“He let me stay there last night after I saw the eyes...” Ronald said.

Just thinking about the events of last night brought shivers down his spine.

“Can you switch back from that wolf form?” Ronald’s mother asked.

“Yeah, I can if I need to,” Ronald said.

“It’s been so long since we’ve seen you; can you please change back...?” Ronald’s mother asked.

Ronald turned back into a human and his parents hugged him. His tail started to wag happily which startled him at first since he wasn’t used to having a tail.

“How are we going to tell everybody that they are in danger again, though...?” Ronald asked.

“I have no idea... It’ll be too late for some by the time they hear the news...” Ronald’s mother said.

“Mother, father... My friend Timber Gold Smith will become legendary... Her parents were! She shares the traits of her parents, her father’s strength and her mother’s courage... She defeated evil once, she can do it again. I trust her,” Ronald said.

His parents looked at each other for a moment.

“And if Timber cannot win on her own... With her own bravery and endurance... I will help her. I have my own talents, my own strength,” Ronald said.

“Ah... We trust you, son...but...we would hate to find out you’ve been killed...” Ronald’s mother said. His father nodded in agreement.

“I... I missed both of you guys so much... You know that, right...?” Ronald asked.

“We know... We know... We missed you too!” his mother said.

“I’m going to head back to Luccardo’s place... Pray for us, won’t you?” Ronald asked.

With a flick of his tail, he was on the road again. His mother and father cried as they watched their ten year old boy venture off into the dangerous world yet again.

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