FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter A Hammering Heartbeat

“What does that matter?”

“It feels like it should.” He eased backward. “I knew you as a child.”

“You did. You’re immortal. You could’ve known every woman you meet in a tavern as a girl. You don’t age.”

“But I knew you."

She gave an annoyed sigh. “And you’ve not known me in a long while. Now I’d like you to know me as something else.”

“I’m not sure I would…”

“Wouldn’t you?” She lifted a brow. “Your hammering heart says you want to.”

“I don’t believe I mentioned that.”

She leaned forward as if confiding a great secret. “I can hear it.”

He was stunned. Blinking wide eyes.

“My hearing is extraordinary.”

Tev was transported back many years to she’d heard him utter a single laugh across that impossible distance and looked for him in the trees. Telling Hales the crone, she’d heard a man laugh. I’d wondered how she’d heard my voice.

“How do you think I know you’re always near, watching me?” She shrugged. Pausing. “Other than I can feel your eyes roving over me.”

“You make me sound a great fiend.”

“No, I see you as a man. One worthy of me. Very few are, you see.”

“And just how do you determine that?”

“I’m a warrioress, a huntress. I need a strong man to show me the way of women and men.”

“I feel you’re choosing poorly.”

“I feel as though your opinion in this means less than mine.” She shrugged and wandered from him to a nearby bush.

He breathed a sigh of relief. Body relaxing as she distanced herself. I’ve a moment to think.

He watched in horror as she plucked a berry from a nearby bush. Heart sinking as she bit square teeth into the small red fruit. Letting an errant drop slide over her lip and down her chin.

Please don’t. He groaned inwardly.

But it did. Dropping from her chin to slide into her cleavage and roll beneath the tunic. She giggled as it tickled her.

He was paralyzed in dismay. Seriously contemplating fleeing. Am I having a nightmarish fantasy?

“I think I should go.”

“Why?” She pouted. Slipping a finger along her chin to collect the juice that remained and slip it back into her mouth.

He moaned unconsciously.

She gave a half smile, swaying in satisfaction. “So, you can watch me from the shadows rather than from next to me?” She feigned a frown. “That seems a little odd, doesn’t it?”

“This is all a little odd. This whole day is odd.” He started backing up and bumped into a hard obstacle. Glancing over his shoulder he saw Driver whimper and sit.

He turned and gave the dog’s head a pat. It rumbled in contentment.

Tev stepped around him and Groomsman cut him off, nudging him backward.

“No.” Tev pointed.

Groomsman whined but edged aside.

Tev heard her laughing from behind him.

“Are you going to break all their hearts? Pitting them between your orders and mine?”

“I’m just trying to get around them.”

“And they know not to let my prey past them.”

“I am not prey.”

“You are. Mine. Tonight.”

He was affronted. “You’re a child!”

“You were not looking at me like a child, a moment ago.”

I know. He grimaced. Something is wrong with me.

“Goodbye, Serdephe!” He asserted. Weaving through the stack of dogs.

“Goodbye, My Wolf.” She said. Far too cheerfully for a woman that hadn’t gotten her way.

Tev was dreadfully certain he’d not heard the last of the topic.

When did the purple haired laughing girl turn into a brazen seductress? He felt as though he should go bathe in a cool wake to wash away the things he’d been thinking.

Tev shook his head at himself. I’m going to forget this day, her words. All of this.

But how will you look after her now? The niggling little voice argued. She’s told you she always knows you’re there…

In essence I trained her. I taught her to use the dogs, how to signal them, how to make them operate as a team. Told her how to present as bait.

I taught her to be an ideal predator.

Then she surpassed me.”

-Teverius told Sebastian about Serdephe cornering him.

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