Fated Hellhound

Chapter 28~ Herding Cats

Orion’s POV~

We had all agreed to head to bed early! Tomorrow was going to be an exhausting day! I snuggled into my tiny fairy, rubbing her baby bump…whispering to our pups! I felt a tiny flutter beneath my fingers and asked “Is that? …was that?” And she nods! Our little beans are already jumping! I fell asleep with a smile on my face!

The morning brought chaos. The back garden was full of falcons and eagles… all chattering away. Renata steps out and says “Settle down…only one at a time! Okay Edgar….” And I snicker..because you know..he’s an eagle! She’s nodding and scolds “why were you so far from home? Winter will be setting in soon! It’s too cold for you to be so high” And the damned eagle hung his head! She looks at me with her big lavender eyes and tells me to get Brian to the office…Elden is at Quentin’s son’s pack. Then she thanks the birds and to please keep her updated.

We walked in the office, and she didn’t even sit before she started “Where is their GPS showing? Edgar told me he believes they are at Quentin’s son’s pack. Did we even suspect they were players?” Brian shakes his head “He’s harmless…his son was vetted and he swore allegiance…it makes no sense…unless they are attacking to gain warriors.” I yelled “Get on the phone to Bluegrass Pack! Brian…see if there are cameras to hack! I want eyes on them..now!” Renata asks “Want me to ask the birds?” I shook my head saying I don’t want to take advantage of their kindness. Yeah! I said it!

Abraham says “Bluegrass answered.. and Elden has requested troops…I told him I would speak with you and get back to him” I asked “What’s the Alpha’s name?” And was told Jeffrey…So I hit redial on the phone and hit speaker… “Alpha Jeffrey” came through the line and I said “Good morning, Alpha! This is King Orion… a little birdie told me….., you have company. Is he there?” Jeffrey replies “Yes” and I demand to be put on speaker “ Well Elden! You do know Jeffrey has sworn allegiance to the crown, don’t you!? Therefore, he cannot loan you any warriors.. If…and listen carefully… IF one wolf in that pack is harmed in any way…your pathetic little rebellion will look like a tea party! Jeffrey…hounds should be reaching your border in under ten minutes so stay on the phone with me.. I want to know when that piece of shit is off your lands! How’s your dad handling retirement?” Jeffrey comes back with “not too bad actually…he seems to be getting a kick out of telling stories to the pups” I told him “hounds at your border..send the word to allow entrance. Time to take care of your pest problem. They will stay with you until our little soirée is over! Have a wonderful day!” And hung up…

My beautiful mate walks over and kisses my cheek saying “Look at my big assed hellhound making small talk! Makes mama proud!” And I smacked her on the ass! She squealed and we all laughed!

Brian looks at me and laughs “GPS on the move…and clocking at about 90 mph! Headed our direction. Glad they aren’t on paws…they’d be here in no time…and no way to track them..well…except for that ‘little birdie’ but Reni would have to ask” Laughing is such a good way to throw tension away!

Renata went down to the kitchen to help with food preparation. She’s worried we’ll get hungry! Goddess! I love that woman! She puts every one of us before herself.

Brian holds up his tablet and says “Look” and I do. Even though I have no idea what the fuck I’m looking at.. A red blinking beacon in the center of a bunch of squiggly lines. Check! I see it! Brian groans “Aggghhh! Just fucking ask what it is!? They’ve stopped! The blinking light is them! All these little lines are streams rivers…roads??? See? Right here? They went off-road! Meaning..they are either setting up a base camp…or grouping up to launch!” I decide to link my mate

🐺 Hello my tiny fairy! I need a favor? She responds and I ask 🐺 Would you be able to send Freddie or one of the others to fly south about 25 miles and let you know what they see? She says “absolutely!” I look at Brian and say “Freddie will check for us!” He laughs and I ask “Why is that funny?” He responds “because this is our new norm and it makes us more unique than we were!”’ He has a point!

Aaron walks in with a pout… so I ask.. because I’m a dumbass! He whines…seriously whines… “Reni is making chocolate mousse and Charles asked to lick the bowl…first!” Brian says…doesn’t she use three different batters for that?” And I nod…but nobody saw it..because they were both running to the kitchen!

Abraham comes in and asks where all the guys are.. I shrugged “Licking chocolate. I’m waiting on a report from Freddie. Sheesh! That sounds weird!” And we both laugh! The guys walk in and Abraham says “Go wash your damned face, Aaron! Was your whole head in the bowl?”

Renata comes in with Freddie on her shoulder and tells me “Freddie has an update for you “ and I nod like I can interrogate him and she says “just say it Freddie! I will translate!” Looking at me she tells me “Freddie is giving me shit about telling me..because I’m a hen with a clatch of eggs and he doesn’t want me to get upset!” And yep…I couldn’t stop the laugh..the whole time Freddie is staring at me with his head cocked like I’M the idiot! But thankfully, he starts his series of squawks and shrieks and clicks. All the while Renata nods. She stands up and opens the window…and off he goes.

Renata turns and looks at Alistair.. and shakes her head “I am so sorry. Ali! Your dad is a complete dumbass. Buck up though! You and Orion seem to have skipped that gene! Elden is sending his warriors out in waves of 100 per wave. 2 waves…probably 3.. now..are on their way toward us from the south…”

I couldn’t help it.. I laughed “He is literally sending them to die! And if he is sending them to make a stand at the border..we would be aware..and ready anyway.” Brian says “What if his strategy is no strategy? A confuse your enemy plan?” Renata shrugs “Well that’s an even dumber plan! That man’s gonna die!”

Aaron says “Barry says the first wave is approaching from the south..” and I said “have them give chase towards the east…pushing them in that direction!” Aaron busts out laughing..and tells us “I told him to head them east…like herding cattle! And five minutes later he comes back with like herding cats, you said…right?” And we all laugh! I stand up and say “Come on family! Let’s go kick some ass…and forget the names!”

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