Chapter 3
Adani's POV..
"Answer it and put it on speaker, right now!" he instructed.
I answered and put my mom on the speaker.
"Hi sweetie, how are you?"
"I can't talk right now, mom," I answered.
"What, why not?"
"Mom... I..."
"Adani, I haven't seen you in almost a year. You don't call. You don't visit me. You don't even send me a quick text. What is going on with you?"
The tears welled up. The tears always welled up and rolled down my face. Wayan had completely alienated me from my friends and my own mother.
I was my mother's only child. It had always been mom and I since I came into the world. My father left before I was born, and I've never met the man. Mom was my best friend. We were close, until she made it clear that Wayan wasn't a good match for me.
I will never forget that blow up between the two of them at my twenty-eighth birthday get-
together. Wayan was ordering me around and I did as I was told until my mother had enough of
Flashback "Dani, get me a glass of water," Wayan said.
I stood up and my mother held my arm and pulled me back into the chair.
"Wayan, why don't you fetch your own damn water?" she directed him.
"Is it a crime to ask my own fiancée to get me a glass of water in your house?"
"You know where the fridge is and the glasses. Get up and get it yourself. I've been watching her make the rounds for you since the evening started. You're not going to have my daughter as a slave!"
"Adani, come on, we're leaving."
"Adani, you're staying."
I had to choose right there and then, and I chose to leave with Wayan.
Since after that encounter, he didn't want me communicating with my mother or even seeing her.
He said she was a bad example and that must have been why my father left her.
End Of Flashback "When are you going to visit me?" she asked again.
"Soon," I lied, "Look, mom, I have to go. I have some things I need to handle."
"Okay baby. Have a goodnight."
"Goodnight, mom."
Wayan ended the call and slammed the phone face down on the sink.
"What did I say to you about her, huh? See, that's why I must keep on disciplining you because YOU DON'T LISTEN! You're like a bratty kid. Adani, I've told you time and time again that you are to stay away from her!"
"And I have stayed away but I can't stop her from calling me, Wayan."
"You damn sure can. You're going to change that phone number of yours tomorrow. Do you hear me?"
I nodded yes. He left and returned with an ice pack.
"Rest this on your mouth to reduce the swelling, then come into the bedroom."
He handed me the pack and I placed it on my lips, then I went back into the bedroom where he was standing by the bed.
His arms reached me and I flinched to get away from the hit but he wasn't attacking me now. "I'm not going to hit you."
I stepped closer. He pulled me against his chest in an embrace.
"Adani, I love you. I love you so much that I can't see myself without you but you need to listen to me and stop going against my wishes. What I say goes. Do you understand me?" "Yes, Wayan."
"We've been through this too many times and you keep getting it wrong. I hope this is the last time."
"Yes, Wayan."
"Good. Now, take off your clothes and get on the bed so I can have the pleasuring I deserve."
I wasn't in the mood for him but I didn't want to upset him again. I did as I was told then went to sleep.
On Saturday, I woke early, made breakfast for Wayan and I, then waved him off to an outing he was having with his friends.
I walked into the empty living room and flipped on the one-hundred-inch flat screen television. I was enjoying an episode of Power when the front door was pushed open. I leaped from the couch and walked straight into a raging mother. My mother.
"Adani, I can't believe you would ignore me like this! I had to come all this way to see you." "Mom? What are you doing here?"
"What do you mean what I'm doing here, I'm visiting my daughter, that's what I'm doing here! The daughter I carried for nine damn months. The daughter I grew up into a beautiful..." her speech halted as she took me in, "Oh hell no. I know that's not what I think it is." "Mom, please don't start."
"Adani, what's wrong with your lips and your face, is that a bruise on your cheek?"
"It's fine. I was in an accident with the car."
"That's a lie! I saw your car in the driveway!"
"It wasn't my car I was driving. It was Wayan's."
"Do you think I'm a fool, huh? Adani, I've been on this earth longer than you have. Wayan is a
controlling son of a bitch so I can't imagine him allowing you to drive his car, especially when you already have one."
"He's not as bad as you make him out to be."
"Why are you defending him when he's putting his hands on you. Look at your face!"
"Mom, I told you I met..."
"Look me in my eyes and tell me you've been in an accident one more time."
I looked away and broke into tears. My mom pulled me in for a hug.
"Adani, you can't continue living like this. You're young and beautiful and this kind of living isn't
the right one for you. What man cuts off the woman from seeing her own mother? Where is he by the way?"
"Out with friends."
"While you're here all by yourself like a damn fool. Where are your friends?"
"I had to cut them off. They're not fond of Wayan and he's not fond of them either."
"Why am I not surprised." She released her hold on me and went up to the bedroom. Then she started throwing my clothes into suitcases like a mad woman while she cussed Wayan's name. "Ma! You can't do that!" I shouted, trying to stop her.
"You're leaving this God-damned house. You're not staying a moment longer here! I can't even sleep peacefully at night. I keep thinking what if the man hurts you so badly. Do you know what it's like to have countless sleepless nights, just up wondering, praying and hoping that you'll visit, or I'll at least hear your voice?"
"I'm so sorry. I should have called but I had to change my number and..."
"My address hasn't changed, Adani. Why are you letting that man control you like this?"
"He's not controlling me," I said. The more clothes she placed in the suitcases, I pulled them out and threw them back into the closet.
"I can't leave him, Ma," I told her, "So please stop and let me live my life."
"This isn't living. It's accepting. Accepting abuse and accepting the lies that you don't deserve better!"
My mother started packing my suitcases again and I didn't stop her. I stood in one place, mentally recalling all the hits and many put-downs I received from the hands of my fiancé. "WHAT THE HELL!" a voice boomed out. I snapped out of my recalling and both my mom and I turned in the direction of the voice.
Wayan was standing in the doorway watching my mom pack my things.