Chapter 2
Adani's POV..
I was shell-shocked when Wayan arrived home from work and decided to take me out for dinner.
We hadn't been to a dinner since our engagement celebration, but I accepted.
This was the Wayan I'd been waiting for.
I got into the front passenger seat of his car and he drove us to a seafood restaurant where he
had make the reservation. He pulled the chair out for me like the gentleman he ought to be before getting into his own seat.
Within a few seconds, a waitress walked up to our table.
"Hi, I'll like to have the jumbo shrimp, garden salad, crab legs, rice and mashed potatoes," Wayan said.
"Very well, and for you, miss?"
"I'll have...."
"She'll have an empty plate because we're sharing," he cut in.
The waitress and I were both stunned but I played it off quickly. "And for drinks?" she asked.
"A glass of wine for her and a mint julep for me," he answered.
The waitress walked away, and he looked at her behind until she was out of his eyeshot. She later
returned to our table with the drinks, food and an empty plate. Wayan watched her go once
"So," he started, giving me his attention now, "I've been going over our finances and I've decided on something."
Omg! The wedding!
"You should get a damn job. You're becoming a leech."
"Hold on, wait a minute, a leech?"
"I didn't stutter, did I?"
"Wayan, I don't understand where you're coming from. After college, I worked as a news anchor. You told me to quit because too many people noticed me from TV. I found another job at a magazine; you made me quit that too because you assumed my boss had a crush on me. I worked at a bookstore, and you said you didn't want me working anymore."
"You catch yourself sassing me! You think I'll be afraid to come across this table on you because we're at a restaurant, huh?"
"Don't 'Wayan' me. You're to start looking for a job. You should be grateful I'm allowing this. Get your independence back and have your checks entered my account."
"You heard me, Adani. Not even you are that slow."
"The money I'll be making should be wired directly to your account and not mine, why is that?" Wayan reached for my hands across to table and held them gently at first, then he started squeezing the hell out of my fingers that I felt like they were being crushed by a truck. "You're hurting me," I winched at the pain.
"Good, because it seems like that's the only way you'll listen to your man. Get a job and repay me
for all the money I've spent on you. Do you hear me?"
"Yes," I answered, tears slipping from my eyes. He released his hold.
"Now hurry up and eat the food. It's getting cold."
So that was what this unexpected dinner was about. To butter me up in finding a job and having my checks to his account.
I tried my best to finish the food I lost my appetite for, then I excused myself and went into the ladies' room.
The waitress who served us earlier entered after me and found me at the sink.
"Hi, I don't mean to get into your business..."
"Isn't that what people always say right before getting into your business?" I asked her, turning to face the direction she was in. She was pretty. Brown complexion like myself, light brown eyes and
a small chest but what she lacked in chest, her booty made up for, for sure.
"I saw what happened at the table. The way he treated you. You couldn't even order your own food," she stated.
"He thinks it's romantic. We're a team and we share everything," I defended. Even I thought I sounded pathetic.
"You wouldn't understand," I said again.
"Trust me, I know control when I see it. I was once in a terrible relationship, so I know all the signs and red flags. Look, if you need someone to talk to, a place to escape to when you want to clear your head, you can call me." She handed me her name and number on a piece of paper. Adonna.
"I'm sure I wouldn't be needing this but okay," I said, "I'm Adani, by the way."
"Adani. That's a very cute and unique name. Take care of yourself, Adani. I need to get back to the floor."
She left and Wayan entered right after. I feared he must have been listening or heard some of the conversation.
"Are you done in here, it's time to leave," he said.
"Okay," I said and walked out of the room.
Adonna caught me before leaving and gave me a slice of chocolate cake as my dessert. I thanked her and went to the car.
"What's that?" he asked, eyeing the cake in the small box.
"Ad.. the waitress gave this to me. She said it was dessert." "Give it here."
"Are you going to eat it?"
I handed it over and he tossed it out the window. He started the car and drove us homeward. "You didn't have to throw the cake out the window. I wanted it," I said as we crossed the threshold to our home.
Wayan put the lights on in the house and went up the stairs as if he didn't have a care in the world.
I went upstairs as well, stripped and got into the shower.
"Unlock your phone," he said as I got out and walked back into the bedroom. He was already holding my phone.
"You need to make a phone call or...."
"No. I need to have access to your phone too. Unlock it!"
"When did I become a prisoner, your prisoner?" I asked.
He backhanded me and I ended up against the door.
"For the entire evening, I've been dealing with your attitude and your back-talking to me. Don't
ever forget who's in charge around here!" he shouted.
I knew the cut on my lip got bigger as I saw the blood dipped onto the floor.
"I swear, if you stain the carpet with your bleeding.... GO INTO THE GOD-DAMNED SINK AND WASH THAT OFF!"
I scurried to the sink and washed the blood away. My lips were swollen, and they both were busted open this time.
"Now, unlock this!" he said, appearing behind me. I took my phone, unlocked it and handed it back to him. He went through it as if determined to find something. A few seconds in, my phone started buzzing.
"Why is your mother calling you?" he asked.
I panicked.