Legend of the Wolf Girl 2: A New Evil

Chapter Evil's Return

Ronald approached the hospital, but then he realized something. If Timber is in wolf form, the doctors cannot help her as they only work with humans. Ronald whined. He sat down and gently pushed Timber onto the ground in front of himself. He barked and howled at the door until someone opened the door to see what was going on. Ronald pawed at them to get their attention.

“Ah! Wolves!” the person cried out.

They ran back inside. Ronald’s ears went down.

“I’m sorry Timber; I don’t think the hospital accepts wolves...” Ronald said.

“Psst! You two!” a voice called.

“Hmm?” Ronald asked, tilting his head to one side.

“Come here!” the voice called.

“No, if you have something to say to me, come out here and say it. I cannot move my friend,” Ronald said.

The person calling for them sighed and walked over there. It was an old man with silvery hair that was once blonde. He had pointed eyes like a wolf. He was dressed up in shades of green so Ronald immediately guessed he was from Forest Village.

“Why were you calling for us?” Ronald asked.

“Zephynna told me to make sure yah guys were alright. Timber looks dead, are yah sure she’s alive?” the old man asked.

“How do you know who she is when she’s a wolf?” Ronald asked.

“I just know...” the old man said, blinking slowly.

“Timber’s alive... She’s just severely wounded and the hospital won’t take her,” Ronald said.

“Well, I am good with animals... Even if they are part human...” the old man said.

He was cut off by some people bursting out of the hospital food with guns and nets and all kinds of weird contraptions.

“Run, Ronald!” the old man cried out as he stooped quickly to scoop Timber up.

Ronald and the old man ran as fast as they could towards Forest Village. They left the evil people in their dust. The old man wheezed, not used to running like that anymore.

“Heh... ’M not so young anymore! I didn’t get a chance ta introduce myself... My name is Luccardo Smith,” the old man said.

“Oh! So you’re related to Timber then?!” Ronald asked.

“...Well... I raised her father...” Luccardo said.

“You’re her grandfather?” Ronald asked.

“No, her father wasn’t my son,” Luccardo said, “Haven’t yah read the story?”

“Oh! Oh yeah, sorry!” Ronald said.

“It’s alright,” Luccardo said.

“Do you still own a lot of animals?” Ronald asked.

“Yeah... Can’t take care of ’em as well when ’m worried about PineCone, though... He used ta be so good with the goats...” Luccardo said.

“How exactly are you going to help Timber?” Ronald asked.

“Trust me, ‘m good at this kind of thing... Takes a bit of disinfectin’ and stitchin’ up, but she’ll be fine when I’m finished with her!” Luccardo said.

“Okay... Is there anything I can do to help...?” Ronald asked.

“Hmm... I got some cattle recently, they need to be taken to the field ta graze,” Luccardo said.

“Alright,” Ronald said.

He left to care for the cattle. He had no experience with such a thing though as he was only taught how to forge swords and other blacksmith jobs. The cattle were stubborn and didn’t want Ronald to lead them. Ronald got creative, though; he found a bagel and tied it to a rope. He then dragged it across the ground where the cows could see it. The leader of the heard, a bull, saw the bagel and started to follow after Ronald. The rest of the cattle followed the bull, curious as to where he was going. Ronald managed to get all the way to Mycono field before the bull ate the bagel off of the rope. The cattle ate the tall grass.

“You’re new to Fairwood... Aren’t you...?” Ronald asked the cattle, “You’re probably a long way away from home...”

The cows mooed, but the bulls ignored him and kept eating. Ronald watched them.

“I’ve never seen any creature like you guys before... Heh... I work with molten metal...” Ronald said.

A few cows listened, but the rest returned to eating.

“There aren’t really any farms around here. Mostly just woodlands and fields,” Ronald commented, “So where in the world did you guys come from...?”

One cow approached Ronald and dipped her head. Ronald caught sight of a tag attached to her ear that read ‘Tellis’.

“Tellis... Never heard of it...” Ronald said, patting the cow’s head. He had forgotten what Zephynna had said about Tellis before he took the potion.

The cow mooed in reply and returned to the others. Ronald sat and watched. He sighed and looked up in the sky. It was nearly dark out, just a sliver of sunlight remained as twilight turned to dusk. The stars began to sprawl out across the sky like a bunch of puppies on a blanket. The moon rose slowly, big round and full. A shiver ran down Ronald’s spine as though someone was watching him. He turned into a wolf and paced around the herd of cattle, guarding them in case there really was something out there.

“If you want the cattle, you’ll have to get through me first!” Ronald snarled, standing at fighting position.

“I don’t think all that’s necessary...” a voice called out.

Ronald looked around nervously, whining a bit.

“It’s getting late, put the cattle back where yah found them,” the voice said.

Ronald relaxed a bit after recognizing the voice. It was only Luccardo. The cattle recognized him too as they all started forming a single-file line pointed in the general direction the voice was coming from.

“Thanks, Ronald... Yer a big help, yah know that?” Luccardo asked, stooping down to be at eye level with Ronald.

“Is Timber alright?!” Ronald asked, tilting his head.

“Don’t yah worry! Timber is alright! She just needs some proper rest so that she won’t accidentally rip the stitches out,” Luccardo said.

“Ah, thanks... I was actually getting lonely here with just the cattle,” Ronald said.

“The cattle were probably gettin’ bored of yah too!” Luccardo said jokingly.

Both Luccardo and Ronald turned around and stared off into the darkness. Another shiver ran down Ronald’s back. A single wolf howled at the moon. A pair of glowing red eyes appeared in the darkness for a few moments, probably not even three seconds; Ronald saw them though...

“Ronald... Go around back and tell the bull to lead the cattle home... It’s not safe out here this late...” Luccardo said, losing his distinct accent and taking on a more serious tone.

“Yes sir,” Ronald said.

He did as he was told and the cattle fled back to Forest Village. Ronald and Luccardo ran along after them.

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