Highfield Academy - Revenge of The Crows

Chapter 23.

Kelton had felt a level of jealousy on learning Joshua was to be away undergoing extra training and when he overheard a member of staff commenting that his best friend had received Merlin’s wand in place of Ethpadon, Guayangarea had used this to her advantage before she had been killed by her daughter, and had seeded Kelton’s mind with thoughts of doubt and jealousy.

This was now heightened on learning of Joshua been given Merlin’s wand and having been chosen for higher training. Unknown to Kelton Merlin was aware his mind had been compromised and had used this to trace from where these mind attacks were coming, only Merlin had not realised the driving force and sheer manipulation would bring about such a response from Kelton.

It was Thalaba the Destroyer who came to Merlin’s aid, as Merlin had confided in him as the level of infiltration into the boy’s mind and had realised it could only come from one as powerful as his nemeses the evil Witch Guayangarea.

“I understand your problem,” exclaimed Thalaba The Destroyer. “The child is basically good at heart but is driven with a blinding force to better himself, I appreciate this type of mind set, and if handled correctly the child could become a great warrior Magician.”

Merlin listened with interest as Thalaba continued talking.

“I also understand the child’s jealousy in his best friend vesting him and receiving gifts and praise for which Kelton feels he also deserves, as such I offer to take the child and train him personally as my apprentice. This will placate his jealousy, and give him much needed self-esteem, it would also prevent the child been manipulated and drawn into Shellbacks realm and service.”

Merlin smiled having already surmised this was the best course of action that could be taken for Kelton’s future and safety.

“My dear friend if you would do this for the child I would be indebted to you, as it is imperative that Kelton feels honoured and trusted, and that we at all cost also keep him free from Shellback and her evil.”

Merlin paused contemplating what lay before them.

“She might not be like her mother, yet I sense we are soon to taste the real power which now flows through her veins and drives her forward seeking ever to conquer all before her, and my spies also inform me that her armies outnumber ours in their billions, such is the force she has inherited, it will only be a matter of time before she strikes.”

Thalaba nodded in agreement.

“You are correct in your assumptions, I would be honoured to take the child as an apprentice, but as for Shellback she is no longer confined to a prison realm, and as such if she leaves, we have no authority to try and stop her. The Demoni released her mother allowing the attack on the sanctuary where you train your beast, and you do realise that those which were stolen will develop shapeshifting abilities, so we face now an even greater danger than before.”

Merlin nodded, “I am aware of the damage done; however, I have instigated measures of my own to deal with that threat should it arise.”

It was then Merlin drew Thalaba’s attention to what looked like rocks by his feet.

“Are you aware of Dryads?” enquired Merlin. Thalaba’s eyes widened, and although he had Dryad’s of his own, he pretended to not too.

“Yes, but only from legion I was unsure if they were real, from where did you acquire such creatures.”

Thalaba momentarily feared for his own life but calmed himself as he knew Merlin to be honourable and trustworthy and that he would never consciously endanger him.

Merlin smiled, “Apologies old friend it was not my intention to scare you, yet you are wise to fear such creatures as they come from the Angelic realm and are trusted sentinels to guard the very realm of the highest heavens.”

Thalaba swallowed, “So it is true, they were created by the giver of light as his personal guards,” enquired Thalaba.

Merlin smiled, “In part, yes that is true, I am informed by Michael himself that it was because of the great war and the defeating of the Demoni race that these creatures were granted existence as a race of beings in their own right.”

He paused to allow Thalaba time to examine the one before him.

“It appears from what I can ascertain that a single Dryad was originally created much like a divine guard dog, only it alerted the Angels to the actions of the Demoni and gave them time to prepare and vanquish their enemies, as a reward the Dryads were granted sentient powers and others created,” exclaimed Merlin.

After their conversation, Kelton was summoned to Merlin’s office, and he materialised alongside Mr Claws.

“Thank you, Mr Claws Kelton is now in our care,” said Merlin, and at that Mr Claws returned to his duties.

Kelton recognised Thalaba The Destroyer as Miss Catherine had been giving the students history lessons and Thalaba’s image and exploits were legionary.

Kelton looked at Merlin and then to Thalaba and was awe struck at two such prominent and great warrior wizards in one room.

Merlin laughed, “Yes child if I was your age and confronted by two such mighty legions of history, I guess my reactions would also be one of awe.”

Kelton breathed in and was going to talk, but Merlin continued talking.

“Kelton, I would like to introduce you to the greatest Warrior Magician next to myself that has ever lived.”

Kelton blinked not knowing what to say,

“Thalaba, might I also introduce you to one of my finest ever students to grace the halls of Highfield High, Master Kelton Armstrong, who has been partnered and assisted in the training of master Joshua Philips.”

Thalaba bowed acknowledging the student as Merlin continued talking.

“Kelton here is also the proud bearer of a Fieldwater wand and his skill in Rang is legionary for a student of his age, and I believe if you would accept him, he would make a worthy successor and apprentice for you.”

Those words took time to take affect before Kelton realised he was been offered to the great Thalaba as a personal apprentice, an honour unheard of and it lifted his pride and self-respect dispelling any previous feelings of Jealousy for his friend Joshua.

“Sir, permission to speak, did I just hear correctly?”

Both wizard warriors laughed, “Yes son you heard correctly,” replied Merlin, “Now would you like to become an apprentice to Thalaba and trained personally under his direct guidance,” enquired Merlin.

Kelton never needed asking again,

“Yes! Yes, Sir, most certainly thank you, I, I am lost for words,” he replied. It was Thalaba who spoke next, “Yes will suffice, now may I see your wand if you please master Kelton?”

His polite request was noted by Ethpadmin and she expressed acceptance to Joshua, this relaxed him, and he handed Ethpadmin to Thalaba.

“Sir my wand has excepted your request but be aware she is sentient and very powerful.” Thalaba smiled and withdrew his wand touching its tip to Ethpadmin and introducing the wands.

Looking at Kelton Thalaba spoke,

“My wand is communicating with Ethpadmin, I am aware your knowledge of my wand is limited only Merlin here is privy to such knowledge, but my wand was also gifted from the Cosmic Tree only not that found in Axis Mundi, but from its mother tree which is planted in the realm of the Angels, they are kin to each other and I am gifting your wand with knowledge to aid you in your future training.”

Kelton’s eyes widened at this knowledge just given to him, and then felt Ethpadmin communication with him and calming his mind and preparing him for what was to come.

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