Chapter 16
Adani's POV.
My entire body was sore, and I still had several more rooms to clean again. I wobbled towards the storage space and noticed Mavielle was already inside when I got there.
"Hi," I said. She turned towards me.
"Adani, what are you doing?" "Getting some clean cloths."
"Why? Are you cleaning?"
"Yes. And why are you here, I thought Mrs. Parriston said you two left. Is Flamboyant here too?" "Flamboyant left here so quickly, I thought she was a jet. But I stayed behind to do the chores because it's your half-day and wanted you to have time to yourself."
I felt terrible for snapping at her earlier. "I'm sorry about..."
"Hey. It's fine. I can be a bit pushy at times. I deserved that."
"No. You don't. You've been nothing but nice to me the moment I walked through the doors." "Thanks. You're a nice person too, Adani."
We exchanged a smile and Mavielle dismissed me from the remaining tasks. I snuck into my room, locked the door and got into a much needed bath.
Later on that evening, the mansion became noisier as Mrs. Parriston's guests and family arrived. Mavielle and I stood at a respectable distance and watched as she greeted everyone at the door. Mavielle knew each and she gave me some knowledge on everyone as they approached. "See that woman, that's Karen Kingman. Wedded to a millionaire who owned and managed a pharmaceutical firm, unfortunately, he passed away from heart failure, and Karen is now the owner. She's Corrine's best friend."
I watched a well-dressed woman with short black hair exchange kisses with Mrs. Parriston before stepping into the room and taking a seat in the far corner.
"This other woman is Anna Stanislaus. Married to an Italian millionaire and she's a big deal in the fashion industry herself. She's also close friends with Corrine but not as close with Karen. Some bad-blood between the two women ever since there was a rumor that Karen made the moves on Anna's husband."
"Dinner would be awkward in the Grand Dining Room," I said.
"See, you're getting the hand on this already. No matter how miserable they try to make our lives, theirs isn't a clean slate either."
We giggled lightly and continued our gossips like two high schoolers who were getting the dirty laundry on the popular students.
"Finally. Here comes the remainder of the Parriston family," Mavielle said.
Immediately, I gazed at the entrance with awe. A well-dressed young looking woman hugged Mrs. Parriston.
"Rockett Parriston. Daughter of Corrine and sister of the boss himself. She's really a nonchalant person and she doesn't get involve in the family's drama. She's only twenty-five and already a billionaire. Mainly thanks to daddy but both children worked hard to keep their status and networths."
"Would their father be here too?"
"No. He also passed away from a heart attack. I guess that's why Karen and Corrine are so close. They even have tragedies in common."
"Then who's the man kissing Mrs. Parriston now?"
"Her new husband."
"I thought she was racist. Why is her husband..."
"Ever heard of BBC, but disliking black women, well that's Corrine for you. Her new husband is a simp."
"How so?"
"She treats him like he's a pain in the ass, until he ran into bed with another woman. A black woman. That ignited Corrine's hatred towards black women even more. She forbids him of ever seeing the other woman again after she found out, and he did exactly that. Even though they're married, Corrine is still carrying her first husband's surname as it carries weight and gives her access to the circle she desires."
Shaking our heads, we started assisting the security guards with the suitcases and offered to show the guests to their respective rooms. Unfortunately for me, I had to show Karen Kingman
to hers and as Mrs. Parriston's requested, she would be occupying one of the GGBS.
"I do hope the bed is close to the tall windows. I love rising with the sun," she spoke as we headed to the elevator.
"And I do hope there aren't plenty lighting. It affects my eyes and I left my glasses in the car," she continued.
"Also, is it cold at nights in there, oh, silly me. Someone like you wouldn't know that," she added.
I smiled at her as the elevator ascended. Upon reaching the top floor, we exited and I showed her to her room.
"Oh! It's lovely but it is too cold. Adjust the temperature a bit."
"Of course." I adjusted the air. "Is everything else up to your standards?"
She looked around the room. "I'm satisfied. You can leave now."
"Enjoy your stay," I said and exited the room quickly before she could find something else to complain about.
Dinner time came quickly. Mavielle and I assisted Beth in the kitchen with the plates and we
heard the chattering of the others as they assembled in the grand dinning room.
Soon enough, Mrs. Parriston stalked into the kitchen to check on things.
"This plate is for my husband and Terry loves the potato salad so put more on here for him," she ordered.
Taking the plate off the tray, I put more salad on it as she said.
"Chop chop! Time to serve. And remember the order!" she barked and left the kitchen.
"The serving order?" I turned and asked Mavielle.
"Yeah. Just follow my lead and you'll be fine."
We took the trays into the dinning room. Everyone's eyes fell on us as we walked in.
Mr. Parriston was sitting at the head of the table and my eyes immediately landed on him. A
small smile creep onto the corners of my mouth as I felt the butterflies again and a comforting warmth.
Mavielle served the guest of honor first, and I served the person right after. We continued down left of the table, and up the right until we reached the host, which was Mr. Parriston.
I served.
"Thank you, Miss. Prime," he said kindly. His kind words melted the wrongs of his mother. "You're welcome."
Covering my smile, Mavielle and I left the room and left them to their dinning.
We ate in the kitchen, then it was time for her and Beth to leave.
"You got this. Collect the plates and glasses in the same order and put them into the dishwasher. Turn it on and when it's done, it will buzz. Take the plates and glasses out and put them face down on the island. Beth would do the rest in the morning," Mavielle instructed.
"Got it. Thanks so much for the help, Mavielle. Have a good evening."
"You too."
I waved her off and waited for dinner to be over. Everyone left their plates and glasses and emptied the room to go about their business and evening. I collected the plates and glasses and carried them into the kitchen.
I located the dishwasher. "How do you turn this on, I don't see any buttons," I said to myself.
"You missed a glass," someone said behind me. I immediately stood up straight and turned around.
Mr. Parriston was standing there with a glass in hand.
"Silly me. Thank you, sir."
He walked towards me and handed it to me.
"Any problem?"
"I can't figure out the dish washer."
"I'll show you." I watched carefully as he tapped the screen and like a cellphone, it lighted up.
"It's digital. Tap once and it comes on. Press open and tray comes out. You can select hot or cold water, plates or glass both and even utensils. It's already loaded with washing liquid. Press close and it closes by itself. And that's it."
"Thank you so much."
"You're welcome."
He left me to it and the washer was very easy to operate after he explained. Within ten minutes,
it was done and I put the dishes away as Mavielle told me before leaving the kitchen.
I entered my bedroom and sat down on the bed. I removed my uniform and closed my eyes for a moment, exhaling deeply and my body craved to be rested.
I fell into a deep sleep then and there.
Sometime during the night, I woke and noticed a window was wide open. I got out of bed and closed it.
Something scraped on the tile. Sounded like it came from the bathroom. Slowly, I turned on the lights and reached for the bathroom door.
It burst open before I could have enough turn the handle.
"You think you could hide from me, huh! I told you there's no leaving me!" Wayan said and
latched at my throat.
"Wayan! Get off! Help! Someone help me!" I fought.
"He can't hear you! You're mine, Adani! And mine only!"
"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I shouted and leaped out of my sleep. I tumbled off the bed with fright. I
looked around and realized there was no-one there. The windows were all closed and my throat was fine.
"Wayan's still looking for me and he's not going to rest until he finds me," I said to myself and tried my best to control my breathing.