FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter DERAGAN - Which of You

Rosewynn Manor, Outside Meadowbrook, Grier Country


Nora sat by the fire watching Deragan and Airon elbowing each other playfully when Sebastian joined her on the bench.

“Have you read it yet?”

She blinked. Taking a moment to realize he meant her book. She shrugged.

Smiling he leaned back. “You haven’t. So,” He said with what she was finding was his characteristic subtlety. “What is it you want to know about him?” He rubbed his palms together gleefully.

“What do you know?” She challenged, not denying being curious about Deragan.

“I” He gave a broad gesture. “know everything there is to know about him.”

“It seems like I know him from somewhere.”

“I’m sure you do.” Bast said cryptically. “He tends to stick out in one’s mind.”

“’Tis as if I’ve known him before.”

“Well than,” Bast’s voice was certain. “It surely means you knew him in a past life.”

She laughed wryly. “And you promised me answers.”

“He’s a good man.” Bast said quietly, diverting the conversation. “Better than most.”

Her brows lifted.

“He’s unfailingly loyal. He’s one to take care of everyone he cares for.” Bast explained.

“What does that mean?”

He shrugged. “A long time ago, he was stranded in a mountain blizzard with his ward. The only shelter was a tiny cabin. And when she got cold and hungry, he ventured into the storm to find her food…Even though he knew he was risking his life.” His voice trailed off.

Her eyes lit with interest. “His wife?”

“Former wife.” He corrected.

Strangely relieved she looked up and saw Deragan’s attention had focused on them. Strange penetrating eyes stared back at her.


Three men were lined up before Deragan.

He paced before them. Hands linked behind his back.

All three were eyeing him nervously. Knowing it wasn’t good when their alpha summoned them.

Aside them, Sebastian beamed proudly. Having rallied them all for Deragan’s perusal.

“Of the three of you, one of you is keeping something from me.”

And I will find out which it is.

They all began shifting and looking disconcerted.

You’re all likely keeping something. Despite his demand for information and his rigid command of the knights. He was aware they each had independent lives and often tried to keep their secrets from the others.

Something separate from the brotherhood.

Stolen happiness. I know that feeling. But Deragan had never hidden the dogged pursuit of his mate from his men. But these three had disclosed in some manner or another, that they were intrigued by a woman who had their attention.

It wasn’t wholly a secret from me. But one of them has been hiding that his hoped mate knows how to hunt demons and could be a beneficial ally.

“It’s about a woman.”

Watching Alazareth and Acharius flush guiltily.

Teverius was unmoved. “I have no woman.”

“Don’t you?” Deragan leaned forward to eye him closely.

Teverius stared forward undisturbed.

He thinks he has nothing to hide.

Perhaps she’s not his mate, then. Deragan’s eyes narrowed.

“Where have your Demon Dogs gone, Teverius?”

He deflated and gave Deragan a quick glance.

A guilty look. As I thought.

Deragan stepped back and turned to face them squarely. “Which one of you knows a woman? A huntress…A purple-haired woman?”

Teverius paled until he nearly glowed in the dark. Swaying slightly as though his footing was unsteady. His eyes fell.

As I thought.

Deragan approached him to lean sideways and speak to him. “Not many women with purple hair, is there Little Brother?”

Teverius looked pained and his blue eyes drug to meet Deragan’s.

Answer enough.

Deragan looked at Alazareth and Acharius. “Go. We’ll talk about your secrets another day.”

Bast sauntered away. Happy to have nearly gotten his twin in trouble.

Alazareth was quick to catch up and delivered a solid swat up the back of his head.

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