FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter Didn't Plan for This

“I’ve missed you.” She paused to lift her chin petulantly.

Oh…That’s why…

“I’d not thought you’d remember me.”

“Hmm.” She purred. “I remember everything. Even the day I was born.”

Surely not!

“That’s impossible!” He expostulated.

“It’s true, nonetheless. I remember every moment of my life in vivid color and perfect recollection. I know everywhere I’ve ever found a Cimmerii. I know that smell…Just like you taught me. Equally as well as I know your smell.”

He reared back. “It’d never occurred to me you’d recall so much!” Astonishment marked his voice.

“Every word you ever said to me…Before you disappeared and left me.” Her tone hardened. “And I remember every moment of that pain. That abandonment. And every single time I wondered what I’d done wrong…”

He was appalled. Mouth moving as he searched for words. Seeing the deep betrayal written over her face.

Gaining control of himself he purposefully wiped his expression. Shoulders rolling back as he eyed her circling him. Refusing to move anymore.

It’d be pointless.

“But you didn’t, did you? Not really. You’re always here. Always with me.” She murmured thoughtfully. Caressing a hand down her throat and over the upper rise of her breast as she considered it.

Without meaning to his eyes followed that sliding movement. Taking in the full view of bared flesh revealed by the low ‘v’ of the meager cloth she wore.

Shaking his head, he averted his gaze back to her face and found a slightly satisfied smirk there.

She did it on purpose?

It was a test…And I failed…

“What do you want, Little Cat?”

She lifted her brows in surprise. “I should think that quite obvious.” She trailed a finger along his chest. “You.” She breathed.

He frowned. Brows lowering. “What are you about?”

“I’ve thought of nothing else since you stopped talking to me. How I missed you. Your voice, your laugh. And now that I’m older I’ve thought about you…In other ways.” Her eyes slid tenaciously down his body to rest on his manhood.

Clearing his throat, he shifted to try to conceal its shape from her attentive gaze.

“What’s wrong?” She whispered. “I know I’m not unattractive to men. Men from the village have pursued me. Tried to lay with me. But…” That trailing finger angled down his back now, stopping at the rise of his firm buttock. “I had another man in mind.”

“Good Gad, Woman!” He spun to swat her hand away. Half afraid she might test the tautness of his rear, were he to let her continue her brazen attack. “What are you about?”

She tapped her lip thoughtfully as she circled back to the front of him, inching closer. “I believe they call this…Seduction? Hmm. Is that the right word?” She licked her lips slowly as though trying to remember.

He was absorbed by the motion for a moment before catching himself. “I believe what you’re doing is closer to ‘accosting’.” Shaking his head and blinking rapidly he retreated a step from her.

She took a step toward him until their torsos were nearly pressed to each other.

“What game is this?” He noticed his voice was a little shrill. He leaned down to her, magnetically drawn closer.

What in Ardae…What’s wrong with me?

I’ve avoided her for years to keep as far from anything like this as possible! He jerked away from her. But she caught at his overcoat and followed him. Surprisingly strong.

“I don’t know what this is.”

“It’s me, going after something I’ve wanted a long time.” She whispered up to his lips. Teal eyes boreing into his.

“So, you set a trap for me?” He gestured to where he knew the dogs were just beyond sight.

“More than one.” She breathed across his chin. Making his heart speed slightly. She tugged him closer and slid a palm over his chest. “Why are you so shocked?”

“Because I never saw this coming.” He said weakly.

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