FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter Can't Give Her Young

“They will.” She announced. “Besides, I have these.” She flipped a blanket aside to pull her quiver out and set it over her back. Collecting her bow to sling it over her shoulder. “What are you wearing?” She asked. Studying the brown leather vest and his riding cuffs cinched over leather gloves.

Walking over she reached to straighten the laces on the gray tunic he wore underneath.

He leaned over the side of his horse to offer her better access. Short thing.

“What I wear during my days out of the forest.”

“I didn’t know there were any of those.” She commented giving him a glance under lowered lids.

There are.

He tipped his head back, giving her a haughty look. “There’s much you don’t know.” He held his hand out for hers.

Smiling and lifting her shoulders excitedly she offered it.

They walked the short distance to NightVille.

Riaura’s head whipped as she squealed at the sight of rabbits hopping next to the path and a small fox creeping through the tall grass.

Easily excited.

“Have you never been out this far?”

Never in the back of the bailey. Marod doesn’t let me see be on this side...”

“Probably a suitable choice for a princess to avoid it.”

There are dangers here.

“She’d box me for doing it now.”

His head spun to her. “Does she still hit you?”

“Oh, no.” Riaura shook her head adamantly. “Only a figure of speech, Alazar.” She plucked a purple flower and spun it in her free hand thoughtfully. “She’s not touched me since her illness. I think the close call with death perhaps made her realize I’m all she has.”

Or that I’ll kill her if she tries. He thought. Well, done Bast.

They reached the edge of town where people rushed past in carts to get to market.

A man and his young son led a cow toward town. Discussing the need to sell it for goods. Despite the young boy’s devastation at the loss of the animal.

Hoping she’d hear, he led her closer as they followed the duo into town, only a few steps behind. But to his dismay, Riaura seemed oblivious as she studied the landscape and watched birds flying overhead.

“It’s so beautiful!” She bounced next to him. “I love this.”

She’s missing the point.

They passed peasants next to the road begging for coin. Holding up wooden cups as they walked by, but her gaze was above them at the market coming into view.

He felt his heart sinking. She doesn’t get it.

How can I save her from the rebellion if she can’t even see their pain?

It was hard to blame her for her excitement

She’s never been to town before. She needs to know who she’ll be protecting. Still her unwillingness to see the pain of the people left a bitter taste in his mouth.

He wanted to point it out but knew she’d only see it as another of his lectures.

She eyed all the fresh fruit and lifted her nose to the aroma of fresh-baked pastries and bread. Lovingly caressing green stones on a necklace until the peddler chastised her for touching his wares without buying them. She retracted her hand like a naughty child.

Alazareth resisted the urge to buy the bauble for her. It’d look lovely on her.

He tugged her along further. Knowing what was beyond the stalls. She needs to see them. Suddenly he was yanked sideways as she pulled him into a pottery shop.

She lovingly caresses the vases and cups.

“Did he make them himself, do you think?” She gestured toward the man moving dishes on a front table.

“Likely his family.” He sighed.

You can’t see your people are starving because your intrigued to know who makes pottery. He shook his head sadly.

“Oh, my!” She cried and rushed to the opposite corner. Dragging him by the hand.

He trailed after her on leaden feet. Please look around you.

“Look at these fabrics, Alazar! Aren’t they beautiful? Why, I think this one is silk! Where do you think he got it?”

Standing behind her, Alazar rolled his eyes Heavenward and groaned.

“Look at those!” She pointed as she caught his sleeve to drag him behind her.

Where are we going now? He was pained to see what she beelined toward. Not that. It was a basket containing tiny confections of cloth. As she lifted one it unraveled to reveal small sleeves and little legs with bits of lace at the collar.

“Children’s clothing!” She breathed in awe.

“That is baby clothing, Ri.”

“I know!” She delightedly burrowed through the basket with all the vigor of a mole.

No. I can’t. He watched her in agony. Please stop. He willed, feeling a deep ache.

Turning from her, he retreated to the front. Pressing his forehead to a beam, he tried to control the overwhelming pain coursing through him. I can’t watch her joy. Can’t know I am not the one that will be able to give her what she needs.

Coming here was a mistake.

“Alazareth?” She asked softly over her shoulder. “What’s wrong?”

When he didn’t answer, she materialized next to him to put a hand to his arm. “What is it?” Urgency entered her voice.

He turned, deciding he’d tell her but saw the small article of clothing dangling from her other hand and he was choked with emotion. How can I tell her if I gave her children, I’d outlive them?

Have to watch them die...

Even if I could somehow persuade her to be with me for an eternity. I couldn’t condemn a child to this life. He swallowed convulsively.

She impulsively reached to caress his throat where it worked. “Speak to me.” She coaxed. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”

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