Highfield Academy - Revenge of The Crows

Chapter 22.

Thalaba the destroyer learnt of Guayangarea’s death and of the overthrow of her rule by her daughter and strangely enough it pleased him as he had learnt of the countless thousands upon thousands of atrocities carried out either by her, or in her name.

Although Thalaba was aware that in time Shellback would herself become a tyrant and have inherited all her mother’s skills, realising also that for a time Shellback was to be vulnerable and if he was to attack and take advantage then he needed to do so now

However, he placed that thought aside as Shellnack had previously no choice in her actions as she had been constantly under her mother’s power and spell, and to have resisted would have meant her death. And even though Thalaba knew with almost 100% certainty that Shellback would follow in her mother’s footsteps, there was just a chance, as small as it was that she would resist and decide to follow a different course.

She was not banished and as such had freedom of movement, even after having attacked Merlin, it had been while under the indirect influence and control of Guayangarea, so technically Thalaba realised in principle Shellnack could no longer be held accountable for crimes previously committed; also, there was a Boom owed to her as the price offered by the Royal Fay Courts for the death of her mother had placed the Royal Courts in a position of difficulty, so they had absolved her of all previous crimes, and given her a clean slate.

Message had reached Shellback, and she was fully aware of her legal situation, also as Belliteron had tricked her and then taken the body of her mother, Shellback felt betrayed and had sought revenge.

Guayangarea although physically dead, her essence lived on, only it was trapped within her body which now was slowly decaying chained to a wall for Belliteron’s pleasure in his throne room, and there for all to see.

Belliteron had assumed leadership under Demoni rule, not only was he the next in line, he had used his skills to manipulate the situation and take out all those who he knew would stand in his way. It had been a bloody takeover but it was carried out quickly and decisively, and in such a way that there were none left in power to challenge his rule.

Remarkably Shellback recovered much quicker than expected and started taking a firm grip on her rule, her entourage of staff had tended and cared for her every need, in return she treated them as always with dignity and respect, and which was by far more than her mother had ever done.

Rose the member of staff who had been killed by the Behemoth had not deserved such a fate and years earlier had cared for and assisted Shellback in her early years.

Although Shellback had not loved her, she was the closest thing to a friend and true mother that Shellback had ever known. So, on learning of her death from other staff had set this entire course of action into play.

The pet Behemoth was dead yet Shellback still felt the need for revenge but she realised after a time it was the adrenaline and pain which was affecting her mind.

It was Captain Willham who had come to her aid, Shellback had not involved him for fear her mother would learn of her deception and have him killed. However, on learning from staff of what happened he immediately set guards in place to protect Shellback, and tended to her himself.

He had known Shellback for many years and watched her as she had grown, knowing Shellback like he had no choice in the way Guayangarea treated them, as she was evil to the core and all staff had feared her.

Now Guayangarea’s rule was over, and although those who had been under her control rejoiced at her death, they were uncertain as to how Shellback would treat them and that she was their new Over-Lord.

Regardless they tended to the various daily duties and quietly prayed that their lives would change for the better.

However, Captain Willham knew differently, as he had observed over the years that Shellback was driven to constantly better herself, she was not the tyrant which her mother had been, no! but once she set her mind on something which she desired, then almost nothing could pursued her from reaching that goal.

Now Shellnack had the additional power and essence of her mother flowing through her blood, and Captain Willham had realised this potentially could create an even greater unstoppable monster if Shellback set her mind to it.

However, for now the Captain set his own mind to aiding and helping Shellback recover, already there had been five attempts on her life as she had laid open and vulnerable, and two attempts had come from lesser demons seeking revenge for her actions, while the three others had come from enemies who had heard the news and sought immediate regress of her rule.

Captain Whillham’s troops had dealt with each threat as it had arrived, the Demoni intruders, had entered the room where Shellback laid, the Captain had fifty of his best warrior magicians placed on guard around the room, and it was they who had fought off and eventually killed the two Demoni.

Shellback had been conscious of the battle and of that was happening around her but had been for a time unable to grasp the power within to defend herself.

On seeing the Captain risk his own life as he fought frantically beside her and even becoming wounded in the battle, yet he continued fighting shouting, “You shall not have her,” and in the distance of her confused mind this had impressed Shellback, but eventually the two Demoni were killed and as Shellback’s mind and body started to recover and adapt to the transition of power the battle was over.

Shellback on awaking from what she momentarily thought had been a strange dream, she saw the devastation around her, and the two dead Demoni still laying where they fell. It then dawned on her that Belliteron must have sent the Demoni to kill her, and now that he had obtained his own goals, she was of no further use to him. and this angered her greatly.

Captain Willham became aware Shellback had awoken

“My Queen I pledge my allegiance to you along with all the troops under my command,” he said, as he humbled himself lowering to one knee. Shellback looked at him.

“No, you shall not bow to me, I was aware you fought by my side to protect me, and I guess these two were not the only fools who sought to take advantage while I adjusted to the new powers within me.”

As the Captain of the guards arose, he accepted Shellbacks extended hand,

“My Queen I could not allow them to harm you.” But Shellback cut short his words and considered his eyes, while reading his thoughts and was pleased by what she saw.

Extending her other hand Shellback tested the power within her, and at a thought the wounds on her Captain were healed.

“You please me greatly, and for your loyalty I shall reward you, I also see from your mind that the staff have remained loyal and are pleased with my overthrowing my mother.”

She paused contemplating her next words. “Let it be known as long as they serve me I will treat them well.”

Her words to Captain Willham soon spread throughout her kingdom and this pleased those in her service, as her armies and powerbase were extensive, as her mother the Witch Guayangarea had built a formidable force of Witches, Wizards and Warriors to be at hand, and they numbered in the almost countless millions upon millions, and kept growing expediently.

In addition, they had families and their siblings in time came into service and the numbers over the thousands of years had kept growing, yes people died but Fay’s were different as they could expect an almost indefinite life span if not killed in battle, and it had been the evil power of Guayangarea that had taken control of the Crow tribe many thousands of years earlier.

They had been named the Crows due to their unique ability of skin walking, and of preferring the shape of a crow, as it was an intelligent bird and at the time revered by the primitive tribe.

Only Guayangarea had moulded them into her slaves, and after thousands of years of servitude and been subjected to her evil, they were submissive to her power and in fear of their lives, and followed her with blind loyalty.

Now that her rule had come to an end, and to learn her daughter offered kindness and security had pleased them, yet they were also aware of those who had tried to kill their new master and Queen, and of what happened to them, and they took this as a warning to remain loyal.

Captain Willham was promoted to High Command and a personal body guard to Shellback, and with her giving him free reign to command the troops and bring into service those he saw fit and knew could be trusted.

She also gifted the Captain with additional powers to enable him to serve her better and to keep himself safe while in battle. Shellback had seen him battle two of the Demoni and come close to losing his life and suffering injury, now she was to trust him as a personal guard, and Shellback had realised he needed greater powers and knowledge, and had gifted him accordingly.

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