High Moon High School

Chapter 11

Happy Birthday pt 2

I drift off to sleep five minutes into the hour drive, my head leaning on Aries shoulder.

Ajax seems to think I need more bonding time with Aries than I do him, Aries took the back seat with me. My Alpha’s look so handsome today in their black combats and plain white tees, muscles evident through the fabric.

I’m slightly shaken awake, the guy’s faces all up in mine. “We’re here beautiful.” I give myself a minute to wake up and start to move out of the car.

The place is beautiful, a big old fashioned castle-looking building stands around 6 stories high. The car is pulled into a kind of circle with a small garden in the middle, bright green grass, and a stone path down the middle. Mini palm trees are lined up under the windows either side of the main entrance. The brick is a light sandy colour and the building looks old yet elegant. Just the look of this place is a little intimidating.

On the grounds in front of the pack house are rows and rows of beautifully built houses with floor to ceiling windows. I wonder who lives in those, and who lives in this castle for it to be so big. I’m brought out of my thoughts by one of the twins speaking to me.

“Welcome to your future home baby. All of this will be ours, when you finally accept us and we are of age.” Ajax tells me.

“Hmmm, when I accept you?” I say back an eyebrow raised in question at his confidence.

“Yes baby, when because I couldn’t live without you now I have found you i’m not willing to let you go.” Aries says coming behind me and wrapping his arms around me.

I smile and lean my head back into him. The more I get to know the twins the more I doubt I’d be able to reject them.

It’s not only them though, I’d become the Luna of a pack and help them run it which the twins explained as a queen ruling land. I’m not sure I want to do that, then there’s the whole becoming a werewolf thing and having to put up with not one but two possessive and clingy boyfriends or mates whatever. Still I have time to make up my mind, I know I can do all of it, I never really doubt myself, I just don’t know if I want that kind of life and all of that responsibility.

The front door of the pack house opens and out come the twins mother and father.

“Cierra, you’ve met our parents Joseph & Jasmine Reign.” Aries says

They both engulf their sons in a big hug. “Cierra, our mother is referred to as Luna and our father Alpha, this is a sign of respect to them as you’d call your king or queen exactly that, though you are our mate and future Luna so people will also use this title for you and that is how you will be introduced to any of the pack members as their future Luna or the future Alpha’s mate and Luna.” Aries finishes.

“Cierra, you can call me jas no formalities needed we are family my love the titles don’t exist for you, ah I’ve always wanted a daughter and now I have one, and it is your birthday! Come dear I have had the cafeteria set out for a grand meal for the whole pack to meet you.” Jasmine says and I stiffen at the thought. I look back at the twins looking at me apologetically and I wish I could have one of those silent conversation things with them, I’d even settle for them feeling the pit of dread in my stomach.

There are blue, silver and pink decorations all through the entrance hall. There is actually a birthday banner with Happy Birthday Luna Cierra on it with a picture of the twins either side of me kissing my cheeks. My face flushes with embarrassment.

“Um Jas, this is all too much thankyou. It all looks amazing.” I say shyly.

“Oh pish dear! I’ve never gotten to throw a girls birthday party before. I just wish it was better but I’ll know the date for next year, now let the boys take you up to their room. I have popped a dress on the bed for you, celebrations start in half an hour.” She says and air kisses my cheeks.

When she unlinks herself from me my twins are instantly back at either side of me, Ajax takes my hand and Aries places his hand on the small of my back as usual.

“Let’s go to our room.” Aries says as he guides me down a long corridor to a lift. We get in when the doors open and Ajax presses the button for the 6th floor. It doesn’t take long for the doors to open up into another corridor.

We walk down the wide corridor and turn a corner to the left. The twins explain that the top floor is where the Alpha family live, the twins have the left side of the castle on this floor and their parents the right, a set of double doors each side separates them. The first two rooms we reach facing each other are the twins offices, the next one a kitchen incase they get caught up in pack affairs and don’t make it down for meals although they can have the Omegas that work in the kitchen bring them food up any time. There are about 9 vacant rooms and at the bottom of the long corridor is a door that leads to their bedroom.

“Have you guys always shared a room?” I ask.

Ajax shakes his head no, “This was a games room, we had changed into a shared bedroom when we found you so we can both be with you when you move in with us this isn’t mine and Aries room, this is our room. We have also had one of the guest rooms made up for you incase you didn’t feel comfortable staying in here just yet so no pressure.” They both smile down at me. ” I’d like to stay with you both if that’s OK?” I question.

“Of course.” Aries says

“We were hoping you would,” Ajax adds.

They open the door to the room and I suck in a deep breath. It’s beautiful, the room is almost too spacious, the far wall, well I say wall, it’s a full window with a bed a little bigger than the one in my dorm room right in the middle. In front of the bed is a small round table and three chairs, over to one side are two doors which must be the bathroom and closet and to the other side is a corner sofa, a cute light pink shag pile rug and a TV on a big white stand with blue LED lights.

I walk further into the room and notice the bed covers are personalised with his, hers, his pillows and quilt, one side is light grey, one side light blue and the middle a light pink colour, it’s all so cute. I see the ottoman at the bottom of the bed also has three dressing gowns in the same colours. Ajax grabs my hand and starts pulling me towards one of the doors, he opens it up to a huge bathroom. The room is decorated in white marble and silver, a huge elegant white tub in the middle of the room big enough for about five people comfortably, a shower runs along the far wall and sinks and cabinets along the other wall. It’s all so well planned I wouldn’t complain about living here. The place looks like something out of a dream.

“Come love, let’s see what mother has put in the wardrobe for you.” Aries says from behind us.

I walk towards him and he gives me a sweet kiss and leads me by the small of my back to the closet. My eyes go wide when we walk in, rows of clothes line the walls, I’m hoping the female clothes in here are what has been brought for me and not what a past fling has left behind. I scowl and my heart aches at the thought. I push it back as I see tags on the clothes and reason with myself that I have no right to be angry about the girls that may have come before me, they are the twins’ past and I am quite clearly their future.. A dresser is set to the side between two full-length mirrors with a dress hung from the top. It’s spectacular. A blush pink fitted maxi gown, I run my fingers down it with a smile on my face.

“Are you OK if we leave you to get ready Cici? We just have some things to talk to our parents about and we will be back up.” Ajax asks.

“Yes, though this bedroom is so big I may get lost” I giggle out, the boys give me a fleeting kiss and leave me to get ready.

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