Dropping The Crown

Chapter 17

Adani's POV.

"YOU NEED TO SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU'RE A LYING BITTER BITCH !" we heard a voice yell from one of the sitting room areas.

Mavielle, Flamboyant and I were in the kitchen. We eyed each other as the shouting continued but became muffled.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Sounds intense," Mavielle said.

"I have an idea," Flamboyant spoke.

"I swear, if you say something smart, I'm going to shove this dish up your ass," Mavielle warned


Rolling her eyes, Flamboyant responded, "I know how we can listen in."


"Just shut up and follow me." We followed Flamboyant to the second floor and into only vacant bedroom left.

In there, she ushered us closer to a vent which was located directly over the sitting room area. Viewing was even visible.

Anna and Karen were at each other. The two women looked like they would come to blows at any second. Anna's husband now walked into the room. I was certain he heard the shouting just like we did and came to defuse.

"Perfect! The man of the hour," Anna directed to her husband.

"Sweetie, what's going on?" he asked her.

"Tell your whore over there to keep my name out her mouth and the next time she tries to sneak into our bedroom, I'll pop her!"

"Anna, darling..."

"Just stop with the damn sweet names, Romero, and answer me this, are you sleeping with this woman?" Anna asked.

"You're delusional! I'm not sleeping with your husband! Wait until I tell Corrine about this!" Karen defended.

"Karen can be such a lair, and because she's best friends with Corrine, she gets away with a lot because Corrine always defends her and play off her actions as if it wasn't vicious," Mavielle whispered to us.

"I like Anna, she's feisty but she needs to channel some of her anger towards her husband. He has that look on his face that spells Cheater! And he keeps stealing some glances at Karen," Flamboyant inputted.

"This is better than Love and Hip-hop," I said and earned laughter from Mavielle and Flamboyant.

We watched now as Corrine walked into the room. The intensity of situation completely subsided.

"What's going on here?" she asked, looking between the two women.

"Thank goodness you're here, Corrine. Anna is going crazy. She's accusing me of sleeping with Romero," Karen said and cling onto Corrine's arm like a life-jacket.

"Again?" Corrine asked and locked her eyes at Anna.

"I saw her creeping into my bedroom..."

"I was coming to ask you a question," Karen said.

"This early in the morning? You know you're lying! You waited until I left the room to head to the gym. If I hadn't forgotten my water, you would have crawled into my bed like the snake you are, Karen!"

"I would have done no such thing! You're unbelievable. I can't believe you think so little of me, Anna."

"I can't believe this either. You're failing to realize that you're also accusing me of cheating on you and I've never cheated on you, baby, I love you. Nobody is thinking about Karen," Anna's husband said. He attempted to hug his wife but she stepped away.

"Anna, you need to calm down and stop the yelling. I'm sure the rest of the house can hear the two of you," Mrs. Parriston told her.

"See, that's that picking sides bull. I wasn't the only one yelling but you're addressing this to me." "Karen is defending herself over something you accused her of. She's not sleeping with your husband and that's that."

"She just might be trying to but don't worry. I'll be keeping my eyes on her for the remainder of our stay here and if I catch her anywhere near my husband, you wouldn't be able to save her." And with that, Anna walked out of the room.

"Romero!" we heard her yell once more.

"Coming, darling." He ran after his wife.

Mrs. Parriston and her best friend were left all alone now.

"I can't stand her," Karen said.

"You and me both."

"Why did you invite her?"

"You know why. And stay away from her husband. I don't need anything ruining my son's upcoming birthday party or else I'll have both your heads and Romero's heart!"

"Geez. Sometimes I forget you're the head-witch. I'm sorry. I'll leave her husband alone." "Excellent. Now where are these incompetent maids?"

The two women chuckled and walked out of the room and we scurried out of our listening place and back into the kitchen without getting caught.

We laughed from the thrill and the rush, and I was happy Flamboyant was coming around.

"Does this usually happen whenever the two women are under the same roof?" I asked in a whisper.

"Karen is always trying to waltz into his arms. I don't know what her obsession is with him but it's unhealthy," Mavielle said.

"That's because they once shared a glass of wine and a kiss. It happened right after Mr. Kingman's passing. Romero lost his first wife too. They were grieving and drinking and then they were kissing. It didn't escalate though."

"He stopped it?"

"Yep. He was associated with Mr. Kingman. Out of respect, he declined any advances with his widow. He told her it was a mistake, and when he remarries Anna, Karen became bitter." "Makes sense why she would dislike her. But why does Mrs. Parriston do as well?" I asked as I switched the electric kettle on.

"I think it's something to do with their status in society. Anna is making her own waves and a name for herself. Mrs. Parriston is still holding onto her deceased ex-husband's last name," Mavielle enlightened.

After completing Mr. Parriston's breakfast, I delivered it to him.

I mentally cussed the silly butterflies take seems to be growing wings whenever I was in the same room with him.

Neatly and sharply dressed, he was sitting with one leg on top of the other and watched my every move after I greeted him.

"Would that be all?" I asked, already knowing he would say 'yes'.


Guess I was wrong.

"What can I get you, sir?" I asked.

"A few minutes of your time. Sit down, Miss. Prime." He gestured to the chair across from his.

I sat down.

"Are you enjoying the job thus far?" he began.

"I am."

"How are you finding the other maids?"

"They're sweet. Mavielle is like my guardian angel.. She really took me under her wing and taught

me almost everything."

"And Flamboyant?"

"Flamboyant is authoritarian and determined. We're warming up to each other."

"Glad to hear it. One more question.."

A knock came to the door and a beaming Mrs. Parriston entered.

"Ah. I knew I'll find you here," she cut right in, "And this maid again?" she asked as she spotted



"She's coming, Ricardo," she spoke up again, cutting him off.

I watched as confusion took over Mr. Parriston. "Who's coming, Mother?"


Mr. Parriston made a sharp exhale. "Mother, please tell me you..."

"I invited her and she accepted."

"Why would you?"

"Honestly, I don't know why you're reacting that way."

"How do you expect me to react?"

"Welcoming. After all, she is your girlfriend."

My butterflies died.

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