High Moon High School

Chapter 13

Jealousy looks good on you Cici

We spend around an hour conversing with the throng of pack members congregated in this fine hall to meet their new Luna and I start to feel tired, I place my head on Ajax’s shoulder as he speaks with... I think it was Bear, his father’s Beta. Aries notices and bends down to my ear “Ready for bed my love?” He asks quietly. I turn away from Ajax and face him and give a small nod, he takes my hand and starts to lead me out of the room. I slow a little looking back to where Ajax is standing. He is still engrossed in conversation.

“I told him we’re leaving love, don’t worry he will be up soon he and the Beta are just talking pack business we don’t just learn from our dad, all roles have something to teach us.” Aries says. I nod my head and continue to walk beside him. As we get to the elevator I hear a voice “Aries, good to see you back. Is this human your new toy?” The girl pouts, “Did I not make a good enough impression?” She whines at him. As she moves closer I see how bewitching she is. Her big green eyes staring in to Aries, fully ignoring my presence, her plump lips pouting at him whilst she’s running her fingers through her shoulder length thick black hair, I feel jealousy like I have never felt it before, I unlink my arm from Aries and step forward. “My name is Cierra, and I am Aries and Ajax mate. Now maybe you didn’t notice the banners or your lips are bigger than your brain but they are both mine and you High Moon sl*ts should get that through your heads sooner rather than later, are you part of this pack?” I snarl out at her even surprising myself, Aries hand comes around my waist as she nods to me shock on her face evidently not used to being spoken to in such a way. “Well then I suggest you start to show your future Luna and my Alpha’s some respect, it is Alpha Aries to you, I don’t care what happened before me but I can tell you this, It WILL NOT happen again, understand?” I manage to get out now, raising my voice slightly. I am raging with anger and I don’t know where it has come from but these Alpha’s are mine and I think I’m beginning to need them as much as they need me. The skank bows her head and scurries away. Aries turns me and marches me into the lift when we get there he rushes me to our room, maybe he’s angry at me? Maybe he did want her and I’ve just ruined it I think to myself a little doubt setting in, we enter the room and he slams the door behind him. Aries picks me up by my thighs smashing his lips to mine in an aggressive passionate kiss. He pulls away and says, ” Cici, that was hot! Spoken like a true Luna and wolf. How possessive you were really made me want to take you right there. Where did that come from?” He’s looking at me through desire filled hooded eyes, the blue of them now black.

“I...I d..don’t know I just felt....rage and jealousy like never before I just didn’t like the way she was whining and looking at you.” I say and put my head down, doubt about the way I acted still there. “I’m sorry”

He puts a finger under my chin and lifts my head so I’m looking at him. “No love, don’t ever be sorry for claiming what is yours. Maybe now you understand mine and Ajax possessiveness just a little more now?” He says, I nod yes, I really do. ” Now times what you felt by 2 for the way the mate bond makes us feel for you that you don’t feel as strongly, then add on the fact we’re Alpha’s and are more possessive than a normal wolf and think how it is trying to fight our feelings and our wolves feelings and opinions.” He says softly trying to help me understand.

“The heightened jealousy is because you have accepted us, so you are feeling the mate bond a little more as we start the process of becoming one.” He explains. As he finished Ajax came bursting in, panting like he had run the whole way. He runs to me shoving his brother out of the way checking me over as if I’ve just been in hand to hand combat. “Are you okay baby?” He asks worried

“Yes Ajax I’m fine, what is wrong?” I was just talking with the Beta and overheard some girls gossiping how Meg had just got into a fight with the new Luna and how Aries did nothing to stop it, your human I thought you had fought her and got hurt. I was going to leave it but I felt a surge of anger that wasn’t mine and it didn’t feel like Aries so I came to see for myself.

“Our mate stood up for herself and claimed what is hers...us, very well might I add she was fierce, man you should have seen her go she was amazing she shot Meg right down right there without pause.” Aries gloats.

“Is this true baby?” Ajax questions. “I tried, I’m sorry Ajax I just felt so much rage and jealousy” I start to explain myself. ” Tried? She made her bow to her without even telling her, told her she must from now on refer to me as Alpha Aries and find some respect for her future Luna it was amazing!” Aries continued to boast, I’m not sure if he’s happy I stood up to that girl or that I called them mine and felt jealous, I knew the fact I had accepted them was stirring his emotions he has been worried I would reject him for his behaviour but seeing how proud he is of the fact I sounded ’like a Luna I know they’ll help me along and have my back, I’m glad he didn’t treat me like I was fragile down there and try to jump in he left me to it knowing I was in no danger while he was there to protect me if anything got too heated. I feel proud of myself as the skank said I’m a human these guys could crush me even in human form so yes it is scary to think that now but in the moment all I could think was that slut has had her grubby hands near at least one of my men. I shudder at the thought Ajax pulls me in to his arms and Aries comes behind me wrapping his arms around me. We stay like that, silent just for a few minutes.

“Come my Alpha’s, I’m tired, let’s go to bed.” I say to them both with a smile.

“Yes Luna.” They say in unison.

And we all get cleaned up and comfortable for bed, the twins still respecting my privacy, I grab one of Ajax tees to put on to sleep in they’re super soft and stop just underneath my butt I put on my clean pale blue panties and walk out of the closet. The twins are already in bed and a TV has come out of the bottom of the bed it’s so cool! I walk to the side of the bed and the twins attention turn from the TV to me. “Oh wow baby, you look hot in my shirt, come and get in here let us hold you.” Ajax says I climb over him and see Aries grinning at me, As I climb over Ajax lands a light slap to my behind, I yelp a little and Aries uses that as an opportunity to take my mouth and push his tongue in, it’s such a needy kiss, his tongue exploring the inside of my mouth making me moan in to him. He pulls away and I’m left wanting more. Not for long though as I position myself between them Ajax takes my face in his hands and begins his own assault of my mouth while Aries hands snake to my hips, down to my thighs, they still there and he starts to kiss my neck peppering little sweet kisses from my ear to the base of my neck. We are all panting when we finish our intense make out session, the twins said they had to stop Arcane and Azrid from taking over which made me laugh a little they know i’m not ready just yet to make myself fully theirs. We say our goodnights and I drift off to sleep wrapped in their arms, I swear as I drift off they both whisper ′ I love you ′ and I’m pretty sure in just the short amount of time I have known them I’m starting to fall in love with them too

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